Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
CWPKI0532E: Invalid input parameter."
Explanation Parameter passed into the method was null." Action Rerun the command using a valid parameter.
CWPKI0600E: {0} does not exist within management scope {1}.
Explanation The specified object does not exist within the management scope. Action Rerun the command with a valid object name.
CWPKI0601E: {0} in the management scope {1} already exists.
Explanation The specified object already exist. Unable to create another one. Action Create the object with a unique name.
CWPKI0603E: Specify either provider/algorithm or keyManagerClass.
Explanation Either a provider/algorithm or a keyManagerClass should be specified not both. Action Rerun the command specifying either a provider/algorithm or a keyManagerClass.
CWPKI0604E: The following management scope is not valid: {0}
Explanation The supplied management scope is not in the correct format or contains information that is not valid. Action Rerun the command with a valid management scope name.
CWPKI0605E: Key store is not within Key set management scope.
Explanation The key store provided is not within the same scope as the key set. Action Rerun the command with a key store that is within the key set's management scope.
CWPKI0606E: The following is not a valid key set object name: {0}
Explanation The supplied key set object name does not exist. Action Rerun the command with a valid key set object.
CWPKI0607E: The following management scope type is not valid: {0}
Explanation The supplied management scope type is not valid. Action Rerun the command with a valid management scope type. Valid types include cell, nodegroup, node, cluster, server, and endpoint.
CWPKI0608E: Management scope {0} is not of type {1}.
Explanation The supplied management scope does not match the management scope type that was specified. Action Rerun the command with correct management scope type that matches the supplied management scope.
CWPKI0609E: Management scope {0} already exists.
Explanation The management scope name supplied already exists in the security configuration. Action Rerun the command with a unique management scope name that does not already exist.
CWPKI0610E: SSL type is not valid. Should be SSSL or JSSE.
Explanation Supplied SSL type is not valid. Action Rerun the command with a valid SSL type - SSSL or JSSE.
CWPKI0611E: SSL security level is not valid. Should be HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, or CUSTOM.
Explanation Supplied SSL security level is not valid. Action Rerun the command with one of the following valid SSL security levels: HIGH, MEDIUM, LOW, or CUSTOM.
CWPKI0612E: SSL protocol is not valid. Should be SSL_TLS, SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, or TLSv1.
Explanation Supplied SSL protocol is not valid. Action Rerun the command with one of the following valid SSL protocols: SSL_TLS, SSL, SSLv2, SSLv3, TLS, or TLSv1.
CWPKI0613E: The following trust manager object name is not valid: {0}
Explanation The supplied trust manager object name is not valid. Action Rerun the command with a valid trust manager object name.
CWPKI0614E: Direction is not valid. Should be inbound or outbound.
Explanation The supplied SSL configuration direction is not valid. Action Rerun the command with a valid SSL configuration direction, inbound or outbound.
CWPKI0615E: SSL configuration group {0} in direction {1} and management scope {2} already exists.
Explanation The SSL configuration group already exists. Action Rerun the command with a unique SSL configuration group name.
CWPKI0616E: SSL Configuration {0} is not with in the same management scope as the SSL configuration group.
Explanation The specified SSL Configuration needs to be in the same management scope as the SSL configuration group being created. Action Rerun the command with an SSL configuration that is in the same management scope as the SSL configuration group being created.
CWPKI0617E: Certificate {0} is not in SSL configuration {1}.
Explanation The specified certificate alias is not found in the SSL configuration. Action Rerun the command with a certificate alias that can be found in the configuration.
CWPKI0618E: Key alias {0} already exist in key set {1}.
Explanation The specified key alias already exists in the key set. Action Rerun the command with a key alias that does not already exist in the key set.
CWPKI0619E: Passwords do not match.
Explanation The password and verify password supplied do not match. Action Rurun the command again a password that matches the verify password.
CWPKI0620E: Key store file {0} already exists.
Explanation The specified key store file already exists Action Rerun the command specifying a key store file that does not already exist.
CWPKI0621E: {0} already exists.
