Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
WSWS3000I: WSDL2Java emitter
Usage: WSDL2Java [options] WSDL-URI
Important Options:
-r, -role <argument>
the J2EE role that identifies which files to generate. Valid arguments are:
"develop-client" : (default) generates files for client development
"develop-server" : generates files for server development
"deploy-client" : generates binding files for client deployment
"deploy-server" : generates binding files for server deployment
"client" : combination of "develop-client" and "deploy-client"
"server" : combination of "develop-server" and "deploy-server"
-c, -container <argument>
indicates the J2EE container. Valid arguments are:
"none" : indicates no container
"client" : indicates client container
"ejb" : indicates EJB container
"web" : indicates Web container
If client role the default argument is "none".
If server role the container must be either "ejb" or "web".
The same container option must be used for both development and deployment.
-o, -output <argument>
output directory for emitted files.
-m, -inputMappingFile <mapping-file>
the location of the Java to WSDL mapping.
-i, -introspect
introspect existing classes to determine mapping details.
-C, -classpath <paths>
classpath to use for class introspection.
Other Options:
-h, -help
print this message and exit.
-X, -helpX
print extended options.
-v, -verbose
print verbose informational messages.
-N, -NStoPkg <namespace>= <package>
mapping of namespace to package.
Alternatively declare this information in the mapping file.
-O, -timeout <argument>
number of seconds to wait for accessing WSDL-URI.
(default is 45 seconds), specify -timeout -1 to disable.
-R, -retry <argument>
how many times to re-attempt to load a WSDL-URI, or one of
it's imported documents after initial attempt times out.
-g, -genResolver
generate an absolute-import resolver.
-u, -useResolver
specify an absolute-import resolver to use during parsing.
-d, -deployScope <argument>
Valid arguments are: "Request", "Session", "Application".
Adds a "scope" attribute to the ibm-webservices-bnd.xmi file
when it is created to specify how often to create a new bean.
Only applicable when role is "develop-server" or "server".
Explanation These are the options to WSDL2Java. Action Use the specified options when invoking WSDL2Java.
WSWS3001I: Info:
Extended Options:
-U, -user <argument>
login user name to access the WSDL-URI.
-P, -password <argument>
login password to access the WSDL-URI.
-a, -all
generate java files for all types, even unreferenced ones.
-z, -noDataBinding
map all types (including base schema types) to SOAPElement.
-t, -testCase
emit template junit testcase class for testing Web service.
-D, -Debug
print debug information.
-f, -fileNStoPkg <argument>
file of NStoPkg mappings (default
-j, -genJava <argument>
generate Java files. Valid arguments are:
"IfNotExists" (default)
-s, -javaSearch <argument>
when -genJava is set to "IfNotExists",
determines how file existence is detected.
Valid arguments are:
"File" (default)
-x, -genXML <argument>
generate XML and XMI files. Valid arguments are:
"IfNotExists" (default)
-E, -genEquals <boolean>
Enable the hashcode/equal generation. Valid arguments are:
"no" (default)
-I, -genImplSer <boolean>
Have generated beans implement Valid arguments are:
"no" (default)
-T, -properties <option> | <option>= <value>
specify extended option(s) and any values it may require.
example: -properties key1=value1;key2;key3=value3
example: -properties key1=value1 -properties key2
Alternatively declare this information in a properties file.
-b, -propertiesFile <argument>
filename of a properties file that contains a list of extended properties
Example of file content:
-y, -noWrappedArrays
Disable .NET wrapped array pattern. Generate beans containing arrays.
-w, -noWrappedOperations
Disable .NET wrapped operation pattern. Generate request and response beans.
Explanation These are the extended options to WSDL2Java. Action These are advanced options that users should not generally use.
WSWS3002I: Java2WSDL emitter
Usage: Java2WSDL [options] class-of-portType
-location <argument>
web service location url
-output <wsdl>
output WSDL file name
-input <argument>
input wsdl file name
used to build wsdl from existing wsdl information
-bindingTypes <argument>
list of binding types to include in the wsdl file
the default is "// "
-bindingTypes // ,ejb
-bindingTypes // ,jms
-style <argument>
valid arguments:
document (the default): generate document style wsdl
rpc: generate rpc style wsdl
-use <argument>
valid arguments:
literal (the default): literal use
encoded: encoded use
-transport <argument>
This option has been deprecated.
Use the -bindingTypes option instead.
-portTypeName <portType>
name of the portType
defaults to name of the input class
-bindingName <binding>
name of the binding
defaulted from portType if not specified
-serviceElementName <service>
name of the service
defaulted from portType name if not specified
-servicePortName <port>
name of the port
defaulted from -location if not specified
-namespace <argument>
target namespace of WSDL
-PkgtoNS <package>= <namespace>
mapping of package names to namespaces
-implClass <class-name>
class that contains implementation of methods in
class-of-portType. The debug information in the class is used
to obtain the method parameter names, which are used to set
the WSDL part names.
-extraClasses <classes>
other classes that should be added to the WSDL
-classpath <paths>
classpath to use for class introspection.
display verbose messages
-elementFormDefault <qualified | unqualified>
indicate elementFormDefault usage
-attributeFormDefault <qualified | unqualified>
indicate attributeFormDefault usage
displays this message
displays extended options
Explanation These are the options to Java2WSDL. Action Use the specified options when invoking Java2WSDL.
WSWS3003I: Info:
Extended Options:
-wrapped <boolean>
indicate if WSDL should respect "wrapped" rules
valid only for -style document and -use literal.
the default is true.
-stopClasses <argument>
space or comma separated list of class names which will stop
inheritance search when processing classes
-methods <argument>
space or comma separated list of method names from the SEI which
are to be exposed in the output WSDL
-soapAction <argument>
valid arguments:
OPERATION sets soapAction field to the operation name.
NONE sets soapAction field to "".
-outputImpl <file>
specify if you want both interface and implementation WSDLs
-locationImport <argument>
location of interface WSDL file
-namespaceImpl <argument>
target namespace for implementation WSDL
-MIMEStyle <argument>
valid arguments:
AXIS: AXIS style MIME representation
WSDL11 (default): WSDL 1.1 MIME representation
swaRef: WS-I BP 1.1 representation (swaRef where appropriate)
-propertiesFile <argument>
filename of a properties file that contains a list of class names
which should be added to the type section of the output WSDL.
Example of file content:,com.sun.Class2,org.apache.Class3
-voidReturn <argument>
valid arguments:
ONEWAY:treat methods with void returns as one-way
TWOWAY:treat methods with void returns as two-way
display debug messages
-properties <property settings>
sets binding-specific properties to be used by binding generators
example: -properties prop1=value1,prop2=value2
Supported binding-specific properties:
Explanation These are the extended options to Java2WSDL. Action These are advanced options that users should not generally use.
WSWS3004W: Warning: The -location was not set, the value "{0}" is used instead.
Explanation The -location option is a required option. Action Specify the -location option. Example: -location // ://thisServer:9080
WSWS3005W: Warning: The -server-side option must have an argument that is Bean or EJB. Defaulting to Bean.
Explanation The -server-side option is incorrect. Action Specify the correct -server-side option.
WSWS3006W: Warning: The argument of the -transport option must be "jms" or "// ". The default setting ("// ") will be used.
Explanation The -transport option is incorrect. Action Specify the correct option. Example -transport jms
WSWS3007E: Error: The {0} operation of {1} has an output element. This output element is removed and the operation is changed to one-way.
Explanation This pre-existing operation has an output element. It is removed. Action No user action is required.
WSWS3008E: Error: The {0} operation of {1} has a fault element. The faults are removed and the operation is changed to one-way.
Explanation This pre-existing operation has a fault element. It is removed. Action No user action is required. Operations without an output must be considered one-way and faultless.
WSWS3009I: Info: Loading Class {0}
Explanation The emitter is loading the specified class. Action No user action is required.
WSWS3010I: Info: Generating {0} {1}
Explanation The emitter is generating the indicated construct. Action No user action is required.
WSWS3011E: Invalid destination type "{0}" specified within a JMS endpoint URL.
Explanation A JMS endpoint URL must specify either queue or topic as the destination type. Action Correct the JMS endpoint URL and retry.
WSWS3012E: Invalid property "{0}" encountered in JMS endpoint URL.
Explanation A JMS endpoint URL string contains an unrecognized property. Action Correct the JMS endpoint URL and retry.
WSWS3013E: The JMS endpoint URL is missing one or more of the following required properties: connectionFactory, destination, targetService
Explanation A JMS endpoint URL string must contain the following properties: connectionFactory, destination, targetService. These properties are used to describe the destination queue or topic and target service. Action Correct the JMS endpoint URL and retry.
WSWS3014E: Error creating InitialContext: {0}
Explanation The Application Server cannot create a JNDI InitialContext object. Action Use the detailed information in the original error message to determine the problem.
WSWS3015E: Caught NamingException: {0}
Explanation The specified error occurred during a JNDI lookup operation. Action Ensure that the JNDI name is correct.
WSWS3016E: Caught JMSException: {0}
Explanation A JMS operation resulted in the specified JMSException. Action Use the detailed information in the original error message to determine how to correct the problem.
WSWS3017E: Linked Exception: {0}
Explanation An Exception was caught in JMS processing. Action Use the detailed information in the Exception to determine how to correct the problem.
WSWS3018E: Caught exception during request processing: {0}
Explanation The specified exception occurred when a request was being processed. Action Use the detailed information in the original error message to determine how to correct the problem.
WSWS3019E: Caught WebServicesFault: {0}
Explanation The specified WebServicesFault exception occurred during JMS processing. Action Use the detailed information in the original error message to determine how to correct the problem.
WSWS3020E: Error getting server engine.
Explanation The message-driven bean listener for Web services cannot retrieve a configured server engine during its initialization. Action More info at:
WSWS3021E: The required "{0}" property was not present in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the indicated property on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This error is an internal error. Action Ensure that the JMS sender uses the required property.
WSWS3022E: Unrecognized inbound JMS request message type.
Explanation The Web services JMS listener received a JMS message that was not a TextMessage or a BytesMessage type. The JMS listener supports only these two JMS message types. Action Ensure that the JMS sender uses the correct JMS message type.
WSWS3023E: Two-way requests are not supported for topic destinations.
Explanation A two-way request/response was invoked for a topic destination, but only one-way requests are supported when you use a topic. Action Ensure that any services which use topic destinations contain only one-way operations. Ensure that, within the WSDL file, the operation does not contain an output message.
WSWS3024E: Root part containing SOAP envelope not found. contentId = {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred during processing of an attachment. A multi part attachment must have a root part. Action More info at:
WSWS3025E: Error: Could not locate a parameter named {0} for {1}.
Explanation This error occurs when an incorrect mapping file is provided to the WSDL2Java tool. Action Correct your mapping file.
WSWS3026E: Error: The argument of the -voidReturn option must be "oneway" or "twoway".
Explanation The -voidReturn option is incorrect as it must be accompanied by the oneway or twoway value. Action Specify the correct option.
WSWS3027E: Error: The {0} SAX event is not supported by SOAP.
Explanation The message is not a legal SOAP message. Action Contact the originator of the message.
WSWS3028E: Error: A _Helper class was not found for {0}.
Explanation The _Helper class is needed for proper serialization or deserialization. Serialization or deserialization might fail. Action Ensure that the _Helper class is properly emitted by WSDL2Java tool and the class deployed correctly.
WSWS3029W: Warning: The xml construct named {0} cannot be mapped to a java type. The construct will be mapped to javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement.
Explanation Some xml constructs cannot be mapped to Java types. Action The application code needs to use the SOAPElement methods to construct and analyze the data.
WSWS3030E: Error: An internal error occurred while trying to locate the target method. Debug:{0}
Explanation An internal error occurred. This error is possibly due to an error in the deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3031E: Error: Serialization cannot occur for {0}. There are no registered type mappings.
Explanation The indicated object cannot be serialized. Action Make sure that a proper serializer is registered.
WSWS3032I: Info: Attempt to get a secure socket factory using KeyStore: {0} and TrustStore: {1}, or Cryptographic token in: {2}
Explanation The Application Server used either a keystore and truststore pair or a cryptographic token to get a secure socket factory. Action No user action is required.
WSWS3033E: Error: Deserialization cannot occur for {0}.
Explanation The indicated type cannot be deserialized. Action Make sure that a proper deserializer is registered.
WSWS3034E: Error: The OperationDesc for {0} was not matched to a method of {1}. Debug:{2}
Explanation This internal error occurs because the start up code is incorrect. Action More info at:
WSWS3035E: Error: {0}.{1} threw RuntimeException.
Explanation The handler generated an unexpected RuntimeException exception. The JAX-RPC v1.0 (JSR-101) specification requires that a SOAPFaultException exception be generated by the server. See the output or error log for the original exception. Action Correct the handler code to eliminate the RuntimeException exception.
WSWS3036I: Replacing response message with SOAP Fault. Original Response Message: {0}
Explanation The handler generated an unexpected RuntimeException exception. The JAX-RPC v1.0 (JSR-101) specification requires that a SOAPFaultException exception be generated by the server. See the output or error log for the original response message. Action Correct the handler code to eliminate the RuntimeException exception.
WSWS3037E: Error: Serialization cannot occur for {0}.
Explanation The Application Server cannot serialize the indicated object. Action Make sure that the correct serializer is registered.
WSWS3038E: Error: Deserialization cannot occur for {0}. There are no registered type mappings.
Explanation The Application Server cannot deserialize the indicated object. Action Make sure that the correct deserializer is registered.
WSWS3039E: Error: Resource has been deleted.
Explanation The Application Server cannot access a deleted memory-managed data source. Action More info at:
WSWS3040E: Error: Malformed arrayType value ''{0}''
Explanation The arrayType attribute in the SOAP message is not valid. Action More info at:
WSWS3041E: Error: Bad authentication type (I can only handle "Basic").
Explanation Basic authentication only is supported with the SimpleServerEngine. The SimpleServerEngine is only for debugging. It is not for production use. Action Do not use the SimpleServerEngine for production uses.
WSWS3042E: Error: Invalid boolean (found {0}).
Explanation A Boolean value in the SOAP message must be 0, 1, true, or false. Action Correct the SOAP Boolean.
WSWS3043E: Error: Unexpected characters in a calendar value: {0}
Explanation A calendar value in the SOAP message is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP calendar.
WSWS3044E: Error: Bad character or insufficient number of characters in hex string.
Explanation A character in a hex string in the SOAP message is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP hex string.
WSWS3045E: Error: Invalid date: {0}
Explanation A bad date value exists in the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP date.
WSWS3046E: Error: Invalid date/time: {0}
Explanation A bad date or time value exists in a SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP date or time.
WSWS3047E: Error: Cannot deserialize element {1} of bean {0}.
Child element {1} does not belong in namespace {2}.
Most likely, a third party web services platform has sent an incorrect SOAP message.
Explanation The specified bean does not have a property that matches the element. The soap message cannot be deserialized. If the WSDL's schema contains elementFormDefault="qualified", the element should be qualified with a prefix, or should exist in a default namespace. If the schema contains elementFormDefault="unqualified" or completely omits this attribute, the element should not be qualified, and does not have a namespace at all. Action More info at:
WSWS3048E: Error: Class ''{0}'' cannot be specified as a Handler class.
Explanation An attempt was made to deploy the indicated class as a Handler class. However the class does not extend the Handler class. Action Correct your deployment information.
WSWS3049E: Error: A bad Holder class was encountered: {0}
Explanation An attempt was made to use the specified class as a Holder. However the class does not extend the Holder interface. Action Correct your Holder class.
