Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
CWWSG1001E: Invalid Root AppServer Directory.
Explanation The user has entered a string which is not valid, on the command line to represent the location of the AppServer root directory. Action Check for typing errors, then re-issue the command with the root directory of the AppServer.
CWWSG1002E: Invalid Cell Name.
Explanation The user has entered a string on the command line to represent the cell name. The cell name is not valid. Action Check for typing errors then re-issue the command with the correct cell name.
CWWSG1003E: Invalid Server Name.
Explanation The user has entered a string on the command line to represent the server name. The server name is not valid. Action Check for typing errors then re-issue the command with the server you wish to use.
CWWSG1004E: Invalid argument {0}.
Explanation The user has entered an unrecognized argument on the command line. Action Check for typing errors the re-issue the command without the unrecognized argument.
CWWSG1005E: There must be one bus name for each file.
Explanation The user has entered a backup file name on the command line without a bus name. Action Re-issue the command with a valid bus name for each backup file.
CWWSG1006E: Missing Argument {0}.
Explanation The user has omitted the installation directory, cell name or server name from the command line argument list. Action Re-issue the command using all the required fields.
CWWSG1007E: Invalid file {0}.
Explanation The backup file that was given on the command line is not valid, contains errors or omitted data. Action Try recreating the backup file.
CWWSG1008E: Could not find WSDL {0}.
Explanation The WSDL file for one of the services could not be found via HTTP. Action Turn on the server holding this WSDL and re-issue the command.
CWWSG1009E: No service elements defined.
Explanation WSDL file is not valid as it contains no services. Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1010E: Multiple services with same name: {0}.
Explanation WSDL file is not valid as it contains multiple services with the same name. Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1011E: No port elements defined for service: {0}.
Explanation WSDL file is not valid as the service contains no ports. Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1012E: Service {0} not found in WSDL {1}.
Explanation WSDL File may be valid in itself but not for the required service. The specified service name was missing from this WSDL. Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1013E: The External End Point Address field is invalid.
Explanation The ExternalEndPointAddress field in the backup file should be of the format // :// <server>: <portnumber>/..... Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1014E: The SOAPHeader field is invalid.
Explanation The SOAPHeader field in the backup file should be of the format namespaceURI:localPart. Action Correct the WSDL file or obtain a valid version then re-issue the command.
CWWSG1015E: There must be one node name for each file.
Explanation The user has entered a backup file name on the command line without a node name. Action Re-issue the command with a valid node name for each backup file.
CWWSG1016E: Invalid argument value {1} for argument {0}.
Explanation The user has entered a string on the command line which is not valid. Action Check for typing errors then re-issue the command with the corrected argument.
CWWSG1017E: Migration Error.
Explanation An unhandled error has occurred during the migration process. Action More info at:
CWWSG1018E: Backup file contains security information but a remote administration hostname has been specified.
Explanation Backup files containing security information may only be migrated on the host containing the administration server. Action Rerun the migration command for this backup file on the host containing the administration server.
CWWSG1019E: Invalid Node Name.
Explanation The user has entered a string on the command line to represent the node name. The node name is not valid. Action Check for typing errors then re-issue the command with the node you wish to use.
CWWSG1020E: Invalid Cluster Name.
Explanation The user has entered a string on the command line to represent the cluster name. The entered cluster name is not valid Action Check for typing errors then re-issue the command with the cluster you wish to use.
CWWSG1021E: Invalid Node/Server/Cluster combination
Explanation The user has entered a combination of node, server and cluster names on the command line which is not valid. Action Re-issue the command with either a node and server specified, or a cluster specified.
CWWSG1022E: Gateway {0} already exists in bus {1}.
Explanation There is already a Gateway with the specified name configured in the specified bus. Action Rerun the migration script specifying a unique Gateway Instance name.
CWWSG1023I: The backup file contains filters. These will not be migrated.
Explanation Gateway filters are no longer supported so they will not be migrated. Action No action is required.
CWWSG1024I: The {0} argument is not required and will be ignored.
Explanation The specified argument does not have any effect. Action The specified argument may be safely omitted.
CWWSG2001E: File {0} threw an IOException.
Explanation The file probably doesn't exist. The error is likely to have been caused by a typing error on the command line. Action Check for typing errors in the Gateway backup file stated on the command line and re-issue the command with corrections.
CWWSG2002E: A user-defined channel {0} has been identified in the file {1}.
Explanation Only standard channels can be migrated using this utility, but an unrecognised channel has been found in the file. Action Remove the channel definition from the file and re-issue the command.
CWWSG2003E: No UDDIPassword has been found for UDDIReference {0}.
Explanation UDDIReferences with a publishURL specified must also have a user name specified. If no authentication is needed, the user name should be UNAUTHENTICATED. Action Correct the UDDIReference and re-issue the command.
CWWSG2004W: More than one TargetServiceLocation found for Proxy Service {0}.
Explanation A proxy service should not have more than one target service in the Gateway backup file. Action Rerun the migration with a valid Gateway backup file.
CWWSG2005W: More than one ChannelForService found for Proxy Service {0}.
Explanation A proxy service should not have more than one channel in the Gateway backup file. Action Rerun the migration with a valid Gateway backup file.
CWWSG2501E: The routing could not be set for destination {0}.
Explanation The destination could not have it's forward or reverse routing path set. Make sure the destination was created successfully. Action If problem recurrs, contact your IBM representative.
CWWSG2502E: Destination {0} could not be created.
Explanation The destination could not be created successfully. Action If problem recurrs, contact your IBM representative.