Explanation The specified object already exists, it cannot be created again. Action Rerun the command with a unique name that does not already exist.
CWPKI0622E: Schedule frequency is not a positive integer.
Explanation The specified schedule frequency is not a positive integer. Action Rerun the command using positive integer for the schedule frequency.
CWPKI0623E: Minute value is out of range. It should be between 0 and 59.
Explanation The supplied minute value did not fall within the minute range. Action Rerun the command with a minute value between 0 and 59.
CWPKI0624E: Day of the week value is out of range. It should be between 1 and 7.
Explanation The supplied day of week value is out of range. Action Rerun the command with a day of week value between 1 and 7.
CWPKI0625E: Hour value is out of range. It should be between 0 and 23.
Explanation The hour value is out of range. Action Rerun the command with a hour value between 0 and 23.
CWPKI0626E: Next start date is not set to a date the future.
Explanation The next start date is set to a date in the past. It needs to be set to a date in the future. Action Rerun the command with a next start date set to a date in the future.
CWPKI0627E: Only one wsCertExpMonitor entry is allowed in the security.xml file.
Explanation Unable to create a wsCertExpMonitor entry because one already exists. Only one is allowed in the security.xml file at a time. Action Delete the existing wsCertExpMonitor entry and create a new one if a different wsCertExpMonitor is desired.
CWPKI0628E: Valid days parameter is out of range. It should be between 1 and 7300 days.
Explanation Valid days parameter is out of range. It should be between 1 and 7300 days. Action Rerun the command with a valid days value between 1 and 7300.
CWPKI0629E: Trust manager is still referenced by: {0}
Explanation Unable to delete the trust manager because it is still referenced by other objects. Action Make sure the trust manager is not referenced by other objects before deleting it.
CWPKI0630E: Alias "{0}" already exists in key store "{1}".
Explanation Unable to add the certificate to the key store because the key store already contains a certificate with the given alias. Action Rerun the command using a unique alias name for the certificate.
CWPKI0633E: {0} is not within management scope {1}.
Explanation The object is not in the management scope. Action Rerun the command using the correct management scope.
CWPKI0634E: Key set is still referenced by: {0}
Explanation Unable to delete the key set because it is still referenced by other objects. Action Make sure the key set is not referenced by other objects before deleting it.
CWPKI0635E: Cannot generate keys since the key generator class is not configured.
Explanation Unable to generate keys since there is no key generator class configured. Action Configure a key generator class for the key set so that keys can be generated.
CWPKI0636E: Invalid key set object name input: {0}.
Explanation One of the objects supplied as input is not a valid key set object. Action Rerun the command making sure the key set object name supplied is valid.
CWPKI0637E: Management scope is still referenced by: {0}.
Explanation Unable to delete the management scope because it is still referenced by other objects. Action Make sure the management scope is not referenced by other objects before deleting it.
CWPKI0638E: The data type of the parent is empty or blank.
Explanation Unable to modify the descriptive property without the correct object parent information. Action Rerun the command with a valid parent data type value.
CWPKI0639E: The class name of the parent is empty or blank.
Explanation Unable to modify the descriptive property without the correct class name. Action Rerun the command with a valid class name.
CWPKI0640E: The name of the descriptive property is empty or blank.
Explanation Unable to modify the descriptive property without the correct descriptive property name. Action Rerun the command with a correct descriptive property name.
CWPKI0641E: The type of the descriptive property is empty or blank.
Explanation Unable to modify the correct descriptive property without the correct descriptive property type. Action Rerun the command with a correct descriptive property type value.
CWPKI0642I: Signer certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" will expire on {2}.
Explanation Information about when the certificate will expire. Action none.
CWPKI0643I: Personal certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" will expire on {2}.
Explanation Information about when the certificate will expire. Action none.
CWPKI0644I: Signer certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" was REPLACED.
Explanation Information that the certificate is replaced. Action none.
CWPKI0645I: Personal certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" was REPLACED.
Explanation Information that the certificate is replaced. Action none.
