Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


J2CA0001E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor for {0} : {1}.

Explanation This indicates a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the resource adapter. A Deployment Descriptor does exist for this resource adapter, but it is not in the right format to read in and process.
Action More info at:

J2CA0002W: There is no Resource Adapter Deployment Descriptor available for {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Systems Management configuration for the resource adapter. A deployment descriptor does not exist for this resource adapter.
Action Check that file resources.xml exists and that it contains a [resourceProviders xmi:type="resources.j2c:J2CResourceAdapter" . . .] element. If the file does not exist, or if the file appears to be incorrect, delete it and re-create the resource adapter through the Integrated Solutions Console.

J2CA0003E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Factory Properties for {0} : {1}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the connection factory. The properties do exist for the connection factory, but they are not in the right format to read and process.
Action More info at:

J2CA0004W: There are no Connection Factory Properties available for {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the connection factory. The properties do not exist for this connection factory.
Action More info at:

J2CA0005E: An exception occurred while trying to read the Connection Pooling Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the connection factory. The properties for connection pooling do exist for the connection factory, but they are not in the right format to read and process.
Action More info at:

J2CA0006W: There are no Connection Pooling Properties available for {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Systems Management configuration of the connection factory. The properties for connection pooling do not exist for this connection factory.
Action More info at:

J2CA0007W: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing continued.

Explanation There was a problem invoking a method on a deployed object. The names of these methods are determined by the name/value pairs contained in the properties of the JavaBean. These are based on the contents of the resource adapter's ra.xml file and class annotations. Processing will continue because the default values for this property might be sufficient, or this particular property might not be required by the specified deployed object.
Action This error could indicate a mismatch between the resource adapter's XML definition or class annotations and the java class provided for implementation of the JavaBean. Examine the attributes supplied by the resource adapter. It might be necessary to provide this failure notification to the provider of the resource adapter.

J2CA0008W: Class {0} used by resource {2} did not contain method set{1}. Processing continued.

Explanation There is a missing method on a deployed object. The names of these methods are determined by the name/value pairs contained in the properties of the JavaBean. These are based on the contents of the resource adapter's ra.xml file and class annotations. Processing will continue because the default values for this property might be sufficient, or this particular property might not be required by the specified deployed object.
Action This error could indicate a mismatch between the resource adapter's XML definition or class annotations and the java class provided for implementation of the JavaBean. Examine the attributes supplied by the resource adapter. It might be necessary to provide this failure notification to the provider of the resource adapter.

J2CA0009E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ManagedConnectionFactory class {0} used by resource {2} : {1}.

Explanation There was an exception while attempting to create a ManagedConnectionFactory object. There are several possible reasons for this problem. The connection manager (1) could not find the appropriate class for the ManagedConnectionFactory using the context class loader, (2) could not create a TraceWriter object for the ManagedConnectionFactory, or (3) could not create the ConnectionManager object for the ManagedConnectionFactory. Any of these problems could also be related to an XML definition for the resource adapter that is not valid.
Action More info at:

J2CA0010E: Parameter in method {0} is not of type Reference: {1}.

Explanation The getObjectInstance method is invoked by the JNDI lookup processing of the resource. The implementation of the JNDI lookup should be passing in a valid Reference object for the desired resource. Either the name service is passing in a bad object or the Reference object was created incorrectly.
Action More info at:

J2CA0011E: There is no connector name in the Reference object for method {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
Action More info at:

J2CA0012E: The connector name is null in the Reference object for method {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
Action More info at:

J2CA0013I: An exception occurred while trying to create ManagedConnectionFactory for {0} : {1}.

Explanation A problem occured creating the ManagedConnectionFactory from the stored Reference in the JNDI name space.
Action Refer to the additional information provided to find related error messages and information from the activity.log file.

J2CA0014I: An exception occurred while building the Reference for JNDI deployment of {0} : {1}. This error was absorbed and a null returned from the method.

Explanation A problem occured creating the Reference object to be stored in the JNDI name space for the named resource. This problem will be detected and logged as an error later in the processing.
Action Refer to the additional information provided to find related error messages and information from the log file.

J2CA0015E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection from resource {0}.

Explanation The pool manager could not allocate a managed connection. This might be due to the properties associated with the pool manager (such as, maximum connections were exceeded). A NULL managed connection was returned by the pool manager.
Action More info at:

J2CA0016E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked within transaction ID {1}. This Resource Adapter from pool {2} does not support two phase processing.

Explanation This indicates that an attempt was made to use the connection within the context of an XA transaction along with other XA capable resources. This is not a valid operation for this resource adapter.
Action Modify the logic to separate the resource usage into separate transactions.

J2CA0017I: An exception occurred while building the serializable for JNDI deployment of {0} : {1}. This error was absorbed and a null returned from the method.

Explanation There was a problem creating the serializable object to be stored in the JNDI name space for the named resource. This problem will be detected and logged as an error later in the processing.
Action Refer to the additional information provided to find related error messages and information from the log file.

J2CA0018E: An exception occurred while trying to create Resource Adapter ConnectionFactory {0} : {1}.

Explanation There was a problem with the resource adapter creating the desired connection factory. The exception text provides additional details on the actual problem.
Action If the exception text does not indicate a situation that is user controlled, collect diagnostic data and refer to the IBM support site for additional information.

J2CA0019W: No Managed Connection Factory Properties data could be assembled for {0}. Processing continued.

Explanation The properties for the ManagedConnectionFactory could not be assembled because of other logged errors. This might cause problems at runtime, depending on the default values of the various properties that are provided by the resource adapter.
Action Check for other related messages that could further explain the specific problems with the property data. If your connections appear to work, you may ignore this message. Otherwise, attempt to follow the "User Response" sections in the other error messages.

J2CA0020E: The Connection Pool Manager could not allocate a Managed Connection: {0}.

Explanation The pool manager created an exception when attempting to allocate a managed connection. The exception text might provide additional information for determining the problem.
Action If there are no user controlled indications, the message might be due to an internal error in the connection manager processing. Collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support site for more information.

J2CA0021E: An exception occurred while trying to get a Connection from the Managed Connection resource {1} : {0}.

Explanation The resource adapter created an exception when attempting to call the getConnection() method. The exception text might provide additional information for determining the problem.
Action If there are no user controlled indications, the message might be due to an internal error in connection manager processing. Collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support site for more information.

J2CA0022I: An exception occurred while trying to cleanup and release the Managed Connection from resource {1} for a failed getConnection from the Managed Connection {0}. This second error was absorbed and the original error re-thrown.

Explanation There was a problem attempting to clean records from a failed getConnection attempt. This message is informational and should be combined with other related messages for proper problem determination.
Action Examine the other related messages for explanations and user responses.

J2CA0023E: A two phase XA operation, {0}, was invoked. This Resource Adapter from DataSource {1} does not support two phase processing.

Explanation There was an attempt made to invoke an XA operation on a resource adapter that only supports local transactions. A local transaction resource adapter might have been included within the context of an XA transaction, along with other XA capable resources.
Action Modify the business logic to separate the resource usage into separate transactions.

J2CA0024E: Method {0}, within transaction branch ID {1} of resource pool {4}, caught {2} and threw a {3}.

Explanation There was a problem processing the given method. The interface defines specific exceptions that can be created, so the exception that was caught was mapped to the exception created. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and that it contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check the log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.

J2CA0026E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to register the Resource Adapter with the Synchronization Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.

Explanation There was a problem processing the given method. The interface defines specific exceptions that can be created, so the exception that was caught was mapped to the exception created. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check the log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.

J2CA0027E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {3}, within transaction ID {1} : {2}.

Explanation There was a problem processing the given method. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and that it contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check the log files for earlier errors that caused the exception

J2CA0028E: An exception occurred while invoking {0} on an XA Resource Adapter from DataSource {2} : {1}.

Explanation There was a problem processing the given method. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and that it contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check the log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.

J2CA0029E: Unable to obtain a ResourceAdapter key while trying to start a ResourceAdapter. The ResourceAdapter configuration information which makes up the key is either missing or corrupted. The following Exception was caught: {0}

Explanation This might be a symptom of an incorrectly hand-modified resources.xml document. Alternatively, if you are using an application with an embedded resource adapter, this might be a symptom of an incorrectly hand-modified deployment.xml document.
Action If we have hand-modified either a resources.xml or a deployment.xml file, check the files for any errors. If we have not edited these files, this could be an internal application server error.

J2CA0030E: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to enlist resources from DataSource {3} with the Transaction Manager for the current transaction, and threw a {2}.

Explanation There was a problem processing the given method. The interface defines specific exceptions that can be created, so the exception that was caught was mapped to the exception created. The processing within the method did not complete successfully.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and that it contains the necessary recovery logic. Also check the log files for earlier errors that caused the exception.

J2CA0031I: Method {0} caught {1} while trying to delist resources from DataSource {3} from the Transaction Manager for the current transaction and threw {2}

Explanation There was a problem attempting to delist resources from the transaction manager. This message is for informational purposes.
Action If this message occurs on a regular basis, collect diagnostic information and visit the IBM support site for more information.

