Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Developer best practices

Example: Applet client code requirements

The code used by an applet to talk to an enterprise bean is the same as that used by a stand-alone Java program or a servlet, except for one additional property called java.naming.applet. This property informs the InitialContext and the ORB that this client is an applet rather than a stand-alone Java application or servlet.

When you initialize an instance of the InitialContext class, the first two lines in this code snippet illustrate what both a stand-alone Java program and a servlet issue to specify the computer name, domain, and port. In this example, <> is the computer name and domain where WAS resides, and 900 is the configured port. After the bootstrap values ( <>:900) are defined, the client to server communications occur within the underlying infrastructure. In addition to the first two lines for applets, you must add the third line to your code, which identifies this program as an applet, for example:

prop.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "");
prop.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "iiop://
prop.put(Context.APPLET, this);


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