CWPKI0646I: Signer certificate alias "{0}" was DELETED from KeyStore "{1}".
Explanation Information that the certificate is deleted. Action none.
CWPKI0647I: Personal certificate alias "{0}" was DELETED from KeyStore "{1}".
Explanation Information that the certificate is deleted. Action none.
CWPKI0648I: Expiration Report (certificates expiring within "{0}" days).
Explanation Information about certificate expiration. Action none.
CWPKI0649I: Action Taken (auto-replace: "{0}", delete old keys:"{1}").
Explanation Information about action taken during certificate expiration monitoring. Action none.
CWPKI0650E: Signer certificate alias "{0}" does not exist in key store "{1}".
Explanation Unable to perform operation on the specified alias because it does not exist in the key store. Action Rerun the command using a certificate alias that exists for the key store.
CWPKI0651E: Certificate alias "{0}" is not a certificate request.
Explanation Unable to perform operation on the specified alias because it is not a certificate request. Action Rerun the command using a certificate request.
CWPKI0652E: Certificate file "{0}" does not exist.
Explanation Unable to perform operation because the certificate file does not exist. Action Rerun the command using a valid certificate file.
CWPKI0653E: Failed to retrieve key for alias "{0}" from the key store.
Explanation Unable to perform operation because a key for the alias specified does not exist. Action Rerun the command using a valid certificate alias the contains a key.
CWPKI0654E: Public key from certificate alias "{0}" and the public key from the certificate authority do not match.
Explanation Unable to receive the certificate from the certificate authority because public keys do not match. Action Rerun the command using a certificate retrieved from a certificate authority that was generated with the certificate request coming form this specified alias in this key store.
CWPKI0655E: Certificate alias "{0}" does not exist in key store "{1}".
Explanation Unable to receive the certificate from the certificate authority because public keys do not match. Action Rerun the command using a certificate retrieved from a certificate authority that was generated with the certificate request coming form this specified alias in this key store.
CWPKI0656E: Creating a read only key store object. File "{0}" should already exist, check the key store password and key store type.
Explanation The key store file did not verify. The file may not exist or the key file type or password is not correct. Action Rerun the command with a key store that exists and check that the key file type and password are valid.
CWPKI0657E: The SSL Configuration management scope is not within the Dynamic SSL Configuration Selection management scope.
Explanation The SSL Configuration must be within the Dynamic SSL Configuration Selection management scope. Action Rerun the command with an SSL Configuration that is within the same management scope of the Dynamic SSL Configuration Selection management scope.
CWPKI0658E: Key store types for hardware devices must be "{0}".
Explanation The key store being created is a hardware key store and a hardware crypto key store type must be specified. Action Rerun the command with a valid hardware crypto key store type.
CWPKI0659E: Hardware slot number is not a positive integer.
Explanation Only a positive integer can be used for a hardware slot number. Action Rerun the command using a positive integer for a hardware slot number.
CWPKI0660E: The next start date must be a positive number.
Explanation Only a positive number can be used for next start date. Action Rerun the command using a positive number for next state date.
CWPKI0661E: Unable to get certificate signer information from hostname "{0}" and port "{1}". Verify hostname and port are correct.
Explanation The signer certificate was not retrieved, verify the hostname and port are correct. Action Rerun the command after verifying the hostname is valid and the port is a secure port.
CWPKI0662E: Certificate with a public key matching the public key in the certificate from the Certificate Authority is not found in key store "{0}".
Explanation In order to receive a certificate in a key store the public key of the certificate must match the public key of a certificate in the key store. Action Rerun the command with a certificate that has a public key that matches the public key of a certificate in the key store.
CWPKI0663E: Key store file {0} did not verify, make sure the file or keyring exists, check key store type and password.
Explanation When creating a key store object with an existing key store file the file or keyring must exist and a valid password and key store type must be supplied. Action Make sure the key store file or keyring exists with a valid password and key store type. Then rerun the command.
CWPKI0664E: Cryptographic operations configuration file "{0}" does not exist.