J2CA0034E: An unexpected event was received from the Resource Adapter for resource {2}. Expected ConnectionEvent type {0} and received ConnectionEvent type {1}.

Explanation This is most likely an error with the specific resource adapter.
Action Contact the resource adapter supplier.

J2CA0035E: Class {0}, used by resource {2} did not contain method set{1}. Processing halted.

Explanation The set method does not exist for this class; the connection manager expected this method to exist. The resource adapter requires this set method to be run to function properly, so the ManagedConnectionFactory is discarded. The class file for this ManagedConnectionFactory might be out of date, or there might be a miscommunication between WebSphere Systems Management and the connection manager.
Action Check that the class files for this resource adapter are up to date.

J2CA0036E: An exception occurred while invoking method set{0} on {1} used by resource {3} : {2}. Processing halted.

Explanation The set method could not be run. The resource adapter requires this method in order to function correctly. The class files for this ManagedConnectionFactory may be out of date, or there may have been an error communicating between WebSphere systems management and the J2C Runtime.
Action Check that the class files for this resource adapter are up to date.

J2CA0037E: An exception occurred when trying to read the Data Source Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.

Explanation An internal error has occurred when reading properties from the namespace.
Action More info at:

J2CA0038E: An exception occurred when trying to read the ManagedConnectionFactory Properties for {0} from the namespace: {1}.

Explanation An internal error has occurred when reading properties from the namespace.
Action More info at:

J2CA0039E: Failed to bind an Administered Object to the namespace with JNDI name {0}. The associated Resource Adapter key is {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0040E: No valid transaction context was found on the thread for method {0} with coordinator {1} using resources from DataSource {2}.

Explanation There was an internal error in the connection manager processing. A valid transaction context is required for the given operation, but it was not found.
Action More info at:

J2CA0041E: The ComponentMetaData instance was null in method {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0042E: An Exception occurred while trying to expand part of a path. The failing piece is {0}. The exception is: {1}

Explanation Check the path string that failed and verify that any non-expanded variables are valid (including their case).
Action Fix any variables which are not valid.

J2CA0043E: An Exception occurred while trying to instantiate a ResourceAdapter JavaBean instance for the installed ResourceAdapter defined by key {0}. The exception is: {1}

Explanation The path for the resource adapter has not been configured correctly, or the resources.xml file (or deployment.xml file if you are using an embedded RAR file) is corrupted.
Action Correct the path configuration for the resource adapter or repair the XML configuration file.

J2CA0044E: The Connection Manager failed to get a Subject from the security service associated with ConnectionFactory {0}. Received exception {1}

Explanation An internal error occurred when getting a Subject. A container-managed authentication alias might not have been selected on the connection factory or data source.
Action Check that a valid container-managed authentication alias is specified on the connection factory or data source.

J2CA0045E: Connection not available while invoking method {0} for resource {1}.

Explanation A connection wait timeout has occurred. A ConnectionWaitTimeoutException was created.
Action Reconfigure the connection pool. Increase the maximum number of connections or increase the connection wait time to avoid this error.

J2CA0046E: Method {0} caught an exception during creation of the ManagedConnection for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}

Explanation An error occurred during creation of a ManagedConnection. Usually this can be resolved by looking at the error messages from the resource adapter.
Action More info at:

J2CA0047E: Property {0} for class {1} has an invalid type of {2}.

Explanation Properties for specified class are only allowed to be primitives, or one the following types: java.lang.Character, java.lang.String, java.lang.Boolean, java.lang.Byte, java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Long, java.lang.Float, java.lang.Double.
Action Ensure the class has implemented the appropriate property type.

J2CA0048E: The setup of XA Transaction recovery for inbound message support did not complete for ResourceAdapter {0}. The following exception was caught: {1}

Explanation The server could not enable transaction recovery for this resource adapter. The possible causes include: errors in the archive, class, or native paths; internal server errors.
Action Validate your archive, class, and native paths on the connection factory.

J2CA0049W: ResourceAdapter {0} is being stopped with message endpoints still activated. These enpoints will be forcefully deactivated.

Explanation Resource adapters should be stopped only after all message endpoints have been deactivated. Message endpoints are deactivated when the application that is supplying the message endpoint is stopped. Currently, only MDB can be a message endpoint.
Action Stop any applications that contain message endpoints that are associated with a particular resource adapter before you stop that resource adapter.

J2CA0050W: Setting of the Connector property {0} on class {1} for resource {2} will be skipped. Property has a null value.

Explanation A connector property was not given a value, nor does it have a default. The set method is not called. This could be the root cause of a later error.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0051E: The attempt to stop ResourceAdapter {0} failed due to the following exception: {1}

Explanation An exception occurred while attempting to stop a resource adapter.
Action Take appropriate action based on the exception text.

J2CA0052E: The lookup of the Activation Specification with JNDI Name {0} failed due to the following exception: {1}

Explanation The JNDI lookup of the activation specification failed. This could be caused by one of the following conditions: 1) the activation specification referred to by the specified JNDI name has not been configured, 2) the JNDI Name is incorrect, or 3) some other problem exists as indicated by the exception.
Action Check that the activation specification is configured for the correct resource adapter. Verify that the JNDI Name specified when deploying your MDB matches the name that was specified when creating the ActivationSpec on the resource adapter.

J2CA0053W: Enlist option used is {0}. This differs from the desired option of {1} for resource {2}.

Explanation The resource adapter does not support the specified TransactionResourceRegistration setting. The J2C Runtime environment is using the default value.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0054E: The Message Endpoint activation failed because no Activation Specification JNDI name was supplied.

Explanation In order to activate a message endpoint (MDB) a JNDI name to a configured activation specification must be supplied during MDB deployment.
Action Check that the activation specification had been configured for the resource adapter you are using. Verify that the JNDI Name specified when deploying your MDB matches that specified when creating the application Spec on the ResourceAdapter.

J2CA0055W: Connection handle not closed at end of the unit of work scope. Handles will be closed by the Connection Manager.

Explanation Either an activity session, transaction, or local transaction work scope is ending and connection handles are not closed. Support for caching handles outside of the current unit of work scope is not supported for this configuration or release.
Action Inspect the application and ensure that the connection handles are closed before the associated unit of work ends.

J2CA0056I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}

Explanation The connection manager has been notified by the resource adapter that an error has occurred on the connection. This informational message is logged so that the user can see the exception that was returned.
Action The connection manager will remove the failing connection or all the connections from the pool, depending on the configuration. This is normal behavior. If this error appears unexpected, investigate the exception to determine the possible source of the problem.

J2CA0057E: The interactionPending method was unable to find a transaction wrapper class.

Explanation This is a WebSphere internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0058E: The ConnectionManager was unable to associate Connection {0} with ManagedConnection {1} for resource {3}. Received exception: {2}

Explanation This is most likely an application error. An example: A cached connection is enlisted in a transaction, then the connection is closed. Before the transaction completes another request it is sent to the same EJB that originally opened the connection. The cached handle is still associated with the original transaction and cannot be re-associated until that transaction commits.
Action Inspect the application and ensure that the transaction is committed as soon as possible after connections are closed.

J2CA0060E: PrivilegedActionException calling doPrivileged: {0}

Explanation This is a security runtime error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0061W: Error creating XA Connection and Resource {0}

Explanation An error occurred recreating an XA resource. The resource could not be recovered.
Action Check for other related messages that can further explain the problem.

J2CA0062W: Encountered an error while cleaning up the ManagedConnection {0} : {1}

Explanation The cleanup operation on a managed connection failed. The connection could not be cleaned up after recovery.
Action More info at:

J2CA0063W: Encountered an error while destroying the ManagedConnection {0} : {1}

Explanation The destroy operation on a managed connection failed after recovery.
Action More info at:

J2CA0064E: Failed to get transaction status {0}

Explanation This is an internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0065E: ClassCastException tried to cast : {0} to {1}. {2}

Explanation This is an internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0066E: Failed calling get method {0} on the ManagedConnectionFactory {1} used by resource {4} with the value {2}. Exception is {3}.

Explanation The resource adapter does not support the getter method as documented.
Action Visit the support site for the developer of the resource adapter.

J2CA0067W: Invalid {0} setting of {1}. Defaulting to {2} instead.

Explanation An internal error occurred. Using the default value.
Action This is only a warning. If an error occurs later it may help in diagnosing the problem. Otherwise This can be ignored.

J2CA0068E: Method {0} could not create {1} instance.

Explanation An internal error occurred.
Action This message is due to an error in the internal connection manager processing. Collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support site for more information.

J2CA0069E: Method {0} could not create {1} instance. Failed with exception: {2}

Explanation An internal error occurred.
Action This message is an internal error in the connection manager processing. Collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support site for more information.

J2CA0070W: Component {0}, is holding {1} number of connection(s).

Explanation A number of connections are being held by a component. This message typically follows the exception for an unavailable resource unavailable when a getConnection request failed in the application code.
Action Check if one or more components are holding connections excessively. The application might not be closing connection. If a number of connections appear to be working, increase the "max pool size."

