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XML-binary Optimized Packaging
XML-binary Optimized Packaging (XOP) specification was standardized by the World Wide Web (W3C) on January 25, 2005. SOAP MTOM uses XOP in the context of SOAP and MIME over HTTP.
XML is widely used for data transfer. XML is a popular format for exchanging well-formed documents because it is plain text, human-readable, and structured. For example, SOAP messaging in web services is based on XML (or is based on XML Infoset with SOAP 1.2). People want to leverage legacy formats like PDF, GIF, JPEG and similar things, while still using an XML model. The desire to integrate XML with pre-existing data formats has been a long-standing and persistent issue for the XML community. Users often want to leverage the structured, extensible markup conventions of XML without abandoning existing data formats that do not readily adhere to XML 1.0 syntax.
As SOAP messaging in web services becomes more widespread, the next step is how to send non-text based data, such as images and workflow data, along with your message. For example, you might want to send a scanned document in .jpeg format between two applications. The question becomes whether this data can be understood between the various applications.
Much of the value of XML and web services resides in the ability to use generic XML tools to work with content. Many XML tools and standards for describing and manipulating XML (such as parsers, XPath, XQuery, XSLT, XML encryption and digital signature and XML schema) are not designed to work with non-text data, such as images. These XML tools do not work with non-XML content; these tools require text. The challenge is how non-text data (also called binary data) can be embedded or attached with XML. In other words, a way to attach a binary file to a SOAP message is needed.
Encode is the only way binary data can fit directly into an XML world. Normally, you can embed binary data in an XML document by encoding it as text using Base 64. Base 64 is a serialization that has existed for some time, can be easily implemented out of the box, and has interoperability across platforms. The xsi:base64binary datatype supports this serialization in the XML Schema. Base 64 encodes your binary data into a textual representation that can squeeze into an XML document. Base 64 takes your binary data and translates it into a series of ASCII characters by encoding three octets at a time. Because each octet consists of eight bits, representing them as four printable characters in the ASCII standard, it uses 64 ASCII characters to represent the binary. All platforms can decode and encode using this convention. 6-bit ASCII is widely supported, and no special characters need to be dealt with. However, there is a performance impact for larger messages.
For applications that require speedy operation, Base 64 might not be the solution. To index into such content, query it, transform it, encrypt it, sign it, or describe it, use a different mechanism.
The first attachment specification known as SOAP with Attachments (SwA) was developed. The basic idea of SwA is that the binary message part (the attachment) is thought of as a Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) attachment. MIME is a widely implemented specification for formatting non-ASCII mail message attachments. SwA specifies that the SOAP body can contain a reference to the MIME message part (the attachment) simply by using a URI. The binary part is attached by a reference.
A few disadvantages of SwA include:
- SwA fails in its usability or interoperability. The SOAP infrastructure was created around the SOAP envelope, which didn't work well for attachments. An attachment using SwA means that two data models are used in one message. These two data models do not operate with existing XML technology.
- SwA does not work with the composable character of SOAP. Basically standards, such as WS-Security, were not written to work with attachments. WS-Security needs to work on all the data that needs to be digitally signed or encrypted, and that means all the data in the attachment also. But if it cannot access it, then it will not work and the signature is effectively invalid.
Often, users want to leave their existing non-XML formats as is, to be treated as opaque sequences of octets by XML tools and infrastructure. Such an approach permits widely used formats such as .jpeg and .wav to peacefully coexist with XML. XOP makes it a bit more realistic to use base64-encoded data. At the current time, XOP only permits base64-encoded data to be optimized.
Use XOP means that instances of XML-type base64Binary, if enabled, are transported by using MIME attachments. If XOP is in use, the implementation can automatically encode it. XOP maintains the data model of the XML message because the attachment is treated as base64-encoded data. If an XML stack understands XOP encoding, the application does not need to be changed at all. For example, when it wants to access a .jpeg picture, it can get the character value of the content as a base64-encoded string.
XOP gives people a way to think about MIME messages in a data exchange that they are comfortable with and already use for a lot of other data. The XOP format uses multipart MIME to enable raw binary data to be included into an XML 1.0 document without resorting to base64 encoding.
A companion specification, SOAP Message Transmission Optimization Method (MTOM) then specifies how to bind this format to SOAP. The XOP and MTOM standards should enhance SOAP 1.2 performance. XOP and MTOM together provide the preferred approach for mixing binary data with text-based XML. Coupled together, MTOM and XOP enables us to select what parts of the message need to be sent over the wire as binary while still maintaining the Infoset. These standards enable the attachment of binary data outside of the SOAP envelope as a message part. However, unlike SwA, the binary data is treated very much as it was within the SOAP envelope, meaning one Infoset.
XOP defines a serialization mechanism for XML Infoset with binary content that is not only applicable to SOAP and MIME packaging, but applicable to any XML Infoset and any packaging mechanism. On the other hand, XML is not a good general-purpose packaging mechanism.
An XOP package is created by placing a serialization of the XML Infoset inside of an extensible packaging format (such a MIME). Note that XOP does reuse MIME for the actual packaging on the wire. Then, selected portions of its content that are base64-encoded binary data are extracted and re-encoded, meaning the data is decoded from base64 and placed into the package. The locations of those selected portions are marked in the XML with a special element that links to the packaged data by using URIs.
The SOAP processing engines performs a temporary Base 64 encoding of the binary data just before the message hits the wire. This temporary encoding enables the SOAP processor to work on the Base 64 data; for example, enabling a WS-Signature of the data to be taken and placed into the header. There is no need for expensive decoding at the other end, and the process works in reverse.
Implementations of MTOM and XOP are available in Java (JAX-WS).
This example shows an XML Infoset prior to XOP processing (SOAP):<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xmlmime=''> <soap:Body> <m:data xmlns:m=''> <m:photo xmlmime:contentType='image/png'>/aWKKapGGyQ= </m:photo> <m:sig xmlmime:contentType='application/pkcs7-signature'>Faa7vROi2VQ= </m:sig> </m:data> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope>
This example shows an XML Infoset that is serialized as a XOP package (SOAP)MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: Multipart/Related;boundary=MIME_boundary; type="application/xop+xml"; start=" <>"; startinfo="application/soap+xml; action=\"ProcessData\"" Content-Description: A SOAP message with my pic and sig in it --MIME_boundary Content-Type: application/xop+xml; charset=UTF-8; type="application/soap+xml; action=\"ProcessData\"" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit Content-ID: <> <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap='' xmlns:xmlmime=''> <soap:Body> <m:data xmlns:m=''> <m:photo xmlmime:contentType='image/png'> <xop:Include xmlns:xop='' href='cid:'/> </m:photo> <m:sig xmlmime:contentType='application/pkcs7-signature'> <xop:Include xmlns:xop='' href='cid:'/> </m:sig> </m:data> </soap:Body> </soap:Envelope> --MIME_boundary Content-Type: image/png Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <> // binary octets for png --MIME_boundary Content-Type: application/pkcs7-signature Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary Content-ID: <> // binary octets for signature --MIME_boundary--
XML information set
Message Transmission Optimization Mechanism
Web services specifications and APIs
XOP - Frequently Asked Questions
XML-binary Optimized PackagingConcept topic