WSWS3050E: Error: Explicit array length is not a valid integer ''{0}''.
Explanation The SOAP message contains an array that has a non-integer array length. The Application Server cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP message array.
WSWS3051E: Error: No 'name' attribute was specified in an undeployment element.
Explanation This error normally occurs as a result of an internal error in the deployment software. Action More info at:
WSWS3052E: Error: Bad envelope namespace: {0}
Explanation The envelope element of the SOAP message has an incorrect namespace. The Application Server cannot deserialize the message. Action Correct the SOAP message namespace.
WSWS3053E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a Name object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3054E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a NCName object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3055E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a NegativeInteger object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3056E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a NMToken object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3057E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a NonNegativeInteger object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3058E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a NonPositiveInteger object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3059E: Error: Malformed offset attribute ''{0}''.
Explanation The offset attribute for the indicated array in the SOAP message is not valid. The Application Server cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3060E: Error: Invalid Parameter mode {0}.
Explanation An internal exception occurred with the WSDL2Java emitter. Action More info at:
WSWS3061E: Error: Malformed position attribute ''{0}''.
Explanation The position attribute for the indicated array in the SOAP message is not valid. The Application Server cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3062E: Error: portName should not be null.
Explanation The portName argument to the service.getCalls method must be a recognized port name. Action Ensure that the argument to the service.getCalls method is appropriate.
WSWS3063E: Error: An attempt was made to construct a PosInteger object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3064E: Error: Cannot handle non-GET, non-POST request.
Explanation SimpleServerEngine does not understand the request. The SimpleServerEngine is only for debugging. It is not for production use. Action Do not use the SimpleServerEngine for production uses.
WSWS3065E: Error: Unrecognized -scope: {0}. Ignoring it.
Explanation The argument for the scope option must be Request, Application, or Session. Action Use the proper -scope option when invoking the WSDL2Java tool.
WSWS3066E: Error: Expected ''envelope'' but found {0}
Explanation The SOAP message does not contain an envelope element. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3067E: Error: Invalid time: {0}
Explanation A bad time value was found in the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3068E: Error: Invalid timezone: {0}
Explanation A bad timezone was found in the SOAP message. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3069E: Error: Found languageSpecificType namespace ''{0}'', expected ''{1}''
Explanation A problem has occurred in the deployment software. Action More info at:
WSWS3070E: Error: An attempt was made to construct an UnsignedByte object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3071E: Error: An attempt was made to construct an UnsignedShort object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3072E: Error: An attempt was made to construct an UnsignedInt object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3073E: Error: An attempt was made to construct an UnsignedLong object with an invalid string: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error is caused by a SOAP message that is not valid. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3074E: Error: Cannot add a second body to a soap envelope.
Explanation This error might occur as a result of a SOAP message that is not valid. Action More info at:
WSWS3075E: Error: User ''{0}'' not authenticated (unknown user).
Explanation The Application Server cannot authenticate the user. Action Specify a correct authenticated known user.
WSWS3076E: Error: User ''{0}'' not authenticated.
Explanation The Application Server cannot authenticate the user. Action Specify a correct authenticated user.
WSWS3077E: Error: User ''{0}'' not authorized to ''{1}''
Explanation User is not authorized. Action Specify a correct authorized user.
WSWS3078E: Error: Cannot convert {0} to bytes.
Explanation This error is an internal error. The Web services engine cannot convert the SOAP message into bytes. Action Fix the cause of the inconsistent SOAP message.
WSWS3079E: Error: Cannot convert form {0} to String.
Explanation This error is an internal error. The Web services engine cannot convert the SOAP message into a String. Action Fix the cause of the inconsistent SOAP message.
WSWS3080E: Error: Could not convert {0} to bean field ''{1}'', type {2}
Explanation The indicated value cannot be assigned to the bean field. The Web services engine cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Fix the cause of the inconsistent SOAP message.
WSWS3081E: Error: Could not convert value to int.
Explanation This error is an internal error. The Web services engine cannot convert a value into an int. Action Fix the cause of the inconsistent types.
WSWS3082E: Error: Cannot serialize null arrays.
Explanation This error is an internal error. The Web services engine cannot serialize a null array. Action Fix the cause of the null array.
WSWS3083E: Error: getURL failed to correctly process URL; protocol not supported.
Explanation This error occurs because there is a problem with the tool options. See the other associated messages. Action Fix the URL.
WSWS3084E: Error: {0} encountered a child element, which is NOT expected, in something it was trying to deserialize.
Explanation This message normally indicates that the SOAP message is not valid. The Web services engine was expecting a simple value when it encountered a child element. The Web services engine cannot deserialize the SOAP message.. Action Fix the cause of the not valid SOAP message.
WSWS3085E: Error: Cannot invoke Call with null namespace URI for method {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. The QName of the request target has a null namespace. Action More info at:
WSWS3086E: Error: Cannot serialize a {0} with the ArraySerializer.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot serialize the indicated class with the array serializer. Action Suspect a problem with the deployment information.
WSWS3087E: Error: Cannot serialize non-Elements with an ElementSerializer.
Explanation The element serializer can only be used to serialize org.w3c.dom.Element objects. Action More info at:
WSWS3088E: Error: Cannot serialize a raw object with the SimpleSerializer.
Explanation The SimpleSerializer cannot be used to serialize a non-registered object. Action Make sure your this class is registered with an appropriate type.
WSWS3089E: Error: Cannot set location URI: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3090E: Error: Unable to tunnel through {0}:{1}. Proxy returns "{2}"
Explanation The Webservices Engine cannot make the appropriate tunnel. Action More info at:
WSWS3091E: Error: Changing admin password.
Explanation Attempting to change the password using the AdminClient interface is not supported. Action AdminClient is not fully supported.
WSWS3092E: Error: SOAPElement.setAlternateContent called when a child element is present.
Explanation The SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) model is being used incorrectly. Action More info at:
WSWS3093E: Error: Could not create Call object in AdminClient.
Explanation This error message occurs as a result of an internal error. Action Do not use the AdminClient interface, it is not fully supported.
WSWS3094E: Error: WSDDPort couldn't construct provider!
Explanation This error message occurs as a result of an internal error within WSDD deployment. Action More info at:
WSWS3095E: Error: Connection closed.
Explanation The connection is closed. The Web services engine cannot make the remote service call. Action More info at:
WSWS3096E: Error: Duplicate file name: {0}.
Hint: you may have mapped two namespaces with elements of the same name to the same package name.
Explanation WSDL2Java issues this message if different QNames result in the creation of the same Java file. Action Fix the WSDL document or use the NStoPkg options to differentiate the classes.
WSWS3097E: Error: Emitter failure. All input parts must be listed in the parameterOrder attribute of {0}
Explanation The parameter order attribute in the WSDL is incorrect. Action Fix the WSDL document.
WSWS3098E: Error: Emitter failure. Cannot find endpoint address in port {0} in service {1}
Explanation The emitter cannot locate the endpoint address. Action Fix the WSDL document.
WSWS3099E: Error: Emitter failure. Invalid endpoint address in port {0} in service {1}: {2}
Explanation The endpoint address is not valid. Action Change the WSDL file so that valid endpoint address is associated with the port.
WSWS3100E: Error: Emitter failure. No binding found for port {0}
Explanation Specify a binding for the service WSDL port. Action Fix the WSDL file.
WSWS3101E: Error: Emitter failure. No binding entry found for {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3102E: Error: Emitter failure. No portType entry found for {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3103E: Error: Emitter failure. There is an undefined binding ({0}) in the WSDL document.
Hint: make sure <port binding=".."> is fully qualified.
Explanation The binding must be defined in the WSDL document if it is referenced there. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3104E: Error: Emitter failure. There is an undefined binding ({0}) in the WSDL document {1}.
Hint: make sure <port binding=".."> is fully qualified.
Explanation The binding must be defined in the WSDL document if it is referenced there. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3105E: Error: Emitter failure. There is an undefined portType ({0}) in the WSDL document.
Hint: make sure <binding type=".."> is fully qualified.
Explanation The portType must be defined in the WSDL document if it is referenced there. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3106E: Error: Emitter failure. There is an undefined portType ({0}) in the WSDL document {1}.
Hint: make sure <binding type=".."> is fully qualified.
Explanation The portType must be defined in the WSDL document if it is referenced there. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3107E: Error: Generic Error.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3108E: Error: Error: {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3109E: Error: Error invoking Web service operation: {0}
Explanation Problem occurred when the Web services engine attempted to invoke a remote Web service. Action More info at:
WSWS3110E: Error: Error processing ''{0}''
Explanation An administrative error occurred when translating XML into deployment operations. Action More info at:
WSWS3111E: Error: Error determining if {0} already exists. Will not generate this file.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3112E: Error: Generating WebServicesFault due to missing SOAPAction.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3113E: Error: Cannot add a second header to a soap envelope.
Explanation This error is likely the result of a SOAP message that is not valid. Action More info at:
WSWS3114E: Error: Internal error.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3115E: Error: Configuration file directory ''{0}'' is not readable.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot read the specified directory. Action Fix the configuration, check permission flags.
WSWS3116W: Warn: PERFORMANCE ALERT: The following message is re-parsed: {0}
Explanation The serialization process that is being used might cause performance issues. Action Examine code and make appropriate changes.
WSWS3117E: Error: Invalid container type (expected "ejb", "web", "client" or "none"), defaulting to "none".
Explanation The -container option for the WSDL2Java emitter is incorrect. Action Fix the -container option by using ejb, web, client, or none as the value.
WSWS3118E: Error: Invalid role (expected "develop-client", "deploy-client", "develop-server", or "deploy-server"), defaulting to "develop-client".
Explanation The -role option for the WSDL2Java emitter is incorrect. Action Fix the -role option by using develop-client, deploy-client, develop-server, or deploy-server as the value.
WSWS3119W: Warning: Invalid option combination: -role develop-server and -container client or -container none are invalid. The -container will be defaulted to "web".
Explanation The Web service always runs in a Web or EJB container. Action Fix the options and rerun the WSDL2Java emitter.
WSWS3120E: Error: Configuration is missing.
Explanation This error is most likely due to a previous error with the Web services deployment descriptor. Action Review the log for previous errors.
WSWS3121I: Info: {0} is a oneway operation.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3122E: Error: Could not find service {0} referenced in URI {1}
Explanation The Web services engine cannot find the specified service. Action Verify the name of the service specified by the client. Also, verify the deployment of that service on the server.
WSWS3123E: Error: Javaclass {0} specified for handler {1} must implement {2} OR {3}. The handler will be skipped.
Explanation The was-webservices.xml configuration file defines a handler Java class that does not implement the expected interface. Action Specify the Java class that implements the expected interface.
WSWS3124W: Warning: Invalid -genJava option argument, valid are "No", "IfNotExists", or "Overwrite". Defaulting to "IfNotExists".
Explanation The -genJava option for the WSDL2Java emitter is incorrect. Action Correct the -genJava option so that uses No, IfNotExists, or Overwrite for its value.
WSWS3125W: Warning: Invalid -genXML option argument, valid are "No", "IfNotExists", or "Overwrite". Defaulting to "IfNotExists".
Explanation The -genXML option for the WSDL2Java emitter is incorrect. Action Correct the -genXML option so that uses No, IfNotExists, or Overwrite for its value.
WSWS3126E: Error: Could not get a secure socket factory from the following SSL Configuration: {0}.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot obtain a secure socket factory. Action Correct the SSL configuration.
WSWS3127E: Error: Invalid WSDD element ''{0}'' (wanted ''{1}'').
Explanation Error occurred during deployment. This is probably an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3128E: Error: Could not make envelope from bytes.
Explanation This message might result to a deserialization error, but there are multiple reasons for this message. Look for other errors. Action More info at:
WSWS3129E: Error: Only interfaces may be used for the proxy Class argument of the Service.getPort method.
Explanation The getPort method requires a proxy interface. Action Correct the invocation of the getPort method.
WSWS3130E: Error: Only interfaces which extend java.rmi.Remote may be used for the proxy Class argument of the Service.getPort method.
Explanation The proxy class argument must be an interface that extends the java.rmi.Remote interface. Action Fix the invocation of the getPort method.
WSWS3131E: Error: Must specify a password for AdminClient.
Explanation We must specify a password for the AdminClient interface. Action Specify a password.
WSWS3132E: Error: No target service was found.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3133E: Error: Need to specify a user for authorization.
Explanation No user was found to authorize. Action More info at:
WSWS3134E: Error: Remote administrator access is not allowed.
Explanation We cannot administer remotely. Action The Admin class is not fully supported.
WSWS3135E: Error: Body not found.
Explanation A body was expected in the SOAP envelope, but the Web services engine cannot find this message part. Thus cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action More info at:
WSWS3136E: Error: No deserializer defined for array type {0}
Explanation The Web services engine cannot deserialize the array of the indicated component type. Action This problem might be due to deployment information that is not valid.
WSWS3137E: Error: No deserialization context to use in SOAPElement.convertToObject().
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3138E: Error: No custom elements allowed at top level until after the <body> tag.
Explanation The SOAP message is not valid and the Web services engine cannot deserialize the message. Action More info at:
WSWS3139E: Error: No deserializer for {0}
Explanation Normally this message occurs as a result of bad client or server deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3140E: Error: Deserializing parameter ''{0}'': could not find deserializer for type {1}
Explanation Nornally this message occurs as a result of a bad SOAP message or server deployment information that is not valid. Action More info at:
WSWS3141E: Error: Could not get DOM document: XML was "{0}"
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3142E: Error: Could not find Web services engine.
Explanation An internal error probably occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3143W: Warning: Expected instance of 'EngineConfiguration' in environment.
Explanation The configuration data is not valid. Action More info at:
WSWS3144E: Error: Cannot locate handler: {0}
Explanation Internal Error with deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3145E: Error: No HandlerProvider 'handlerClass' option was specified.
Explanation Missing information in deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3146E: Error: No handlers in {0} ''{1}''
Explanation Missing handlers in deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3147E: Error: no {0} header!
Explanation The header information is missing from the SOAP message. Action More info at:
WSWS3148E: Error: Processing instructions are not allowed within SOAP messages.
Explanation The SOAP message is not valid. The Web services engine cannot deserialize the message due to the processing instructions. Action More info at:
WSWS3149E: Error: {0}: {1} is not a map.
Explanation The MapSerializer cannot serialize the object. This message is probably the result of an internal deployment error. Action More info at:
WSWS3150E: Error: No provider type matches QName ''{0}''
Explanation The deployment information is not complete. This message is probably the result of an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3151E: Error: No operation name specified.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3152E: Error: Cannot find operation: {0} - none defined
Explanation The WSDL file does not define any operations in the portType. This error is an internal error or a deployment error. Action Check the logs for deployment problems.
WSWS3153E: Error: Cannot find operation: {0}
Explanation The Web Services Description Language (WDSL) binding does not specify the operation. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3154E: Error: No ''{0}'' option was configured for the service ''{1}''
Explanation The indicated option was not found for the service. Action More info at:
WSWS3155E: Error: {0} not found as an input part OR an output part.
Explanation The parameter order attribute must reference a message part. Action Fix the WSDL File.
WSWS3156E: Error: Cannot find port: {0}
Explanation The specified port could not be found by Service.getPort. Action Correct the invocation of Service.getPort.
WSWS3157E: Error: Cannot find portType: {0}
Explanation The deployed WSDL is missing the portType. Action Fix the deployed WSDL File.
WSWS3158E: Error: No request message in MessageContext?