J2CA0072E: Unable to obtain a Connection Factory or Data Source configuration ID while trying to start a ResourceAdapter. The Connection Factory or Data Source configuration information which makes up the ID is either missing or corrupted. The following Exception was caught: {0}

Explanation This might be a error associated with a hand-modified resources.xml document. Alternatively, if you are using an application with an embedded resource adapter, this might be a error associated with a hand-modified deployment.xml document.
Action If the resources.xml or a deployment.xml file has been modified by hand, verify that there are no errors. If we have not edited these files, this could be an internal error.

J2CA0073E: Unable to delist connection from resource {2} from transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}

Explanation An internal error was received and the connection manager was not able to delist a connection from the transaction in which it was involved. The connection manager will attempt to destroy the connection.
Action More info at:

J2CA0074E: Unable to enlist connection from resource {2} with current transaction in method {0} due to exception. Initiating destruction of connection. Exception is: {1}

Explanation An internal error was received and the connection manager was unable to enlist a connection with the current transaction. The connection manager will attempt to destroy the connection.
Action More info at:

J2CA0075W: An active transaction should be present while processing method {0}.

Explanation Normal connection management processing requires the presence of a transaction in order to run the current method.
Action Start any transactions that are required to successfully use the connection.

J2CA0076E: An active transaction is required for the method {0}.

Explanation Processing requires the presence of a transaction in order to run the current method. The most common cause of a missing transaction context is that the transaction timed out.
Action More info at:

J2CA0077E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.resource.cci.LocalTransaction from a ManagedConnection for resource {1}. The exception is: {0}

Explanation The connection manager was unable to obtain a LocalTransaction from the resource adapter. This indicates a problem with the resource adapter.
Action Look for error messages from the resource adapter to identify the problem.

J2CA0078E: An exception was caught while trying to obtain a javax.transaction.xa.XAResource from a ManagedConnection on DataSource {1}. The exception is: {0}

Explanation The connection manager was unable to obtain a XAResource from the resource adapter. This indicates a problem with the resource adapter.
Action Look for error messages from the resource adapter to identify the problem.

J2CA0079E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal state and is throwing an IllegalStateException. The exception is: {1}

Explanation The connection manager has detected an internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0080E: Method {0} has detected an internal illegal argument and is throwing an IllegalArgumentException. The exception is: {1}

Explanation The connection manager has detected an internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0081E: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on ManagedConnection {2} from resource {4}. Caught exception: {3}

Explanation The connection manager caught an exception while trying to perform an operation on a ManagedConnection.
Action Since the ManagedConnection is part of the resource adapter, look for messages from the resource adapter to further isolate the problem.

J2CA0082W: InactiveConnectionSupport option {0} used by resource {2}. This differs from the desired option of {1}.

Explanation The resource adapter does not support the specified InactiveConnectionSupport setting.
Action Visit the support site the developer of the resource adapter.

J2CA0083W: Method {0} failed while trying to execute method {1} on the ConnectionManager. Failing handle is: {2}. Caught the following Exception: {3}

Explanation The ConnectionHandleManager caught an exception while trying to perform a handle re-association operation. This is expected behavior following a transaction time-out, but in other cases this could be an internal error.
Action Look for messages indicating that a transaction has timed out. If time-outs are occurring you can ignore this message. If you do not see evidence of a transaction time-out, contact support.

J2CA0084W: Transaction recovery registration failed for ResourceAdapter {0} with exception {1}.

Explanation Registration with the transaction service for the recovery of transactions for inbound messages to this resource adapter did not complete successfully. Subsequent transactions with the use inbound transactions might also fail.
Action More info at:

J2CA0085I: Connector property {0} on resource {1} has a null value.

Explanation A connector property was not given a value, and it does not have a default. The set method is not called. This could be the cause of a later error.
Action No user action is required.

J2CA0086W: Shareable connection {0} from resource {1} was used within a local transaction containment boundary.

Explanation Shareable connections are not allowed within a boundary for local transaction containment.
Action The connection was made non-shareable. This might have adverse effects.

J2CA0087E: The transaction manager was unable to enlist resource {0} from DataSource {1}.

Explanation This message indicates a problem enlisting in a transaction. The resource might have already been enrolled in a transaction or the transaction might not have been in the correct state.
Action Check that the business logic of the application is properly catching the exception created and that it contains the necessary recovery logic. Check log files for previous errors (specifically transaction errors) that might have caused the exception.

J2CA0088W: The ManagedConnection that is being destroyed from resource {1} is in an invalid state {0}. Processing will continue.

Explanation An internal error has occurred.
Action More info at:

J2CA0089E: The method {0} on ResourceAdapter JavaBean {1} failed with the following exception: {2}

Explanation The resource adapter created an exception. This could indicate a problem with the resource adapter.
Action Check the exception for more information.

J2CA0090I: This is an English only message: {0}

Explanation The message was not translated.
Action See the message text for details.

J2CA0091E: An InterruptedException occurred on the Garbage Collector thread.

Explanation An InterruptedException occurred on the thread for the garbage collector. J2C processing will continue, but unused and aged connections will not be collected.
Action More info at:

J2CA0092E: This is an English only message: {0}.

Explanation Message was not translated.
Action See the message text for details.

J2CA0093W: This is an English only message: {0}

Explanation Message was not translated.
Action See the message text for details.

J2CA0094E: The transaction this operation is part of has failed. Cancelling the operation. Throwing exception {0}

Explanation The transaction for this operation has failed, possibly due to a transaction timeout.
Action See messages from the transaction service for more information.

J2CA0095E: Unable to obtain authentication information for J2CConnectionFactory {0} : {1}

Explanation The MappingModule object could not be read.
Action See the FFDC logs for more information.

J2CA0096E: NullPointerException on setManagedConnection on MCWrapper {0}

Explanation The attempt to create a new MCWrapper failed, causing a NullPointerException on use.
Action More info at:

J2CA0097E: The call to ContainerComponentMetaData.getLocalTran returned null: {0}.

Explanation An unexpected null value was returned from ContainerComponentMetaData.getLocalTran().
Action More info at:

J2CA0098E: A ClassCastException occurred attempting to cast event.getSource to ManagedConnection: {0}

Explanation The source of the event fired on the listener was not of type ManagedConnection
Action More info at:

J2CA0099E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} and CMP version {1} using {2}.

Explanation An attempt to run an EJB component that is incompatible with the application server was detected.
Action Evaluate the EJB version and CMP version that is supported by the EJB component. Correct any potential problems and redeploy the components.

J2CA0100E: The information object needed to deactivate the endpoint was not found for deactivationKey {0}. Throwing exception {1}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0101E: Unable to obtain RA miscellaneous configuration information for J2CConnectionFactory {0} : {1}

Explanation The RA miscellaneous configuration object could not be read.
Action See the FFDC logs for more information on the error.

J2CA0102E: Invalid EJB component: Cannot use an EJB module with version {0} using {1}.

Explanation An attempt to run an EJB component that is incompatible with the application server.
Action Evaluate the EJB version supported by the EJB component, correct any errors that might be present, and redeploy the component.

J2CA0103I: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}

Explanation An attempt was made to add a duplicate connector property. The property was not added.
Action A custom property of a connection factory or data source specified a user name or password, but a component-managed authentication alias was also specified. The alias takes precedence over the custom properties. This error might also be the result of a hand-modified resources.xml document.

J2CA0104E: Authentication mechanism preference {0} is not supported by the Resource Adapter for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {1}.

Explanation The authentication mechanism must be one of those specified in the element [authentication-mechanism-type] in the resource adapter's ra.xml file.
Action Use the administrative console to specify an authentication mechanism that is supported by the resource adapter.

J2CA0105W: Authentication mechanism preference not specified for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.

Explanation This might be a symptom of a hand-modified resources.xml document. A subject might contain null credentials, or the resource adapter mightnot accept this subject.
Action Use the administrative console to specify an authentication mechanism that is supported by the resource adapter. If the resource adapter does not support any authentication mechanism, choose "None."

J2CA0106E: A 5.0 Data Source was attempted to be used in a WebModule that was not level 2.3.

Explanation 5.0 Data sources are only supported for WebModules with servlet level 2.3.
Action Evaluate whether the servlet in question can be migrated to level 2.3. If so, migrate the application and redeploy it. If it cannot be migrated, the servlet must use a Websphere Application Server 4.0 data source.

J2CA0107I: Component-managed authentication alias not specified for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.

Explanation The component is accessing the connection factory or data source with res-auth=Application, but no user name or password is available. This might result in an allocateConnection failure.
Action If a valid user name and password in the ConnectionSpec is passed on the getConnection method, or if the backend resource does not require authentication, this error can be ignored. If you are experiencing problems logging in to the backend resource, use the administrative console to specify a component-managed authentication alias for the specified ConnectionFactory or DataSource.

J2CA0108E: the parent MBean for {1} could not be found, the identifier used to find the MBean is {0}.