Explanation When creating a key store used for hardware acceleration the configuration file must exist. Action Make sure the key store acceleration configuration file exists and rerun the command.
CWPKI0665E: File "{0}" does not exist. If the key store is not file based then the path specified must exist.
Explanation When creating a key store that is not file based the file path specified must exist. Action Make sure the file specified exists and rerun the command.
CWPKI0666E: Certificate "{0}" is not a personal certificate.
Explanation The certificate specified is not a personal certificate. Action Rerun the command with a personal certificate alias name.
CWPKI0667E: Property named "{0}" already exists in the SSL Configuration.
Explanation There is already a property by the specified name in the SSL Configuration. Action Rerun the command with a property that does not already exist in the SSL Configuration.
CWPKI0668E: "{0}" is not of the type "{1}".
Explanation The value is not the type specified. Action Rerun the command making sure the value matches the type supplied.
CWPKI0669E: Key stores and certificates can not be remotely managed from a base application server.
Explanation Remotely managed key stores can only be done on a dmgr. Action Only locally manage key stores can be managed on a base application server.
CWPKI0670E: Unable to change the key store password. The key store is either a read only key store or it is not a file based key store.
Explanation Key stores that are read only or key stores that are not file based cannot be changed. Action Unable to perform password change operation on read only key store or key store that is not file based.
CWPKI0671E: Key store did not verify. Make sure the file exists, check the key file type and password.
Explanation The key store file did not verify. The file may not exist or the key file type or password is not correct. Action Rerun the command with a key store that exists and check the key file type and password.
CWPKI0672E: Alias "{0}" is not a personal certificate in key store "{1}".
Explanation The alias is either not in the key store or it is not a personal certificate in the key store. Action Rerun the command with a personal certificate that is located in the key store.
CWPKI0673E: Creating a read only key store object. File "{0}" should already exist.
Explanation When creating a hardware key store object the file in the path specified should already exist. Action Rerun the command with a specifying a file that already exists.
CWPKI0674E: "{0}" and "{1}" values must specify different aliases.
Explanation The two alias values supplied are the same. The alias values must be different. Action Rerun the command by specifying different alias values.
CWPKI0675E: "{0}" is an invalid configuration object name.
Explanation The value is not a valid configuration object name. Action Rerun the command with a valid configuration object name.
CWPKI0676E: The "{0}" parameter is required for System SSL (SSSL) SSL configuration types.
Explanation The task is missing a parameter required to run. Action Rerun the command with the correct parameters and values.
CWPKI0677E: The "{1}" and "{1}" parameters are required for JSSE SSL configuration types.
Explanation The task is missing parameters required to run. Action Rerun the command with the correct parameters and values.
CWPKI0678E: Certificate request alias "{0}" does not exist in key store "{1}".
Explanation Unable to perform operation on the specified alias because it does not exist in the key store. Action Rerun the command using a certificate alias that exists in the key store.
CWPKI0679I: Signer certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" expired on {2}.
Explanation Information about when the certificate expired. Action none.
CWPKI0680I: Personal certificate alias "{0}" in KeyStore "{1}" expired on {2}.
Explanation Information about when the certificate expired. Action none.
CWPKI0681E: Dynamic SSL configuration selection information parameter is not in the correct format. It should be in the format 'protocol,host,port'.
Explanation Information parameter is not formatted correctly. It should be in the 'protocol,host,port' format. Action Rerun the command with correct format for the Dynamic SSL configuration selection information parameter.
CWPKI0682E: {0} does not exist.
Explanation The specified alias does not exist. Action Rerun the command with a valid alias name.
CWPKI0683E: V3 time out range is between 1 and 86400.
Explanation The time out value range should be between 1 and 86400. Action Rerun the command with a valid time out range between 1 and 86400.
CWPKI0684E: The sendEmail value is true. However, the Application Server cannot locate an e-mail list.
Explanation When the sendEmail option value is true, a list of e-mail addresses must be provided. Action Specify a list of e-mail addresses if sendEmail option is set to true and then re-run the command.
