Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
TUNE0101W: Based on the CPU utilization, the system does not appear to be under load. Please run the performance advisor with a representative workload. {0}
Explanation If the system is meant to be under load, there might be a bottleneck within the application itself ( for example, over synchronization ), or elsewhere in the system. If this problem occurs in a test environment, the load driver might have reached its maximum limit. Action Consult the information center for more information on deadlocks and application performance tuning.
TUNE0201W: The rate of discards from the prepared statement cache is high. Increase the size of the prepared statement cache for the data source {0}. {1}
Explanation Caching all prepared statements improves performance. In general, the size of the cache must equal the number of prepared statements that are used in the application. Action To increase the size of the prepared statement cache in the administrative console, click Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data sources > data_source and increase the value in Statement Cache Size field. Refer to the information center for more information about tuning data source connection pools.
TUNE0202W: Increasing the {0} thread pool''s Maximum Size to {1} may improve performance. {2}
Explanation When a growable thread pool expands beyond the maximum size, those additional threads cannot be reused and can be discarded from the pool. Increasing the thread pool maximum size to the average pool size can improve performance significantly. If this message appears repeatedly, look for continued growth of the thread pool, which often indicates a leak or deadlock. Action To increase the thread pool size for the Web container in the administrative console, click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools.
To increase the thread pool size for the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0203W: Based on the number of processors, the {0} thread pool is unusually large. {1}
Explanation If this message appears repeatedly, look for continued growth of the thread pool, which often indicates a leak or deadlock. This message might also indicate a temporary load surge. However, if the thread pool remains steadily at this size, the large number of threads might degrade performance. Test a bounded thread pool of a smaller size. Action To change the thread pool size for the Web container in the administrative console, click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools.
To change the thread pool size for the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0204W: Decreasing the size of the {0} by setting the the minimum size to {1} and the maximum size to {2} may improve performance. {3}
Explanation The CPU utilization of the system is high. Decreasing the size of the thread pool might free resources and might improve performance. Action To decrease the thread pool size for the Web container in the administrative console, click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools.
To increase the thread pool size for the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0205W: Increasing the {0} by setting the minimum size to {1} and the maximum size to {2} may improve performance. {3}
Explanation The utilization of the thread pool is high, yet the CPU utilization is low. The thread pool size might be too small and might be unnecessarily limiting the performance of the system. Increasing the size of the pool can also reduce performance. Test carefully. We can obtain optimal performance when the thread pool size is large enough to support full CPU utilization. It is normal to see high utilization of the thread pool. Action To change the thread pool size for the Web container in the administrative console, click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools.
To increase the thread pool size for the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0206W: Decreasing the connection pool for data source {0} by setting the minimum size to {1} and the maximum size to {2} may improve performance. {3}
Explanation Decreasing the size of connection pool supports better pooling and frees memory resources. Action To decrease the size of connection pool, open the administrative console and click Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties.
TUNE0207W: Utilization of the connection pool is high. Performance might be improved by increasing the maxPoolSize for data source {0}. Try setting the minimum size to {1}, and the maximum size to {2}. {3}
Explanation The connection pool might be unnecessarily limiting the performance of the system. Increasing the size of the pool can also reduce performance. Test carefully. We can obtain optimal performance when the connection pool is large enough to support full cpu utilization. In general, expect to see high utilization of the thread pool. Action To change the size of connection pool, open the administrative console and click Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties.
TUNE0208W: Data source {0} does not seem to be in use. If the data source is used occasionally, then decrease the number of connections in the pool, by setting minConnections to {1}, and maxConnections to {2}. If the data source is never used, then delete the data source. {3}
Explanation The system appears to be under heavy load (CPU is very busy,) yet the number of threads used within the pool is small. Decreasing the size of the thread pool might free resources and might improve performance. Action To decrease the size of connection pool, open the administrative console and click Resources > JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties.
