Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
ADMN0001W: The service is unable to parse the MBean descriptor file {0}.
Explanation A parsing error occurs when the administrative code tries to read the MBean descriptor file. Action Find XML grammar errors for the MBean descriptor file in question and correct them.
ADMN0002E: {0} is not a valid visibility value, which must be an integer within the range of 1 to 4 (inclusive).
Explanation An incorrect visibility value is specified. Action Specify a visibility value as an integer between 1 and 4, inclusive.
ADMN0003E: The service is unable to load a document type definition (DTD) file {0}.
Explanation The system cannot find the DTD file that is associated with the MBean descriptor file. Action Verify the corresponding DTD file is in the class path.
ADMN0004E: The service is unable to load parent type {0}.
Explanation The parent MBean descriptor failed to load because of parsing errors or a missing parent type. Action Verify that the MBean descriptor of the parent type exists.
ADMN0005E: The service is unable to activate MBean: type {0}, collaborator {1}, configuration ID {2}, descriptor {3}.
Explanation The service did not load the corresponding MBean; in most cases, the MBean descriptor file either cannot be found in the class path or cannot be read. Action Verify that the correct MBean descriptor file is provided and is accessible from the class path.
ADMN0006W: More than one MBean is registered with the same configuration identifier {0}.
Explanation A specific attribute could not be gotten. In most cases, the attribute does not exist. Action For custom service MBeans, extension MBeans, or application MBeans, check the code to find the conflict.
ADMN0007I: The getAttribute method results in exception {0}.
Explanation A specific attribute could not be gotten. In most cases, the attribute does not exist. Action If the attribute does not exist, verify the attribute name. If the attribute does exist, review the nested exception to determine the cause of the problem and how to resolve it.
ADMN0008I: The getAttributes method results in exception {0}.
Explanation Specific attributes could not be gotten. In most cases, the attributes do not exist. Action If the attributes do not exist, verify the attribute name. If the attributes do exist, review the nested exception to determine the cause of the problem and how to resolve it.
ADMN0009I: The setAttribute method results in exception {0}.
Explanation Either the attribute does not exist or the attribute type does not match. Action If either the attribute does not exist or the attribute type does not match, verify the information provided. If the attribute name and the attribute type are correct, review the nested exception to determine the cause of the problem and how to resolve it.
ADMN0010I: The setAttributes method results in exception {0}.
Explanation Either the attribute does not exist or the attribute type does not match. Action If either the attribute does not exist or the attribute type does not match, verify the information provided. If the attribut name and the attribute type are correct, review the nested exception to determine the cause of the problem and how to resolve it.
ADMN0011I: The invoke method results in exception {0}.
Explanation The invoke method could not be performed because of the specified exception. Action More info at:
ADMN0012I: The specified configuration ID {0} contains the illegal character "*" or "," and is replaced as {1}.
Explanation An incorrect configuration ID is provided. Action Verify the configuration ID.
ADMN0013E: The name parameter cannot be null.
Explanation While registering a notification listener, the service determined that the target MBean is not specified. Action Specify a valid object name for the target MBean.
ADMN0014W: The service cannot send {0} notification: {1}
Explanation The service can not send notification of the specified type due to the specified exception. Action More info at:
ADMN0015I: The administration service is initialized.
Explanation The administration service is initialized. Action No user action is required.
ADMN0016E: The File Transfer Service cannot be initialized. The configuration object cannot be created. Exception {0}
Explanation The file transfer service could not be initialized. The configuration object could not be created. Action More info at:
ADMN0017E: The service is unable to create ObjectName: type {0}, configuration ID {2}, descriptor {3}.
Explanation The service failed to create an MBean object name; in most cases, the MBean descriptor file cannot be found in the class path or cannot be read. Action Verify that the correct MBean descriptor file is provided and is accessible from the class path.
ADMN0018W: An error occurred registering the AppManagementMBean MBean: {0}
Explanation AppManagementMBean MBean could not be registered. Action More info at:
ADMN0020W: An exception occurred getting the local IP address: {0}
Explanation The local IP address could not be gotten. Action More info at:
ADMN0021W: The service cannot dump the JVM (JVM) thread stack: {0}
Explanation The service cannot dump the JVM (JVM) thread stack. Action More info at:
ADMN0022E: Access is denied for the {0} operation on {1} MBean because of insufficient or empty credentials.
Explanation The specified operation on the specified MBean could not be performed because a valid user ID and password were not supplied. Action Specify the appropriate user ID and password before sending the request.
ADMN0024W: The repository configuration contains a property with an undefined variable {0}. Exception information: {1}
Explanation An incorrect property is specified for the repository configuration. Action Check the property in question and then correct it.
ADMN0025E: The service failed to get the ModelMBeanInfo interface for MBean: {0}; access is denied.
