Network Deployment (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Administer applications and their environment > Administer OSGi applications > Maintain an OSGi composition unit > Modify the configuration of an OSGi composition unit > Modify the configuration of an OSGi composition unit using wsadmin
Modify the configuration of an OSGi composition unit that includes composite bundles using the editCompUnit command
We can use the editCompUnit command to modify the configuration information for a composition unit that contains an enterprise bundle archive (EBA) asset. If the EBA asset includes composite bundles, the command syntax is slightly different.
Before you begin
For a full description of how you modify this configuration information, see Modify the configuration of an OSGi composition unit using wsadmin. When you work through that task, each step where the syntax is different for composite bundles is linked to an equivalent step in this task.
About this task
An OSGi composition unit includes an EBA asset and some or all of the following configuration information:
- Maps from the composition unit to a target application server, web server or cluster.
- Configuration of the application's session manager, context roots or virtual hosts.
- Bindings to any associated web applications or blueprint resource references.
- Maps from security roles to particular users or groups.
For several of the elements, the values you specify include bundle identifiers. If your EBA asset includes or references composite bundles, the command syntax is slightly different. The differences for composite bundles are described in the following steps.
- Define context roots for web application bundles (WABs) in composite bundles.
The jython syntax for this aspect of the command is as follows:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=bla_name -cuID WebSphere:cuname=cu_name -ContextRootStep [ [bundle_symbolic_name_1 bundle_version_1 context_root_1] [bundle_symbolic_name_2 bundle_version_2 context_root_2]] ]')For composite bundles, the bundle symbolic name has the following syntax:
CBA.symbolic.Name_CBA.bundle.version/WAB.symbolic.nameFor example, for a composite bundle at version 1.0.0 that contains two WABs ( at version 1.0.0, which is to be mapped to /hello/web, and at version 0.9.0, which is to be mapped to /hello/service), this aspect of the command is as follows:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=helloWorldService -cuID -ContextRootStep [ [ 1.0.0 "/hello/web"] [ 0.9.0 "/hello/service"]] ]')For bundles other than composite bundles, the syntax is slightly different. See Step: Define WAB context roots.
- Map WABs in composite bundles to virtual hosts.
The jython syntax for this aspect of the command is as follows:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=bla_name -cuID WebSphere:cuname=cu_name -VirtualHostMappingStep [ [bundle_symbolic_name_1 bundle_version_1 web_module_name_1 virtual_host_1] [bundle_symbolic_name_2 bundle_version_2 web_module_name_2 virtual_host_2]] ]')For composite bundles, the bundle symbolic name has the following syntax:
CBA.symbolic.Name_CBA.bundle.version/WAB.symbolic.nameFor example, for a composite bundle at version 1.0.0 that contains two WABs ( at version 1.0.0, which is to be mapped to default_host, and at version 0.9.0, which is to be mapped to test_host), this aspect of the command is as follows:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=helloWorldService -cuID -VirtualHostMappingStep [ [ 1.0.0 "HelloWorld service" default_host] [ 0.9.0 "HelloWorld second service" test_host]] ]')For bundles other than composite bundles, the syntax is slightly different. See Step: Map WABs to virtual hosts.
- Add authentication aliases to Blueprint resource references in composite bundles.
The jython syntax for this aspect of the command is as follows.
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=bla_name -cuID WebSphere:cuname=cu_name -BlueprintResourceRefPostDeployStep [ [ bundle_symbolic_name bundle_version blueprint_resource_reference_id interface_name jndi_name authentication_type sharing_setting authentication_alias_name ]] ]')Notes:
- For composite bundles, the bundle symbolic name has the following syntax:
CBA.symbolic.Name_CBA.bundle.version/ The value for jndi_name must match the jndi name that you declare in the filter attribute of the resource reference element in the Blueprint XML file.
For example, for a composite bundle at version 1.0.0 that contains a bundle at v1.0.0, which is to be bound to authentication alias alias1, the command is as follows:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=helloWorldService -cuID -BlueprintResourceRefPostDeployStep[ [ 1.0.0 resourceRef javax.sql.DataSource jdbc/Account Container Shareable alias1]] ]')For bundles other than composite bundles, the syntax is slightly different. See Step: Add authentication aliases to Blueprint resource references.
- Bind web module message destination and resource environment references in composite bundles.
The jython syntax for this aspect of the command is as follows.
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=bla_name -cuID WebSphere:cuname=cu_name -WebModuleMsgDestRefs [ [ bundle_symbolic_name bundle_version resource_reference_id resource_type target_jndi_name ]] ]')For composite bundles, the bundle symbolic name has the following syntax:
CBA.symbolic.Name_CBA.bundle.version/WAB.symbolic.nameFor example:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=helloWorldService -cuID -WebModuleMsgDestRefs [ [ 1.0.0 jms/myQ javax.jms.Queue jms/workQ] [ 1.0.0 jms/myT javax.jms.Topic jms/notificationTopic]] ]')For bundles other than composite bundles, the syntax is slightly different. See Step: Bind web module message destination and resource environment references.
- Bind web module resource references in composite bundles.
The jython syntax for this aspect of the command is as follows.
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=bla_name -cuID WebSphere:cuname=cu_name -WebModuleResourceRefs [ [ bundle_symbolic_name bundle_version resource_reference_id resource_type target_jndi_name login_configuration login_properties extended_properties ]] ]')For composite bundles, the bundle symbolic name has the following syntax:
CBA.symbolic.Name_CBA.bundle.version/WAB.symbolic.nameFor example:
AdminTask.editCompUnit('[ -blaID WebSphere:blaname=helloWorldService -cuID -WebModuleResourceRefs [ [ 1.0.0 jdbc/jtaDs javax.sql.DataSource jdbc/helloDs "" "" ""] [ 1.0.0 jdbc/nonJtaDs javax.sql.DataSource jdbc/helloDsNonJta "" "" "extprop1=extval1"]] ]')Notes:
- If you use multiple extended properties, the jython syntax is "extprop1=extval1,extprop2=extval2".
- For bundles other than composite bundles, the syntax is slightly different. See Step: Bind web module resource references.
Parent topic: Modify the configuration of an OSGi composition unit using wsadmin
Related concepts:
About OSGi Applications
Composite bundlesRelated tasks:
Secure OSGi Applications
Add an EBA asset that includes composite bundles using the addCompUnit command
Develop a composite bundleRelated reference:
OSGi Applications: Troubleshooting tips
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