TUNE0210W: Writing persistent sessions is unusually slow for {0}. {1}
Explanation Your session repository might have a problem, your sessions might be too large or you might be writing to the repository more often than necessary. If you use multi-row sessions, the times are per attribute rather than per session. Action Consult the application provider about reducing the session size.
TUNE0211W: The sessions being written to the session repository for {0} are unusually large. {1}
Explanation Large sessions can reduce performance. The major costs are serialization, communication with the repository and the amount of memory used. Action Consider revising the application to reduce the session size.
TUNE0212W: Reading persistent sessions is unusually slow for {0}. {1}
Explanation Your session repository might have a problem or your sessions might be too large. If you use multi-row sessions, the times are per attribute, rather than per session. Action Consult the application provider about reducing the session size.
TUNE0213W: The sessions being read by {0} from the session repository are unusually large. {1}
Explanation Large sessions can reduce performance. The major costs are serialization, communication with the repository and the amount of memory used. Action Consider revising the application to reduce the session size.
TUNE0214W: The session cache for {0} is smaller than the average number of live sessions. Increasing the session cache size to at least {1} may improve performance. {2}
Explanation In this situation, the overflow session cache is used instead of the main session cache, possibly slowing performance. Check that the session growth is bounded. In general, the average number of live sessions is approximately the rate of session creation times the average lifetime of a session. Action To tune session management, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > Server > Web Container Settings > Web Container > Session Management.
TUNE0215W: Increasing the session cache for {0} will reduce the number of invalid sessions returned by getSession and should increase performance. Given the current rate of errors and average session lifetime, increase cache size to {1}. {2}
Explanation When the session cache is full and cannot overflow, the getSession() method might return an invalid session. The average number of live sessions is approximately the rate of session creation times the average lifetime of a session. If this situation was caused by a temporary load surge, consider allowing the cache to overflow. Note that if an application has unbounded session growth, allowing overflow might result in a memory leak. Action To tune session management, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > Server > Web Container Settings > Web Container > Session Management.
TUNE0216W: There is not enough memory to change settings. {0}
Explanation An alert was issued recommending a setting increase. However, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap might not have enough memory to implement the change. Action Consider changing the JVM heap size, the time that is spent in garbage collection, and the memory usage. To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > Server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine.
TUNE0217E: Unknown data type. {0}
Explanation Data access is not available for this data type. Action See the Troubleshooting section of the information center.
TUNE0218W: The dynamic cache instance {0} is not large enough to store all cacheable results. Consider increasing the number of cache entries to {1}.
Explanation When the dynamic cache is not large enough, the server must recalculate the evicted entries. However, in many systems, there is not enough memory in the heap for a cache large enough to hold all cacheable entries. Action Use the Tivoli Performance Viewer or other monitoring software to watch heap utilization as you adjust the dynamic cache size.
TUNE0219W: The dynamic cache instance {0} is not currently using all the available entries. Consider decreasing the number of cache entries to {1}.
Explanation The dynamic cache is not using all the available entries. Action If the server is operating under normal load, consider reducing the number of dynamic cache entries so that these resources can be allocated elsewhere.
TUNE0220W: The JVM is spending a considerable amount of time in garbage collection. Consider increasing the heap size. {0}
Explanation There are many reasons why an application might spend too much time in garbage collection. Often, it indicates an application with many short-lived objects. However, it can also indicate a heap that is too small, causing the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory manager to thrash. Action Increasing the heap size might help in this case, by lengthening the time between garbage collection calls, but might also increase the time needed for each garbage collection.
TUNE0221W: Data for memory session size is not available for certain Web applications. {0}
Explanation Session size contributes to application performance. If the data is available, the performance advisor gives advice on the average session size. Action Enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) SessionObjectSize counter if you are not in a distributed environment.
TUNE0222W: The sessions in the session cache of Web application {0} average {1}K, which is unusually large. {2}
Explanation Large sessions can reduce performance. The major costs are serialization and the amount of memory used. Action Consider revising the application to reduce the average session size.
TUNE0223W: There is at least one session in the session cache of Web application {0} which is {1}K. {2}
Explanation Large sessions can reduce performance. The major costs are serialization and the amount of memory used. Action Consider revising the application to reduce the average session size.
