Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets

J2C Administered Object settings

Use this page to specify the settings for a J2C administered object.

Administered object definitions and classes are provided by a resource adapter when you install it. Using this information, the administrator can create and configure J2C administered objects with JNDI names that are then available for applications to use. Some messaging styles may need applications to use special administered objects for sending and synchronously receiving messages (through connection objects using messaging style specific APIs). It is also possible that administered objects may be used to perform transformations on an asynchronously received message in a message provider-specific way. Administered objects can be accessed by a component by using either a resource environment reference or a message destination reference (preferred).

We can access this admin console page in one of two ways:


Scope of the resource adapter that supports this administered object. Only applications that are installed within this scope can use this object.


Resource adapter that encapsulates the appropriate classes for this administrative object.

For new objects, a list of available resource adapters appears in a drop-down list. After creation of the administered object, the field is a read only text field.

Information Value
Data type Drop-down list or text


Name of the J2C administered object instance.

A string with no spaces meant to be a meaningful text identifier for the administered object. This name is required.

Information Value
Data type String

JNDI name

JNDI name that this administered object is bound under.

The JNDI name is required. If you do not specify one, it is created from the Name field. If not specified, the JNDI name defaults to eis/[name]

Information Value
Data type String


Text description of the J2C administered object instance.

Information Value
Data type String

Administered object class

For new objects, the list of available classes is provided by the resource adapter in a drop-down list. We can only select classes from this list.

After creation of the administered object, you cannot modify the administered object class; it is read only.

Information Value
Data type Class name


J2C Administered Objects collection


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