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3159E: Error: No serializer found for class {0} in registry {1}
Explanation This message indicates that an internal error occurred with the deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3160E: Error: Cannot find service: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3161E: Error: No service has been defined.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3162E: Error: No service object defined for this Call object.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3163E: Error: The Web services engine could not find a target service to invoke! targetService is {0}
Explanation The Web services engine received a request for the specified target service, but the engine configuration did not contain a port with this name. Action Compare the endpoint location URL that is being used by the client application with the endpoint location URL contained in the corresponding WSDL document. If you are using the HTTP protocol, make sure that the client application is using the correct URL pattern within the endpoint location URL. If you are using the JMS protocol, make sure that your client application is using an endpoint location URL that contains the correct targetService property. Within a JMS-style endpoint location URL, the targetService property should be set to the name of the desired port component.
WSWS3164E: Error: No security provider in MessageContext.
Explanation A security provider is necessary for this MessageContext. Action Make sure a security provider is configured.
WSWS3165E: Error: No HTTP SOAPAction property in context.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3166E: Error: No client transport named ''{0}'' found.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3167E: Error: No transport mapping for protocol: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3168E: Error: No mapped schema type for {0}
Explanation The Web services engine cannot serialize the indicated array component type. Action Make sure the indicated array component type is registered.
WSWS3169E: Error: Component requires a type attribute.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot deserialize the component of the vector. Action More info at:
WSWS3170E: Error: Must include type attribute for Handler deployment!
Explanation The type attribute is missing from the deployment information. Action More info at:
WSWS3171E: Error: No type QName for mapping!
Explanation The QName is missing from the deployment information in the type mapping registry. Action More info at:
WSWS3172E: Error: User ''{0}'' not authorized to ''{1}''
Explanation An authorized user is required. Action More info at:
WSWS3173E: Error: Did not understand "MustUnderstand" header(s):{0}
Explanation The Handler did not understand mustUnderstand headers. Action More info at:
WSWS3174E: Error: No value field for RPCParam to use. {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3175E: Error: {0} is null.
Explanation Processing cannot continue because the indicated item is null. Action More info at:
WSWS3176E: Error: AdminClient did not initialize correctly: 'call' is null!
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action AdminClient is not fully supported.
WSWS3177E: Error: Null namespace URI specified.
Explanation The Namespace argument must be specified. Action More info at:
WSWS3178E: Error: null parent.
Explanation The Web services engine attempted to call the SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) setParent method with a null argument. This error might be the result of an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3179E: Error: Null provider type passed to WSDDProvider.
Explanation Missing deployment information. This may be the result of an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3180E: Error: Null response message.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3181E: Error: Odd number of digits in hex string.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot construct the HexBinary object. Action Determine the cause of the odd number of digits and correct.
WSWS3182E: Error: Only one Body element allowed in SOAPEnvelope.
Explanation The SOAP message contains multiple SOAP body parts inside the envelope. The Web services engine cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Determine the origin of the SOAP message and correct the cause.
WSWS3183E: Error: Only one Header element allowed in SOAPEnvelope.
Explanation The SOAP message contains multiple SOAP headers inside the envelope. The Web services engine cannot deserialize the SOAP message. Action Determine the origin of the SOAP message and correct the cause.
WSWS3184E: Error: Number of parameters passed in ({0}) doesn''t match the number of IN/INOUT parameters ({1}) from the addParameter() calls.
Explanation The number of parameters does not match the expected number of parameters. This could be a DII or internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3185I: Info: Parsing XML file: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3186E: Error: Error in parsing: {0}
Explanation A problem occurred when the Web services engine attempted to deserialize the SOAP message. Action More info at:
WSWS3187E: Error: Processing file {0}
Explanation The AdminClient interface encountered an error processing the indicated file. The AdminClient is not fully supported. Action No action is required.
WSWS3188I: Info: {0} quitting.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3189E: Error: Administration service requested to quit, quitting.
Explanation The Administration service is quitting. The Administration class is not fully supported. Action No action is required.
WSWS3190E: Error: Unable to bind to port {0}. Did not start SimpleServerEngine.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. The SimpleServerEngine is not fully supported. Action No action is required.
WSWS3191I: Info: Configuration file read-only so engine configuration changes will not be saved.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3192E: Error: return code: {0}
Explanation This message is set into a WebServicesFault. Action No action is required.
WSWS3193E: Error: Problem with servlet engine /WEB-INF directory
Explanation The WEB-INF directory might not be accessible. Action Correct problem with the WEB-INF directory.
WSWS3194E: Error: Problem with servlet engine config file: {0}
Explanation The configuration file for the servlet engine might not be accessible. Action Correct problem with the configuration file for the servlet engine.
WSWS3195W: Warn: Unable to load/create servlet engine config file, attempting internal default (from jar).
Explanation This is a warning message. The process will be attempted again differently. Action No user action required.
WSWS3196E: Error: Problem with servlet engine config file (loading from jar).
Explanation A configuration error occurred during the attempt to load the configuration file from the JAR file. Action More info at:
WSWS3197I: Info: {0} starting up on port {1}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3198E: Error: Type/Element attribute on Part ''{0}'' is not set.
Explanation The WSDL part must specify the type or element attribute. Action Correct the deployed WSDL file by adding the type or element attribute.
WSWS3199E: Error: Unexpected end of stream.
Explanation Internal Error or problem with input SOAP message. Action More info at:
WSWS3200E: Error: Unknown host - could not verify administrator access.
Explanation The Admin tool encountered an unknown host. The Admin tool is not fully supported. Action Determine origin of the unknown host problem and correct it.
WSWS3201E: Error: Where {0} looks like:
Explanation An error has occurred with the Admin tool. The Admin tool is not fully supported. Action More info at:
WSWS3202E: Error: Error processing WSDL document: {0} {1}
Explanation Normally, this message represents an error with the deployed Web Services Description Language (WDSL) file that has been detected during service creation. Action Correct the deployed WSDL.
WSWS3203E: Error: Missing WSDL document in Service.getPort.
Explanation A WSDL document is needed to use the Service.getPort method. Action Correct the deployment information.
WSWS3204E: Error: {0} already exists.
Explanation An internal error occured in the WSDL2Java SymbolTable. Action More info at:
WSWS3205E: Error: Type {0} is referenced but not defined.
Explanation The WSDL file references types or elements that are not defined. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3206E: Error: Cannot find EJB at JNDI location {0}
Explanation There is likely a problem with your JNDI configuration. Action Correct your JNDI configuration.
WSWS3207E: Error: Cannot create InitialContext.
Explanation An InitialContext was not created. Action Inspect other errors to determine why InitialContext was not created.
WSWS3208E: Error: The definition of {0} results in a loop.
Explanation The Web services engine found a recursive definition of the indicated type or element. Action Correct your WSDL file.
WSWS3209E: Error: Bad property. The value for {0} should be of type {1}, but it is of type {2}.
Explanation The Web services engine detected a bad property on the call or the MessageContext. This message might be caused by an internal error. Action Fix the property.
WSWS3210E: Error: Null property name specified.
Explanation The Web services engine detected a bad property. This message might be caused by an internal error. Action Determine origin of null property name if possible, and correct.
WSWS3211E: Error: Null property value specified.
Explanation A null property value was specified. This message might be caused by an internal error. Action Determine origin of null property value if possible, and correct.
WSWS3212E: Error: Property name {0} not supported.
Explanation The specified property is not supported. Action Discontinue use of the specified property.
WSWS3213E: Error: Null getter method specified.
Explanation Normally, this error message is due to an internal error that is associated with the serialization engine. Action More info at:
WSWS3214E: Error: Null setter method specified.
Explanation Normally, this error message is due to an internal error that is associated with the deserialization engine. Action More info at:
WSWS3215E: Error: Null public instance field specified.
Explanation Normally, this error message is due to an internal error with the serialization engine. Action More info at:
WSWS3216E: Error: Null java class specified in TypeMappingImpl.isRegistered method.
Explanation The isRegistered method requires a non-null Java class. This error might be the result of an internal problem. Action More info at:
WSWS3217E: Error: Null qualified name specified in TypeMappingImpl.isRegistered method.
Explanation The isRegistered method requires a non-null qualified name (QName). This error might be the result of an internal problem. Action More info at:
WSWS3218E: Error: Null serializer factory specified in the TypeMappingImpl.register method.
Explanation Normally, this error suggests that a problem occurred with the deployment software. Action Check the deployment logs for related problems.
WSWS3219E: Error: Error: Message part {0} of operation or fault {1} is specified as a type and the soap:body use of binding "{2}" is literal. This WSDL is not currently supported.
Explanation The WSDL file contains unsupported MIME constructs. Action Correct the WSDL,
WSWS3220E: Error: Error: Empty or missing service name.
Explanation The WSDL service name is wrong. Action Correct the WSDL service name.
WSWS3221E: Error: Bean attribute {0} is of type {1}, which is not a simple type.
Explanation The bean attributes must be simple types. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3222E: Error: Attribute is of type {0}, which is not a simple type.
Explanation The attributes must be simple types. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3223E: Error: Exception caught while constructing handler {0}: {1}
Explanation A problem ocurred when the Web services engine created the JAX-RPC Handler. Action Review the reasons for why the Web services engine creates this exception.
WSWS3224I: Info: No disk access, using memory only.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3225E: Error: No DeserializerFactory for {0}
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates a problem with the deployed type mapping registry. Action More info at:
WSWS3226E: Error: Null FieldDesc specified.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3227E: Error: Exception:
Explanation This error message is used in conjuction with other exceptions. Action See the associated exception messages.
WSWS3228E: Error: Exception: {0}
Explanation This error message is used in conjuction with other exceptions. Action See the associated exception messages.
WSWS3229E: Error: ConfigurationException:
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates that an internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3230E: Error: ParserConfigurationException:
Explanation An error has occurred when the Web services engine attempted to configure the parser. Action Correct the parser configuration.
WSWS3231E: Error: SAXException:
Explanation Indicates that a SAX Exception has occurred. Normally the exception is due to a problem configuring the parser. Action Correct the parser configuration.
WSWS3232E: Error:
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates that an internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3233E: Error: javax.mail.MessagingException:
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates a problem with a MIME message. Action More info at:
WSWS3234E: Error:
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3235E: Error: {0}
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3236E: Error: IllegalAccessException:
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3237E: Error: IllegalArgumentException:
Explanation This error message originates from overloaded message processing of a SOAPPart, AttachmentPart. or SOAPHeader. Action More info at:
WSWS3238E: Error: IllegalArgumentException: {0}
Explanation This error message originates from overloaded method processing of a SOAPElement. Action More info at:
WSWS3239E: Error: InvocationTargetException:
Explanation A problem occurred when the Web service engine attempted to invoke the indicated target. Action More info at:
WSWS3240E: Error: InstantiationException:
Explanation This error may indicate a problem with MIME attachments. Action More info at:
WSWS3241E: Error: MalformedURLException:
Explanation Malformed URL Exception occurred in the SimpleServerEngine. Action More info at:
WSWS3242E: Error: WebServicesFault:
Explanation A WebServicesFault exception has occurred. Action See the associated messages.
WSWS3243I: Info: Mapping Exception to WebServicesFault.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required. See other messages for details about why the fault was issued.
WSWS3244I: Info: Mapping Exception to WebServicesFault: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required. See other messages for details about why the fault was issued.
WSWS3245E: Error: WSDL2Java emitter timed out attempting to load: {0}. Make sure the specified URL is accessible. If it is, try increasing ''timeout'' and/or ''retry'' default settings in the WSDL2Java emitter.
Explanation The WSDL file or one of it's imported documents is not accessible. Action Make sure the WSDL and any imported documents are accessible. We can also increase the timeout & retry values through the WSDL2Java emitter options.
WSWS3246E: Error: SOAPFault.addDetail called when a detail is present.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3247E: Error: No target endpoint address has been set on the Stub or Call object.
Explanation An operation has been invoked on a Stub or Call object, However, a target endpoint address was not set. Action Ensure that the target endpoint address has been set on the Stub or Call object prior to invoking the operation.
WSWS3248E: Error: Unsupported attachment type "{0}" only supporting "{1}".
Explanation The Web services engine encountered an unsupported attachment type. Action Use a supported attachment type.
WSWS3249E: Error: This attachment implementation accepts only SOAPPart objects as the root part.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3250E: Error: AttachmentUtils.getActiviationDataHandler received a null parameter as a part.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3251E: Error: Stream closed.
Explanation The Web services engine attempted to access a closed stream. Action More info at:
WSWS3252E: Error: End of stream encountered before final boundary marker.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3253E: Error: maxCached value is bad: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3254E: Error: Reset and mark not supported!
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3255E: Error: input buffer is null.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3256E: Error: Offset is negative: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3257E: Error: Length: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3258E: Error: Write beyond buffer.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3259E: Error: Error reading data stream: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3260E: Error: File for data handler does not exist: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3261E: Error: Error in MIME data stream, start boundary not found, expected: {0}.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3262E: Error: Error in parsing mime data stream: {0}.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3263E: Error: No support for attachments.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3264E: Error: No content.
Explanation Data Handler has no content. Action More info at:
WSWS3265E: Error: No engine configuration file - aborting.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action Make sure that your engine configuration is correct.
WSWS3266E: Error: The element "{0}" is an attachment with sub elements which is not supported.
Explanation The Web services engine did not expect Child elements in the SOAP message. Thus, the SOAP message cannot be deserialized. Action More info at:
WSWS3267E: Error: Error: Missing type resolution for element {2}, in WSDL message part {0} of operation {1}.
Explanation The WSDL file is missing the correct type resolution. Action Correct the WSDL.
WSWS3268E: Error: The soap:operation for binding operation {0} must have a "use" attribute.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3269E: Error: Default type mapping cannot be modified.
Explanation The type mapping cannot change after registration has occurred. Action Correct the application and re-try.
WSWS3270E: Error: Type mapping cannot be modified via delegate.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3271E: Error: Invalid TypeMapping specified: wrong type or null.
Explanation The registration of the TypeMapping is not valid. Action Correct the application and re-try.
WSWS3272E: Error: Default type mapping from secondary type mapping registry is already in use.
Explanation The default type mapping cannot change after registration. Action Correct the application and re-try.
WSWS3273E: Error: There is no stub implementation for the interface:
Explanation We cannot call the getPort method because a stub implementation of the interface does not exist. Action Correct the application and re-try.
WSWS3274E: Error: {0}: {1} is not a vector.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3275E: Error: Invalid parameter mode byte ({0}) passed to getModeAsString().
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3276E: Error: Marking streams not supported.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3277E: Error: Could not resolve to an operation. The message contains an element named ""{0}"", but this does not match any operation of the target port. Debug: {1}
Explanation This may be a symptom of a Web service deployment problem or an incorrect SOAP request message. Action More info at:
WSWS3278E: Error: Attempt to set implementation class on a ServiceDesc which has already been configured.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3279E: Error: Unable to create JavaBean of type {0}. Missing default constructor? Error was: {1}.
Explanation JavaBeans must have default constructors. Action Make sure that the JavaBean has a default constructor.
WSWS3280E: Error: The value of -soapAction must be NONE or OPERATION.
Explanation A bad argument has been specified for -soapAction option. Action Use the correct -soapAction option for the Java2WSDL emitter.
WSWS3281E: Error: Tried to invoke method ''{0}'' with argument classes ''{1}'' against object ''{2}'' of class ''{3}''. The arguments do not match the signature.
Explanation A problem has ocurred with the Web service deployment, with the SOAP message, or hot swapping of the SoapBindingImpl class for the service. Action More info at:
WSWS3282I: Info: Generating {0}.
