Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Secure applications and their environment > Authenticate users > Select a registry or repository > Manage realms in a federated repository > Virtual member manager > Configure virtual member manager
Configure a JDBC provider and datasource for virtual member manager
Use these steps to configure the type4 JDBC provider for DB2 as well as various database types.
About this task
In the initial offering of IBM Websphere Application Server Version 6.1, only the IBM DB2 legacy CLI-based type2 Java database connectivity (JDBC) driver was supported for DB2. In Websphere Application Server V7.0 support is provided for the DB2 JCC type4 JDBC driver.In a WAS Network Deployment configuration, perform the changes on the dmgr and restart all the managed nodes.
- Add the following libraries to the class path for the server JVM (JVM).
We can either copy the JDBC driver files to the WAS lib directory or include the location of the JDBC driver files in the server JVM class path.
Libraries for the Java virtual machine
Library type File name DB2
- ${DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ db2jcc.jar
- ${DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ db2jcc_license_cu.jar
- ${DB2_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/ db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar
Derby ${WAS_APP_SERVER_ROOT}/ derby/lib/derby.jar Informix Dynamic Server
- ifxjdbc.jar
- ifxjdbcx.jar
Oracle Enterprise Edition ojdbc14.jar SQL Server Enterprise
- sqlserver.jar
- base.jar
- util.jar
- Configure a JDBC provider
The providers in the following table have an XA data source implementation type.
JDBC providers
Type JDBC provider DB2 DB2 Universal JDBC Driver Provider Derby Derby JDBC Provider Informix Dynamic Server Informix JDBC Provider Oracle Enterprise Edition Oracle JDBC Provider SQL Server Enterprise IBM WebSphere embedded ConnectJDBC Provider for MS SQL Server Either copy the JDBC driver files to the WAS lib directory or include the location of the JDBC driver files in the server JVM class path.
- Create a data source using the JDBC provider
- Set the following custom property on the newly created data source: webSphereDefaultIsolationLevel = 2
- Restart the application server.
- Complete one of the following steps:
- If you do not have any existing database repositories, use the driver suitable to your DB type to configure new database repositories.
For details on how to create tables for a database repository, see the topic Set up an entry mapping repository, a property extension repository, or a custom registry database repository using wsadmin.
The following commands are used to configure database repositories. For details on how to use these commands, see the topic IdMgrRepositoryConfig command group .
Commands for configuring repositories
Action type Command Database repositories createIdMgrDBRepository Property extension repository setIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepository Entry mapping repository setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository
- If you already have existing database repositories based on the DB2 legacy CLI-based type2 driver, then update the repositories to use the type4 driver as follows:
Updates for existing repositories
Action type Command Database repositories wsadmin> $AdminTask updateIdMgrDBRepository {-id database_ID -dbURL database_URL -JDBCDriverClass} Property extension repository wsadmin> $AdminTask setIdMgrPropertyExtensionRepository {-dbURL database_URL -JDBCDriverClass -databaseType database_typ -dataSourceName data_source_name -dbAdminId database_administrator_ID -dbAdminPassword database_administrator_password} Entry mapping repository wsadmin> $AdminTask setIdMgrEntryMappingRepository {-dbURL database_URL -JDBCDriverClass -databaseType database_type -dataSourceName data_source_name -dbAdminId database_admin_ID -dbAdminPassword database_administrator_password}
- Restart the Application Server. Virtual member manager now uses the new driver.
- Migrate JDBC providers from WAS version 6.1
To keep using the DB2 legacy CLI-based type2 driver after upgrading to WAS v7 set the old driver before upgrading.
Parent topic: Configure virtual member manager
Database adapter
Property extension repository adapter
Entry mapping repository adapter