CWPKI0685E: When the "emailFormat" option is specified valid values include "html" or "text".
Explanation When you specify the "emailFormat" option the valid values include "html" or "text". Action Specify "html" or "text" for the e-mail format and re-run the command..
CWPKI0686E: The Application Server cannot locate a certificateCommonName value, which is required to request a certificate and not use an existing certificate request.
Explanation When you request a new certificate, the minimum Distinguished Name (DN) information is required. Action Specify a value with the certificateCommonName parameter and re-run the command..
CWPKI0687E: The {0} Certificate Authority (CA) client is still referenced by: {1}.
Explanation The Certificate Authority client is still referenced by one or more certificates. Action First, remove all of the certificates that reference the Certificate Authority (CA) client. Then, remove the CA client.
CWPKI0688E: The {0} alias is not recognized as a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
Explanation To revoke a certificate, the certificate must have a reference object in the security configuration. Action Only revoke certificates that are CA certificates and have a reference object in the security configuration.
CWPKI0689E: Because the {0} certificate does not exist, it cannot be revoked.
Explanation The certificate must exist for it to be revoked. Action Run the revoke certificate task on an existing Certificate Authority (CA) certificate.
CWPKI0690E: The {0} certificate request does not exist. The Application Server is unable to request a certificate.
Explanation The certificate request must exist to request a certificate from a Certificate Authority (CA). Action Run the certificate request task with a predefined certificate request or have the command create a request.
CWPKI0691E: The {0} certificate request already exists. The Distinguished Name (DN) information was provided to create a new certificate request. For an existing certificate, do not provide the certificate common name that is needed for a new certificate.
Explanation A certificate request already exists and information was provided to create a new request. Action Rerun the command using the existing certificate request or use a new unique alias with DN information.
CWPKI0692E: The certificate reference is in the {0} state. The certificate needs to be in the PENDING state to query the Certificate Authority (CA) for a completed certificate.
Explanation The certificate status needs to be in the PENDING state to make a request to the Certificate Authority (CA) to complete the certificate. Action Run the command on certificates in the PENDING state.
CWPKI0693E: The {0} keystore file does not exist.
Explanation The keystore file does not exist, but it must exist. Action The command needs to run with an existing keystore file.
CWPKI0694E: The {0} value is not a valid keystore type.
Explanation A valid key storetype must be provided to load the keystore. The specified key storetype is not valid for this configuration. Action Run the command with a valid keystore type for this configuration.
CWPKI0695E: The Application Server cannot load the {0} keystore file. Make sure that the keystore password is valid and make sure the type matches the keystore file.
Explanation An error occurred when the Application Server attempted to load the keystore. Verify the password and make sure the correct keystore type is provided for the keystore. Action Run the command with all the correct information needed to load the key store.
CWPKI0696E: The {0} certificate alias either does not exist or is not a personal certificate.
Explanation The specified alias name either does not exist in the key store or it is not a personal certificate. Action Run the command using a personal certificate alias that exists in the keystore.
CWPKI0697E: The {0} parameter value must be a positive integer.
Explanation The parameter value is not a positive integer. Action Run the command using a positive integer.
CWPKI0698E: The keyStoreLocation, keyStoreType, and keyStorePassword values must be specified to change the keystore file information in the configuration.
Explanation To modify the keystore reference in the key store object, provide a location, type and password. Action Run the command with the keyStoreLocation, keyStoreType, and keyStorePassword parameters.
CWPKI0699E: The {0} keystore is marked as a read-only access. The Application Server cannot write data to this keystore file.
Explanation The keystore is marked as read-only access. The Application Server cannot perform any operation that will write to the keystore file. Action "Only run the command on a keystore that is not marked read-only.
CWPKI0700E: The {0} port number is not valid for the Certificate Authority (CA) server port.
Explanation The specified port value is not valid. Action Run the command using a valid port number.
CWPKI0701E: The certificate specified as the {0} alias cannot sign other certificates because it does not enforce basic constraints.