Explanation This message, which is for informational purposes only, indicates which Java classes are generated by the WSDL2Java emitter. Action No action is required.
WSWS3283E: Error: The value of -style must be DOCUMENT or RPC.
Explanation The -style option of Java2WSDL emitter is incorrect. Action Use either the DOCUMENT or RPC value for the -style option.
WSWS3284E: Error: Could not find class ''{0}'' for the service.
Explanation A Web service deployment error might have ocurred, and is being detected in the ServiceFactory. Action More info at:
WSWS3285E: Error: Could not find class ''{0}'' for the service ''{1}''.
Explanation A Web service deployment error might have ocurred, and is being detected in the JavaBeanDispatcher. Action More info at:
WSWS3286E: Error: The <class-of-portType> has already been specified as, {0}. It cannot be specified again as {1}.
Explanation Yon can specify one class file only for the Java2WSDL emitter. Action Correct the invocation of the Java2WSDL emitter.
WSWS3287E: Error: The <class-of-portType> was not specified.
Explanation We must specify a class file for the Java2WSDL emitter. Action Correct the invocation of the Java2WSDL emitter.
WSWS3288E: Error: The wsdl URI has already been specified as, {0}. It cannot be specified again as {1}.
Explanation We can only specify the WSDL file once for the WSDL2Java emitter. Action Correct the invocation of the WSDL2Java emitter.
WSWS3289E: Error: The wsdl URI was not specified.
Explanation We must specify the WSDL URI for the WSDL2Java emitter. Action Correct the invocation of the WSDL2Java emitter.
WSWS3290E: Error: Unrecognized {0}: ''{1}''
Explanation The value is incorrect for the enumeration. Action Correct the application and re-try.
WSWS3291E: Error: The class {0} is not a bean class and cannot be converted into an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
Explanation This Java2WSDL error indicates that the class cannot be converted into an XML schema type. All Java class files have mappings to XML schema types. Converting an existing Java service into a Web service using the Java2WSDL emitter is not guaranteed. Action All of the Java classes that are part of your Web service interface must have the appropriate mappings to the WSDL file. This action is necessary so that a client to the service can automatically generate the interface and all of the related classes to access your Web service.
WSWS3292W: Warning: The class {0} is defined in a java or javax package and cannot be converted into an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
Explanation This Java2WSDL error indicates that the class cannot be converted into an XML schema type. All Java class files have mappings to XML schema types. Converting an existing Java service into a Web service using the Java2WSDL emitter is not guaranteed. Action All of the Java classes that are part of your Web service interface must have the appropriate mappings to the WSDL file. This action is necessary so that a client to the service can automatically generate the interface and all of the related classes to access your Web service.
WSWS3293E: Error: The class {0} does not contain a default constructor, which is a requirement for a bean class. The class cannot be converted into an xml schema type. An xml schema anyType will be used to define this class in the wsdl file.
Explanation This Java2WSDL error indicates that the class cannot be converted into an XML schema type. All Java class files have mappings to XML schema types. Converting an existing Java service into a Web service using the Java2WSDL emitter is not guaranteed. Action All of the Java classes that are part of your Web service interface must have the appropriate mappings to the WSDL file. This action is necessary so that a client to the service can automatically generate the interface and all of the related classes to access your Web service.
WSWS3294E: Error: The XML Schema type ''{0}'' is not currently supported.
Explanation The WSDL2Java emitter does not support this XML Schema type. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3295E: Error: Message part {0} of operation or fault {1} has no element or type attribute.
Explanation Each message part must have an element or type attribute which locates the schema element/type. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3296E: Error: The value of {0} for attachment format must be {1};
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3297E: Error: DIME Type length is {0} which exceeds maximum {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3298E: Error: DIME ID length is {0} which exceeds maximum {1}.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3299E: Error: Max chunk size "{0}" needs to be greater than one.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3300E: Error: Max chunk size "{0}" exceeds 32 bits.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3301E: Error: Each DIME Stream must be read fully or closed in succession.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3302E: Error: DIME stream data not padded correctly.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3303E: Error: Received "{0}" bytes to read.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3304E: Error: Received "{0}" as an offset.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3305E: Error: Array to read is null.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3306E: Error: Array size of {0} to read {1} at offset {2} is too small.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3307E: Error: End of physical stream detected when more DIME chunks expected.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3308E: Error: End of physical stream detected when {0} more bytes expected.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3309E: Error: There are no more DIME chunks expected!
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3310E: Error: DIME header less than {0} bytes.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3311E: Error: DIME version received "{0}" greater than current supported version "{1}".
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3312E: Error: DIME option length "{0}" is greater stream length.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3313E: Error: DIME stream closed during options padding.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3314E: Error: DIME stream closed getting ID length.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3315E: Error: DIME stream closed getting ID padding.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3316E: Error: DIME stream closed getting type.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3317E: Error: DIME stream closed getting type padding.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3318E: Error: DIME stream received bad type "{0}".
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3319E: Error: A holder could not be found or constructed for the OUT parameter {0} of method {1}.
Explanation A problem might have occurred when the Application Server deployed the Web service. Action More info at:
WSWS3320E: Error: Illegal argument passed to ParameterDesc.setJavaType. The java type {0} does not match the mode {1}.
Explanation A problem might have occurred when the Application Server deployed the Web service, which likely indicates an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3321E: Error: Invalid normalizedString value.
Explanation The NormalizedString object cannot be set because the value of the object is not valid. Action Correct the normalizedString value.
WSWS3322E: Error: Invalid token value.
Explanation The Token object cannot be set because the value of the object is not valid. Action Correct the token value.
WSWS3323E: Internal Error occurred while build the property descriptors for {0}.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action Make sure that the indicated class complies with the JAX-RPC technology.
WSWS3324E: Error: Problems encountered trying to write schema for {0}
Explanation The Web services engine cannot write the schema for the indicated class. This error message is probably due to an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3325E: Error: Error looking for parameter names in bytecode: input does not appear to be a valid class file.
Explanation The class is not valid. Action Verify that we have specified a class to the Java2WSDL emitter.
WSWS3326E: Error: Error looking for parameter names in bytecode: unexpected end of file.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3327E: Error: Error looking for parameter names in bytecode: unexpected bytes in file.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3328E: Error: The class {0} extends non-bean class {1}. An xml schema anyType will be used to define {0} in the wsdl file.
Explanation This Java2WSDL error indicates that the class cannot be converted into an XML schema type. All Java class files have mappings to XML schema types. Converting an existing Java service into a Web service using the Java2WSDL emitter is not guaranteed. Action All of the Java classes that are part of your Web service interface must have the appropriate mappings to WSDL file. This action is necessary so that a client to the service can automatically generate the interface and all of the related classes to access your Web service.
WSWS3329E: Error: The XML Schema type ''{0}'' is not valid in the Schema version ''{1}''.
Explanation An error has ocurred with the WSDL2Java emitter. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3330I: Info: {0} already exists, WSDL2Java will not overwrite it.
Explanation This WSDL2Java emitter message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3331E: Error: Invalid gYearMonth: {0}
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a YearMonth object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3332E: Error: Invalid gYear: {0}
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a Year object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3333E: Error: Invalid gMonth: {0}
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a Month object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3334E: Error: Invalid gDay: {0}
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a Day object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3335E: Error: Invalid gMonthDay: {0}
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a MonthDay object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3336E: Error: Invalid duration: must contain a P.
Explanation An error occurred when the Web services engine attempted to construct a Duration object. Action Use a correct value.
WSWS3337E: Error: Serializer class {0} does not implement SimpleValueSerializer, which is necessary for attributes.
Explanation This speicifed serializer cannot be used to serialize attributes. Action Please correct the deployed type mappings.
WSWS3338E: Error: JIMI is necessary to use java.awt.Image attachments (// ://
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3339E: Error: javax.xml.transform.Source implementation not supported: {0}.
Explanation An attempt was made to use the SourceDataHandlerSerializer serializer to serialize a non-SourceStream object. Action More info at:
WSWS3340E: Error: The OperationDesc for {0} was not synchronized to a method of {1}.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. This error usually indicates that information is missing in the PortDesc or WSDDPort in regards to the definition of the Web service operations. The engine attempts to deduce the missing information, which might result in this particular error. Action More info at:
WSWS3341E: Error: No service class was found.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3342E: Error: Cannot handle {0}, can only handle JPEG image types.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3343W: Warning: Factory {0} Ignored: missing required method: {1}.
Explanation This message is warning of a missing method. Action Correct your factory implementation.
WSWS3344W: Warning: Factory {0} Ignored: invoke method failed: {1}.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot invoke the method. Action Correct your factory implementation.
WSWS3345E: Error: Unable to locate a valid EngineConfigurationFactory.
Explanation The factory implementation is missing. Action Correct your factory implementation or its location.
WSWS3346E: Error: Factory {0} Ignored: unable to load/resolve class.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot load the indicated factory. Action Make sure that the factory can be loaded.
WSWS3347E: Error: classname attribute is missing.
Explanation The deployment information for WSDD is missing. This error might be due to an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3348E: Error: qname attribute is missing.
Explanation The deployment information for WSDD is missing. This error might be due to an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3349E: Error: Element {0} is referenced but not defined.
Explanation This WSDL2Java error indicates that an element is referenced but a definition was not found. Action Correct the WSDL file so that the element is defined.
WSWS3350E: Error: Missing type or ref attribute for node ''{0}''
Explanation A type or ref attribute is used to reference a type or element. However, the attribute is missing. Action Correct the WSDL file so that the attribute is specified.
WSWS3351E: Error: Unable to deploy typemapping: {0}
Explanation This error message might be due to deployment problems. Action Make sure that the classloaders can locate and load the indicated class.
WSWS3352E: Error: Couldn''t find a matching Java operation for WSDD operation "{0}" ({1} args).
Explanation Normally, this error message indicates that the deployment information is missing or incorrect. Action Correct the implementation or location.
WSWS3353E: Error: Method style for message-based service wasn't one we recognized.
Explanation An internal error occurred. The specified API is not supported. Action Use only supported APIs.
WSWS3354E: Error: Method ''{0}'' does not match any of the valid signatures for message-style service methods.
Explanation An internal error occurred. This is an unsupported api. Action Use only supported APIs.
WSWS3355E: Error: unmatchedOp=Binding operation has no corresponding portType operation: name = {0}, input name = {1}, output name = {2}
Explanation The WSDL file contains a binding operation that is not valid. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3356E: Error: Couldn''t find an appropriate operation for XML QName {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3357E: Error: while trying to deserialize operation {0}, an element named {1} was encountered.
However, this element does not match any of the expected parameters for this operation.
Here is the list of expected parameters:
Explanation The SOAP request message that has been received by the service does not match the WSDL definition. Action Make sure that the SOAP message that was sent to the service matches the WSDL definition.
WSWS3358E: Error: ERROR: Unable to match binding fault "{0}" from binding {2}, operation "{1}", to a PortType fault.
Explanation The binding fault must have a corresponding portType fault. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3359E: Error: Fault is missing a name= attribute in operation "{0}", in binding {1}.
Explanation The binding fault must have a name. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3360E: Error: ERROR: Missing <soap:fault> element inFault "{0}" in operation "{1}", in binding {2}
Explanation The binding fault must have an appropriate <soap:fault> element. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3361E: Error: Found instance data for {0} in the soap:body instead of the soap:header.
Explanation The SOAP message is incorrect. Action Attempt to determine the origin of the SOAP, and correct.
WSWS3362E: Error: Didn''t find specified return QName {0}
Explanation The response SOAP message is incorrect. Action Attempt to determine the origin of the SOAP, and correct.
WSWS3363E: Error: The value of the -use option must be LITERAL or ENCODED.
Explanation The -use option for the Java2WSDL emitter is incorrect. Action The -use option must use the LITERAL or ENCODED values.
WSWS3364E: Error: Invalid class provided for -extraClasses option: {0}
Explanation The -extraClasses option for the Java2WSDL emitter is incorrect. Action Correct the -extraClasses option.
WSWS3365E: Error: Cannot invoke a oneway call when the call has a return type.
Explanation A method was encountered that has a return type, but the Java2WSDL emitter has been invoked in a mode that assumes that the method is one way. Action Correct the class so that method uses the correct mode.
WSWS3366E: Error: The operation must be specified.
Explanation This error message is likely the result of an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3367E: Error: Failure priming the MessageContext object for operation invocation: {0}
Explanation This error message is likely the result of an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3368E: Error: The deserialization event {0} for ({1}) was unexpected in {2}.
Explanation This error message can result from an internal error or a bad input SOAP message. Action More info at:
WSWS3369E: Error: The builder {0} does not have a SOAPElement to build.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3370E: Error: Only one SOAPEnvelope is allowed in a SOAPFactory.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3371E: Error: Cannot invoke addChildElement on a {0} object.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot add a child SOAPElement element to the indicated object. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3372E: Error: Cannot add a {0} child element to a {1} object.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot add the indicated child element. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3373E: Error: Cannot invoke addTextNode on a {0} object.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot add a Text node to the indicated object. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3374E: Error: Cannot replace SOAPElement's attributes.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot call the setAttributes method after the SOAPElement has attributes. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3375E: Error: Cannot replace SOAPElement's MappingScope.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot call the setMappingScope method after the SOAPElement has a MappingScope. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3376E: Error: Don''t know how to convert alternate content of class {0}.
Explanation This error message is a result of an unrecognized alternate content type. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3377E: Error: Multiple elements have the name ({0}):{1}.
Explanation The Web services engine expected only one child element of the given qualified name (QName). Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3378E: Error: Can't set alternate content on a SOAPElement that already has alternate content.
Explanation An attempt was made to set alternate content on a SOAPElement that already has alternate content. Action Make sure you remove the existing alternate content before replacing it.
WSWS3379E: Error: Prefix {0} is undefined.
Explanation The indicated prefix does not have a corresponding namespace URI. Action Correct the application code or SOAP message.
WSWS3380E: Error: An attempt was made to modify a read-only MappingScope.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3381E: Error: Circular loop encountered while processing MappingScope.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3382E: Error: An unqualified namespace cannot have a prefix. Prefix is {0}.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3383E: Error: Illegal use of xmlns prefix encountered: {0}
Explanation The SOAP message contains an illegal xmlns prefix. Action More info at:
WSWS3384E: Error: Admin process failed.
Explanation The Admin tool failed. The Admin tool is not fully supported. Action More info at:
WSWS3385E: Error: The onStartChild method of {0} did not return a processor.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3386E: Error: Tried to push a null processor.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3387E: Error: An attempt was made to serialize a null object. This should have been handled in the serialize() method.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3388E: Error: Exception generated while rewinding request handlers during fault processing: exception ignored, processing halted.
Explanation An exception was created during handler fault processing. Action Inspect your handlers.
WSWS3389E: Error: JAXRPC Handler Class {0} not found/loaded, ignored.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot locate or load the indicated class. Action Determine why the class was not found or loaded.
WSWS3390E: Error: Load of class {0} failed unexpectedly.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3391W: Warn: {0}.handleRequest returned false and failed to set response message.
Explanation The handler is missing a response. Action More info at:
WSWS3392E: Error: Unexpected: Unable to create response message on behalf of handler.
Explanation The handler is missing a response. Action More info at:
WSWS3393E: Error: {0}.handlerRequest should not throw javax.xml.rpc.soap.SOAPFaultException on client-side.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3394E: Internal Error: attempted to put {0} into pool of {1}.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3395E: Error: {0}.{1} threw RuntimeException.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3396E: Error: Handler {0}: Protected state violation. (JSR 109, Web services for J2EE, v1.0,
Explanation The handler tried to illegally manipulate xml. Action Correct your handler.
