Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Manage modules settings
Use this page to specify deployment targets where you want to install the modules that are contained in the application. Modules can be installed on the same deployment target or dispersed among several deployment targets.
On single-server products, a deployment target can be...
- application server
- web server
On multiple-server products, a deployment target can be...
- application server
- cluster of application servers
- Web server
From the console...
Applications | Application Types | WebSphere enterprise applications | application_name | Manage modules
This page is the page...
Map modules to servers
...on the application installation and update wizards.
On this page, each Module must map to one or more targets, identified under Server.
To change a mapping:
- In the list of mappings, select each module that you want mapped to the same target or targets.
- If the security configuration supports multiple domains, select the domain that has the desired clusters or servers or keep the All domains default.
- From the Clusters and servers list, select one or more targets. Select only appropriate deployment targets for a module. We cannot install modules that use WAS v8.x features on a v7.x or 6.x target server. Similarly, you cannot install modules that use v7.x features on a v6.x target server.
Use the Ctrl key to select multiple targets. For example, to have a web server serve the application, press the Ctrl key and then select an application server and the web server together. The product generates the plug-in configuration file, plugin-cfg.xml, for that web server based on the applications which are routed through it.
- Click Apply.
If an application is running, changing an application setting causes the application to restart. On stand-alone servers, the application restarts after you save the change. On multiple-server products, the application restarts after you save the change and files synchronize on the node where the application is installed.
To control when synchronization occurs on multiple-server products, On the Console preferences page, deselect...
Synchronize changes with node
If you accessed this Manage modules page from a console enterprise application page for an already installed application, you can also use this page to view and manage modules in the application.
To view the values specified for a module configuration, click the module name in the list. The displayed module settings page shows the values specified. On the settings page, you can change existing configuration values and link to additional console pages that assist you in configuring the module.
To manage a module, select the module name in the list and click a button:
Button Resulting action Remove Removes the selected module from the deployed application. The module is deleted from the application in the configuration repository and also from all of the nodes where the application is installed and running or expected to run. On multiple-server products, if the application is running on a node when the module file is deleted from the node as a result of configuration synchronization then the product stops the application, deletes the module file from the file system of the node, and restarts the application.
Update Opens a wizard that helps you update modules in an application. If a module has the same URI as a module already existing in the application, the new module replaces the existing module. If the new module does not exist in the application, it is added to the deployed application. On multiple-server products, if the application is running on a node when the module file is updated on the node as a result of configuration synchronization then the product stops the application, updates the module file on the file system of the node, and restarts the application. If the application is running on a node when the module file is added as a result of configuration synchronization then the product starts the newly added module without stopping and restarting the running application.
Remove File Delete a file from a module of a deployed application. On multiple-server products, the file is also deleted from all the nodes where the module is installed after configuration is synchronized with nodes. If the application is running on a node when the module file is deleted from the node as a result of configuration synchronization then the product stops the application, deletes the module file from the file system of the node, and restarts the application.
Export File Accesses the page... Export a file from an application
, which you use to export a file of an enterprise application or module to a location of your choice.
If the browser does not prompt for a location to store the file, click File > Save as and specify a location to save the file that is shown in the browser.
Display clusters and servers in the following domain
Lists the domains that the security configuration supports. This setting displays only on multiple-server products with a security configuration that supports multiple domains.
From this list, select the domain that has the clusters or servers on which to deploy an application or module.
To see all available deployment targets, select All Domains.
Select a domain causes the Clusters and servers list to show only the deployment targets that are configured in the domain. We cannot deploy the modules in an application across deployment targets that belong to different security domains.
Clusters and servers
Lists the names of available deployment targets. This list is the same for every application that is installed in the cell.
From this list, select only appropriate deployment targets for a module. We must install an application, enterprise bean (EJB) module, SIP archive (SAR), web module, or client module on a v8.x target under any of the following conditions:
- The module supports Java EE 6.
- The module calls an 8.x runtime API.
- The module uses an 8.x product feature.
We must install an application, EJB, SAR, or web module on a v8.x or 7.x target under any of the following conditions:
- The module supports Java EE 5.
- The module calls a 7.x runtime API.
- The module uses a 7.x product feature.
If a module supports J2EE 1.4, then install the module on a v6.x, 7.x or 8.x deployment target. Modules that call a 6.1.x API or use a 6.1.x feature can be installed on a 6.1.x, 7.x or 8.x deployment target. Modules that require 6.1.x feature pack functionality can be installed on a 6.1.x deployment target that has been enabled with that feature pack or on a 7.x or 8.x deployment target.
We can install an application or module developed for a Version 5.x product on any deployment target.
Name of a module in the installed (or deployed) application.
Location of the module relative to the root of the application (EAR file).
Module type
Type of module, for example, a web module or EJB module.
This setting is shown on the Manage modules page accessed from a console enterprise application page.
Name of each deployment target to which the module currently is mapped.
To change the deployment targets for a module, select one or more targets from the Clusters and servers list and click Apply. The new mapping replaces the previous mapping.
Installable enterprise module versions
Multiple security domains
Map modules to servers
Configure enterprise application files
Enterprise application settings