Explanation Requests like the getAttribute request need to obtain the ModelMBeanInfo interface for the target MBean during security checking. No such ModelMBeanInfo interface is found for the target MBean. Action Verify that the target MBean exists in the server run time.
ADMN0026I: Recycle the node {0} with file synchronization option: {1}
Explanation The specified node with the specified synchronization options was recycled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN0027E: The path for the resource adapter archive (RAR) file cannot be null.
Explanation Change "J2C" to "J2C". Action Specifiy a valid RAR file path.
ADMN0028E: An exception occurred while opening resource adapter archive (RAR) file {0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The service failed to open the specified RAR file. Action Verify that the identified path is a valid one.
ADMN0029E: An error occurred while extracting archive {0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The service failed to extract the archive to the target directory. Action Verify that the specified archive exists and that it is not corrupted.
ADMN0030W: An error occurred while recycling node {0}. The exception is: {1}
Explanation The specified node could not be recycled. Action More info at:
ADMN0031E: An error occurred while extracting an archive: cannot create directory path {0}.
Explanation The specified path does not exist and cannot be created. Action More info at:
ADMN0032I: Running script {0}
Explanation The specified script is running. Action No user action is required.
ADMN0033E: An error occurred launching {0}: {1}
Explanation A problem occurred trying to launch the script that performs the requested operation. Action More info at:
ADMN0034E: The service is unable to obtain a valid administrative client to connect process "{0}" from process "{1}", because of exception: {2}
Explanation The remote process might not be running. Action Verify that the process to which you connect is running.
ADMN0035W: The system clock of node {0} is not synchronized with that of the dmgr.
Explanation If the system clocks on the dmgr and a node is not synchronized closely enough, the operations involving the node might fail when security is enabled. Action Set the systems clocks to within at least a few minutes of each other.
ADMN0036W: The {0} attribute "{1}" is deprecated. {2}
Explanation This attribute will be removed in a future release. Action Update the code that uses this attribute to use a non-deprecated attribute or operation.
ADMN0037W: The {0} operation "{1}" is deprecated. {2}
Explanation This operation will be removed in a future release. Action Update the code that uses this operation to use a non-deprecated attribute or operation.
ADMN0038E: The service failed to save the resource adapter to assign object IDs. The exception is {0}
Explanation The service failed to save the resource adapter to assign object IDs. Action More info at:
ADMN0039E: The specified connection definition (Connection factory interface = {0} ) does not exist under the specified resource adapter.
Explanation No connection definition exists for the specified resource adapter. Action Verify that the specified connection definition is correct. It might belong to another resource adapter. Check the ra.xml file.
ADMN0040E: The connection definition is not specified.
Explanation A J2C architecture connection factory cannot be created because the connection definition was not specified. Action Specify the connection definition that is defined in the resource adapter.
ADMN0041E: The specified AdminObject name (AdminObjectClass name = {0}) does not exist under the specified resource adapter.
Explanation The specified AdminObject name does not exist for the specified resource adapter. Action Verify that the specified AdminObject name is correct. It might belong to another resource adapter. Check the ra.xml file.
ADMN0042E: The AdminObject value is not specified.
Explanation A J2C architecture connection factory cannot be created because the AdminObject value was not specified. Action Specify the AdminObject name that is defined in the resource adapter.
ADMN0043E: The ActivationSpec name (ActivationSpecClass name = {0}) does not exist under the specified resource adapter.
Explanation The ActivationSpec name does not exist for the specified resource adapter. Action Verify that the ActivationSpec is correct; it might belong to another resource adapter. Check the ra.xml file.
ADMN0044E: The ActivationSpec name is not specified.
Explanation A J2C architecture connection factory cannot be created because the ActivationSpec name was not specified. Action Specify the ActivationSpec name that is defined in the resource adapter.
ADMN0045E: Introspection of the bean failed because the class name is not specified.
Explanation The introspection of the bean failed because the class name is not specified. Action Verify that the ra.xml file contains one of the following class names: Class name Class Description ----------------- --------------------------ResourceAdapter Resource adapter ConnectionFactory Managed connection factory ActivationSpec Activation specification AdminObject Administrative object
ADMN0046E: The service failed to create a new instance of the class:{0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation Creation of the new instance of the specified class failed becuase of an IllegalAccessException exception. An inconsistency exists between the specified class installed on the machine and the specified class used for compilation. Action Check the class path to ensure that it points to the correction version of the class. You might have to uninstall the software if multiple versions of the software exist.
ADMN0047E: The specified class:{0} can not be instantiated. The exception is {1}
Explanation Creation of the new instance of the specified class failed because of an InstantiationException exception. The specifid class name in the ra.xml file might be incorrect. Action Verify that the specified class name defined in the ra.xml file is correct.
ADMN0048W: The service failed to introspect the class:{0} to read the value of property {1}.