WSWS3397E: Error: JSR-109 requires that Service.getHandlerRegistry() throw an UnsupportedOperationException in a managed container.
Explanation The handler cannot call this method in a managed container. Action Correct your handler.
WSWS3398E: Error: JSR-109 requires that Service.getTypeMappingRegistry() throw an UnsupportedOperationException in a managed container.
Explanation The handler cannot call this method in a managed container. Action Correct your handler.
WSWS3399E: Error: {0} ''{1}'' didn''t implement ''{2}''.
Explanation This error message indicates a deployment error. Action More info at:
WSWS3400I: Info: unexpected exception.
Explanation This error message likely indicates an internal problem. Action More info at:
WSWS3401E: Error: RequestMessage missing on MessageContext.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3402E: Error: INTERNAL: ResponseMessage missing on MessageContext.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3403E: Error: Unexpected Life Cycle State: current="{0}", expected="{1}".
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3404E: Error: Unexpected: SubSet({0}, {1}, {2}): acting as empty set.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3405I: Info: Ignoring exception thrown by {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3406E: Unexpected exception caught while sending reply message: {0}
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3407E: Invalid protocol for JMS URL string: {0}
Explanation The protocol for a JMS URL string should be jms: Action Make sure that a proper JMS-based URL is passed to the JMSURLParser constructor when the object is constructed.
WSWS3408E: A valid URL string cannot be formed from the properties contained in the JMSURLParser object.
Linked exception: {0}
Explanation The set of properties currently contained within the JMSURLParser object cannot form a valid JMS-style URL string. Action Make sure that a proper JMS-style URL is passed to the JMSURLParser constructor when the object is constructed.
WSWS3409E: Internal Error: Client/Server mode not set for soap port.
Explanation An internal error has occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3410E: Invalid value specified for the {0} property.
Explanation The value supplied for the specified property was not correct. Action Make sure that you use the correct value for the specified property.
WSWS3411E: Request timeout exceeded.
Explanation A request did not complete within the specified timeout period. Action Make sure that your server is active and is able to process requests within the allotted time.
WSWS3412E: A JMS reply message was received which did not correlate with the JMS request message.
Explanation The JMS correlation ID in the reply message did not match the JMS message ID in the request message. Action More info at:
WSWS3413E: The JMS reply message was not of the correct JMS message type.
Explanation The JMS reply message must be the javax.jms.BytesMessage type. However, the reply message is a different type. Action More info at:
WSWS3414E: Style DOCUMENT, Use LITERAL, and Wrapped do not allow operation {0} to be overloaded.
Explanation To allow overloaded operations would cause duplicate xsi types of the same name. Action Use a different combination of Java2WSDL emitter options.
WSWS3415E: Buffer size <= 0
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3416E: Stream closed.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3417W: Response set in MessageContext for a one-way message. Reponse will be ignored.
Explanation The run time set a response message onto the MessageContext for a one-way message. Action Correct the JAXRPC Handler logic.
WSWS3418E: Error: Exception generated during handler fault processing.
Explanation An exception was created during handler fault processing. Action Inspect your handlers and correct as needed.
WSWS3419E: The current node is not a Text node, and it either has more than one child node or has a child node that is not a Text node.
Explanation It's not allowed to set a value for the node as described in the exception. Action Correct the application code.
WSWS3420E: Error: Emitter failure. Part {0} of operation {1} must be a type part.
Explanation The binding use is inconsistent with the parts. When the use is literal, parts can be element parts or type parts. When the use is encoded, parts must be type parts. Action Fix the WSDL file.
WSWS3421E: Error: The service interface ''{0}'' does not subclass ''javax.xml.rpc.Service''.
Explanation The specified interface must subclass 'javax.xml.rpc.Service'. Action Specify an interface that subclasses 'javax.xml.rpc.Service'.
WSWS3422E: Error: Cannot instantiate {0}.
Explanation The object cannot be instantiated. An exception may have been logged. Action Contact the provider of the object which cannot be instantiated to determine the cause of the exception. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
WSWS3423E: Error: "javax.xml.soap.write-xml-declaration" property has to be either true or false.
Explanation This property maps to a boolean value Action More info at:
WSWS3424E: Error: List value of type {1}, is not a simple type.
Explanation xsd:list itemTypes must be atomic values. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3425I: From target realm: {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3426I: HTTP Basic Authentication information has been received.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3427I: No HTTP Basic Authentication Information has been received.
Explanation The runtime does not receive any HTTP Basic Authentication information from the prompt, or the loginSource property is not configured. Action Make sure that you specify the user ID and password at the prompt. You also can see the product documentation for information on how to configure the loginSource property.
WSWS3428W: Warning: Found an old J2EE 1.3 version of the DD. A new J2EE DD version will be written.
Explanation A previous version of the deployment descriptor file exists where a new deployment descriptor will be written. The previous version will be overwritten. Action If this process is not expected, check your deployment descriptor versions.
WSWS3429W: Warning: Found old J2EE 1.3 {0} file. This indicates a version mismatch - a new J2EE DD version will be written.
Explanation A previous version of the deployment descriptor file exists where a new deployment descriptor will be written. The previous version will be overwritten. Action If this process is not expected, check your deployment descriptor versions.
WSWS3430E: Invalid CharacterEncoding: {0}.
Explanation The Web services engine expected a valid CharacterEncoding value for the incoming message. Action Correct the CharacterEncoding value for the incoming message.
WSWS3431E: Error: No Service Endpoint Class found for port {0}.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3432E: Error: Exception thrown while invoking method ''{0}'' against object ''{2}'' of class ''{3}''.
Explanation Examine the exception stack trace for more detail. Action More info at:
WSWS3433E: Internal Error: No Processor assigned to port {0}.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3434E: Unable to load configuration file
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3435E: Error: Invalid date/time. Received an empty string for a date/time value.
Explanation The SOAP message does not contain a date/time value. Action Ensure that the date/time value in the SOAP message contains a valid value.
WSWS3436E: Error: Invalid time: Received an empty string for a time value.
Explanation The SOAP message does not contain a time value. Action Ensure that the time value in the SOAP message contains a valid value.
WSWS3437E: Error: Invalid date: Received an empty string for a date value.
Explanation The SOAP message does not contain a date value. Action Ensure that the date value in the SOAP message contains a valid value.
WSWS3438E: Error: The service locator ''{1}'' does not subclass the service interface ''{0}''.
Explanation The specified service locator is not a subclass of the service interface. Action Specify a service locator that is a subclass of the specified service interface.
WSWS3439E: Error: The contents of the SOAP body are encrypted. The target operation cannot be invoked. The body contains an element with the name: {0}.
Explanation The contents of the SOAP body should have been decrypted by the Web services security functionality. Action More info at:
WSWS3440W: Warning: The WSDL2Java emitter does not understand qname {0} specified in field {1} of construct {2} in the mapping file: {3}. The information in the mapping file corresponding to this qname will be ignored.
Explanation The mapping file is used to describe the Java mappings for XML qualified names (QNames). In this case, the QName is incorrect or cannot be located. The corresponding information in the mapping file has been ignored. Action If this mapping file was created by non-IBM tooling, please contact the vendor.
WSWS3441W: Warning: The WSDL2Java emitter cannot find the corresponding java-xml-type-mapping construct for the exception-mapping with wsdl-message ({0}) and exception-type ({1}) in file {2}.
Explanation The mapping file is used to describe the Java mappings. In this case, the java-xml-type-mapping is missing. The exception-mapping construct is ignored. Action If this mapping file was created by non-IBM tooling, please contact the vendor.
WSWS3442E: Error: No output for Call.{0}.
Explanation Call.getOutputParams and Call.getOutputValues cannot be called unless there is output. There is no output until a call to invoke returns. On a call to the invokeOneWay method there is never output. Action Call the Call.invoke method before calling the Call.getOutputParams or Call.getOutputValues methods.
WSWS3443E: Handler {0}: Protected state violation: SOAPPart missing/removed.
Explanation The JAX-RPC API is not used properly in the handler. Action Review and correct the use of the JAX-RPC APIs.
WSWS3444E: Handler {0}: Protected state violation: SOAPMessage missing/removed.
Explanation The JAX-RPC API is not used properly in the handler. Action Review and correct the use of the JAX-RPC APIs.
WSWS3445E: Handler {0}: Protected state violation: Unexpected exception. Review error log for details.
Explanation The JAX-RPC API is not used properly in the handler. Action Review and correct the use of the JAX-RPC APIs.
WSWS3446E: The endpoint address URL is missing.
Explanation A Web services request was made which involves the JMS transport, but the request does not include a valid endpoint address URL. Action Make sure that the request contains a valid endpoint address URL. If this request was invoked within the Web Services Gateway, make sure the proper configuration has been done.
WSWS3447E: Error: Could not get a secure socket factory with the SSL settings of JSSE.
Explanation The Web services engine cannot obtain a secure socket factory using the SSL settings of Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE). Action Verify your JSSE SSL setting if you intend to use JSSE SSL setting for the SSL configuration.
WSWS3448I: Info: HTTP Proxy Host name: {0}, Proxy Port: {1}, Proxy User name: {2}, Proxy Password: {3}
Explanation This message provides the configured HTTP proxy information. Action No action is required.
WSWS3449I: Info: HTTPS Proxy Host name: {0}, Proxy Port: {1}, Proxy User name: {2}, Proxy Password: {3}
Explanation This message provides the configured HTTPS proxy information. Action No action is required.
WSWS3450I: Info: SSL configuration is from {0}.
Explanation This message provided information about the specified SSL configuration. SSL can be configured using a Java property file, an SSL configuration alias, or the Java Secure Sockets Extension (JSSE) SSL settings. Action No action is required.
WSWS3451I: Info: Response from Proxy for HTTP CONNECT: {0}.
Explanation This message describes the HTTP response from the Proxy for the HTTP CONNECT request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3452E: Internal Error: Attempted to generate code without first parsing WSDL file.
Explanation Attempt has been made to generate the code without first parsing the WSDL file. Action More info at:
WSWS3453I: File {0} will NOT be written. Write permission denied by underlying file system.
Explanation The WSDL2Java emitter issues this message when it has attempted to write data to a file and the attempt was denied by underlying file operating system. This error most likely occured due to restrictions with the application developer. Action No action is required.
WSWS3454E: Mixture of different settings for ''style/use'' within a WSDL binding is NOT supported. Inconsistent values for the "{0}" binding are: {1}={2} and {3}={4}
Explanation The WS-I mandates that the style and use settings for inputs, outputs, and faults settings must match in any one binding. See the WS-I Web site at the following address: // :// Action Modify your WSDL document to make that the style and use settings for inputs, outputs, and faults are consistent.
WSWS3455I: Error: Invalid -javaSearch option argument "{0}". Valid options are "File", "Classpath", or "Both". Defaulting to "File".
Explanation The -javaSearch option of WSDL2Java emitter is incorrect. Action Correct the -javaSearch option setting by using a valid option.
WSWS3456E: Error: The onStartChild method of {0} does not know understand how to process element {1}. Processing cannot continue.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3457W: Warning: The WSDL2Java emitter has found relative namespace {0} in the WSDL, and cannot transform it to an absolute namespace.
Explanation The WSDL file has a relative namespace, such as /home. The file does not have ancestor absolute namespaces to pre-catenate and make an absolute namespace, such as // :// Action Fix the namespaces in the WSDL file.
WSWS3458E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Incompatible return types found at SEI method: "{0}"
Existing Java return type = {1}
WSDL defined return type = {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. A return type for an existing service endpoint interface classis not compatible with its WSDL definition. Action Correct the incompatibility between your existing service endpoint interface and the WSDL document.
WSWS3459E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Incompatible parameter types found at SEI method: "{0}"
Existing Java parameter type = {1}
WSDL defined parameter type = {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. A parameter type for an existing service endpoint interface class is not compatible with its WSDL definition. Action Correct the incompatibility between your existing service endpoint interface and the WSDL document.
WSWS3460E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Incompatible field types found in Java class: "{0}"
Existing Java class field type = {1}
WSDL defined field type = {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. An existing Java class field type is not compatible with it WSDL definition. Action Correct the incompatibility between your existing Java class and WSDL document.
WSWS3461E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Enumeration class is invalid: "{0}"
Missing the following JAX-RPC required method = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. An existing enumeration class is missing a required method. Action Add the specified method to the enumeration class.
WSWS3462E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Enumeration class is invalid: "{0}"
Contains invalid method = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. An existing enumeration class contains a method that is not valid. Action Remove specified method from the Enumeration class.
WSWS3463E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Bean class is invalid: "{0}"
Does NOT contain a public default constructor = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. An existing Bean class does not contain required default constructor. Action Add a default constructor to the specified Bean.
WSWS3464E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Bean class is invalid: "{0}"
It extends a non-bean class = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified bean class does not extend the appropriate Java class. Action Change the specified bean class to extend a compatible Java class.
WSWS3465E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Bean class is invalid: "{0}"
It does not define a bean property for the following data member = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified bean does not have the corresponding bean properties for its data members. Action Make the data member public or add the corresponding get and set methods.
WSWS3466E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Fault class is invalid: "{0}"
It does not extend = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified fault class is not a Java exception class. Action Make the specified fault class extend the java.lang.Exception class.
WSWS3467E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Fault class is invalid: "{0}"
Does not implement a valid public constructor: "{1}", containing {2} parameters.
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified fault class does not implement a constructor with the correct number of parameters. Action Make sure that the fault class implements a public constructor with the required parameters.
WSWS3468E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Fault class is invalid: "{0}"
It does not define a property for the following data member = {1}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified fault class does not have the corresponding bean properties for its data members. Action Make the data member public or add the corresponding get and set methods.
WSWS3469E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Incompatible parameter types found at Fault class method: "{0}"
Existing Java parameter type = {1}
WSDL defined parameter type = {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. An existing fault class parameter type is not compatible with its WSDL definition. Action Correct the incompatibility between your existing fault class and the WSDL document.
WSWS3470E: Error while running class ''{0}''.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3471W: Binding {0} has already been generated and will not be re-generated.
Explanation The Java2WSDL emitter has encountered a duplicate binding. Action No action is required.
WSWS3472W: One-way operations were requested for methods returning ''void'', but operation ''{0}'' has been declared to throw a fault, so it will be converted into a two-way operation.
Explanation The emitter is attempting to help by doing this conversion. Action No action is required.
WSWS3473E: No binding generator was found for binding type ''{0}''.
Explanation An unsupported binding type has been requested. Action Ensure that only valid binding types are requested.
WSWS3474I: Found a binding generator for binding type ''{0}''.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3475W: A binding specific location property was not specified for the requested {0} binding. The default location ''{1}'' will be used.
Explanation The Java2WSDL emitter -location option was not specified. Action No action is required unless a location other than the default is desired.
WSWS3476W: The generic -location option should not be used when more than one binding type has been requested.
Explanation You have requested more than one binding type with the -bindingTypes option, but we have specified a single endpoint location URI with the -location option. When requesting multiple binding types, you should specify binding-specific endpoint location URI values for each of the requested binding types by using the <binding-type>.location properties instead of using the -location command-line option. Action Specify multiple endpoint location URI values with the -properties option.
WSWS3477I: Binding-specific properties are {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3479E: The ''{0}'' property is required, but was not specified.
Explanation The specified property is required. Action Specify the required property.
WSWS3480E: One or more errors occurred while validating the input properties.
Explanation See the previously reported errors. Action Fix the cause of previously reported, associated errors.
