Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
User attribute mapping for federated repositories
Use this panel to set or to modify the mapping for user or group attributes of a user registry to the federated repository properties in the current realm. From the console...
Security > Global security. Under Available realm definitions, click Federated repositories, and then Configure.
In a multiple security domain environment, click Security domains > domain_name. Under Security Attributes, expand User Realm, and click Customize for this domain. Select the Realm type as Federated repositories and then click Configure.
On the next panel and under Additional Properties, click User repository attribute mapping.
Attribute mappings
Select an attribute to set or to modify the mapping for the user or group attribute of a user registry to a federated repository property, and then click Edit.
Property for Input
Name of the federated repository property that maps to the specified user registry attribute when it is an input parameter for the user registry interface.
Property for Output
Name of the federated repository property that maps to the specified user registry attribute when it is an output parameter (return value) for the user registry interface. In most cases, the propertyForInput and propertyForInput would be the same.
Custom repository details for federated repositories
File repository details for federated repositories