Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


EJPPC0101E: Error occurred during portlet action processing

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0102E: The prepare method was never called

Explanation The portlet container has not been prepared to be called. Therefore the portlet container context is unavailable.
Action Please verify that the portlet container is only accessed by valid APIs/SPIs.

EJPPC0103E: Error occurred while initializing portlet

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0104E: Error occurred while dispatching portlet

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0105E: Error occurred during portlet invocation

Explanation An Exception was received when trying to invoke the portlet.
Action Please check the stack trace for the cause of the error.

EJPPC0106E: RequestDispatcher cannot be found.

Explanation The RequestDispatcher cannot be found.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0107I: The portlet {0} will be permanently unavailable.

Explanation An UnavailableException was received when trying to invoke the portlet.
Action Please check the stack trace for the cause of the error.

EJPPC0108I: The portlet will be unavailable for {1} seconds: {0}

Explanation An UnavailableException was received when trying to invoke the portlet.
Action Please check the stack trace for the cause of the error.

EJPPC0109I: Error occured in Portlet: {0} {1}

Explanation An error message was received while processing the portlet.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0110E: ServletContext {0} cannot be found.

Explanation The ServletContext cannot be found.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0111E: Error occurred during portlet event processing

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0112E: Error occurred during portlet event processing

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Check if the portlet implements the javax.portlet.EventPortlet Interface.

EJPPC0113E: Error occurred during portlet event processing.

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Increase the maximum number of the Event process calls.

EJPPC0114E: Error occurred during portlet serveResource processing

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Check if the portlet implements the javax.portlet.ResourceServingPortlet Interface.

EJPPC0115E: Error occurred during portlet event processing.

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Individual Event implementations are not supported, please use the EventFactory to create Event instances.

EJPPC0116E: Error occurred during portlet serveFragment processing

Explanation This is an error message. The portal system cannot handle this condition without failing.
Action Correction of the condition is required.

EJPPC0120W: FactoryManager: A factory with name {0} cannot be found.

Explanation The factory cannot be found.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0121E: FactoryManager: A factory implementation with name {0} cannot be found.

Explanation The factory implementation cannot be found.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0122E: FactoryManager: A factory implementation with name {0} is not a factory of the required type.

Explanation The factory implementation is not a factory of the required type.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0123E: FactoryManager: A factory implementation with name {0} cannot be instantiated.

Explanation The factory implementation cannot be instantiated.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0124E: FactoryManager: An unidentified error occurred.

Explanation An unidentified error occurred.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0125E: FactoryManager: Factory couldn't be destroyed.

Explanation A factory couldn't be destroyed.
Action Please contact your System Administrator.

EJPPC0151E: User request HTTP POST data is not available as input stream.

Explanation User request HTTP POST data is of type application/x-www-form-urlencoded. This data has already been processed by the portal/portletcontainer and is available as request parameters.
Action Retrieve user request HTTP POST data as request parameters instead.

EJPPC0152E: Cannot set WindowState after sendRedirect has been called

Explanation It is not allowed to invoke setWindowState after sendRedirect has been called.
Action Please verify that setWindowState is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0153E: Unable to set WindowState {0}

Explanation The provided WindowState is not allowed by the portal framework.
Action Please check that the provided WindowState is allowed for the portal framework used.

EJPPC0154E: Cannot set PortletMode after sendRedirect has been called

Explanation It is not allowed to invoke setPortletMode after sendRedirect has been called.
Action Please verify that setPortletMode is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0155E: Cannot set this PortletMode {0}

Explanation The provided PortletMode is not allowed by the portal framework.
Action Please check that the provided PortletMode is allowed for the portal framework used.

EJPPC0156E: Cannot invoke sendRedirect after certain methods have been called

Explanation It is not allowed to invoke sendRedirect after certain methods have been called.
Action Please verify that sendRedirect is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0157E: Cannot set RenderParameters after sendRedirect has been called

Explanation It is not allowed to invoke setRenderParameters after sendRedirect has been called.
Action Please verify that setRenderParameters is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0158E: Error occurred while setting render parameters

Explanation Render parameters must not be null.
Action Please verify that the render parameters are valid.

EJPPC0159E: Error occurred while setting render parameters

Explanation Render parameter key must not be null and of type java.lang.String.
Action Please verify that the render parameters are valid.

EJPPC0160E: Error occurred while setting render parameters

Explanation Render parameter value must not be null and of type java.lang.String[].
Action Please verify that the render parameters are valid.

EJPPC0161E: Cannot set RenderParameter after sendRedirect has been called

Explanation It is not allowed to invoke setRenderParameter after sendRedirect has been called.
Action Please verify that setRenderParameter is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0162E: Error occurred while setting render parameter

Explanation Render parameter key must not be null
Action Please verify that the render parameter is valid.

EJPPC0163E: Error occurred while setting render parameter

Explanation Render parameter key and value must not be null and parameter values must not be an empty array.
Action Please verify that the render parameter is valid.

EJPPC0164E: Path must start with a '/'

Explanation A MalformedURLException was received when trying to get a resource from the PortletContext.
Action Please verify that the path for getResource is valid.