Explanation An internal error has occurred. The parent MBean should be created when the connection factory or data source is bound into the namespace.
Action Collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support web site for more information.

J2CA0109E: Method {0} obtained a NULL {1} where a required object was expected. Throwing exception {2}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0110W: A JMException was thrown when creating ObjectNames for {0} the exception is {1}.

Explanation An internal error occurred. The ObjectNames that were used on the lookup were not created.
Action More info at:

J2CA0111W: An Error occurred when trying to find a cached instance of J2CPerf.

Explanation An internal error occurred when trying to obtain a cached instance of J2CPerf.
Action More info at:

J2CA0112W: Factory or provider name for {0} was null. The ObjectNames factory : {1} provider : {2} cannot be used by PMI to link the PMI statistics with the MBeans.

Explanation An internal error has occurred. The MBeans should be created when binding the referenceable object into JNDI and during a JNDI lookup. Both ObjectNames will be set to null and the PMI Data will be created, but will not link with the MBeans. If attempting to look up resources on one server that reside on another, this may be normal behavior. Depending on timing the target server may not have created connection factory MBeans by the time the source server does the JNDI lookup of the connection factory in question. If the MBeans had been created, the PMI data will be created. If the MBeans had not been created, the PMI data will not be created, and the informational message J2CA0112W results.
Action If attempting to look up resources on one server that reside on another, ensure that the target server is running before doing a JNDI lookup of a connection factory or data source.

J2CA0113W: The ObjectName for the provider MBean was null. This will cause an error with PMI and will prevent the Connection Factory or Data Source MBean from being linked to its J2CResourceadapter or JDBCProvider (respectively) "parent" MBean.

Explanation An internal error occurred. The MBeans will not be linked correctly. This does not effect the use of the connection factory or the data source, but it might cause an error if you are using PMI.
Action More info at:

J2CA0114W: No container-managed authentication alias found for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.

Explanation The component did not specify a login configuration on the resource-reference to the connection factory or data source, and no container-managed authentication alias was specified on the connection factory or data source. A Subject with empty user/pw is constructed.
Action In some cases, this error may be ignored. If you are experiencing problems logging in to the back end resource, define a login configuration on the resource-reference using a deployment tool. Alternatively, use the Integrated Solutions Console or scripting tools to create the connection factory or data source with the proper container-managed authentication alias. Alternatively, if component-managed authentication is desired, change the resource-ref for the component to res-auth=application.

J2CA0115W: {0} occurred getting the absolute path to %WAS_HOME%\properties.

Explanation An internal error has occurred.
Action More info at:

J2CA0116W: The root element {1} of XML document {0} is not as expected.

Explanation A properties file was not coded correctly.
Action Check that the root element of the XML document is correct.

J2CA0117I: Properties file {0} with root element {1} was successfully read.

Explanation Informational message.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0118W: An exception occurred when setting the trace writer on the ManagedConectionFactory. The MCF used was {0}. The exception was {1}.

Explanation The trace writer was not able to be set on the MCF. You will not see any specific trace entries for the resource adapter, but tracing for the application server will work if it is enabled.
Action Check that there are no other exceptions in the FFDC logs. The other exceptions might indicate a problem with the ManagedConnectionFactory or in getting the correct PrintWriter. If there are no other exceptions, visit the support web site for the resource adapter.

J2CA0119W: An Exception occurred when reading properties for a Data Source MBean {0}.

Explanation Usually this means an internal error has occurred. The MBean for the data source will not have all the information that you might expect (some operations will return bad values). The data source instance managed by the MBean is still useable, and this warning will not adversely effect any applications.
Action More info at:

J2CA0120W: An exception occurred when trying to read J2C MBean properties from the referenceable object {0}.

Explanation An internal error occurred, but it is not terminal. The connection factory or the data source will work correctly. An MBean might not be created for this object, and if one is it might contain bad data. PMI data might also not be able to link to the MBean.
Action More info at:

J2CA0121W: An Exception occurred when trying to register an MBean for {0} : {1}.

Explanation An internal error occurred and the connection manager was unable to create an MBean. The connection factory or the data source will still function, however statistics cannot be accessed through an MBean. This also effects the PMI data that is linked to the MBean.
Action More info at:

J2CA0122I: Resource reference {0} could not be located, so the following default values are used: {1}

Explanation An internal error might have occurred, but most likely a direct JNDI lookup was done on a connection factory or data source. Processing will continue using the default resource-ref values.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0123I: Server-wide pool properties were read from {0}.

Explanation Informational message.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0124I: Pool properties for {1} were read from {0}.

Explanation Informational message.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0125W: Error parsing XML document {0}.

Explanation The XML document is not formed correctly.
Action See the XML document for possible errors.

J2CA0126W: Invalid format for value of element {0} in node {1} of XML document {2}. Returning {3}.

Explanation The XML document is not formed correctly.
Action See the XML document for possible errors.

J2CA0127I: A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 has been specified for {0}. The request will wait until a connection can be obtained.

Explanation A ConnectionWaitTimeout of 0 indicates an infinite wait time. This thread will sleep until a connection is freed.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0128E: An Exception occurred while trying to start ResourceAdapter {0}. The exception is: {1}

Explanation An exception occurred trying to start a resource adapter. This occurred during the reading of the configuration properties or during the call to start the class for this resource adapter.
Action Check the exception and other error messages for more details. Take action based on the exception or the other errors in the log.

J2CA0129E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate the ActivationSpec class {0} used by ResourceAdapter {1} : {2}.

Explanation There was a problem attempting to create the ActivationSpec JavaBean instance. There are several possible reasons for this problem. The most common reason is that the connection manager could not find the class for the activation specification using the context class loader. This error could also be related to a resource adapter XML definition which is not valid.
Action More info at:

J2CA0130I: {0} [{1}] has Component-managed Authentication Alias [{2}] but no corresponding J2C Authentication Data Entry is defined in security.xml. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation A J2C authentication data entry corresponding to the component-managed authentication alias was expected but not found.
Action Define a J2C Authentication data entry under Security > JAAS configuration in the administrative console, and choose this entry for the component-managed authentication alias on the connection factory or the data source configuration.

J2CA0131E: Application {0} has an [activation-config-property], {1}, which is not valid for the ActivationSpec class {2} of ResourceAdapter {3} and cannot be set. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation A set method does not exist for listed [activation-config-property] on the ActivationSpec JavaBean class of the given resource adapter. This could be caused by: (1) the application's MDB was mapped to the wrong ActivationSpec class or MessageListenerType, (2) there is a case mismatch between the [activation-config-property] name and the actual method, or (3) the application assembler entered a non-existing property.
Action Redeploy the application and correct any mapping errors, or reassemble the application with valid [activation-config-property] values.

J2CA0132E: Method {0} caught exception {1}.

Explanation The method caught an exception that is most likely an internal error.
Action More info at:

J2CA0133E: For the installed ResourceAdapter {0} and ActivationSpec {1}, required activation specification properties were missing from the activation-config-properties for the MDB being activated. See the following exception for details: {2}

Explanation The resource adapter marks certain activation specification properties as required, and the value was not supplied. These properties can be set from two different places: (1) when you create an activation specification configuration object under the installed resource adapter, and (2) from the application itself as an <activation-config-property>, which may be modified using the application assembly tool.
Action Supply the required values on the activation specification, which is configured on the installed resource adapter, or in an [activation-config-property] entry within the application.

J2CA0134E: An ActivationSpec JavaBean class name not found for ResourceAdapter {0}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0135E: Unable to initialize a WorkManager for provider id: {1} with the following thread pool: {0}, due to an exception. The exception will not be re-thrown. The exception is: {2}.

Explanation The BootstrapContext was unable to return a WorkManager to the resource adapter due to a problem configuring the WorkManager.
Action See the exception and previous log entries for more details.

J2CA0136E: Unable to create an XATerminator, due to an exception. The exception will not be re-thrown. The exception is: {0}.

Explanation The BootstrapContext was unable to return an XATerminator to the resource adapter.
Action See the exception and previous log entries for more details.

J2CA0137E: The ActivationSpec validate() method failed with an InvalidPropertyException. The ActivationSpec is {0}, which belongs to the installed ResourceAdapter {1} and is associated with the MDB application {2}. See the following list of failed properties along with their values: {3}. The exception is: {4}

Explanation The resource adapter has rejected the activation specification as it is currently configured.
Action See the exception text from the resource adapter for more details.

J2CA0138E: The Message Endpoint activation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB application {1} due to the following exception: {2}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the exception and other log entries for more details.

J2CA0139E: The Message Endpoint deactivation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB application {1} due to the following exception: {2}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the exception and other log entries for more details.

J2CA0140W: The Message Endpoint pause operation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} because the endpoint is currently deactivated, stopped, or an unexpected exception occurred deactivating the endpoint.

Explanation Message endpoints that are stopped or deactivated cannot be paused.
Action Ensure that the message endpoint is activated before invoking the pause operation. If the endpoint is activated, check the exception and other log entries for more details.

