Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
ADMAA0001E: Could not find text for message ID {0}.
Explanation The specified message ID could not be found in the message file; contact IBM support. Action More info at:
ADMAA0002I: Initializing Administrative Subsystem for node with key {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0003I: Starting Administrative Subsystem for node with key {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0004E: The connector you specified is not one of the supported connectors.
Explanation The connector you specified using openConnectors option is not one of the supported connectors. Action Make sure you specified the connectors that is supported which are SOAP, RMI, JSR160RMI and IPC.
ADMAA0005I: Stopping Administrative Subsystem for node with key {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0006E: Failed to initialize all connectors for the administrative subsystem, node registration cannot continue.
Explanation Node registration cannot continue because it failed to initialize the administrative subystem connectors. Action Review the associated error in the admin agent logs or turn on admin agent trace to diagnose the problem.
ADMAA0007E: The admin agent did not start the subsystem for the {0} node because the set of products and versions on the node {1} is not the same as the following set of admin agent products and versions: {2}
Explanation The admin agent cannot start the node subsystem because the set of products and versions on the node is not the same as the set of admin agent products and versions. Action Complete the following steps: 1. Unregister the node from the admin agent. 2. Ensure that the set of products and versions on the node is the same as the set of admin agent products and versions. 3. Re-register the node to the admin agent.
ADMAA0008E: The admin agent cannot register the node. The set of products and versions on the node {0} must be the same as the following set of admin agent products and versions: {1}
Explanation The set of products and versions on the node must be the same as the set of admin agent products and versions. Action Before you attempt to register a node, ensure that the set of products and versions on the node and the set of products and versions of admin agent versions are the same.
ADMAA0009I: Destroying Admininistrative Subsystem for node with key {0}.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0010E: Failed to register node to itself.
Explanation The AdminAgent node cannot be registered to itself. Action Verify that the node you are registering is not the AdminAgent node itself.
ADMAA0011E: Failed to register the node in non supporting environment.
Explanation The node cannot be registered without first connecting to an AdminAgent server. Action Verify that the connection you use to the AdminAgent server is correct and that the AdminAgent server is running.
ADMAA0012I: Node has been registered.
Explanation The node is already registered. Action Make sure you register a node that has not been registered.
ADMAA0013I: Node successfully registered.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0014I: Node successfully deregistered.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0015I: The node has not been registered.
Explanation The node cannot be unregistered because it is not registered. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0017E: The node with key {0} still started, so it cannot be destroyed.
Explanation The node cannot be destroyed because it started. Action Stop the node first then attempt to destroy it.
ADMAA0018I: The node with key {0} had not been initialized.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0019I: The node with key {0} already started.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0020E: The node with key {0} has not been initialized, so it cannot be started.
Explanation The node cannot be started because it has not been initialized. Action Initialize the node and then start it.
ADMAA0022I: The node with key {0} has not been initialized, so it cannot be stopped.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0023I: AdminAgent server added to remote node.
Explanation This message is for informational purposes only. Action No action is required.
ADMAA0026E: Command generateProfileKey failed because one of the required property is null.
Explanation The generateProfileKey command failed because it is missing one of the required properties. Action Make sure that you supply all of the required properties when you call the generateProfileKey command.
ADMAA0027E: The connector type specified is not valid.
Explanation The specified connector type is not valid. The following connector type are valid: SOAP, RMI, JSR160RMI and IPC. Action Try again using the correct connector type.
ADMAA0028E: ManagedNode name must be supplied if running it from an admin agent.
Explanation The ManagedNode name of the registered node has not been specified. Action If you run the command to connect to an admin agent, specify the ManagedNode name of the registered node.
ADMAA0030E: The command is not supported from registered node bin directory using local mode.
Explanation Using the local mode, the command cannot be executed from the bin directory of the registered node. Action Connect to an admin agent when you run the command from the bin directory of the registered node.
ADMAA0031E: Error running registerNode or deregisterNode on non supporting environment.
Explanation An attempt was made to register a node in an unsupported environment. A node can be registered or deregistered only when it runs on the same machine as the admin agent, which is the AminAgent MBean. Action Register or deregister a node, using the registerNode or deregisterNode operation, when the node is located on the same machine as the admin agent. The admin agent is the AdminAgent MBean.
ADMAA0032E: Error running registeNode on non supporting environment. The node level must be less then or equal to the admin agent level.
Explanation An attempt was made to register a node that has higher level then the admin agent level. Action Ensure that the node level you are trying to register is less then or equal to the admin agent level.
ADMAA0033E: Error trying to register a non supporting node.
Explanation The node you are trying to register is not a stand-alone server node. We can register only a stand-alone application server node to an admin agent. Action Ensure that the node you are trying to register to an admin agent is a stand-alone application server node.
ADMAA0034E: Failed to create managed node with name {0}.
Explanation The node name being used to create a new managed node already exist. Action The node name being used to create a new managed node already exist. You need to specify different name.
ADMAA0035E: An error occured when trying to create managed node.
Explanation An error occured when trying to create managed node. Action Review the associated error or turn on trace to diagnose the problem.
ADMAA0036E: Error trying to registered node that has been registered already.
Explanation The node could not be registered because it has already been registered. Action Ensure that the node has not been previously registered before attempting to register it.
ADMAA0037E: Error obtaining repository client {0}
Explanation A client connection for the Cell configuration repository could not be obtained. Action Record the exception information from this message for further problem determination.
ADMAA0038E: Error trying to deregister node that has not been registered.
Explanation Failed to deregister the node, the node may have not been registered yet or the node may have been registered to different AdminAgent. Action Check if the node you are trying to deregister was registered or make sure you try to deregister the node from the correct AdminAgent.
ADMAA0039E: Access denied during node registration
Explanation The registerNode command can only be invoked by a user with administrator role. Action Supply administrator user id and password to the registerNode command.
ADMAA0040E: Access denied during node deregistration
Explanation The deregisterNode command can only be invoked by a user with administrator role. Action Supply administrator user id and password to the deregisterNode command.