TUNE0224W: Consider lowering the monitoring level from Maximum to High for the modules listed below. {0}
Explanation The performance advisor does not need the "PMI monitored statistic set" to be "all". Action Lower the PMI monitored statistic set to extended.
TUNE0301W: The percent of connections used in the connection pool is optimal. {0}
Explanation The connection pool size is fine and the pool usage is good. Action No action is required.
TUNE0302W: The current size of the connection pool is not equal to the minimum value and does not decrease the size of the pool. {0}
Explanation The current algorithm only decreases the minimum or maximum pool size settings if the current pool size is equal to the MinPoolSize setting. Action No action is required.
TUNE0303W: Number of threads working in {0} is low, but the system does not seem to be under stress. {1}
Explanation The CPU utilization of this system is unusually low. Action Run the performance advisor with a representative workload. If CPU utilization is expected to be this low, consider decreasing the size of the thread pool. If not, the bottleneck might exist elsewhere in the system, preventing work from reaching the Application Server. To decrease the size of the thread pool For the Web container, click...
> Application Servers > server > Thread Pools in the administrative console.
To decrease the size of the thread pool for the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0304I: No problem detected with the {0}. {1}
Explanation Connection pool size is good. Action No action is required.
TUNE0305I: Since the CPU is heavily utilized, increasing the number of threads in {0} does not improve performance. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0306I: The current average thread pool size: {0} is less than the current threshold. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0307I: The session cache ratio of (live sessions)/(session cache size) is good. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0308I: The session cache for {0} is large enough to contain the average number of live sessions. {1}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0309I: The ratio of live sessions and session cache size is small enough that resources are not wasted. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0310I: The size of the session objects written by the application server, for {0} are within reasonable limits. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0311I: The size of the persistent store session objects that are read by the application server for {0} are within reasonable limits. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0312I: The time taken to read session objects is reasonable for {0}. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0313I: The time taken to write session objects for {0} is reasonable. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0314I: In the current interval, there is room available in session cache for new sessions of Web Application {0}. {1}
Explanation Session cache size is good. Action No action is required.
TUNE0315I: The prepared statement cache is set appropriately for data source {0}. {1}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0316I: The size of the {0} is invalid. The pool size is {1}; there are {2} active threads. {3}
Explanation Either the thread pool size is negative or the number of active threads is greater than the thread pool size. Action Check your thread pool settings in the administrative console: For the Web container, click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools. For the ORB Service, click...
> Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool.
TUNE0317I: No further tuning problems have been found. {0}
Explanation The performance advisor limits the number of times a particular warning is issued. A tuning problem can still exist, even though no more messages are issued. Action No action is required.
TUNE0318I: There is no data available for data point {0}. If the problem persists, check the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) settings. {1}
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor enables this data point for future use. Action No action is required.
TUNE0319W: Unable to completely utilize the performance advisor because data collection is not enabled for some modules. Enable monitoring for the specified modules. {0}
Explanation Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is not enabled for some modules. Action To fully utilize the performance advisor, enable monitoring for these modules. To enable PMI from the administrative console, click Application Servers > server > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI). Note: Setting the JVM module to MAX requires enabling the Java Virtual Machine Profiling Interface (JVMPI). See the information center for more information on this topic.
TUNE0320W: Unable to completely utilize the performance advisor because the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is not enabled for this server. Enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) using the administrative console and restart the server. {0}
Explanation The Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is not enabled for this server. Action To enable PMI from the administrative console, click Application Servers > server > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI). Select the Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) option, click Apply and restart your server.
TUNE0321W: Not enough data to perform analysis. {0}
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor, advice or Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) data point might have been enabled. Action No action is required.
TUNE0322W: The Runtime Performance Advisor is not running. Restart the application server. {0}
Explanation To use the Runtime Performance Advisor, restart your Application Server. Action From the Application Server installation directory, go to the bin directory and type stopserver.bat command to stop the server and then type thestartserver.bat command to start the server.