J2CA0141W: Failed to de-register the Activation Specification from the Transaction Service. Caught exception {0}.

Explanation The transaction service was unable to unregister an activation specification at this time. This might be due to outstanding transactional work involving this activation specification. This might be a transient error.
Action Restarting the server should clear up any outstanding transactions. If the error persists, visit the IBM support web site.

J2CA0142E: Classloader is not an instance of CompoundClassLoader.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0143E: Embedded ResourceAdapter initialization failed due to Exception: {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0144W: No mappingConfigAlias found for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}.

Explanation The component is using container-managed authentication, but no mappingConfigAlias was specified. DefaultPrincipalMapping will be used.
Action This is likely a scripting error with the specified ConnectionFactory or DataSource, or its corresponding CMPConnectorFactory.

J2CA0145W: Unable to start ResourceAdapter due to the following exception: {0}.

Explanation The server was unable to start a resource adapter.
Action See the exception and previous log entries for more information.

J2CA0146W: The lookup of the Destination with JNDI Name {0} failed due to exception {1}.

Explanation The JNDI lookup of the destination failed. This could be caused by one of the following conditions: (1) the destination referred to by the specified JNDI name has not been configured, (2) the JNDI Name is incorrect, or (3) some other problem exists as indicated by the exception.
Action Check that the destination is configured for the resource adapter that you are using. The destination can be configured as part of the activation specification configuration or during the MDB step during deployment of the application. Ensure that the specified JNDI Name matches the name specified when you create the Destination AdminObject on the resource adapter.

J2CA0148W: A null ConnectionHandle was found in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent {0}

Explanation A CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent is required by the Java EE Connector Architecture to contain a valid connection handle associated with the ManagedConnection instance.
Action The resource adapter must use ConnectionEvent.setConnectionHandle() to supply the connection handle in the CONNECTION_CLOSED ConnectionEvent.

J2CA0149W: The contents of the AuthenticationAlias assigned to the ActivationSpec {0} used by MDB {1} are invalid. The UserName and/or the Password were either null or blank. The AuthenticationAlias was: {2}, its UserName was: {3}, and its Password was: {4}

Explanation The user name, password, or both assigned to the authentication alias that is being used by the MDB is not valid.
Action Check that the authentication alias has been properly configured and that it is assigned to either the activation specification configuration or specified as part of the MDB deployment step.

J2CA0150E: The ResourceAdapter {0} failed to {1} because the ResourceAdapter was not found.

Explanation The given resource adapter could not be found to perform the operation. This might be because it was not started or has already been shut down.
Action Check that the MBean that you are using is valid.

J2CA0151E: Activation of Message Endpoint for application {0} failed because the targeted ResourceAdapter, {1}, is not currently started.

Explanation The given resource adapter could not be found or was not in a started state, so the message endpoint could not be activated.
Action Check that the resource adapter is configured correctly, has not been stopped, and that the MDB is mapped to use a valid resource adapter.

J2CA0152E: Deactivation of a Message Endpoint failed because the targeted ResourceAdapter, {0}, is not currently started or was not found. Deactivation key is: {1}

Explanation The given resource adapter could not be found or was not in a started state. The message endpoint could not be deactivated.
Action Check that the resource adapter is configured correctly, has not been stopped, and that the MDB is mapped to use a valid resource adapter. Also, applications must be stopped before the resource adapter is stopped.

J2CA0153E: The requested ResourceAdapter {0} is not in a started state.

Explanation The requested resource adapter was found, but it was not in a started state. This might be because it was stopped by an MBean request, the application server might be shutting down, or the resource adapter might be embedded within an application that has stopped. A resource adapter is not usable in a stopped state.
Action Check that the resource adapter is started.

J2CA0154E: The method {0} on class {1} returned the following exception: {2}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0155W: The lookup of the AuthenticationAlias {0}, assigned to the ActivationSpec {1} by application {2} has failed.

Explanation The activation specification in use by the given MDB had an authentication alias which failed to return a valid credential object.
Action Check that the authentication alias has been properly configured and assigned to the activation specification configuration, or specified as part of the MDB deployment step.

J2CA0156E: The Message Endpoint re-activation failed during a resume operation on a ResourceAdapter. The ActivationSpec was {0}, the MDB Application was {1}, and the exception was: {2}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action See the exception and other log entries for more details.

J2CA0157E: Unable to get the ThreadPoolMgr service.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0158E: Failed to bind an Activation Specification to the namespace with JNDI name {0}. The associated Resource Adapter key is {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0159E: Internal error. An attempt has been made to change a set once property that has already been set. The property name is {0}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0160W: The type of the destination property on ActivationSpec {0} is {1}. You have supplied a destination JNDI name which requires that the destination type be javax.jms.Destination. These are not compatible. The destination supplied by the destination JNDI name will be ignored.

Explanation The type of the destination property on the activation specification must be javax.jms.Destination if the destination JNDI name is in use. The type on the activation specification is not compatible with this. The JNDI name will be ignored.
Action Take appropriate action based on the exception text.

J2CA0161W: The type of the object referred to by the supplied destination JNDI name is wrong. The object must implement javax.jms.destination. The destination JNDI name was: {0}. The supplied object class was: {1}

Explanation The type of the destination property on the activation specification must be javax.jms.Destination if the destination JNDI name is in use. The type on the activation specification is not compatible with this. The JNDI name will be ignored.
Action Take appropriate action based on the exception text.

J2CA0162W: You have supplied a destination JNDI name for ActivationSpec {0}. This ActivationSpec class lacks the setDestination() method. The destination JNDI Name will be ignored.

Explanation You do not need to supply a destination JNDI name.
Action Do not supply a destination JNDI name.

J2CA0163E: The type of the object referred to by the supplied destination JNDI name is wrong. The object must implement javax.jms.destination. Destination is a required property for this Activation Specification. The destination JNDI name was: {0}. The supplied object class was {1}.

Explanation The type of the destination property on the activation specification must be javax.jms.Destination if the destination JNDI name is in use. The type on the activation specification is not compatible with this. The JNDI name will be ignored.
Action Supply a destination JNDI name that refers to an adminstered object class that implements the javax.jms.Destination interface.

J2CA0164E: The lookup of the Destination with JNDI Name {0} failed. The Destination is required by the Activation Specification. The lookup failed due to exception {1}.

Explanation The JNDI lookup of the destination failed. This could be caused by one of the following conditions: (1) the destination referred to by the specified JNDI name has not been configured, (2) the JNDI name is not correct, or (3) some other problem exists that is indicated by the exception.
Action Check that the destination had been configured for the resource adapter that is in use. The destination can be configured as part of the activation specification configuration or during the MDB step during application deployment. Ensure that the JNDI name specified matches the name specified when creating the destination administered object on the resource adapter.

J2CA0165I: The connection pool is not available. The connection pool is created at first JNDI lookup of a Data Source or Connection Factory.

Explanation The internal data structures have not been initialized for this connection factory. Some MBean operations are not possible in this state.
Action Attempt the intended operation after the connection factory has been accessed.

J2CA0166W: An attempt to concurrently use a connection handle within different application server components has been detected. The connection handle is: {0}.

Explanation It is a programming model violation to use a connection handle in a component instance that is different from the component instance that first created the connection. Components consist of servlets, JSPs, EJBs, MDBs, and asynchronous Beans.
Action Do not make the connection handle available to any component instance that did not implement the getConnection call.

J2CA0167W: An attempt to concurrently use the same connection handle by multiple threads has been detected. The connection handle is: {0}.

Explanation It is a programming model violation to concurrently access a connection handle from multiple threads.
Action Do not share a connection handle by multiple threads. A common cause for this error is the storage of the connection in a Static variable. Additionally, since all servlet instance variable behave the same as static variables, another common cause is the storage of a connection in a servlet instance variable.

J2CA0168E: An exception occurred while trying to instantiate a ConnectionFactory class used by resource {0} : {2}.

Explanation This indicates a problem while attempting to create a connection factory instance because it caught an Exception from the ManagedConnectionFactory.
Action Check the exception and contact support for the resource adapter which is throwing the exception.

J2CA0169E: Unable to change the property {0} on DataSource or ConnectionFactory {1}.

Explanation The connection manager was unable to make the requested change to the configuration variable at this time.
Action Attempt to change the configuration variable again.

J2CA0170E: Internal error. The variable {0} on DataSource or ConnectionFactory {1} has gone out of its acceptable range.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0200E: The Connection Manager was unable to find the class {0}.

Explanation The connection manager was unable to find the given class.
Action Check that the associated XA resource provider is configured, and restart the server. The resource can then be unconfigured, and the server can be stopped.

J2CA0201E: Object cannot be deserialized. The exception stack trace follows: {0}

Explanation This is an internal system error that is probably caused by a previous error.
Action Examine any related messages to determine the cause of the problem. If there are no related messages, or they do not help resolve the problem, visit the IBM support site.

