Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


TPVE0001W: AdminBridgeImpl has no ObjectName returned from query: {0}

Explanation The managed bean (MBean) does not match the ObjectName class you specified.
Action Specify a broader ObjectName class pattern.

TPVE0002W: Updating the instrumentation level string failed.

Explanation The new instrumentation level string cannot be saved to the ConfigService interface.
Action Resave the new instrumentation level string to the ConfigService interface. If the operation still fails, make sure your disk is not full.

TPVE0003W: No MBeans were found for the server {0} on node {1}

Explanation Finding all the ObjectName classes on the specified server returned none.
Action Make sure the server specified has started and can respond to management commands.

TPVE0005W: The Server MBean for the node agent on the specified node {0} could not be found.

Explanation Could not find the server managed bean (MBean) for a node.
Action The node agent must be running for the specified node.

TPVE0007W: Could not determine if {0} and {1} are the same host.

Explanation A host name resolution problem occurred so the data collector could connect to the destination using the AdminClient API.
Action No action is required. If the source and destination are the same host, you can improve the performance by fixing the name resolution problem.

TPVE0008W: Could not determine if the destination of the Collector was the local JVM.

Explanation An error occurred trying to determine if the destination of the data collector was the local java virtual machine (JVM). Defaulting to a not local scenario still works.
Action Use the AdminClient API to communicate with the destination host because it could not be verified that the destination was the local host.

TPVE0009W: Could not get the PMIService config object for: server={0}; node={1}.

Explanation The ConfigService interface could not find the PMIService AdminConfig object.
Action We must connect to a dmgr instead of to an application server.

TPVE0010W: DataCollector.getPMIService: Could not get the node for: server={0}; node={1}.

Explanation The ConfigService interface could not find the configuration ObjectName node.
Action We must connect to a dmgr instead of to an application server.

TPVE0011W: DataCollector.getPMIService: Could not get the server for: server={0}; node={1}.

Explanation The ConfigService interface could not find the configuration ObjectName server.
Action We must connect to a dmgr instead of to an application server.

TPVE0013W: No PerfMBean is found. Make sure PMI is enabled on the system: node={0}; server={1}.

Explanation The server could not find the Perf managed bean (MBean).
Action We must enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) service in the administrative console and restart the server.

TPVE0014E: An exception occurred getting a reference to the ConfigService. The DataCollector will not be fully functional.

Explanation The connection to the ConfigService interface failed. The data collector cannot access the ConfigService interface. But Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data will be available.
Action We must connect to a dmgr instead of to an application server.

TPVE0015E: Unable to get the AdminClient for: node={0}; server={1}.

Explanation The AdminClient API could not connect to the server you specified.
Action The server specified must be running. If it isn't, start it. If it is, check that there are operational JMXConnectors.

TPVE0016E: Connecting to Deployment Manager from within an Application Server is not supported.

Explanation The connection to the dmgr is not being made because you are running in an application server and that configuration is not supported.
Action Use data collector from a client or directly in the dmgr.

TPVE0017E: Unable to start the TivoliPerfEngine MBean

Explanation The managed bean (MBean) Factory failed to start the TivoliPerfEngine MBean that is needed by the Tivoli Performance Viewer (TPV).
Action This error is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Restart the application server and try again. If the problem persists, inspect the failure data that was generated during the failure.

TPVE0018E: Unable to start the TivoliPerfAdvisor MBean

Explanation The managed bean (MBean) Factory failed to start the TivoliPerfAdvisor MBean that is needed by the Tivoli Performance Advisor (TPA).
Action This error is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Restart the application server and try again. If the problem persists, inspect the failure data that was generated during the failure.



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