Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
CWSQ0001I: SIP Quorum enabled.
Explanation Indicates that the SIP Quorum support is enabled. Action None.
CWSQ0002I: This member has activated SIP Quorum successfully for {0}.
Explanation Indicates that the SIP Quorum support has successfully started for the specified group. Action None.
CWSQ0003W: No applicable cluster found for this member. Unable to join quorum group.
Explanation Indicates that a cluster name was not found in the configuration for which this member may join a quorum group. Action Check Application Server or Proxy Server cluster configuration.
CWSQ0004I: This member has deactivated SIP Quorum successfully for {0}.
Explanation Indicates that the SIP Quorum support has successfully stopped for the specified group. Action None.
CWSQ0005I: Successful activation of SIP Quorum for member {0}.
Explanation Indicates that quorum has been achieved and the member successfully completed its requirements for activation. Action None.
CWSQ0006W: Activation of SIP Quorum did not complete for member {0}.
Explanation Indicates that quorum has been achieved and the member did not complete its requirements for activation. Action None.
CWSQ0007I: SIP Quorum is disabled by custom property.
Explanation Indicates that quorum was disabled via the custom property which overrode the server configuration. Action Check Application Server or Proxy Server cluster configuration.
CWSQ0008I: SIP Quorum disabled in cluster {0}.
Explanation Indicates that the SIP Quorum support is disabled for the cluster. Action Check Application Server or Proxy Server cluster configuration if SIP Quorum is desired.