WSWS3481E: There is no binding defined for {0} RequestSender.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3482E: There is no deployment descriptor defined for {0} RequestSender.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3483E: Could not find WSDL file ''{0}'' within the EAR.
Explanation The WSDL file cannot be found where it was expected. Action Fix the WSDL file within the exterprise archive (EAR) file.
WSWS3484E: Caught {0} while trying to read WSDL file ''{1}'': {2}
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3485E: No WSDL services were found for namespace ''{0}''.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3486E: The ClassLoader parameter was passed in as null.
Explanation The ClassLoader parameter is required for the method to function properly, but a null value was passed in. Action Ensure that a non-null value is passed in for the ClassLoader parameter.
WSWS3487E: The port name and service ref name are both null.
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action More info at:
WSWS3488E: Error: This SOAPElement is not a swaRef - it is not a reference to an attachment.
Explanation Either the SOAPElement does not contain a text node or the text node does not refer to an attachment. Action Make sure the SOAPElement is a swaRef element by calling the isSwaRef method.
WSWS3489E: Error: Mime type {0} does not match object type {1}.
Explanation The mimeType must be consistent with the object: image/gif, image/jpeg ==> java.awt.Image text/plain ==> java.lang.String multipart/* ==> javax.mail.internet.MimeMultipart text/xml, application/xml ==> javax.xml.transform.Source (actually, all others ==> javax.activation.DataHandler Action Make sure that the parameters for the addSwaRefTextNode method are consistent.
WSWS3490E: Error: The system cannot load the file referenced within {0}. The problem is with {1}.
Explanation The file that has been specified by user cannot be found in the file system. Action Make sure that file exists and that the file name is spelled correctly.
WSWS3491E: Error: Reading import file: {0}
Explanation The imported file specified in WSDL file cannot be located in the file system. Action Make sure that the file exists and that the file name is spelled correctly.
WSWS3492W: Warning: Invalid option combination: style={0} and use={1}
Will default to document/literal.
Explanation The document and encoded combination is not a valid combination of style and use. Action Use a valid combination of style and use such as rpc/encoded, rpc/literal, or document/literal.
WSWS3493E: Error: Invalid combination: style="{0}" and use="{1}"
For binding="{2}" and binding operation="{3}"
Explanation The document and encoded combination is not a valid combination of style and use. Action Use a valid combination of style and use such as rpc/encoded, rpc/literal, or document/literal.
WSWS3494I: syncTimeout value is {0} seconds to wait for response to the current SOAP over {1} request.
Explanation This message specifies the configured syncTimeout value in seconds. Action No action is required.
WSWS3495I: {0} is used as the final endpoint address.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes. Action No action is required.
WSWS3496I: {0} is used as the proxy address.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes. Action No action is required.
WSWS3497I: Status in the HTTP response: {0}, {1}
Explanation This message indicates the HTTP response from the server. Action No action is required.
WSWS3498E: No HTTP status has been received for the current HTTP response.
Explanation The HTTP status information is not available to determine the HTTP response. Action Make sure the target HTTP server is up.
WSWS3499W: Redirected new location: {0}
Explanation The HTTP response indicates a new location for the target resource. Action You may want to check the product documentation for details about how to accept the automatic redirection to the new location.
WSWS3500I: Required service: {0} from JNDI namespace: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3501E: Failures from the Channel Framework service: {0}
Explanation Failure messages have been received from the Channel Framework service. Action Check the log file for the errors that have been reported by Channel Framework service.
WSWS3502E: Unsupported schema for HTTP: {0}
Explanation The Web services engine found an unsupported schema with the HTTP transport. Action Verify the target endpoint address.
WSWS3503I: Updated configuration of the outbound connection for key: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3504E: Failed to retrieve HTTP(S) proxy information for the proxy connection.
Explanation The run time failed to get the HTTP proxy information to process the proxy connection. Action Make sure that the HTTP or HTTPS proxy information is configured properly. See the product documentation for information on how to configure for HTTP proxy.
WSWS3505I: Creating channel named: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3506I: Found channel named: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3507I: Creating channel chain named: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3508I: Found channel chain named: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3509I: Expect 100 Continue in the HTTP response...sending HTTP request headers only to connection: {0}
Explanation The Expect 100-Continue header is set. Only HTTP request headers are sent to determine if server is willing to accept the HTTP request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3510I: Sending both HTTP request headers and body message to connection: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3511I: Sending current request to {0} in version: {1}
Explanation The Web services engine is sending the current SOAP message over an HTTP request with the indicated HTTP version. This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3512E: Unsupported HTTP version: {0}
Explanation An unsupported HTTP version has been detected. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3513E: Invalid HTTP response received from the connection for: {0}
Explanation The HTTP response is not valid. This error is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3514E: No HTTP response body is available from the connection for: {0}
Explanation Failures have occurred with the HTTP Channel service. Action Check the log file for the errors that have been reported by HTTP Channel service.
WSWS3515E: Failures with the SSL Channel services: {0}
Explanation Failures have occurred with the SSL Channel service. Action Check the log file for the errors that have been reported by SSL Channel service.
WSWS3516I: Received cookie for HTTP header: {0} in the response from connection to: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3517I: Target address to connect: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3518I: Target address: {0} is already connected.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3519I: Disconnecting target address: {0}. Mark the object to be closed: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3520I: Target address: {0} is already disconnected. The connection object: {1} is already marked.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3521I: Reset the connection object for target address: {0}. Connection is persistent? {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3522I: Read keystore password property for: {0}
Explanation This message indicates how many keystore password properties have been identified. Action No action is required.
WSWS3523E: The serialization engine detected an element nesting greater than 100 elements. This exceeds the limit of the serialization engine. This problem was found while serializing an object of class: {0}
Explanation An attempt has been made to serialize a message with too deep a nesting. This could be due to a linked list with too many nodes. This problem could also be due to an attempt to serialize a graph containing looped references. Action Correct the data being serialized.
WSWS3524E: The requested WSDL document is not displayed because there are no SOAP ports present in the requested WSDL. Use the /extwsdl query to access the full WSDL document.
Explanation When you append /wsdl to a service URL it is a request to retrieve a WSDL document that contains SOAP ports for the HTTP or JMS transports. If the ports do not exist, this error is displayed instead of the WSDL document. Action Modify the query to obtain the extended WSDL document or contact the Web service owner.
WSWS3525E: Exception occurred while loading "META-INF/services/CustomBindingProvider.xml" files.
Explanation The engine or tool failed to parse the CustomBindingProvider.xml to build the CustomProvider object. Action Check the CustomBindingProvider.xml files to see whether there are any syntax error.
WSWS3526W: No namespace was found for a mapping defined in the file {0}.
Explanation The Web services engine expects that every custom type mapping has a non-default namespace. Action Correct the CustomBindingProvider.xml file.
WSWS3527I: Discovered and loaded the custom binding provider from the file: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3528E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Extension base mismatch between existing Bean and WSDL document.
Existing Bean class: "{0}"
Extends the following class: {1}
However the following extension base
is specified in the WSDL document: {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified bean class does not extend the same extension base specified in the WSDL document. Action Change the specified bean class or the WSDL document to extend the appropriate Java class.
WSWS3529I: Outbound connection object expired: {0}. Time from the last access to the object: {1} millieseconds.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3530I: Found an existed outbound connection object: {0} in the cache.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3531I: Created a new outbound connection object: {0} in the cache using virtual connection factory: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3532I: Returning a closed outbound connection object: {0} to the cache.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3533I: Returning an outbound connection object: {0} to the cache.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3534W: Encountered unknown outbound connection object: {0}
Explanation The run time found an unknown outbound connection object. This problem might be an internal error. Action Check for a connection exception in the log file.
WSWS3535I: Remove outbound connection object: {0} from the cache.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3536I: New connection established with virtual connection object: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3537I: Connection established already with virtual connection object: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3538W: A connection is attempted with outbound connection object that is already marked to be closed: {0}
Explanation The Web services engine attempted to access a closed connection. This problem might be an internal error. Action Check for a connection exception in the log file.
WSWS3539E: Exception {0} is caught. Release related virtual connection object:{1} and outbound service context: {2}
Explanation An exception has caused the release of a saved virtual connection object and an outbound service context. Action Check the log for the last exception that was caught.
WSWS3540I: Key {0} found for connection table lookup: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3541E: Error: Attribute {0} is referenced but not defined.
Explanation This WSDL2Java emitter error indicates that an attribute is referenced but it cannot find a definition. Action Correct your WSDL file so that the appropriate definition is located.
WSWS3542I: Each failed HTTP connection will be retried until succeeds.
Explanation Based on a Java system property setting, each HTTP connection is retried until the connection succeeds. However, this action is not recommended as a deadlock might occur. Action Consider modifying the configuration of the target's HTTP inbound transport to accept more connections.
WSWS3543I: Number of retries for failed HTTP connection: {0}.
Explanation Based on a Java system property setting, each HTTP connection is retried for the configured number of times. However, be cautious about changing this property as a deadlock might occur. The default value is 3. Action Consider modifying the configuration for the target HTTP inbound transport to accept more connections.
WSWS3544W: Exception caught: {0}. HTTP connection to retry: {1}.
Explanation The reported exception is caught, but the HTTP connection will be retried until the configured number of times is reached. Action Consider modifying the configuration for the target HTTP inbound transport to accept more connections.
WSWS3545I: Released object: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3546I: Current size of the connection object pool: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3547I: Outbound connection group is created for key: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3548W: Warning: WSDL2Java could not discover a suitable StubWriter. The default SOAP StubWriter will be used.
Explanation An internal discovery problem occurred that might be related to the class loader. Action More info at:
WSWS3549E: Error: WSDL2Java could not discover a suitable StubWriter for {0}.
Explanation An internal discovery problem occurred that might be related to the class loader. The WSDL2Java emitter cannot continue. Action More info at:
WSWS3550E: Error: The MessageContext specifies Style {0} but the OperationDesc specifies Style {1}.
Explanation A bad property has been detected on the MessageContext or OperationDesc. This problem might be caused by an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3551E: Error: The MessageContext specifies Use {0} but the OperationDesc specifies Use {1}.
Explanation A bad property has been detected on the MessageContext or OperationDesc. This problem might be caused by an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3552E: Error: Cannot load the Java class for the custom binder: {0}.
Explanation Either the above custom binder does not exist or it is not in the class path for the context classloader. Action More info at:
WSWS3553E: Error: The value of -MIMEstyle must be AXIS, swaRef or WSDL11.
Explanation The -MIMEstyle option of the Java2WSDL emitter is incorrect. Action Use the correct -MIMEstyle option. The value must be AXIS, swaRef, or WSDL11.
WSWS3554E: Error: Group {0} is referenced but not defined.
Explanation This WSDL2Java emitter error indicates that a group is referenced, but a definition cannot be found. Action Correct the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) file.
WSWS3555E: Error: AttributeGroup {0} is referenced but not defined.
Explanation This WSDL2Java emitter error indicates that a attributeGroup value is referenced, but a definition cannot be found. Action Correct the Web Services Definition Language (WSDL) file.
WSWS3556I: No compression will be performed for HTTP Content-Encoding.
Explanation Compression is not performed for the HTTP content encoding in the HTTP request or the HTTP response. Hence, the Web services property for HTTP compression has been ignored. Action We can complete one of the following actions 1.) Validate the value of Web services property for HTTP compression. 2.) Check for error messages from the HTTP Channel. 3.) Ignore the message if compression is not needed.
WSWS3557I: Compression type of <gzip(x-gzip)> enabled? {0}
Explanation This message indicates whether the described compression type is enabled. Note: gzip and x-gzip compression use the same compression mechanism. Action Verify that the Web services property for HTTP compression is configured as needed.
WSWS3558I: Compression type of <deflate> enabled? {0}
Explanation This message indicates whether the deflate compression type is enabled. Action Verify that the Web services property for HTTP compression is configured as needed.
WSWS3559I: Using {0} type of HTTP Channel.
Explanation This message specifies the type of HTTP Channel used for HTTP connection. It could be an In-process or network type. Action No action is required.
WSWS3560W: Unable to get an Inprocess Channel: {0}. Proceed now with a network type of Channel.
Explanation There might be an error when the system attempted to find an Inprocess HTTP Channel. However, this message might not be a problem unless an in-process connection is required. The system continues with a channel network type instead. Action If necessary, check the trace for Work Load Management (WLM) or Dynamic Work Load Management Client (DWLMclient) errors.
WSWS3561E: Mapped to cluster name <{0}> using - host: {1}, port: {2}, URI path: {3}
Explanation The printed data has been used to map to a valid cluster name. Action No action is required.
WSWS3562W: Warning: The -wrapped option setting is only useful if -style DOCUMENT and -use LITERAL. Processing continues and the wrapped setting is ignored.
Explanation The -wrapped option is only applicable if -use LITERAL and -style DOCUMENT. Action Remove the -wrapped option or set the -use/-style options correctly.
WSWS3563I: Accept-Encoding header from incoming HTTP request = {0}
Explanation This message lists the value that is set by the Web services client for acceptable content-codings in the HTTP response. For more details, see the Hypertext Transfer Protocol specification. A null header value indicates an empty Accept-Encoding header in the incoming HTTP request; hence, content encoding is not done in the HTTP response. Action If this is a Web services client, check the Web services property for HTTP compression encoding of the target service port. Make sure that the value is configured properly.
WSWS3564I: ChannelFramework EndPoint object: {0} is mapped, using Identity object of {1}
Explanation This printed data is used to map for a channelframework endpoint object that can be used later to create In-process connection. Action No user action is required.
WSWS3565E: Error: Invalid endpoint argument to Service.getPort {0}
Explanation The specified endpoint has beens used to invoke the Service.getPort method. Action Correct the invocation of the Service.getPort method.
WSWS3566E: Error: Invalid port for Service.createCall: {0}
Explanation The specified port has been used to invoke the Service.createCall method. Action Correct the invocation of the Service.createCall method.
WSWS3567E: Error: Invalid operation for Service.createCall: {0}
Explanation The specified operation has been used to invoke the Service.createCall method. Action Correct the invocation of the Service.createCall method.
WSWS3568E: ---------- WSDL2Java VALIDATION ERROR ----------
Existing Bean class is invalid: "{0}"
It does not define a set method for the following data member = {1}
A get method was found = {2}
Explanation A validation error occurred. The specified bean does not correctly define a bean property for the designated data member. Action Make the data member public or add an appropriate set method. Be particularly careful to ensure that the get and set methods use the same capitalization.
WSWS3569I: Inbound {0} {1} request:
Content-Type: {2}
Message contents:
Explanation Informational message about what was received as a Web services request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3570I: Inbound {0} {1} response:
Content-Type: {2}
Message contents:
Explanation Informational message about what was received in response to a previous Web services request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3571I: Outbound {0} {1} request:
Content-Type: {2}
Message contents:
Explanation Informational message about what was sent as a Web services request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3572I: Outbound {0} {1} response:
Content-Type: {2}
Message contents:
Explanation Informational message about what was sent as a response to a Web services request. Action No action is required.
WSWS3573E: Cluster identity object: {0} found by the RequestMapper using original endpoint address: {1}. If the identity object is null, transport will proceed to use default channels for connections.
Explanation The RequestMapper of Dynamic Work Load Management Client may have or have not found a matching cluster identity. If the object is null, transport will proceed to use default channels for connections. Action If Clustering is used, check for errors from Dynamic Work Load Management Client(DWLMClient) in trace.
WSWS3574E: ---------- FATAL ERRORS ENCOUNTERED ----------
See messages to follow for more details.