TUNE0323W: There was a general error detected in the Runtime Performance Advisor. Check the application server logs. {0}
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor created an error. Action Locate the log files under the installation root > logs directory. Each server instance has its own directory in the logs directory. Enable tracing in the administrative console by clicking Application Servers > server > Logging and Tracing > Diagnostic Trace Service.
TUNE0324W: There was an unknown error detected in the Runtime Performance Advisor. Check the application server logs and enable trace. {0}
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor created an error. Action Locate the log files under the installation root > logs directory. Each server instance has its own directory in the logs directory. Enable tracing in the administrative console by clicking Application Servers > server > Logging and Tracing > Diagnostic Trace Service.
TUNE0325I: Enough dynamic cache entries are allocated. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0326I: There are no problems with the amount of time spent garbage collecting. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
TUNE0327I: There are no problems with the in-memory session size. {0}
Explanation The in-memory session sizes are all reasonable. Action No action is required.
TUNE0328W: Unable to completely utilize the performance advisor because the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is not enabled for this nodeagent. Enable the Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) using the administrative console and restart the nodeagent. {0}
Explanation The Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) is not enabled for this node agent. Action To enable the PMI from the administrative console, click System Administration > Node Agents > nodeagent > Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI).Select the Enable Performance Monitoring Infrastructure (PMI) option, click Apply and restart the node agent.
TUNE0401E: There was an exception getting an AdminClient {0}.
Explanation Performance Runtime Advisor expected to get an administrative client and did not. Action Check that the node agent is running and that process discovery has occurred on the application server.
TUNE0402E: Runtime Performance Advisor could not register for notifications for {0}. The error reported was {1}.
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor failed to register for notifications of runtime changes. Action If you are running in a network deployment environment, make sure that the dmgr is still running.
TUNE0403E: Runtime Performance Advisor caught a class cast exception when processor AttributeChangedNotification. The following notification should be sent back as an AttributeChangeNotification rather than a normal Notification: {0}. The error reported was {1}
Explanation This is an internal system error. Action More info at:
TUNE0404E: Runtime Performance Advisor could not find the attribute {0} on mbean {1}
Explanation This is an internal system error. Action More info at:
TUNE0405E: Runtime Performance Advisor could not register for regisration/unregistration notifications on the MBeanServerDelegate for type {0}. The error reported was {1}.
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor failed to register for notifications of runtime changes. Action If you are running in network deployment environment, make sure that the dmgr is still running.
TUNE0406E: The attribute {0} is not available from the mbean {1}. The Runtime Performance Advisor will use the repository configuration in it''s place.
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor uses the runtime settings to help determine performance problems. This data was not available so that persistent configuration is used instead of the runtime configuration. Action No action is required.
TUNE0407E: Could not refresh repository cache .
Explanation There was a problem getting the Application Server configuration details from the repository. Action More info at:
TUNE0408E: Could not refresh {0} Configuration.
Explanation There was a problem getting the Application Server Session configuration details from the repository. Action More info at:
TUNE0409E: could not get {0} resource from config root.
Explanation There was a problem getting the resource from the configuration root. Action More info at:
TUNE0410E: There was a general error detected in the Runtime Performance Advisor. Check the application server logs. {0}
Explanation The Runtime Performance Advisor created an error. Action Each server instance has its own directory in the logs directory. Enable the*=all=enabled tracing in the administrative console by clicking Application Servers > server > Logging and Tracing > Diagnostic Trace Service.
TUNE0999W: Encountered an error while running performance advisor. {0}
Explanation The performance advisor created an error. Action Restart performance advisor.
TUNE5001W: JVM initial heap size is unusually small. Typically, the initial heap size is greater than or equal to {0}.
Explanation If the initial Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size is too small, the heap has to expand more often than required and performance degrades when the application server is first initialized. Action To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. See the information center for more information on tuning JVM.
TUNE5002W: The JVM initial heap size is unusually large. Typically, the initial heap size is no more than {0}.
