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Create DB2 for z/OS tables for schedulers

Create tables for a scheduler on a DB2 for z/OS database using DDL or structured query language (SQL) files.

This task requires configured a database and make it available. See the " Create DB2 for z/OS databases for schedulers" topic for more information.

In addition, you must have the following two machines:

  1. The z/OS machine that is hosting the database

  2. The WebSphere Application Server machine running the scheduler

To create tables for a scheduler on a DB2 for z/OS database, using DDL or structured query language (SQL) files, use these steps.

  1. Work with the z/OS machine that hosts the database to:

    1. Log on to the native z/OS environment.

    2. Decide which subsystem to use, if multiple DB2 systems are installed.

    3. Note of the Internet Protocol (IP) port to which the DB2 subsystem is listening.

    4. Use the DB2 administration menu to create a new database named, for example, SCHEDDB. Note the database name.

    5. Create a storage group and note the name.

    6. Decide which user ID is used to connect to the database from the remote machine running the product. Normally, for security reasons, this user ID is not the one you used to create the database.

    7. Grant the user ID the rights to access the database and storage group. The user ID must also have permission to create new tables for the database.

  2. Work with the Application Server machine to:

    1. Verify that we have DB2 Connectâ„¢ Gateway installed. This component is part of the DB2 UDB ESE package; however, we can also install it separately.

    2. Catalog the remote database using the following commands, either in a script or in a DB2 command line window:

        catalog tcpip node zosnode remote hostname server IP_port ostype mvs; catalog database subsystem as subsystem at node zosnode authentication dcs; catalog dcs database subsystem as subsystem parms ',,INTERRUPT_ENABLED'

      An important difference exists between DB2 UDB and DB2 for z/OS. DB2 UDB does not have the concept of a subsystem, but DB2 for z/OS does have subsystems. To avoid confusion between Database name and Subsystem name, remember that because DB2 for z/OS runs in a subsystem, the catalog node and catalog database commands must identify the appropriate subsystem. On DB2 UDB, the subsystem name is not a known concept, and the database name to which it connects is actually the name of the DB2 for z/OS subsystem.

    3. Verify that we can establish a connection to the remote subsystem by entering the following command:

        db2 connect to subsystem user userid using password

    4. Change to the scheduler subdirectory in the application server installation root directory.

    5. Edit the createTablespaceDB2ZOS.ddl script. Replace @STG@ with the storage group name. Replace @DBNAME@ with the database name (not the subsystem name), and replace @SCHED_TABLESPACE@ with the name of a valid table space. After you replace the database name, place it into an existing JCL and run the job.

    6. Run the customized version of the createTablespaceDB2ZOS.ddl script, as described in the header of the script. If this script does not work, or to remove the table space, edit and run the dropTablespaceDB2ZOS.ddl script.

    7. Edit the createSchemaDB2ZOS.ddl script. Replace @STG@ with the storage group name. Replace @DBNAME@ with the database name (not the subsystem name). Replace @TABLE_PREFIX@ with the Table Prefix in the configured scheduler resource, and replace @SCHED_TABLESPACE@ with a valid table space that was created by the createTablespaceDB2ZOS.ddl script.

      When setting the table prefix, capitalize all characters.

    8. Run the customized version of the createSchemaDB2ZOS.ddl script, as described in the header of the script. If this script does not work, or to remove the tables and views, use the dropSchemaDB2ZOS.ddl script to drop the schema.

    9. To avoid deadlocks, verify that the DB2_RR_TO_RS DB2 flag is set to YES. If necessary, restart the DB2 instance to activate the change. In addition, verify that the table space was created with the LOCKSIZE ROW statement.


The DB2 for z/OS tables and schema for the scheduler exist.

Related tasks

  • Create DB2 for z/OS databases for schedulers

  • Data source minimum required settings, by vendor