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Uninstall default scheduler calendars

The default scheduler SIMPLE and CRON calendars are available in the SchedulerCalendars.ear system application and are automatically installed on standalone server profiles. System applications cannot be installed and uninstalled like traditional JEE applications.

Remove the SchedulerCalendars system application on federated node, as follows:

  1. Open a command window on the federated node.

  2. Run the following command:

    On Unix platforms:

      $Install_Root/bin/wsadmin.sh -conntype none -profile $Profile_Name

    On Windows platforms:

      $Install_Root/bin/wsadmin -conntype none -profile $Profile_Name


    • Install_Root is the directory where WAS is installed.

    • Profile_Name is the name of the profile where the target server is located.

  3. At the wsadmin> prompt, enter the following command for each server that exists on the node where to have the SchedulerCalendars application available:

      wsadmin> $AdminApp uninstall SchedulerCalendars "-cell $MyCell -node $MyNode -server $MyServer"


    • $Install_Root is the directory where WAS is installed.

    • $MyCell, $MyNode, and $MyServer are the values with the name of the cell, node, and server.

    Important: Each of these values are case-sensitive.

  4. Repeat step three for each server in the current profile for which you will uninstall the SchedulerCalendars application.

  5. When uninstallation is complete for the system application on all appropriate servers, enter the following commands:

      wsadmin> $AdminConfig save wsadmin> exit

  6. Repeat steps 1-5 for each federated node or profile where the SchedulerCalendars application is to be removed.

  7. Use the Administrative Console or scripting, start or restart the servers to unload the SchedulerCalendars application.


The SchedulerCalendars application should now be removed.

Related concepts

  • Scheduler calendars
  • Scheduler daemon

    Related tasks

  • Install default scheduler calendars
  • Example: Use default scheduler calendars
  • Manage schedulers
  • Develop and scheduling tasks

    Related information:

    Install the WebSphere SchedulerCalendars application on federated, version 6 nodes