Explanation The introspection of the specified bean failed because an InvocationTargetException exception occurred while trying to read the value of the specified property. Action Verify that the specified class in the resource adapter archive (RAR) file is correct.
ADMN0049E: The service failed to introspect the class:{0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The introspection of the specified bean failed because of an IntrospectionException exception. Action Verify that the definition of the specified class in the resource adapter archive(RAR) file is correct.
ADMN0050E: The service failed to introspect the class:{0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The introspection of the specified bean failed because of a ClassNotFoundException exception. Action Verify that the definition of the specified class in the resource adapter archive(RAR) file is correct.
ADMN0051E: The service failed to introspect the class:{0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The introspection of the specified bean failed because of a java.lang.Exception exception. Action Verify that the module and the specified class defined in it are correct.
ADMN0052E: A ResourcePropertiesSet syntax error occurred: A word is expected. Encountered {0}
Explanation a syntax error occurred in specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet value. Action Check the parameter syntax.
ADMN0053E: A ResourcePropertiesSet parameter error occurred. An IOException exception occurred. (0)
Explanation An IOException exception occurred while processing the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Check the specified ResourcePropertiesSet parameter.
ADMN0054E: A ResourcePropertiesSet parameter error occurred. An UnknownException exception occurred. (0)
Explanation An unknown exception occurred while processing the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Check the specified ResourcePropertiesSet parameter.
ADMN0055E: A ResourcePropertiesSet syntax error occurred: keyword (name, type, value, desc, and required) is expected. Encountered {0}.
Explanation A syntax error occurred when specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Check the parameter syntax.
ADMN0056E: A ResourcePropertiesSet syntax error occurred: The value of {0} is expected. Encountered {1}.
Explanation A syntax error occurred when specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Check the parameter syntax.
ADMN0057E: A ResourcePropertiesSet syntax error occurred: {0} is specified more than once.
Explanation A syntax error occurred when specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Specify the keyword only once.
ADMN0058E: A syntax error occurred when specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter resulting in an unrecognized value.
Explanation A syntax error occurred when specifying the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Additional data exists at the end of the value. Action Check the parameter syntax. Remove the additional data from the end of the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter
ADMN0059E: An IOException exception occurred while processing the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter.
Explanation An IOException exception occurred while processing the ResourcePropertiesSet parameter. Action Check the parameters are valid.
ADMN0060E: A ResourcePropertiesSet syntax error occurred: {0} is required.
Explanation The ResourcePropertiesSet parameter could not be specified because of a syntax error. The specified keyword is required. Action Check the parameter syntax. Add the specified keyword and its associated value.
ADMN0061E: The service failed to set up a class loader for {0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The service failed to create an instance of the class loader to load the specified resource adapter archive (RAR) file. Action More info at:
ADMN0062E: {0} is not defined in the ra.xml file.
Explanation The specified entry is missing in the ra.xml file. Action Modify the ra.xml file to include this entry.
ADMN0063W: {0} is not defined in the ra.xml file.
Explanation The specified entry is missing in the ra.xml file. Action Modify the ra.xml file to include this entry.
ADMN0064E: The system is unable to create the OS/400 repository listener: {0}
Explanation The system is unable to create the specified repository listener for the i5/OS platform. Action More info at:
ADMN0065E: This RAR version {0} can not be installed to the Node {1} since its version is {2}.
Explanation This version of RAR is not supported by the specified target node. Action Upgrade to correct version of RAR.
ADMN0066E: The configuration document serverindex.xml for this node could not be loaded. The exception is {0}
Explanation The serverindex.xml document for this node is missing or has errors. Action Check the serverindex.xml document for errors. If this is in a nodeagent server, run the syncNode command line tool to copy the master version from the dmgr.
ADMN1000I: An attempt is made to launch {0} on node {1}. (User ID = {2})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted process launch by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1001I: An attempt is made to launch {0} on node {1}.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted process launch. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1002I: An attempt is made to stop node {0}. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted process stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1003I: An attempt is made to stop node {0}.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted process stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1004I: An attempt is made to restart node {0}. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted node restart by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1005I: An attempt is made to restart node {0}.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted node restart. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1006I: An attempt is made to synchronize the {0} node. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted node synchronization by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1007I: An attempt is made to synchronize the {0} node.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted node synchronization. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1008I: An attempt is made to start the {0} application. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted application start by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1009I: An attempt is made to start the {0} application.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted application start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1010I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} application. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted application stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1011I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} application.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted application stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1012I: An attempt is made to start the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster start by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1013I: An attempt is made to start the {0} cluster.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1014I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1015I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} cluster.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1016I: An attempt is made to immediately stop the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster immediate stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1017I: An attempt is made to immediately stop the {0} cluster.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster immediate stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1018I: An attempt is made to ripple start the {0} cluster (User ID = {1}).
