Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


ECNS0001E: Problem initializing entity change notification service {0}

Explanation The entity change notification service failed to initialize.
Action Verify the application server installation.

ECNS0002I: EntityChangeNotification service not enabled on {0}.

Explanation The Entity Change Notification service was not enabled. The Entity Change Notification service will be inaccessible on the given server.
Action None.

ECNS0050E: Message key {0} was not found in any searched resource bundles.

Explanation A key was passed into the Messages class to resolve to a string. However, the message service cannot find the properties file for the locale and cannot retrieve the appropriate message.
Action Determine why the message service cannot find the message catalog.

ECNS0052I: Processing EJB Module: {0}.

Explanation The EntityChangeNotification service is processing the specified EJB module by verifying all of the contained Enterprise JavaBean (EJB) files for observability.
Action None.

ECNS0053E: The Entity Change Notification service encountered an unexpected error while checking for observability in module {0}, bean {1}

Explanation The Entity Change Notification service cannot send change notification events for the specified entity.
Action Verify the deployment descriptor information for this bean.

ECNS0208E: Unable to perform observability processing on EJB jar: {0}

Explanation An JAR file for an enterprise bean can fail observability processing due to incorrect deployment descriptors.
Action Review the messages that display between this message and the preceeding WSVR0207I message. If another message is not found, use the exception that displays as part of this message as a possible cause of this error message.

ECNS9999E: Unexpected Exception Occurred: {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:



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