Explanation If the minimum heap size is too large, the Java Virtual machine (JVM) cannot reduce the heap to an appropriate size. Garbage collection takes more time, which causes longer interruptions in application processing. Action To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. See the information center for more information on tuning JVM.
TUNE5003W: The JVM maximum heap size is unusually small. Typically, the maximum heap size is greater than or equal to {0}.
Explanation If the maximum heap size is too small, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) does not have enough room to manage the heap efficiently. Performance degrades and the application can fail. Action To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. See the information center for more information on tuning JVM.
TUNE5004W: The JVM maximum heap size is unusually large. Typically, the maximum heap size is no more than {0}.
Explanation If the heap size is too large for the amount of physical memory on your machine, the system might page and degrade performance. Action If this situation occurs, you might reduce the application footprint or add physical memory to the system.
TUNE5005W: The initial JVM heap size is greater than the maximum heap size. {0}
Explanation The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) heap size settings specify an initial heap size that is larger than the maximum heap size. Action To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. See the information center for more information on tuning JVM.
TUNE5006W: The JIT is disabled on the JVM. {0}
Explanation Having the JIT disabled will reduce performance of the Application Server. Action To change the JVM heap size, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Java and Process Management > Process Definition > Java Virtual Machine. See the information center for more information on tuning JVM.
TUNE5007I: The JIT is enabled on the JVM. {0}
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required
TUNE5008W: Trace Specifications are enabled. {0}
Explanation Enabled trace specifications might significantly reduce the performance of the Application Server. Action To disable unwanted trace specifications, open the administrative console and click Application Servers > server > Change Log or Trace Levels and disable all unwanted trace specifications
TUNE5011W: The size of the minimum thread pool for the Web container is greater than the size of the maximum thread pool. Adjust the sizes so that the minimum thread pool is equal to or less than the size of the maximum thread pool. {0}
Explanation The value specified for the minimum thread pool of the Web container is greater than the value for the maximum thread pool. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5012W: The size of the minimum thread pool for the Web Container is unusually large. Typically, the minimum thread pool size of the Web container is no more than {0}. {1}
Explanation In general, a very large thread pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5013W: The size of the maximum thread pool for the Web container is unusually large. Typically, the maximum thread pool size of the Web container is no more than {0}. {1}
Explanation In general, a very large thread pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console, click: Servers > Application Servers > server > Thread Pools. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5021W: The size of the minimum thread pool for the ORB is greater than the size of the maximum thread pool. Adjust the sizes so that the minimum thread pool size is equal to or less than the size of the maximum thread pool. {0}
Explanation The value specified for the minimum thread pool of the ORB is greater than the value for the maximum thread pool. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5022W: The size of the minimum thread pool for the ORB is unusually large. Typically, the minimum thread pool size is no more than {0}. {1}
Explanation In general, a very large thread pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console and click: Servers > Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5023W: The size of the maximum thread pool for the ORB is unusually large. Typically, the maximum thread pool size is no more than {0}. {1}
Explanation In general, a very large thread pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the size of the thread pool, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > server > Container Services > ORB Service > Thread Pool. See the information center for more information on tuning your Application Server.
TUNE5031W: The minimum pool size for the data source is greater than the maximum pool size for data source {0}. Adjust the sizes so that the size of the minimum connection pool is no more than the size of the maximum connection pool. {1}
Explanation The value specified for the minimum connection pool of the data source is greater than the maximum pool size. Action To change the connection pool properties, open the administrative console and click JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties. See the information center for more information about queueing.
TUNE5032W: For data source {0}, the minimum connection pool size is unusually large. Typically, the connection pool size should be no larger than {1}. {2}
Explanation In general, a very large connection pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the connection pool properties, open the administrative console and click JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties. See the information center for more information about queueing.
TUNE5033W: For data source {0}, the maximum connection pool size is unusually large. Typically, the connection pool size is no more than {1}. {2}
Explanation In general, a very large connection pool reduces performance, although it might be necessary for some applications. Action To change the connection pool properties, open the administrative console and click JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source > Connection pool properties. See the information center for more information about queueing.