Explanation Fatal errors have been encountered most likely due to user error. See the associated error messages. The code and artifacts generation has been suspended. Action Correct the reported problems and try again.
WSWS3575E: Failed to set the protection for the SOAPBody.
Explanation The Web services engine attempted to protect the SOAP message body before invoking the JAX-RPC handlers. However, an unknown error occurred in the process. Action More info at:
WSWS3576I: Info: Changed java name {0} to {1} for xml construct {2} due to mapping file reference.
Explanation The JSR109 mapping file defined a name for the XML construct that is different than the default mapping. Action No action is required.
WSWS3577I: Info: Changed java name {0} to {1} for xml construct {2} due to custom binding designation.
Explanation The custom binder defined a name for the XML construct that is different than the default mapping. Action No action is required.
WSWS3578I: Info: Changed java name {0} to {1} for xml construct {2} due to java reflection.
Explanation Java reflection indicates that the name of the XML construct is different than the default mapping. Action No action is required.
WSWS3579I: Info: Introspecting SEI {0}. JavaClass is: {1}
Explanation The Web services engine is performing introspection of the indicated SEI. Action No action is required.
WSWS3580I: Info: Introspecting class for xml construct {0}. JavaClass is: {1}
Explanation The Web services engine is performing introspection of the indicated class. Action No action is required.
WSWS3581E: Error: PortType operation has no corresponding binding operation: name = {0}, input name = {1}, output name = {2}
Explanation A portType operation within the WSDL file is not valid. Action Correct the WSDL file.
WSWS3582E: The ''{0}'' property is invalid unless -bindingTypes // (or no bindingTypes) is also specified.
Explanation When the property is specified, the corresponding property also must be specified. Action Re-specify the property using bindningTypes // .
WSWS3583E: The ''{0}'' property is invalid unless -bindingTypes jms is also specified.
Explanation When the property is specified, the corresponding property must also be specified. Action Re-specify the property using bindningTypes jms.
WSWS3584E: The ''{0}'' property is invalid unless -bindingTypes ejb is also specified.
Explanation When the property is specified, the corresponding property must also be specified. Action Re-specify the property using bindingTypes ejb.
WSWS3585W: Warning: PortType operation has no corresponding binding operation containing the same number of input and output parameter names; name = {0}, input name = {1}, output name = {2}
Explanation An inconsistent portType and binding operation have been encountered in the WSDL file. Action Make sure that the WSDL file is correct.
WSWS3586I: Invoking method: {0}() of class: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3587I: Received Cluster Identity object: {0} from WS-Addressing. If the Identity object is null, transport attempts to map one by the RequestMapper.
Explanation The indicated identity object has been received from the WS-Addressing functionality. If the object is null, the transport attempts to map one by the RequestMapper. Action If clustering is used, check for errors from the WS-Addressing functionality in the trace.
WSWS3588I: Could not map an Cluster Identity object: {0} to a valid endpoint. Transport attempts to use default channels for connections.
Explanation The indicated identity object cannot be mapped to a valid endpoint. Action If the object is null, check for errors from Clustering and ChannelFramework functionality in the trace.
WSWS3589I: Exception caught: {0} resolving the endpoint. Proceed to next option using RequestMapper.
Explanation An exception has been caught. However, the exception can be benign because the transport can proceed to next option using the RequestMapper to resolve the endpoint. Action If applicable, check for errors that are related to the WS-Addressing functionality.
WSWS3590I: Exception caught: {0} resolving the endpoint. Proceed to next option using default channels.
Explanation An exception has been caught. However, the exception can be benign because the transport can proceed to next option using the default channels to resolve the endpoint. Action If applicable, check for errors that are related to the Dynamic Work Load Management Client.
WSWS3591I: An exception which was defined in the WSDL for the the operation has been thrown by the service endpoint. This may not indicate an error.
Explanation The service endpoint implementation has created an exception. This message might indicate an error in the service endpoint implementation. Action Contact the owner of the service endpoint implementation to determine if this exception indicates normal processing or an error condition.
WSWS3592E: Error: Could not resolve to an operation. The message contains body elements named ""{0}"", and this matches multiple operations ""{1}"". Debug: {2}
Explanation This error message is likely a symptom of an incorrect WSDL file. Action Fix the WSDL file to remove the ambiguity.
WSWS3593E: Error: Operations {0} and {1} have the same parameters elements in their input request message. Please change the WSDL.
Explanation The Document/Literal operations must have unique parameter elements in their input message so that the target server can determine which operation is invoked. Action Fix the WSDL file to remove the ambiguity.
WSWS3594E: Error: Methods {0} and {1} have the same parameters names. A document literal non-wrapped wsdl cannot be produced.
Explanation The Document/Literal operations must have unique parameter elements in their input message so that the target service can determine which operation is invoked. Action Specify the -wrapped true option on the Java2WSDL emitter.
WSWS3595I: Current pool size: {0}. Connections-in-use size: {1}. Configured pool size: {2}
Explanation This informational message describes the current condition of the outbound HTTP connection pool. Action No action is required.
WSWS3596I: Current thread: {0} is going to wait for notification.
Explanation Indicates that the connection pool is full and that the current thread is waiting for openings. The run time might wait for a very long time if the network is busy. Action If the wait is too long, consider specifying a connection wait timeout, or increase the number of maximum connections, or both. Check for network problems.
WSWS3597I: Current thread: {0} is going to wait {1} milliseconds for notification.
Explanation Indicates that the connection pool is full and that the current thread is waiting for openings for the specified amount of time. If no opening is available, a "Connection timed out" exception might result. Action If the exception is found,consider increasing the maximum connections value for the connection pool, and the connection wait timeout value to wait for openings in the pool. Check for network problems.
WSWS3598I: Notify the next waiting thread.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3599I: The current thread: {0} has been notified.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3600I: The connection wait timed out.
Explanation This message is seen with a WebServicesFault exception. The connection wait for an opening in the connection pool has been reached and no connection object is available. Action Consider increasing the connection wait timeout, and increasing the maximum connections value. Check for network problems.
WSWS3601E: An unexpected integrity problem occurred with the connection pool.
Explanation This message originates from the outbound connection cache of the channel transport. Action More info at:
WSWS3602I: Current endpoint: {0}. New endpoint: {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3700E: Error: Non-whitespace character content ({0}) was detected in the {1}. Processing cannot continue.
Explanation The indicated construct cannot have mixed character content. Action Correct the SOAP message.
WSWS3701E: Error: An exception was encountered. Use the wsdeploy command to deploy the application. The exception is {0} {1}
Explanation An unexpected exception occurred and the run time has detected generated code that is from a different build. Action Deploy the application again with the wsdeploy command. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
WSWS3702E: Error: Could not resolve to an operation. The message contains an element named ""{0}"", but this element does not match any operation of the target port.
However, the following operation(s) ({1}) have similar information but are a different style.
This difference might indicate that the client sent a {2} message and the server is expecting a {3} message.
Debug: {4}
Explanation It is possible that the client and the server have different operation styles. This symptom can indicate a Web service deployment problem or an incorrect SOAP request message. Action Correct the client message so that it matches the style that is expected on the server.
WSWS3703E: Error: The WSDL operation, {2}, contains multiple {1} parameters that are mapped to the same qname: {0}.
Explanation The parameters in the SOAP message must be unique. Action Change the part name for the WSDL message and the element attributes to ensure unique parameters.
WSWS3704W: Warning: Java2WSDL encountered a inner nested class named {0} in the input. Inner classes are not supported. Generation will continue.
Explanation The input service endpoint interface references a class that is nested inside another class. This process is unsupported. Action Change the Java structure.
WSWS3705E: ERROR: Document: {0}, imported by a wsdl:import from within: {1},
is neither a schema or a WSDL file.
Explanation The emitter has found a non-WSDL or schema file that is being referenced through a wsdl:import. Action Make sure that the document that is being imported is a valid WSDL document. We can use the WSDL:imports to import a schema, but it is not recommended.
WSWS3706W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
Document: {1} is using a wsdl:import to import a schema file: {0}
WS-I requires wsdl:imports to import only WSDL documents.
Explanation The emitter found that a wsdl:import namespace attribute is being used to import a schema file instead of a WSDL file. Action To be compliant with the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specification, make sure that the wsdl:imports namespace attribute only imports WSDL documents and that the xsd:imports statement is used instead to import schemas.
WSWS3707W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
The wsdl:import namespace attribute= {0}
in document= {1}, is a relative URI.
WS-I requires wsdl:import namespaces to be absolute.
Explanation A wsdl:import namespace attribute contains a relative URI, which is not compliant with the Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specifications. Action To be WS-I compliant make the namespace attribute an absolute URI, such as // ://
WSWS3708W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
The schemaLocation attribute of the xsd:import: {0}
does NOT resolve to a document whose root element is a schema.
Explanation The schemaLocation attribute of the xsd:import does not resolve to a document whose root element is a schema. This situation does not comply with Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specifications. Action To be WS-I compliant, make sure that the schemaLocation attribute resolves to a document whose root element is a schema.
WSWS3709E: Internal Error: Unsupported content found in web services engine. Content of type {0} was found.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3710E: Internal Error: Attempt to change encoding on WebServicesInputSource from {0} to {1}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3711E: Internal Error: WebServicesInputSource internal state error: {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3712E: Internal Error: Attempt to write empty WebServicesInputSource.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS3713E: Connection to the remote host {0} failed.Received the following error: {1}
Explanation A connection to the remote host was not possible. Action Check the connection and port settings. For more information, review the reported errors.
WSWS3714W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
WS-I specifies that XML Schema "{2}" statements only appear in
the xsd:schema element of the types section.
Document: {0}, is using a non-compliant Schema "{2}" to {2}: {1}
Explanation A schema import, include, or redefine is not being defined within an xsd:schema element. This situation does not comply with Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specifications. Action To be WS-I compliant, make sure the schemas are imported, included, or redefined from within schema elements. Use the WSDL imports function from within a WSDL definition document.
The WSDL document: {0}
contains a wsdl:import for namespace= {1},
but does not specify a "location" attribute.
Add a "location" attribute to the specified wsdl:import element.
Explanation A wsdl:import statement is missing the location attribute. Processing cannot continue. Action Add the location attribute to the specified wsdl:import element.
WSWS3716W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
The WSDL document: "{0}"
defines a "wsdl:import" element AFTER defining the following element: "{1}"
WS-I specifies that "wsdl:import" elements MUST precede all other elements
from the WSDL namespace except for "wsdl:documentation".
Explanation The specified WSDL document is not Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) compliant as it does not preserve the element order, which is specified by the WS-I specifications. The WS-I specifications state that wsdl:import elements must precede all of the other elements from the WSDL namespace except the wsdl:documentation element. Action To be WS-I compliant, change the order of the WSDL elements definitions and make sure that the wsdl:import elements are preceded by the wsdl:documentation, wsdl:#comment or wsdl:#text elements only.
WSWS3717W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
The WSDL document: "{0}"
defines a "wsdl:types" element AFTER defining the following element: "{1}"
WS-I specifies that "wsdl:types" elements MUST precede all other elements
from the WSDL namespace except for "wsdl:documentation" and "wsdl:import".
Explanation The specified WSDL document is not Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) compliant as it does not preserve the element order specified by the WS-I specifications. The WS-I specifications state that wsdl:types elements must precede all of the other elements from the WSDL namespace except the wsdl:documentation and wsdl:import elements. Action To be WS-I compliant, change the order of the wsdl elements that are defined and make sure that the wsdl:types elements are preceded by the wsdl:documentation, wsdl:#comment, wsdl:#text or wsdl:import elements only.
WSWS3718W: WARNING: Null namespace and targetNamespace NOT supported.
Document: {0}
does not define a ''namespace'' attribute when importing: {1}.
The file being imported does not define a ''targetNamespace'' either.
Please make sure, both, the ''namespace'' attribute and the ''targetNamespace''
of the imported file, are defined and equal in value.
Explanation The namespace attribute of the wsdl or xsd import function is not defined and the file being imported does not contain a targetNamespace definition. Thus, this configuration is not supported. Action Make sure that both, the namespace attribute and the targetNamespace definition for the imported file, are defined and equal in value.
WSWS3719W: WARNING: NOT WS-I Compliant.
Document: {0}
imports: {1},
with namespace attribute value of: {2}
However, {1},
contains a targetNamespace value of: {3}
WS-I requires the import namespace attribute and the targetNamespace
of the imported document to be equal.
Explanation The Web Services Interoperability (WS-I) specification requires import namespace attributes to equal the value of the targetNamespace value for the imported document. Action Make sure that both, the namespace attribute and the targetNamespace definition for the imported file, are defined and equal in value.
WSWS3720I: Dynamic Work Load Management Client is enabled: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3721I: Info: {0} is an asynchronous operation indicated by WS-Addressing.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3722I: Info: {0} is a Request-Response operation.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3723E: Error: The value stored as the "{0}" property must be of type ''java.util.HashMap'',but was found to be of type "{1}".
Explanation To set implicit SOAP headers on a Stub or Call object, use a java.util.HashMap. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3724E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property was empty.
Explanation To set implicit SOAP headers on a Stub or Call object, use a non-empty java.util.HashMap. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3725E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property contains a null key.
Explanation The java.util.HashMap used with implicit SOAP headers should contain a non-null key of type javax.xml.namespace.QName. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3726E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property should contain keys of type "javax.xml.namespace.QName", but a key of type "{1}" was found.
Explanation The java.util.HashMap used with implicit SOAP headers contained a key of the incorrect type. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3727E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property contained a null value.
Explanation The java.util.HashMap containing request SOAP headers should contain non-null values. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3728E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property contained a value of type "{1}".
Explanation The java.util.HashMap containing request SOAP headers should contain values of type "java.lang.String" or "javax.xml.soap.SOAPElement". Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3729E: Error: The java.util.HashMap stored as the "{0}" property should contain null values.
Explanation The java.util.HashMap containing response SOAP headers should contain null values. Action Correct the client application code.
WSWS3730E: Error: SOAP header "{0}" is restricted from client access.
Explanation The client application attempted to set or get an implicit SOAP header that has been declared as protected. Action Do not attempt to set or get a protected SOAP header.
WSWS3731E: Internal Error: the request SOAP header HashMap should have been previously validated.
Explanation A validation error was found in the request SOAP header HashMap, yet the HashMap should have been validated previously. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS3732E: Error: This DOM 3 API, method {0} of interface {1}, is not supported.
Explanation This operation is not supported by the SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.2 specification. Action Please use a DOM 2 API.
WSWS3733W: Warning: The -deployScope option is ignored unless the -role option is "develop-server" or "server".
Explanation The -deployScope option modifies the output only when the is role develop-server. Action Correct the option setting.
WSWS3734W: Warning: Exception caught from invocation to {0}:
Explanation An unexpected exception was caught during the dispatching of the message. Action Determine the source of the exception using the class name of the dispatcher and the call stack that is presented in the message. If the exception is from an external provider, contact the provider for a resolution. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
WSWS3735E: Error: The XML Schema 'extension' within a 'redefine' is not currently supported.
Explanation The WSDL2Java emitter does not support redefine elements with extensions. Action Correct your WSDL file or schema. Completely define the type within the redefine element.
WSWS3736I: Info: SSL connection info is {0} .
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3737I: Info: Found programmatically set SSL thread properties = {0} with listener = {1} registered.
Explanation The run time has found SSL properties programmatically set on the current thread. The same properties are registered with the event listener. SSL properties that are programmatically set always have the highest precedence. Action If this precedence is not intended, the application should not programmatically set the properties prior to invocation.
WSWS3738I: Info: Found SSL configuration alias = <{0}> and SSL certificate alias = <{1}> from the message context.
