WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Centralized installation manager (CIM) > Use the centralized installation manager (CIM) to manage v6.1.x and 7.x > Get started with the centralized installation manager (CIM) for previous versions
Add installation packages of previous versions to the centralized installation manager (CIM) repository using the Installation Factory
Use IBM WebSphere Installation Factory Version or later to add WAS Network Deployment Version 7.0 installation packages to the repository. From the administrative console, you can then use the centralized installation manager to install your added components from the repository to the nodes. Each WAS installation has only one associated repository. The repository is shared among all the dmgrs of the installation.
To populate the repository, ensure we have write permission to the specified repository directory.
To configure the WebSphere Application Server installation to associate with the repository, ensure we have write permission to the WAS_HOME/properties directory.
- Launch the Installation Factory from the following location, where if_root is the Installation Factory root directory.
- Click Manage Repository for Centralized Installation Manager.
- On the WAS installation directory page, you can optionally enter the directory path to a WAS installation to associate the repository with the installation. Click Next.
- On the Repository and Installation Package page, enter the directory path to the repository, and enter the directory path to an installation package. Click Next.
The specified installation package is populated to the repository when the procedure is complete. If you only want to configure the WAS installation to associate the repository, then enter the directory path to the WAS installation on the previous page and leave the directory path to installation package to empty.
To change your selections, click Back.
- Review the preview page, and click Finish to begin the procedure on the repository.
- Optional: We can also add a CIP to the repository from the Installation Factory command line interface. Run the ifcli command using the options in table.
ifcli command-line options for centralized installation manager .
This table describes command-line options for centralized installation manager.
Option Description -wasPath wasInstallationPath Directory path of the WebSphere Application Server installation. -repositoryPath repositoryPath Directory path of the repository. -installationPackagePath installationPackagePath Directory path of the installation package. -overwrite Overwrites the existing installation package in the repository.
The centralized installation manager repository you specified now contains one or more WAS installation packages. Alternatively, you can add the installation package to the repository as you install the installation package on the dmgr workstation. Read the "Adding the current installation package during installation" topic for more information.
- Example 1: Use the following command to create the repository on D:\CIM\repository. If the repository does not already exist, populate the repository with the installation package on E:\WAS70ND, and configure the WAS installation on C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer with the repository.
ifcli.bat -wasPath C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -repositoryPath D:\CIM\repository -installationPackagePath E:\WAS70ND- Example 2: Use the following command to add the installation package in E:\WAS70ND to the repository, associated with the WAS installation in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer.
ifcli.bat -wasPath C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -installationPackagePath E:\WAS70ND- Example 3: Use the following command to add the installation package in E:\WAS70ND to the repository in D:\CIM\repository. Overwrite the installation package in the repository if it exists already.
ifcli.bat -repositoryPath D:\CIM\repository -installationPackagePath E:\WAS70ND -overwrite- Example 4: Use the following command to configure the WebSphere Application Server installation in C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer with the repository at D:\CIM\repository. The repository is created if it does not exist.
ifcli.bat -wasPath C:\IBM\WebSphere\AppServer -repositoryPath D:\CIM\repository
Install v6.1.x and 7.x customized installation packages (CIPs) using the centralized installation manager (CIM)
Get started with the centralized installation manager (CIM) for previous versions