Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Sets
Recover managed node settings
Use this page to recover an existing managed node of a dmgr cell. The node must be at the dmgr level.
To view this dmgr admin console page, click System administration > Nodes > Add Node > Recover an existing node > Next.
Before you use this page to recover an existing node that is no longer functioning, create a new profile to replace the damaged node and give it the same profile and node names. Then, use this page to replace the damaged node in the cell with the new node.
The new node, or application server, to use to replace the damaged one must be running.
Instead of using this page to recover a node, you can run the addNode command with the -asExistingNode option from a command line at the bin directory of the stopped application server profile. The name of the node must match the name of the node where you run addNode with the option. Other addNode options for node configuration are incompatible with the -asExistingNode option.
Host name or IP address of the node to add to the cell. The application server process must be running at the IP address identified by the host field.
The value can be an IP address, a domain name server (DNS) name that resolves to an IP address, or the word localhost if the application server is running on the same machine as the dmgr.
Information Value Data type String Default None
JMX connector type
Specifies the JMX connectors that communicate with the product when you invoke a scripting process.
Select from one of these JMX connector types:
- Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP)
Use when the Application Server connects to a SOAP server.
Use when the Application Server connects to an RMI server.
Use when the Application Server connects to an JSR 160 RMI server.
JMX connector port
Port number of the JMX connector on the instance to add to the cell. The default SOAP connector port is 8880.
We can find the port number under Ports on the Configuration tab of the server setting page. Click Servers > Server Types > WebSphere application servers > server_name
> Ports.
(Windows) Also, you can find the port number in serverindex.xml in the profiles/application_server_profile_name/config/cells/cell_name/nodes/node_name directory.
Information Value Date type Integer Default 8880
Application server user name
Administration user name that connects to the remote Application Server whose node is being added to the cell.
The Application Server user name and password are used to connect to the Application Server and start the add node process at the Application Server. The Application Server user name and password settings always display. We must specify values for them if security is enabled at the Application Server. Otherwise, leave them blank.
Application server password
Password for the Application Server user name that you supply.
Deployment manager user name
Deployment manager administration user name that the Application Server uses when connecting to the dmgr to add its node to the cell.
The dmgr user name and password settings display only if security is enabled at the dmgr. The dmgr user name and password are required if their settings display.
Deployment manager password
Password for the dmgr user name that you supply.
Config URL
Security settings that enable a remote application server to communicate with the dmgr. The default is a properties file with encoded passwords.
To view this setting, security must be enabled.
Information Value Date type String Default file:/${USER_INSTALL_ROOT}/properties/sas.client.props
Managed and unmanaged nodes
Manage nodes
Add managed node settings