Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Commands (wsadmin scripting)

createSIBJMSTopic command

Use the createSIBJMSTopic command to create a new JMS topic for the default messaging provider at a specific scope.

To run the command, use the AdminTask object of the wsadmin scripting client.

Command-line help is provided for service integration bus commands:

After using the command, save changes to the master configuration; for example, by using the following command:

This command creates a JMS topic for the default messaging provider at a specific scope.

Target object

Scope of the default messaging provider at which the JMS topic is to be created.

Required parameters

-name jmstopic_name
-jndiName jndi_name

Optional parameters

-description text
-topicName topic_name
-topicSpace topicspace_name
-deliveryMode Application | NonPersistent | Persistent
-timeToLive time
-priority priority
-readAhead AsConnection | AlwaysOn | AlwaysOff
-busName name


In the following examples, code blocks beginning with wsadmin> show code that is entered by the user. Lines that do not begin with wsadmin> show code that has been returned by the console.


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