Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWRLS0001I: The Recovery Log Service has been suspended ({0}).

Explanation The Recovery Log Service is in pending state to allow the system to backup the recovery log files.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0002I: The Recovery Log Service has been resumed ({0}).

Explanation The Recovery Log Service that was suspended earlier is restored to running state.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0003E: {0}

Explanation This message code is used to support messages that have not yet been allocated their own message code.
Action Refer to the message text for more information.

CWRLS0004E: Unable to create recovery log file {0}.

Explanation The recovery log service could not create the file indicated in the message. Either the target directory is inaccessible, or the system does not have sufficient permissions to create the required file.
Action Ensure that the required directory hierarchy is valid and accessible to the recovery log service.

CWRLS0005E: Unable to obtain an exclusive file lock on {0}.

Explanation The recovery log service could not exclusively lock the file indicated in the message.
Action More info at:

CWRLS0006I: Creating new recovery log file {0}.

Explanation A new recovery log file has been established to store persistent data.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0007I: No existing recovery log files found in {0}. Cold starting the recovery log.

Explanation Either previously recovery log files have been deleted, or this is the first time recovery log files have been stored in this location. In either case, the associated service will start and will not perform any recovery processing.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0008E: Recovery log is being marked as failed. [ {0} {1} ]

Explanation The recovery log has failed, and there is no further access to the recovery log. The message shows the component and the relevant exception.
Action Restart the server so that the log can be repaired. Try to fix any conditions indicated by the exception in the message.

CWRLS0009E: Details of recovery log failure: {0}

Explanation This message is issued with message CWRLS0008E to indicate the details of the recovery log failure.
Action Use the information in this message and message CWRLS0008E to correct that condition that caused the recovery log to fail.

CWRLS0010I: Performing recovery processing for local WebSphere server ({0}).

Explanation The recovery log service is directing recovery processing of associated client services.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0011I: Performing recovery processing for a peer WebSphere server ({0}).

Explanation The recovery log service is directing recovery processing of associated client services for the peer server.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0012I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for this WebSphere server ({0}).

Explanation The recovery log service has prompted all associated client services to begin recovery.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0013I: All persistent services have been directed to perform recovery processing for a peer WebSphere server ({0}).

Explanation The recovery log service has prompted all associated client services to begin recovery for the peer server.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0014I: Halting any current recovery processing for a peer WebSphere server ({0}).

Explanation Recovery processing is being transferred to an alternative application server. Typically, this occurs when a server is restarted and retakes ownership of its recovery logs.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0015I: Recovery log file locking has been disabled in the transaction service custom properties.

Explanation The file locking mechanism that the recovery log service uses to ensure exclusive access to recovery log files has been explicitly disabled.
Action Ensure that the appropriate constraints are in place to support this configuration setting.

CWRLS0016E: Unable to obtain an exclusive file lock needed to perform recovery processing for server {0}.

Explanation Either the target server is active, or the recovery log configuration is incorrect.
Action Ensure that the recovery log configuration is valid.

CWRLS0017I: An attempt to obtain an exclusive file lock needed to perform recovery processing for server {0} was interrupted. Another server is being activated to perform this recovery processing.

Explanation Control of a recovery log has been passed between two application servers.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0018E: An attempt to halt transactional recovery and forward processing for the local server ({0}) has been aborted.

Explanation The recovery log service has stopped the local server from relinquishing control of its own recovery logs. This might be caused by the core group policy configuration.
Action Ensure that the policy configuration does not assign ownership of the recovery log of an active server to an alternative server.

CWRLS0019I: The Recovery Log Service has been configured as snapshot safe in the transaction service custom properties.

Explanation When a snapshot of the log files is requested, all transaction logging activity is suspended while the snapshot is taken, to ensure that the log files are in a known state that is consistent with other systems involved in the snapshot.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0020W: The Recovery Log Service has NOT been configured as snapshot safe in the transaction service custom properties.

Explanation If a snapshot of the log files is taken, the log files might not be in a state that is consistent with other systems involved in the snapshot.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0021I: The Recovery Log Service has been called to resume ({0}) but there are other outstanding suspends.

Explanation The recovery log service will be resumed only when there are no outstanding suspend operations.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0022I: A Recovery Log Service suspend operation has timed out ({0}).

Explanation If there are no outstanding suspend operations the recovery log service will resume.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0023I: The Recovery Log Service has been resumed following the timeout of a suspend operation.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No action is required.

CWRLS0024E: Exception caught during recovery! {0}

Explanation An exception was detected while attempting to recover from a previous server failure.
Action More info at:

CWRLS0025E: Server recovery mode startup is not compatible with HA enablement.

Explanation In a high availability configuration, server recovery might be automatically initiated on a peer server.
Action Do not attempt to start a server in recovery mode if it is enabled for high availability .

CWRLS0026W: Unable to obtain an exclusive file lock on {0} - retrying.

Explanation The recovery log service cannot exclusively lock the file indicated in the message during recovery, because the file appears to be in use. The recovery service will attempt periodically to gain the exclusive lock so that recovery can proceed. If the recovery log file is one of the main server recovery logs, startup is suspended until access to the logs is possible. If the recovery log file belongs to another peer server, another server might gain the locks and perform peer recovery; in this situation, this server will stop trying to recover.
Action Examine any related messages to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages, check the location of the recovery logs and ensure they are not being accessed by another server. For example, this situation could occur if more than one server is configured to use the recovery logs of another server.

CWRLS0027W: Common transaction log directory {0} has been defined for servers {1} and {2}

Explanation Transaction logs from two servers are using a common directory configuration. This might cause recovery lock contention or a failure of data integrity.
Action Configure separate log directory paths for each server.

CWRLS0028W: Common compensation log directory {0} has been defined for servers {1} and {2}

Explanation Compensation logs from two servers are using a common directory configuration. This might cause to recovery lock contention or a failure of data integrity.
Action Configure separate log directory paths for each server.

CWRLS0029W: Unable to perform recovery processing for local WebSphere server - server being terminated

Explanation The recovery log service cannot perform or complete recovery for the local server and no further work can proceed, so the server will be stopped.
Action More info at:

CWRLS0030W: Waiting for HAManager to activate recovery processing for local WebSphere server

Explanation The recovery log service cannot initiate recovery processing for the local server, because it is waiting for the HAManager to activate group membership for the recovery logs of this local server.
Action Examine any related messages to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages, check the configuration of the DefaultCoreGroup settings and associated policy definitions for the recovery log service for the server. For example, if the Clustered TM policy is set to not support fail back, another server might have a hold on the logs and will stop this server from being activated.



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