J2CA0202E: Internal Error: Failed to find the RAWrapperImpl instance associated with the following key {0}. Throwing exception {1}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0204W: The attempt to stop ResourceAdapter failed during XARecovery cleanup and will be ignored. It was due to the following exception: {0}

Explanation An exception occurred while attempting to stop a resource adapter.
Action Take appropriate action based on the exception text.

J2CA0205E: The Connection Manager has detected a request to create ResourceAdapter {0}, when a pre-existing ResourceAdapter {1} that uses the same class names has been configured to run as a single instance.

Explanation A resource adapter can be configured to tolerate only one instance of their resource adapter class being instantiated within a JVM. You will receive this message if we have more than one such resource adapter instance configured to run on a given server. This can happen in one of the following circumstances: 1) You deployed more than one Application which embeds the same resource adapter; 2) we have one stand-alone resource adapter deployed in a server and an application embeds the same resource adapter on the same server, or 3) you installed more than one instance of the same resource adapter as stand-alone (shared by all applications).
Action Change the configuration such that the two resource adapters are not deployed to the same server.

J2CA0206W: A connection error occurred. To help determine the problem, enable the Diagnose Connection Usage option on the Connection Factory or Data Source.

Explanation When the Diagnose Connection Usage option is enabled, the connection manager will detect and indicate whether the usage of a connection handle violates the JCA programming model. Specifically, the connection manager attempts to detect when a handle is used concurrently on multiple threads, and when a handle is shared within a component instance that is different from the component instance that first created the connection.
Action Enable the Diagnose Connection Usage option on the connection factory or data source which created the failing connection handle, restart the application, and recreate the problem. If the server logs or Runtime Messages facility indicates JCA programming model violations, modify the application to not make the connection handle available to any component instance that did not invoke method getConnection(), nor to any code executing on a thread that did not invoke method getConnection().

J2CA0207W: A resource adapter artifact has property {0} whose value {2} is incompatible with its type {1}.

Explanation A connection factory, activation spec or admin object has a resource property which is not valid. The value will remain unset.
Action Correct the resource property so the value is consistent with its data type.

J2CA0215W: Component-managed authentication alias {0} for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {1} is invalid. It may be necessary to re-start the server for previous configuration changes to take effect.

Explanation If the connection factory had been created by a JNDI lookup, previous configuration changes do not take effect until the next server restart.
Action Check the accuracy of the component-managed authentication alias configured on the connection factory or data source. Re-start the server.

J2CA0216I: The Connection Manager received a fatal connection error from the Resource Adapter for resource {0}. Information may be available in previous messages or exceptions.

Explanation The connection manager has been notified by the resource adapter that an unrecoverable error has occurred on the connection. No exception was received from the resource adapter.
Action The connection manager will remove the failing connection, or all the connections (depending on configuration) from the pool. This is normal behavior. If this causes adverse effects, it may be necessary to contact the resource adapter supplier.

J2CA0217E: The {0} data source is associated with a resource adapter that is not the built-in relational resource adapter (RRA). The configuration ID for the resource adapter that is not correct is {1}.

Explanation If you configured a data source with scripting, the relationalResourceAdapter attribute might have not been set correctly.
Action Check the configuration script to ensure that relationalResourceAdapter is set to "builtin_rra".

J2CA0218E: v4 data sources are not supported for isolated JDBC providers. The data source name is: {0}

Explanation We cannot configure a v4 data source under this JDBC provider because the provider is configured to be isolated.
Action Set this JDBC provider to not be isolated, or configure this v4 data source under a JDBC provider that is not configured to be isolated.

J2CA0223E: Work task is requested with both execution and work contexts.

Explanation Resource adapter must not submit a Work that implements WorkContextProvider along with a valid ExecutionContext.
Action Decide which context to use and either do not submit a Work that implements WorkContextProvider or use a null value for the ExecutionContext parameter in WorkManager methods that take it as argument.

J2CA0224E: Multiple instances of the same WorkContext {0} provided.

Explanation Resource adapter provided multiple WorkContexts that implement the same WorkContext type.
Action Eliminate duplicates from a list of WorkContexts returned by a Work that implements WorkContextProvider before submitting the Work.

J2CA0225E: WorkContext {0} is not supported.

Explanation The WorkContext is not supported by the application server.
Action Do not use unsupported WorkContext when submitting a Work the implements WorkContextProvider.

J2CA0226E: An exception {0} occured when getting or setting the context classloader. Instance ID: {1}

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0227E: An error occurred when loading a Transaction Manager from class {0}

Explanation The Transaction Manager cannot be loaded from the class specified in system property. This will cause a subsequent failure when creating an instance of the Transaction Manager.
Action More info at:

J2CA0228E: System property {0} not found.

Explanation The expected system property cannot be found. This may cause subsequent failures.
Action More info at:

J2CA0236E: The resource adapter returned a runtime level of transaction support whose value is greater than that specified in the metadata of the resource adapter. The transaction support level has not been changed. The metadata value is {0}, the runtime value is {1}.

Explanation The JCA specification requires that a resource adapter must always return a level of transaction support whose ordinal value is equal to or less than the value specified in the metadata of the resource adapter.
Action To override the transaction level value specified in the metadata of the resource adapter, use a transaction level support value that is equal to or less than the metadata value.

J2CA0237I: Transaction support level has been changed from {0} to {1} that was returned by the resource adapter.

Explanation The resource adapter returned a level of transaction support whose ordinal value is equal to or less than the value specified in the metadata of the resource adapter. The JCA specification requires in such case the level of transaction support to be changed a value returned by the resource adapter.
Action No user action is required.

J2CA0238E: JavaBean {0} failed Bean Validation due to one or more invalid configuration settings indicated in the following list of constraint violations: {1}

Explanation The value of one or more configuration properties of the JavaBean instance violates the specified Bean Validation constraints.
Action Consult the documentation of the Resource Adapter provider to determine valid values for each configuration property indicated by the constraint violations and configure each property accordingly.

J2CA0240I: Ignored unimplemented feature {0} for resource {1}.

Explanation The feature is not implemented by the application server.
Action No user action is required.

J2CA0241I: Ignored property {0} because property {1} is configured on resource {2}.

Explanation The property is ignored because another property has higher precedence.
Action No user action is required.

J2CA0242W: An error was found in the configuration of a resource. The configuration is {0}. The error is {1}.

Explanation An error occurred while processing the configuration.
Action Correct the configuration error.

J2CA0243E: WAS does not recognize a value of {0} for property {1} which is configured on resource {2}.

Explanation The value of the property is not understood by WAS.
Action Correct the configuration error.

J2CA0244E: There is no provider id in the Reference object for method {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
Action More info at:

J2CA0245E: The provider id is null in the Reference object for method {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
Action More info at:

J2CA0246E: There is no administered object in the Reference object for method {0}.

Explanation There is a problem with the Reference object that was initially stored in the JNDI name space.
Action More info at:

J2CA0247E: An exception occurred when trying to read the administered object from the namespace: {1}.

Explanation An internal error has occurred when reading the administered object from the namespace.
Action More info at:

J2CA0278W: Could not de-serialize field {0} in class {1}; default value will be used

Explanation During de-serialization of an object, an expected field was not found. This is most likely due to an object that is being de-serialized by a version of the class that is different than the one that serialized the object.
Action This warning indicates a potential problem, but no user action is necessary unless further errors occur.

J2CA0279W: An Error occurred when trying to create pmi data.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action More info at:

J2CA0280W: When merging config property {0}, its type, {1}, did not match the introspected type, {2}. Keeping the introspected type.

Explanation Configuration properties of a resource adapter or activation specification override their corresponding introspected properties, unless the type does not match.
Action Check the type of the configuration property.

J2CA0281W: When merging user-defined property {0}, its type, {1}, did not match the type of the merged config and introspected properties, {2}. Keeping the merged config and introspected type.

Explanation User-defined properties of a resource adapter or an activation specification will override their corresponding introspected and configuration properties unless the type does not match.
Action Check the type of the user-defined configuration property.

J2CA0282W: Required property {0} was missing from the Activation Specification.

Explanation The required property was missing from the activation specification.
Action Supply a correct property in the activation specification

J2CA0283E: Attempt to access embedded Resource Adapter of another application via ConnectionFactory {0}.

Explanation An application attempted to lookup a connection factory that is associated with an embedded resource adapter for another application.
Action The application should use a connection factory that is associated with its own resource adapter or use a connection factory that is associated with a stand-alone resource adapter.

J2CA0284W: Resource property {0} is skipped.

Explanation The property was not found through introspection on the underlying bean.
Action Compare this property in the ra.xml file and the JavaBean.

J2CA0285W: Method {0} caught an exception during validating managed connections for resource {3}, throwing {2}. Original exception: {1}

Explanation A call to the method getInvalidConnections() returned a resource exception.
Action Visit the support web site for the provider of the resource adapter.

J2CA0286W: Connection {0} from resource {1} cannot be used with pretest connection configured. Turning off pretest connection support for this Resource Adapter.

Explanation This connection's resource adapter does not support the pretest connection function.
Action Reconfigure pretest connection to false for this resource adapter.

