WAS v8.0 > Install the application serving environment > Distributed operating systems > Centralized installation manager (CIM) > Use the centralized installation manager (CIM) to manage v6.1.x and 7.x > Install packages using the centralized installation manager (CIM) for previous versions
Install refresh packs or fix packs for previous versions using the centralized installation manager (CIM)
Install recommended fix packs or refresh packs to specific installation targets using the centralized installation manager (CIM) to update your product environment.
We must download the following items to the centralized installation manager repository before you can complete this task:
- Installation package descriptor and binary files for a refresh pack or fix pack
For details on how to locate the descriptor and associated files, read the "Downloading package descriptors and the associated binary files" topic.
You do not need to install the Update Installer after we have downloaded it. The centralized installation manager automatically installs the Update Installer before installing any refresh packs, fix packs or interim fixes if the target does not have the Update Installer installed.
By default, all of the workstations containing nodes that are defined in the cell are displayed as installation targets. During the installation process, the wizard prompts you to select an authentication method, either user name and password or SSH public/private key. If you choose to use the SSH public/private key method, first create a pair of keys and install the public key on all the installation targets to successfully complete this task.
Before installing a refresh pack or fix pack to any targets, install the refresh pack or fix pack to the dmgr first, if it is applicable. The dmgr must have the highest level of refresh pack or fix pack in the cell.
Attention: Fix packs that include updates to the SDK might overwrite unrestricted policy files. Back up unrestricted policy files before you apply a fix pack and reapply these files after the fix pack is applied.
The centralized installation manager supports the installation of Network Deployment v6.x and 7.x fix packs on remote nodes that are within the Network Deployment cell. This configuration is known as a mixed-version cell where the dmgr node is at v8.0 or higher and the other nodes within the cell are either at the same level as the dmgr node or at the Version 6.x or 7.x level.
CIM does not support maintenance levels below Version 6.1.
The content of these CIM-defined Network Deployment Version 6.1 Fix Packs include the following individual fix packs for the distributed platforms and Windows:
- WAS fix pack
- Java Software Developer Kit (SDK) fix pack
- WAS Feature Pack for Web Services fix pack
- WAS Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 fix pack
For IBM i targets, the CIM-defined Network Deployment v6.1 Fix Packs are the same but without the Java SDK fix pack.
With the CIM-defined Network Deployment v6.1 Fix Packs preloaded in the CIM repository, the cell administrator can specify the remote nodes that the CIM-defined Network Deployment v6.1 Fix Pack is to be installed in. CIM determines whether any of the two Feature Pack fix packs are required and only sends the necessary ones to the target nodes for installation. Since both Network Deployment v6.1 Fix Pack 15 and 17 specify that a mandatory Interim Fix, PK53084, must be installed on the target if the Feature Pack for Web Services is installed, CIM also performs a check before allowing the installation of Fix Pack 15 and 17 to proceed.
CIM supports the uninstallation of the CIM-defined Network Deployment v6.1 Fix Pack from the target nodes, if the Fix Pack was installed through CIM and the CIM-defined Fix Packs are still in the CIM repository. Note that for uninstallation operations, CIM expects that the Update Installer tool is already installed on the target nodes. If the Fix Pack was originally installed using CIM, both of these conditions are automatically satisfied.
Lastly, CIM uses the Update Installer for WAS Version 7.0 to install and uninstall the CIM-defined Network Deployment Version 6.1 Fix Packs.
Complete the following steps to install recommended fix packs or refresh packs for WAS Network Deployment v6.1 or 7.0.
- Access the wizard from the admin console.
- Click System administration > Centralized Installation Manager > Available installations.
- Select Refresh pack, fix pack, or maintenance tool as the package type. Next, select the specific installation package that contains the refresh pack or fix pack to install on the remote workstations.
- Click Show installation targets to populate the table with a list of applicable target workstations on which to install the selected package. After you select one or more installation targets, click Install to start the Installation wizard.
- Read and accept the license agreement.
Click View License Agreement to read the agreement and accept the terms. Click Next to continue.
- Select an authentication method to access the installation target, and click Next. We can select to either use the SSH public/private key method or the user name and password method to authenticate.
- Provide your authentication information, and click Next.
Depending on the authentication method that you choose in the previous step, provide the appropriate user name and password for one or more installation targets, or provide the location of the SSH private key file and password on the dmgr.
If you choose to authenticate by using the user name and password method, you can provide a common user name and password to access all of the installation targets, or you can configure unique user names and passwords for each target.
- Verify the installation and the working locations of each installation target, and click Next.
The installation location is the remote location of each installation target in which the package is to be installed. The working location specifies the directory on the remote target where the files are sent before the package is installed in the specified location.
Make sure we have enough disk space in both the installation location and the working location. The space required in the installation and working location varies by installation packages. The centralized installation manager transfers the selected refresh pack or fix pack files and the Update Installer if necessary from the repository to the working location.
- The Update Installer on the targets is updated to the latest version from the repository automatically, if required. Clear the check box if you do not want the Update Installer on the targets to be updated.
- Read the installation summary, and click Finish to submit the installation request to the CIM for processing.
Any interim fixes that you previously installed on the remote targets are uninstalled by the Update Installer prior to installing the refresh pack or fix pack. If the refresh pack or fix pack does not include the official fixes that were included in the removed interim fixes, reinstall the interim fixes after you install the refresh pack or fix pack.
Your installation request is sent to the CIM for processing. To check the status of your request, click Installations in progress in the admin console.
The following message is displayed if you attempt to install an interim fix without having a copy of the IBM Update Installer for WebSphere Software in your CIM repository:
The installation binary files required for the install_package_name or its dependent package Update Installer for WAS for workstation_platform do not exist.If you are trying to use CIM to install an interim fix for the Feature Pack for Web Services on a WAS Version 6.x or 7.x host in your v8.0 Network Deployment cell, the Show Installation Targets function on the CIM Available installations panel might not list the host as an available installation target. WAS v6.1 Feature Pack installations without a profile created for the environment are not visible to CIM as installed products on the target host.
To make the dmgr and CIM aware that the v6.x or 7.x feature pack is installed, create a Feature Pack for Web Services profile and federate the defined node to the dmgr. For feature packs installed on v8.0 application server hosts this is not necessary because CIM has added support to handle this situation.
What to do next
Click Installation history in the admin console to review the log files for each of the installation requests that you submit.
From the Installation History panel the administrator can click View Details to display a panel with additional details on the results. Links to logs on the remote targets are included. However, those logs can be moved, replaced, or deleted by other users or administrator, if they are not viewed immediately after an installation operation.
Install v6.1.x and 7.x interim fixes using the centralized installation manager (CIM)
Install packages using the centralized installation manager (CIM) for previous versions