Explanation Based upon the JAX-RPC model, the SSL configuration alias or SSL certificate alias can be specified and might have been found from the message context. The information is used for the SSL connection of the current invocation. However, there might not be value for each alias if the alias has never been specified. Action If this scenario is not intended, the application should not set the properties prior to invocation. See the product documentation.
WSWS3739W: Warning: Unable to resolve for an SSL configuration. Explicitly request JSSE properties from security's JSSEHelper.
Explanation The runtime failed to resolve for an effective SSL configuration. Attempt to default to the JSSE system properties. Action Make sure the SSL configuration is properly set for this invocation following the precedence rules specified in the product documentation.
WSWS3740E: Error: No SSL configuration is available for endpoint - {0}
Explanation The runtime failed to resolve for an effective SSL configuration with the specified endpoint. Action Make sure SSL configuration is properly set for this endpoint following the precedence rules specified in the product documentation.
WSWS3741I: Info: JSSEHelper from Security returns SSL properties = {0} with listener = {1} registered.
Explanation The SSL properties have been received from the security configuration. The same properties are registered with the event listener. Action No action is required.
WSWS3742I: Info: Mark SSL configuration object {0} to be deleted.
Explanation Internal operation. Action No action is required.
WSWS3743I: Info: Outbound connection object {0} for address {1} has been invalidated.
Explanation Internal operation. The connection object marked is not usable. Action No action is required.
WSWS3744I: Info: With matching address {0}, found the associated connection object {1} to be invalidated.
Explanation Internal operation. The connection object invalidated is not usable. Action No action is required.
WSWS3745I: Info: Return an outbound connection object: {0} that is in invalid state.
Explanation Internal operation. Action No action is required.
WSWS3746W: Warning: Caught {0}. Query again from the Unified Clustering Framework.
Explanation This exception might be due to a timing problem that is caused by the asynchronous operation, which is done by the Unified Clustering Framework. The Web services engine will attempt to query from the Unified Clustering Framework again. Action No action is required.
WSWS3747W: Warning: Second query from the Unified Clustering Framework failed. No ChannelTarget object is returned from the Unified Clustering Framework.
Explanation The second query has failed. The Web services engine proceeded to the next option using default channels. Action If unified clustering is needed, this message is an error. Check the trace for any errors from the clustering functionality.
WSWS3748I: Info: Returned ChannelTarget object from the Unified Clustering Framework: {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3749I: Info: Loading Document at: {0}, Attempt {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3750W: Warning: Class: {0}, is of type java.util.Collection. This is NOT a supported JAX-RPC type, however generation will NOT be suspended.
Explanation The application uses a type that is not a JAX-RPC supported type. Although the Web services engine proceeds with generating artifacts, it's use is not supported. Action Modify the application to use a type that is not a java.util.Collection type, use custom data mappings to map the Collection type, or use it as-is, at your own risk.
WSWS3751E: Error: The ServiceName in the WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR {0} does not match the service originally configured {1}
Explanation A new WS-Addressing destination endpoint reference (EPR) is being set. However, the service name from the EPR does not match the original service name that is configured in this object. Action Enable WS-Addressing trace and check for WS-Addressing errors.
WSWS3752I: (C) COPYRIGHT International Business Machines Corp. 1997, 2010.
Explanation Standard IBM Copyright. Action No action is required.
WSWS3753I: IBM WAS Release 8.0
Explanation Standard IBM banner displayed by the web services emitter. Action No action is required.
WSWS3754I: Web services Java2WSDL emitter.
Explanation Standard IBM banner displayed by the Java to WSDL emitter. Action No action is required.
WSWS3755I: Web services WSDL2Java emitter.
Explanation Standard IBM banner displayed by the WSDL to Java emitter. Action No action is required.
WSWS3756E: Invalid HTTP host value. Host value is {0} within the given URL {1}
Explanation The HTTP host value is not valid. This error might be an internal error. Action Modify or add valid host to the endpoint URL.
WSWS3757E: Invalid HTTP port value. Port value is {0} within the given URL {1}
Explanation The HTTP port value is not valid. This error might be an internal error. Action Modify or add valid port to the endpoint URL.
WSWS3758I: Local cell name: {0}. Mapped cell name from DWLM client: {1}.
Explanation This message provides information about the local and mapped cell names. The mapped cell name can be from a remote cluster. Action No action is required.
WSWS3759E: {0} encountered. Failed to evaluate the WS-Addressing EPR.
Explanation The Web services engine is unable to evaluate the current endpoint reference (EPR) in the WS-Addressing run time. Action Make sure that the EPR is set properly. Enable WS-Addressing trace for more information.
WSWS3760I: A re-directed asynchronous delivery is detected. Switch to sendSOAPRequestAsync() for {0}
Explanation This message states that the sendSOAPRequestAsync method is used to make a re-directed asynchronous delivery. This situation occurs only with re-directed asynchronous delivery due to WS-Addressing. Action No action is required.
WSWS3761I: Connection object: {0} will be returned later in the callback object: {1} due to an asynchronous delivery.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3762I: A response has been received for the previous asynchronous delivery using: {0} and {1}
Explanation This message tracks the response that is received for the previous asynchronous delivery that is caused by WS-Addressing. This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
WSWS3763E: An error has been received in the previous asynchronous delivery using: {0} and {1}
Explanation An error has occurred in the previous asynchronous delivery that is caused by WS-Addressing. Action Review the associated exception messages that occur after this message.
WSWS3764E: Error: The PortName in the WSADDRESSING_DESTINATION_EPR {0} does not match the port originally configured {1}
Explanation A new WS-Addressing destination endpoint reference (EPR) is being set. However, the port name from the EPR does not match the original port name that is configured in this object. Action Enable WS-Addressing trace and check for WS-Addressing errors.
WSWS3765W: Warning: The substitution group reference in the schema construct named {0} will be ignored by WSDL2Java.
Explanation The WSDL2Java emitter does not currently support XML schema substitution groups. Any reference to a substitution group is ignored. Action Modify your Web Services Description (WSDL) file or do not expect substitution group designations in the generated artifacts.
WSWS3766W: Warning: The argument "{0}" for the elementFormDefault option is invalid. Valid arguments are <qualified | unqualified>. Java2WSDL will ignore this option.
Explanation The Java2WSDL emitter only uses qualified or unqualified for the elementFormDefault option. Action Modify your Java2WSDL invocation to include a valid argument for the elementFormDefault option.
WSWS3767W: Warning: The argument "{0}" for the attributeFormDefault option is invalid. Valid arguments are <qualified | unqualified>. Java2WSDL will ignore this option.
Explanation The Java2WSDL emitter only uses qualified or unqualified for the attributeFormDefault option. Action Modify your Java2WSDL invocation to include a valid argument for the attributeFormDefault option.
WSWS3768W: Warning: The WSDL2Java emitter has found relative namespace: {0}
in the WSDL or schema file. Relative namespaces are neither WS-I compliant, nor compliant
in usage with WS-Security with digital signatures due to C14N restrictions.
Explanation The WSDL or schema file contains relative namespaces, such as "/home". Action When you use relative namespaces, you may have problems interoperating with other vendors and will encounter security limitations. Consider converting the relative namespaces to absolute namespaces.
WSWS3769W: Unkown option: "{0}". This entry will be ignored.
Explanation This option or property is not recognized by the emitters. The tooling will ignore it. Action Check the spelling or case used for the properties names and values and correct any errors.
WSWS3770W: Warning: WSDL2Java does not support {0} binding namespace.
Explanation The WSDL2Java emitter encountered an unsupported binding namespace and will continue code generation process for the supported binding(s). Action To avoid this warning, remove unsupported binding namespace from WSDL file.
WSWS3938E: The message is enclosed in {0} tags. As stated in the Basic Profile 1.1 Specification Rule R9980 , the message must be in a SOAP Envelope.
Explanation The SOAP Envelope must be the root element of the message. Action Correct the message to be compliant with Web services interoperability standards or work with your Web services provider.
WSWS3939E: The JMS endpoint URL is missing one or more of the following required properties: jndiConnectionFactoryName, targetService
Explanation A JMS endpoint URL string must contain the following properties: jndiConnectionFactoryName, targetService. These properties are used to describe the jndi connection factory and target service. Action Correct the JMS endpoint URL and retry.
WSWS3940E: The endpoint address URL is not of JMS type.
Explanation A Web services request was made which involves the JMS transport, but the request does not start with jms or jms:jndi for the JMS endpoint address URL. Action Make sure that the request contains a valid JMS endpoint address URL. If this request was invoked within the Web Services Gateway, make sure the proper configuration has been done.
WSWS3941E: The destination name is missing within the JMS endpoint URL: "{0}"
Explanation The specified JMS endpoint URL string did not contain a valid destination name following the "jms:jndi:" prefix. Action Correct the JMS endpoint URL and retry.
WSWS3942I: The SOAPMessage getSOAPHeader or getSOAPBody method threw an exception because that message part was null. If you would rather have a null returned rather than an exception thrown you may do either of the following: 1) Use SOAPMessage.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getHeader() or .getBody() as appropriate, or 2) set the System Property to true to have the SOAPMessage methods return null rather than throwing an exception.
Explanation The behavior of SOAPMessage.getSOAPHeader and getSOAPBody methods changed to thrown an exception rather than return null. Action If receiving an exception rather than returning null is acceptable, the do nothing. If you prefer to receive a null then you may do either of the following: 1) Use SOAPMessage.getSOAPPart().getEnvelope().getHeader() or .getBody() as appropriate, or 2) set the System Property to true to have the SOAPMessage methods return null rather than throwing an exception.
WSWS4100E: Method {0} of class {1} is not supported in SAAJ 1.2.
Explanation The indicated method requires SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.3 support. This support is not available in the the installed version of product. Action Use an SAAJ v1.2 method or upgrade to a new version of the product.
WSWS4101E: Method {0} of class {1} is not supported in SAAJ 1.2 and DOM Level 2.
Explanation The indicated method requires a Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3, which is part of the SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.3 support. This method is not available in the installed version of the product. Action Use a DOM Level 2 method or upgrade to a new version of the product.
WSWS4102E: The {0} is not available with the Dynamic SOAP protocol.
Explanation The request information is not available when the SOAPConstants.DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL is used. Action Create the SOAP messaage with a SOAP v1.1 or SOAP v1.2 protocol.
WSWS4103E: Method {0} of class {1} is only valid for messages that use the SOAP 1.2 Protocol. The current message uses the {2} protocol.
Explanation The indicated method is only valid for the SOAP 1.2 protocol. This requirement is defined by the SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.3 specification. Action Use a method that is valid for your SOAP protocol.
WSWS4104E: A {0} is not supported by SAAJ 1.2.
Explanation The indicated protocol requires SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.3 support. This support is not available in the the installed version of the product. Action Use the SOAP v1.1 protocol or upgrade to a new version of the product.
WSWS4105E: The iterator returned from the {0} method does not support the remove() method.
Explanation Some iterators do not support the remove() method. We cannot call this method on the indicated iterator. Action Do not use the remove method on the iterator.
WSWS4106E: The Fault Reason node does not have a Text node that matches the Locale {0}.
Explanation This behavior is defined by the javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault.getFaultReasonText(Locale) method. Action Inspect your logic for errors.
WSWS4107E: A Fault Reason node was expected, but was not found while invoking method {0}
Explanation This behavior is defined by the javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault interface. Action Inspect your logic for errors.
WSWS4108E: A Fault Code node was expected, but was not found while invoking method {0}
Explanation This behavior is defined by the javax.xml.soap.SOAPFault interface. Action Inspect your logic for errors.
WSWS4109E: MessageFactory.createMessage() when the protocol is 'Dynamic Protocol'.
Explanation The method is only supported for SOAP 1.1 Protocol and SOAP 1.2 Protocol. Action Use the correct protocol.
WSWS4110E: The {0} method is not available with the Dynamic SOAP protocol.
Explanation The specified method cannot be called if the SOAPConstants.DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL is used. Action Use the SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 protocol.
WSWS4111E: Namespace {0} is not valid with protocol {1}.
Explanation The specified namespace does not match a URI associated with the specified protocol. Action You may have a problem with your SOAP message.
WSWS4112E: {0} is not recognized SOAP Protocol.
Explanation The specified protocol is not a recognized protocol. Action Use one of the following protocols javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_1_PROTOCOL, javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants.SOAP_1_2_PROTOCOL, or javax.xml.soap.SOAPConstants.DYNAMIC_SOAP_PROTOCOL.
WSWS4113E: {0} is not supported on a {1} object.
Explanation The specified method is not a supported on the specified object. Action Correct your code.
WSWS4114E: The SOAPBody.extractContentAsDocument() method failed because the body contains {0} elements.
Explanation The method requires that the body contain exactly one element. Action Correct your code.
WSWS4115E: The message has an CONTENT_TYPE of {0}. A CONTENT_TYPE of {1} or {2} was expected.
Explanation The engine uses the CONTENT_TYPE to determine whether the message is a SOAP 1.1 or SOAP 1.2 message. Action Correct the inbound message.
WSWS4116E: An attempt was made to invoke SOAPElement.addChildElement(name, prefix) with a prefix that was not bound to a namespace. The prefix is {0} and the name is {1}.
Explanation The SOAP with Attachments API for Java (SAAJ) v1.3 interface requires that the prefix is bound. This requirement means that a namespace declaration must exist in an ancestor element. Action Correct the code that called the addChildElement element.
WSWS4117E: An attempt was made to add an SOAPEnvelope with a protocol of {0} to a SOAPMessage with a protocol of {1}.
Explanation The SOAPEnvelope and SOAPMessage must have the same protocol. Action More info at:
WSWS4118E: An attempt was made to get data from an attachment that does not have a data handler. The attachment content id is {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action More info at:
WSWS4119E: An attempt was made to set a {0} that was not namespace qualified. The {0} localName is {1}; prefix is {2}: namespace is {3}.
Explanation SAAJ requires that certain values, including Fault Code, Fault Subcode, and Headers be namespace qualified. Action Correct the value.
WSWS4120E: An attempt was made to set an invalid Fault Code. The faultCode localName is {0}; namespace is {1}.
Explanation SAAJ 1.3 requires that the Fault Code must be one of the fault codes defined in the version of SOAP specification in use. Action Correct the Fault Code.
WSWS4121E: Could not locate the endpoint for {0}.
Explanation An internal system error occurred. Action Consult the logs in your <profile_home>/logs directory for more information.
WSWS4122I: The endpoint is currently stopped for {0}.
Explanation The endpoint at this URL has been disabled for requests. Other endpoints within the service may still be running. Action To allow the endpoint to receive requests, enable the endpoint either through wsadmin or admin console.
WSWS4123E: Could not locate the Endpoint Manager MBean for {0}.
Explanation An internal system error occurred. Action Consult the logs in your <profile_home>/logs directory for more information.
WSWS4124E: The required "{0}" property was not present in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the indicated property on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS4125E: The required "{0}" property was wrong in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the correct property on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS4126E: The required "{0}" property was not present in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the indicated property on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS4127E: The required "{0}" property was not present in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the indicated property on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS4128E: The required "{0}" property was wrong in the inbound JMS request message.
Explanation The JMSSender did not set the correct version on the JMS request message prior to sending the message to the destination queue or topic. This is an internal error. Action More info at:
WSWS4129W: Could not locate the endpoint manager for the JMS target service {0}.
Explanation An internal system error occurred. Access to the endpoint is still available, but the ability to stop the listener for this endpoint has been disabled. Action Consult the logs in your <profile_home>/logs directory for more information.