J2CA0287E: {0} does not have a single ConnectionDefinition. The program will attempt to continue using the first ConnectionDefinition.

Explanation There is no connection definition that is defined, or there is more than one connection definition that is defined. There could be an internal XML formatting error.
Action Ensure that there is only a single connection definition defined.

J2CA0288I: Configuration property {0} changed from {1} to {2} for pool {3}

Explanation A pool properties value has changed.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0289W: Thread pool {0} has not been defined in the server configuration or is not configured correctly.

Explanation The thread pool that was specified for the resource adapter must first be created or configured correctly using system administration before it can be used by a resource adapter.
Action Create the missing thread pool or fix the configuration for the thread pool.

J2CA0290W: Thread pool {0} will be used.

Explanation The thread pool that was specified for the resource adapter has not been configured.
Action Configure the missing thread pool.

J2CA0291I: Application {0} has an <activation-config-property>, {1}, for which there is no corresponding property on the ActivationSpec class {2} of ResourceAdapter {3}. This property will be ignored. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation The application EAR file has supplied an [activation-config-property] that does not exist.
Action Fix the application descriptor.

J2CA0292E: The ManagedConnection from resource {0} could not be enlisted with the current transaction.

Explanation An internal error occurred while processing the lazyEnlist() method.
Action More info at:

J2CA0293E: The Connection Manager lazyEnlist() method requires a non-null ManagedConnection parameter for resource {0}.

Explanation This most likely indicates an error with the implementation of the resource adapter. The resource adapter called the lazyEnlist() method with a null value for the ManagedConnection.
Action Visit the support web site for the provider of the resource adapter. The resource adapter code has passed a null value to the lazyEnlist() method. See section 7.14.2 of the JCA 1.5 specification for more information on the Lazy Transaction Enlistment optimization.

J2CA0294W: Direct JNDI lookup of resource {0}. The following default values are used: {1}

Explanation Avoid using the fully qualified names of resources when looking up resources through Java Naming Directory Interface (JNDI). The Java EE programming model recommends the use of resource references and the local JNDI java:comp/env context.
Action Modify the application to use the preferred Java EE programming model with resource references and the local JNDI java:comp/env context.

J2CA0295E: The Connection Manager has detected an attempt to start a Local Transaction within a Global (User) Transaction. Check the application code for correctness.

Explanation This most likely indicates an error in the application. The application should not start local transactions when it is operating in a global transaction.
Action Examine the application code to determine where a local transaction is started inside a global transaction. Search the FFDC directory for this message to find a stack trace that may include the line numbers of the code in question - this can help to narrow the search. If the line numbers are not found, if the code has been JIT compiled or it is otherwise obfuscated for example, you might want to instrument the code with System.out.println() statements to help find the problem area. If the problem cannot be found visit the IBM support web site.

J2CA0300I: ActivationSpec {0} has no configuration properties. The ActivationSpec class is {1} for ResourceAdapter {2}. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation No configuration properties were supplied for the activation specification. This might be normal, but if a value is required then omitting a value could cause a failure.
Action Supply a value if one is required.

J2CA0301E: ResourceAdapter {0} is not configured properly for High Availability. HA is disabled. Configured HA properties were isEnableHASupport = {1}, and HACapabiliy = {2}.

Explanation There was a mismatch between isEnableHASupport and the HACapability settings that are configured. Processing continued with high availability disabled.
Action Check that the resource adapter is configured correctly, that it implements the getHACapability() method, and it has the isEnabledHASupport property.

J2CA0302E: Invalid HA State. ResourceAdapter {0}, has HACapabiliy = {1}.

Explanation This typically indicates the presence of an unsupported setting. HACapability that is greater than 1 (one) is not supported.
Action Check that the resource adapter is configured with a HACapability setting of 0 or 1.

J2CA0303E: Attempting to {0} ResourceAdapter {1} while under HA control.

Explanation This indicates a suspend/resume operation was attempted while high availability is enabled. Only outbound portions of the resource adapter will be suspended or resumed.
Action More info at:

J2CA0304W: Conflicting high availability support was found for resource adapter {0}. The resource adapter was configured to have high availability support enabled, but the resource adapter has a conflicting property value. The resource adapter cannot register with the high availability manager.

Explanation The resource adapter is configured to be highly available, but the resource adapter implementation class indicates that the resource adapter does not support high availability.
Action Ensure that high availability is enabled for this resource adapter.

To enable high availability either select Register this resource adapter with the high availability manager on the Resource adapter page of the administrator console, or include the EnableHASupport attribute on the J2CResourceAdapter configuration object in

J2CA0305E: Application {0} has an [activation-config-property] which is NULL or blank and is not valid for the ActivationSpec class {1} of ResourceAdapter {2} and cannot be set. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation The application assembler entered a property that does not exist or one that is poorly formatted [activation-config-property].
Action Reassemble the application with a [activation-config-property] that is valid.

J2CA0306I: Application {0} has provided no [activation-config-property] for the ActivationSpec class {1} of ResourceAdapter {2}. This may have undesirable effects.

Explanation No value was supplied for the [activation-config-property]. This may be normal. If a value is required, then not having a value could cause a failure.
Action Supply a [activation-config-property] if one is required.

J2CA0308W: Duplicate connector property not added. {0}.

Explanation An attempt was made to add a duplicate connector property. The property was not added.
Action A custom property of a connection factory or data source was specified, but the property already existed. This could be a symptom of a hand-modified resources.xml document.

J2CA0309W: An exception occurred while invoking method returnHACapability() on resource adapter {0}. The configured high availability capability {1} will be used.

Explanation The high availability capability that is supported by the resource adapter could not be obtained because an unexpected exception occurred when method returnHACapability() was invoked for the specified resource adapter. The connection manager will use the high availability setting that is already configured.
Action This is an exception within the resource adapter. See the support Web site for the resource adapter provider for more information.

J2CA0310W: Resource adapter {0} is configured with high availability setting {1}, but the resource adapter method returnHACapability() returned high availability capability {2}. The high availability capability returned by the Resource adapter method will be used.

Explanation The resource adapter is configured with a high availability setting that differs from the high availability capability that is supported by the resource adapter. The connection manager will use the high availability capability that is supported by the resource adapter.
Action Use the administrative console or to configure the resource adapter with a high availability capability that is supported by the resource adapter.

J2CA0315W: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} has given an invalid value for the custom property WAS_EndpointInitialState.

Explanation The value provided for the custom property WAS_EndpointInitialState is not valid. Hence this property will be ignored.
Action Use the administrative console or to provide a valid value for the custom property [ACTIVE or INACTIVE].

J2CA0316E: The application server is unable to make an instance of the TransactionSynchronizationRegistry available to the BootstrapContext for provider id {0}.

Explanation The BootstrapContext was unable to return a TransactionSynchronizationRegistry to the resource adapter due to an internal problem. The resource adapter cannot directly interact with the Transaction Manager until the problem is resolved.
Action Please review the FFDC log files for potential actions to resolve this problem.

J2CA0500W: Connection Error Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. This ConnectionFactory or DataSoure has exceeded {1} connection error events in less than {2} minutes.

Explanation The 'connErrorAlert' has been enabled for this connection factory or data source. The configuration has optional parameters for indicating a time interval and a threshold for the alert so that the message is issued if the number of connection errors that are observed during the time interval by the connection factory or data source exceeds the threshold.
Action If the frequency of connection errors is excessive, investigate the root cause of connection errors, starting with the error log.

J2CA0501W: Connection Low Efficiency Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. The usage efficiency for a connection is {1} which is below the configured alert threshold of {2} percent efficiency. If callstack capture is enabled, the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.

Explanation You have configured the monitoring of individual connections for low usage efficiency. For connections that are not shared, efficiency is measured from the time the connection is received to the time it is released. For connections that are sharable, efficiency is measured from the time it is received to the time that the sharing boundary ends, which is typically the end of a transaction or component method. The usage efficiency is the amount of time that the connection is used to interact with the backend, divided by the total amount of time the connection has been held. It is expressed as a percentage.
Action If the efficiency is lower than expected, examine the application for possible causes.

J2CA0502W: Pool Low Efficiency Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSoure {0}. The average efficiency of all the connections is {1} which has dropped below the configured alert threshold of {2} percent efficiency during the past approximate {3} minutes.

Explanation You have configured the monitoring of your data source or connection factory for low average connection usage efficiency. The usage efficiency is the total amount of time the connections are used to interact with the the backend data source, divided by the total amount of time the connections have been held, and averaged for the number of connections at any point in time in the pool. It is expressed as a percentage.
Action If the efficiency is lower than expected, examine the application for possible causes. You might want to configure the Connection Low Efficiency Alert with a callstack capture enabled to further isolate the specific application usage which is not efficient.

J2CA0503W: Surge Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Surge mode has been entered.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to limit the rate at which new connections are created based on configuration thresholds. If the surge feature has been configured and this alert is enabled, this message indicates that we have entered the surge throttling mode, and the connection creation rate is governed by the surge configuration parameters.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in surge mode, you might want to verify the configuration parameters or investigate for other underlying causes.