Explanation A certificate can be used to sign other certificates only if the basic constraint flag on the certificate is set to true. Action Ensure that the specified certificate is a certificate authority (CA) certificate, it exists, and it was created in the default root keystore. Only self-signed certificates that are created in the default root keystore have the basic contraint flag set to true.
CWPKI0702E: The certificate specified as the {0} alias is a certificate authority (CA) certificate, which must be renewed manually.
Explanation CA certificates must be deleted and re-requested manually using the administrative tasks. Action To obtain a new CA certificate, manually delete the old certificate and manually request a new certificiate from the certificate authority.
CWPKI0703E: The certificate, which is specified as the {0} alias, was not issued by the product and cannot be renewed.
Explanation Certificates that are not issued by the product cannot be renewed. The certificate must be renewed manually. Action To obtain a new certificate that was not issued by a node in the product, the old certificate must be manually deleted. A new certificate must be manually requested from the external source from which it first originated.
CWPKI0704I: The personal certificate with the {0} alias in the {1} keystore has been RENEWED.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action none.
CWPKI0705E: The root certificate, which is used to sign the certificate with the {0} serial number, cannot be found in the {1} keystore.
Explanation The root certificate, which was originally used to sign the certificate, does not exist. The certificate might have been deleted from the keystore. Action Check the deleted keystore to ensure that the certificate was not accidentally deleted. If the certificate is in the deleted keystore, you can restore it using an import or export command.
CWPKI0706E: The Application Server has encountered both a keystore object name or a key file path.
Explanation The task should either work with another keystore object or work with an unmanaged keystore. However, the task cannot work both approaches. Action Specify either a keystore object name or a key file path name and run the command.
CWPKI0707E: The Application Server cannot remove the last certificate from the {0} keystore.
Explanation he specified keystore must contain at least one personal certificate.. Action The last personal certificate cannot be removed from the keystore.
CWPKI0708I: The {0} certificate is in the COMPLETE state.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0709I: The {0} certificate is in the PENDING state.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0710E: The keystore usage type is not valid.
Explanation The specified usage value is not valid. Action Run the command with a valid usage value.
CWPKI0711I: The "{0}" signer certificate alias has been ADDED to the "{1}" keystore.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required..
CWPKI0712I: The "{0}" personal certificate alias has been ADDED to the "{1}" keystore.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0713E: The {0} location for the System Authorization Facility (SAF) key ring is not valid.
Explanation The SAF keyring location is not valid. Specify the location in the following form: safkeyring://USERID/KeyringName or safkeyring:///KeyringName. Action Modify the keystore location parameter to point to a valid location.
CWPKI0714I: The certificate expiration monitor has recently run and discovered that the certificates, which are listed in associated messages, will be replaced within the next {0} days. This replacement is based on the configured policy to automatically replace expiring self-signed certificates {1} days prior to expiration. This notification informs you that problems might arise when the certificates are automatically replaced.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0715I: In some cases, automatically replacing certificates can cause outages for Web server plug-ins operating on unmanaged nodes. In such a situation, the plug-in will be unable to contact the application servers over HTTPS because it will be using signers for certificates that have been replaced by the automatic replacement process. To prevent what may be a serious outage you should act before the scheduled replacement date and replace the expiring certificates and update the plug-in kdb to use the new signers.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0716I: The new alias for the "{0}" certificate is: "{1}".
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0717I: The "{0}" root certificate alias in the "{1}" keystore has been REPLACED".
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0718I: The "{0}" personal certificate alias in the "{1}" keystore has been RENEWED with a new root certificate.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0719I: The {0} personal certificate in the "{1}" keystore is due to expire on {2} and might be replaced after the {3} threshold date.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0720I: The {0} signer certificate in the "{1}" keystore is due to expire on {2} and might be replaced after the {3} threshold date.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0721E: Both the {0} and {1} parameters must be specified.
Explanation The task is missing a required parameter. Action Specify the correct parameter and value and rerun the command.