EJPPC0165E: Attribute name is null

Explanation Attribute name must not be null.
Action Please verify that the attribute name is valid.

EJPPC0166E: Parameter name is null

Explanation Parameter name must not be null.
Action Please verify that the parameter name is valid.

EJPPC0167E: Property key is null

Explanation Property key must not be null.
Action Please verify that the property key is valid.

EJPPC0168W: Preference key is null

Explanation Preference key must not be null.
Action Please verify that the portlet preference key is valid.

EJPPC0169W: Preference {0} may not be modified

Explanation The given preference is read-only.
Action Please verify that the given portlet preference is not read-only.

EJPPC0170E: Cannot set character encoding after HTTP-Body has been accessed

Explanation This method must not be called after the HTTP-Body was accessed
Action Please verify that setCharacterEncoding is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0171W: Cannot store portlet preferences

Explanation Store portlet preferences is not allowed inside a render call.
Action Please verify that store is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0172E: Error occurred during portlet request dispatcher inclusion

Explanation An exception was received when trying to include within a portlet.
Action Please check the stack trace for the cause of the exception.

EJPPC0173W: Cannot encode URL

Explanation Only absolute URLs or full path URIs are allowed for URL encoding.
Action Please verify that the given URL is valid and allowed.

EJPPC0174E: Cannot get portlet output stream after getWriter has been called

Explanation getPortletOutputStream cannot be used after getWriter was invoked
Action Please verify that getPortletOutputStream is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0175E: Cannot get writer after getOutputStream has been called

Explanation getWriter cannot be used after getOutputStream was invoked
Action Please verify that getWriter is allowed when it is called.

EJPPC0176W: Invalid content type

Explanation Content type provided is either null or not allowed.
Action Please verify that the content type is valid.

EJPPC0177E: Security not supported by current environment.

Explanation The current portal implementation does not support security.
Action Please do not use security in an unsecure environment.

EJPPC0178W: Specified class {0} is no preferences validator

Explanation The class specified as preferences validator must be an implementation of javax.portlet.PreferencesValidator
Action Please verify that the specified preferences validator implements javax.portlet.PreferencesValidator

EJPPC0179E: Error occurred loading preference validator

Explanation An error was received while loading the preference validator.
Action Please analyze the log files for the cause of the error.

EJPPC0180E: WindowState is null

Explanation WindowState must not be null.
Action Please verify that the window state is valid.

EJPPC0181E: PortletMode is null

Explanation PortletMode must not be null.
Action Please verify that the portlet mode is valid.

EJPPC0182E: Session attribute {0} with type {1} cannot be serialized.

Explanation The given session attribute does not implement the Serializable interface.
Action Please use serializable objects as session attributes only.

EJPPC0183E: Session attribute {0} with type {1} cannot be serialized.

Explanation The given session attribute is serializable but cannot be serialized.
Action Please use serializable objects as session attributes only.

EJPPC0184E: Invalid redirect url: {0}

Explanation The url provided is either null or not allowed.
Action Please verify that the given url is valid for redirection.

EJPPC0185E: Invalid event value:

Explanation The Event value must have a valid JAXB binding and implement Serializable.
Action Please use serializable objects as event values.

EJPPC0186E: Property cookie is null

Explanation Property cookie must not be null.
Action Please verify that the property cookie is valid.

EJPPC0187E: Error occurred while setting render parameter

Explanation Render parameter value must not be null
Action Please verify that the render parameter is valid.

EJPPC0210E: Error occurred loading preferences via the persistence provider.

Explanation An Error was received loading preferences via the PersistenceProvider.
Action Please analyze the log files for the cause of the error.

EJPPC0211W: Error occurred loading preferences via the persistence provider.

Explanation The PreferenceSet returned by the PersistenceProvider is null for the given portlet identifier. A default PreferenceSetAdapter is returned instead.
Action The PreferenceSet returned for the given portlet identifier is not valid.

EJPPC0212E: Error occurred loading preferences access mode via the persistence provider.

Explanation The PreferenceAccessMode returned by the PersistenceProvider is null for the given portlet identifier.
Action The PreferenceAccessMode returned for the given portlet identifier is not valid.

EJPPC0300E: The operation {0} is not supported.

Explanation The given operation is not supported.
Action Please verify that only supported operations are used.

EJPPC0400E: The collaborator class {0} is not a known collaborator.

Explanation Only a certain set of interfaces is supported.
Action Please verify the implementation of the collaborator - see JavaDoc for more information.

EJPPC0401E: Error while instanciating the collaborator.

Explanation Error while instanciating the collaborator.
Action Please check the stack trace and make sure that the correct implementation is defined in the portlet-container-collaborator.xml file.

EJPPC0402E: Error occurred during collaborator registration. The collaborator configuration is invalid: {0},{1}

Explanation One of the portlet-container-collaborator.xml files does not specify the collaborators correctly.
Action Please check the portlet-container-collaborator.xml that the collaborators are defined correctly.

EJPPC0403E: Error occurred during collaborator registration. The collaborator configuration is invalid.

Explanation One of the portlet-container-collaborator.xml files does not specify the collaborators correctly.
Action Please check the portlet-container-collaborator.xml that the collaborators are defined correctly.



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