TUNE5034W: The prepared statement cache is unusually large for data source {0}. Typically, the prepared statement cache is no more than {1} statements per connection. {2}
Explanation A large prepared statement cache is usually a problem only if memory is constrained and there are many infrequently used prepared statements. In this case, the statements are not discarded, but consume memory. In general, the size of the cache equals the number of prepared statements used in the application. Action To change the size of the cache, open the administrative console and click JDBC Providers > JDBC_provider > Data Sources > data_source. See the information center for more information about queueing.
TUNE5035W: Run the DB2 Performance Configuration Wizard for advice on tuning DB2 databases for performance.
Explanation The DB2 Performance Configuration Wizard calculates and suggests configuration parameters to optimize the performance of your DB2 database. Action To access the DB2 Performance Configuration Wizard, right click the database object in the DB2 Control Center and select Configure Performance Using Wizard.
TUNE5041W: Enable dynamic caching for better performance. Enable dynamic caching using the administrative console. {0}
Explanation Dynamic cache is not enabled. Action To enable dynamic cache service, open the administrative console and click... > Application Servers > server > Container Services > Dynamic Cache Service. See the information center for more information on using dynamic cache service.
TUNE5042W: Enable servlet caching for better performance. {0}
Explanation Servlet caching is not enabled. Action To enable servlet caching in the administrative console, click... > Application servers > server_name
> Web container settings > Web container and select Enable servlet caching under the Configuration tab. Click Apply or OK. We must restart your Application Server.
TUNE5901W: An error occurred while reading the configuration for {0}. {1}
Explanation An error occurred reading the configuration through the configuration service or configuration data is not in the log file, if in log replay mode. Action No action is required.
TUNE9001W: Heap utilization patterns indicate that you may have a memory leak {0}.
Explanation Over a period of time the amount of free memory appears to be decreasing or there is consistently insufficient free memory in the heap, indicating that you may have a memory leak. Action Use tooling to further analyze your memory usage over time. Refer to the information center for more informationabout diagnosing out-of-memory errors and java heap memory leak.
TUNE9002W: Though the heap has room for expansion there are early warning signs of a memory leak {0}.
Explanation Over a period of time the amount of free memory appears to be decreasing or there is consistently insufficient free memory in the heap, indicating that you may have a memory leak. Action Use tooling to further analyze your memory useage over time. Refer to the information center for more information about diagnosing out-of-memory errors and java heap memory leak.
TUNE9003I: There did not appear to be a GC cycle in the heap. Clearing current data structure. {0}.
Explanation There did not appear to be a GC cycle. The application does not appear to be in use. Action No action is required
TUNE9004I: No memory leak detected {0}.
Explanation Memory usage patterns do not indicate a memory leak Action No action is required
TUNE9005I: The following suspious memory warning has been detected. {0}.
Explanation Memory usage patterns have indicated a potential problem Action No action is required
TUNE9006W: It has been determined that a previous suspicous memory usage notification was in error. No memory problem has been detected at this time. {0}
Explanation To provide early notification of a suspicious memory activity short and long data collection periods are used. Sometimes a short period issues a notification which is later determined to be false when looking at the larger amount of data contained within a long period. Action No action is required
TUNE9007W: It has been detected that your java heap is getting large relative to memory pool size. A memory leak is possible. The effective memory pool {2} is {0} and your java process size has grown to be {1}. The period analyzed is between {3} and {4}. {5}.
Explanation A memory leak might cause the size of the java process to grow in an unbounded manner. Action Either adjust the memory pool size or use tooling to further analyze your memory useage over time. Refer to the information center for more information about diagnosing out-of memory errors and java heap memory leaks.
TUNE9008I: No problem has been detected with the java heap being large relative to the memory pool size. The effective memory pool {2} is {0} and the java process size has grown to be {1}. The period analyzed is between {2} and {3}. {5}.
Explanation Memory usage patterns do not indicate a memory leak Action No action is required