CWPKI0722E: The admin agent has administrative security enabled, but the job manager has administrative security disabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The admin agent and the job manager have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0723E: The admin agent has administrative security disabled, but the job manager has administrative security enabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The admin agent and the job manager have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure that the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0724E: The admin agent has administrative security enabled, but the base profile has administrative security disabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The admin agent and base profile have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure that the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0725E: The admin agent has administrative security disabled, but the base profile has administrative security enabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The administraive agent and base profile have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure that the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0726E: The keystore location is not qualified with a user and must be marked as a read-only keystore. The Application Server cannot write to this keystore location.
Explanation The keystore must be marked read-only access. The Application Server cannot perform any operation that will write to the keystore location. Action Run the command on a keystore with a keyring location qualified with a valid RACF user.
CWPKI0727E: Keystore {0} has already been enabled as a writable keyring.
Explanation The keystore specified is already enabled as a writable keyring. Action Ensure the keystore is not already enabled as a writable keyring before running the command.
Explanation A valid replacement option needs to be specified. Action Specify a valid replacement option value and rerun the command.
CWPKI0729I: The {0} self-signed certificate in {1} has been converted to a chained certificate.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0730E: The Application Server cannot create the {0} keystore. The extended message is: {1}
Explanation An error occurred when the Application Server attempted to create the keystore. Action Verify that the type, password, and file or key ring location are correct. Rerun the command with the correct parameters and values.
CWPKI0731E: To import or export certificates from an audit keystore, the user must have the required auditor role authority.
Explanation To import or export certificates from an audit keystore, the user must have the required auditor role authority. Action Ensure that the acting user has the proper role authority.
CWPKI0732E: The dmgr has administrative security enabled, but the job manager has administrative security disabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The dmgr and the job manager have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure that the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0733E: The dmgr has administrative security disabled, but the job manager has administrative security enabled. Ensure that these attributes match prior to federation.
Explanation The dmgr and the job manager have separate security configurations. The security enablement status must match before federation continues and security is properly applied. Action Ensure that the enablement status for the two profiles match.
CWPKI0734E: Could not connect to the job manager. Ensure the job manager is running. If the job manager is running, this may be due to a security enablement mismatch with the job manager or due to a incorrect username, password, port number, or hostname. Exception: {0}"
Explanation There is a failure to connect with the job manager. Make sure the job manager is running. This could be due to security being enabled on the job manager but not on the server registering with it or due to a incorrect username, password, port number, or hostname. Action Ensure the job manager is running, the enablement status for the two profiles match, and that the user, password, port number, and hostname information is correct.
CWPKI0735I: All certificates were searched and no expiration issues were found.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0736I: The server's ssl configuration has been converted. For client commands to access the newly converted server you will need to edit the soap.client.props files for the nodes. The,,,, and will need to be removed. The property will need to be set to the default ssl configuration alias in the ssl.client.props file.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0737E: The job manager and the node attempting to register to the job manager are at different product versions. The job manager version must be equal to or greater than the node version. Registration is not allowed.
Explanation We cannot register a node or dmgr with a job manager that is at an earlier version. Action Upgrade the job manager to be the same level or higher than the node you are trying to register, and repeat the registration process.
CWPKI0738E: The {0} personal certificate does not exist in the {1} keystore.
Explanation The personal certificate specified does not exist in the keystore. Action Ensure the certificate exists and is a personal certificate.
CWPKI0739E: Configuration service is not available, unable to execute the {0} command.
Explanation The configuration service is not available the task is unable to execute. Action Ensure the task is running on a process where configuration service is available.
CWPKI0740E: Keystore name must be unique within the same management scope. A keystore with the name {0} already exists within the same management scope.
Explanation Keystore names must be unique within the same management scope. Action Ensure the keystore has a unique name within the management scope.
CWPKI0741I: The "{0}" certificate in the "{1}" keystore is signed with a certificate that is expired. The certificate with the serial number {2} in the certificate chain is expired.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
CWPKI0742I: The "{0}" certificate in the "{1}" keystore is signed with a certificate that will expire soon. The certificate with the serial number {2} in the certificate chain will expire on {3}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.