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster ripple start by the specified user. Action No action is required.
ADMN1019I: An attempt is made to ripple start the {0} cluster.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted cluster ripple start. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1020I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} server. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted server stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1021I: An attempt is made to stop the {0} server.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted server stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1022I: An attempt is made to immediately stop the {0} server. (User ID = {1})
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted server immediate stop by the specified user. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1023I: An attempt is made to immediately stop the {0} server.
Explanation This action is an audit of an attempted server immediate stop. The user ID is not available because security is not enabled. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1100E: Invalid request: attempt was made to add or remove a node with WebSphere version < 6.0 to a cell controlled by dmgr at version {0}.
Explanation Application Server does not support the addition or removal of a node from a cell when the node is at a product version earlier than 6.0 and the dmgr that controls the cell is at product version 6.0 or later. Action If an attempt was made to add a node, upgrade the the node to Application Server version 6.0 or later before adding the node to the cell. If an attempt was made to remove a node, refer to instructions for removing a version 5 node from a cell controlled by a version 6 or higher dmgr.
ADMN1101I: Beginning attempt to federate a node with WebSphere version {0} to a cell controlled by dmgr at version {1}, or to remove such a node from the cell.
Explanation The process of adding a node to a cell, or removing a node from a cell, was begun. Action No user action is required.
ADMN1102E: The product or feature ({0}) version of the Deployment Manager ({1}) is earlier than that of this node ({2}); the node has not been added
Explanation The node was not added to the cell. The product does not support the dmgr being at an earlier product version than the node. Action Upgrade the dmgr to the same or later version as that of the node.
ADMN1103E: For extension point {0} the extension class {1} failed to load
Explanation The extension class file might be missing from the module, or the file might not be properly defined in the plugin.xml file of the module. Action Verify that the extension is properly defined and that the implementation class is in the module.
ADMN1200W: Unexpected exception from MBean Router {0}: {1}
Explanation An unexpected exception from the specified MBean router occurred. Action Contact the implementor of the MBean router for a fix.
ADMN1201W: Unknown route type {0} from MBeanRouter {1}
Explanation An unexpected MBean router type was encountered when calling an MBean. Action Contact implementor of MBean router for a fix.
ADMN1202W: Inefficient MBean query executed: {0}
Explanation Inefficient MBean query executed. This query may lead to performance problems. Action Code that uses this operation may need to be updated to supply a node and process name.
ADMN1210I: Check the System Log for information on the System Dump
Explanation Location of System Dump or errors appear in the System Log Action Check for the IEA911E message in the System Log for location of a successful dump operation.
ADMN1211E: Unable to open connector to admin agent while processing method {0} for interface {1}
Explanation The admin agent must be started and reachable by the application server. Action Ensure that the admin agent is started and the application server discovers the admin agent.
ADMN1212E: Internal Error: MBean proxy unable process method {0} for interface {1}
Explanation The MBean proxy is unable to process the method. Action Contact support.
ADMN1213E: Internal Error: MBean proxy for interface {1} has not been activated
Explanation The MBean proxy has not been activated. It needs to be activated before it can be called. Action Contact support.
ADMN1214E: Internal Error: MBean proxy {1} unable to locate corresponding MBean on admin agent
Explanation The corresponding MBean is required on admin agent in order for the invocation to succeed. Action Contact support.
ADMN1215E: MBean proxy {1} caught exception while calling method {2} on the corresponding MBean on the admin agent.
Explanation An exception is caught while MBean proxy routes a request to the corresponding MBean on the admin agent. Action See nested exception for underlying cause.
ADMN1216I: One or more methods in {0} mbean is excluded from access check.
Explanation This message is for informational purpose only. Action No action is required.
ADMN1217E: The value {1} is not valid for parameter {0}.
Explanation Install failed because the parameter was not set properly. Action Validate the parameters before reinstalling.
ADMN1218W: The type parameter "{0}" passed to createMBeanName / activateMBean disagrees with the ObjectName key property type={1}.
Explanation The ObjectName key property "type" has a value which is different than the type parameter which was passed to or createMBeanName. Action For custom service MBeans, extension MBeans, or application MBeans, ensure that the "type" property key used to create the ObjectName is the same as the type parameter passed to activateMBean or createMBeanName.
ADMN1219W: The service failed to introspect the class: {0}. The exception is {1}
Explanation The introspection of the specified bean failed because of an exception. Action Verify that the module and the specified class defined in it are correct.
ADMN2000E: Unable to create RSA token needed to connect to job manager due to exception {0}
Explanation Connection to job manager can not be initiated due to the reported exception. Action Refer to the exception. Check FFDC log for certificate related problems. Check your RSA certificate, and update if the certificate has expired.