J2CA0504W: Hung Connection Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Hung connection blocking has started.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to decide if operations to the backend are not responding in a timely manner (they are hung) based on the configuration thresholds. When hung mode has been entered, the connection manager will block all requests for new connections until it detects that the requests to the backend are responding reasonably. If the hang detection has been configured and this alert is enabled, this message indicates that we have entered the hung connection blocking state, and the creation of new connections is not allowed.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in a blocked state, verify the configuration parameters or investigate for other underlying problems with the backend with which you are trying to communicate.

J2CA0505W: Pretest Block Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Connection Pretest function has started connection request blocking.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to pretest connections for getConnection requests to ensure the health of the connection based on the configuration thresholds. If a connection is not responding, the connection manager will block all requests for new connections until it can receive a functioning connection. If the pretesting of connections has been configured and this alert is enabled, this message indicates that we have entered the pretest connection blocking state, and the creation of new connections is not allowed.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in a blocked state, you might want to see if there is an underlying problem with the backend with which you are trying to communicate.

J2CA0506W: Connection Wait Time-out Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The number of ConnectionWaitTimeoutExceptions issued has exceeded your configured threshold of {1} in less then the configured alert time of {2} minutes .

Explanation Connection factories or data sources can be configured to wait a certain amount of time for a connection to become amenable. If this time is exceeded, a ConnectionWaitTimeoutException is issued. This alert can be configured to count the number of ConnectionWaitTimeoutExceptions over a given interval and raise an alert if the threshold is exceeded.
Action Refer to the documentation for on ConnectionWaitTimeoutExceptions for more details.

J2CA0507W: Claim Victim Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The percentage of victim connections claimed over approximately the last {1} minutes has exceeded your configured threshold of {2} percent.

Explanation When a connection factory or data source has reached the maxConnection limit and a request comes in for a new connection, and it has connections available in its free pool that do not match the necessary criteria of the request, one of these connections will be destroyed, which is called the victim, so that a new connection can be created. This alert notifies you if the rate at which this is occurring exceeds the threshold that is configured.
Action The excessive claiming of connections is detrimental to performance, and it might indicate a problem with how the application is using connections. In some usage scenarios this might be normal.

J2CA0508W: Pool Load Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The average connection load (or demand) over approximately the last {1} minutes has exceeded your configured threshold of {2}.

Explanation A connection factory or data source has a maximum available load that is equal to all of its connections that are in continuous use. This equals its current maxConnections setting. At any point, the pool load is the number of connections in use in addition to any threads that are waiting for a connection. The average pool load is average time of the pool load divided by the interval that is configured by this alert. This alert indicates that we have exceeded the pool average load for the last interval.
Action Excessive load on the pool might be caused by a number of factors, including a maxConnnections setting that is too low, a connection percent efficiency that is too low and causes poor connection utilization, or a demand that is outstripping its capacity. Investigate any possible problems and make the appropriate changes.

J2CA0509W: LTC Nesting Level Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The depth of Local Transaction Containment Nesting for this request is {1}. This has exceeded the configured threshold of {2}. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.

Explanation The nesting of an LTC that is not expected can have side effects of tying up more connections than expected. This alert might help in determining the problem.
Action Refer to the error text and support documentation for more information.

J2CA0510W: Thread Connection Limit Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. The number of connections in use by this thread of execution is {1}. This has exceeded the configured threshold of {2}. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.

Explanation Any single requesting thread which ties up multiple connections can unexpectedly contribute to rapid pool starvation or inefficient use of connection resources. This alert can help detect such situations and provide information that will help with pinpointing the problem.
Action For more information consult the documentation.

J2CA0511W: Serial Reuse Violation Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. An attempt to concurrently share a connection within an Local Transaction Containment boundary has been detected. This is a violation of the Serial Reuse Alert checking. If callstack capture is enabled the callstack at the time the connection was requested will be provided in the alert contents.

Explanation When applications manage interactions with the backend data source, two connections that are mapped to a single managed connection can cause data integrity problems, because there is no owner that is in charge of the commit or rollback calls. If this is attempted, the second managed connection will be returned. If this is unexpected it might cause data integrity problems, and it might cause the use of additional connections. This alert can help detect such situations and provide information that might help determine the problem.
Action For more information consult the documentation on the rules for sharing connection with local transaction containment.

J2CA0513W: Surge Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Surge mode has been exited.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to limit the rate at which new connections are created based on the configuration thresholds. If the surge feature has been configured and this alert is disabled, this message indicates that we have exited the surge throttling mode whereby the connection creation rate is governed by the surge configuration parameters.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in surge mode you might want to verify the configuration parameters or determine if there are other underlying causes.

J2CA0514W: Hung Connection Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Hung connection blocking has ended.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to decide if operations to the backend are not responding in a timely manner (they are hung) based on the configuration thresholds. When hung mode has been entered the connection manager will block all requests for new connections until it detects that the requests to the backend are responding reasonably. If the hang detection has been configured and this alert is enabled, this message indicates that we have exited the hung connection blocking state, and the creation of new connections is now allowed.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in a blocked state you might want to verify the configuration parameters or determine if there are other underlying problems with the backend data source.

J2CA0515W: Pretest Block Mode Alert for ConnectionFactory or DataSource {0}. Connection Pretest function has stopped connection request blocking.

Explanation Data sources and connection factories can be configured to pretest connections for getConnection requests to ensure the health of the connection based on the configuration thresholds. If a connection is not responding the connection manager will block all requests for new connections until it can receive a functioning connection. If the pretesting of connections has been configured and this alert is enabled, this message indicates that we have exited the pretest connection blocking state, and the creation of new connections is now allowed.
Action If your connection factory or data source is spending excessive time in a blocked state, you might want to look for underlying problems with the backend with which you are trying to communicate.

J2CA0520W: The Message Endpoint resume operation failed for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} because the endpoint is currently activated or stopped, or an unexpected exception occurred activating the endpoint.

Explanation Message endpoints that are activated or stopped cannot be resumed.
Action Check that the message endpoint is deactivated before invoking the resume operation. If the endpoint is deactivated, see the exception and other log entries for more details.

J2CA0521E: Acquiring Message Endpoint properties for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} failed because the Message Endpoint is currently stopped.

Explanation Message endpoints that are stopped do not have JMS properties at run time.
Action Check that the message endpoint is not stopped before invoking the getActivationProperties() method.

J2CA0523I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is activated.

Explanation The message endpoint exists, and it is enabled to handle incoming messages.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0524I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is deactivated.

Explanation The message endpoint exists, and it is disabled from handling incoming messages.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0525I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is stopped and its MBean is unusable.

Explanation Message endpoints stop, or expire, when their host applications or resource adapters stop. Once a message endpoint has stopped, getStatus() is the only method supported by its MBean; all other methods will throw an IllegalStateException.
Action Restart the application hosting the message endpoint and obtain a new MBean reference in order to control the message endpoint.

J2CA0526I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} cannot be activated nor deactivated because inbound messaging on ResourceAdapter {2} is currently disabled by the High_Availability (HA) Manager.

Explanation The HA Manager controls the activation of inbound messaging for resource adapters that have enabled HA capability. Message endpoints can be paused and resumed after the HA manager activates inbound messaging on the resource adapter.
Action Avoid pausing or resuming message endpoints that are not yet activated by the HA manager.

J2CA0527E: An attempt to access the high availability proxy controller failed. The class name is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation An unrecoverable error has been detected while the specified class was accessing the high availability proxy controller.
Action More info at:

J2CA0528I: The local member of group {0} has indicated that it cannot continue to be active. The JVM will be terminated.

Explanation A local group has requested process termination.
Action No user action is required.

J2CA0529E: The wrong context object was passed on a callback method. The method is {0}, the group is {1}, and the context is {2}. The expected context is {3}.

Explanation A programming error was detected.
Action More info at:

J2CA0530I: The Message Endpoint for ActivationSpec {0} and MDB Application {1} is partially activated but has been disabled from handling incoming messages.

Explanation The message endpoint exists, but has been disabled from handling incoming messages by setting the custom property WAS_EndpointInitialState to INACTIVE.
Action Activate the endpoint by using the resume method on the J2CMessageEndpoint MBean.

J2CA0635I: The Resource Adapters entered are all compatible.

Explanation All of the resource adapters compared have compatible deployment descriptors, so they can all be updated using the same new RAR file.
Action None

J2CA0636I: One or more resource adapters entered were not compatible.

Explanation One or more of the resource adapters had differing deployment descriptors. They cannot all be updated using the same RAR file.
Action Check the resource adapters entered and make sure that their deployment descriptor are alike, or update each resource adapter individually.

J2CA0637I: The version of the Resource Adapter you are updating from is {0}

Explanation The version of the Resource Adapter you are updating from is specified in the message. Informational message only.
Action None

J2CA0638I: The version of the new Resource Adapter you are updating to is {0}

Explanation The version of the Resource Adapter you are updating to is specified in the message. Informational message only.
Action None

J2CA0639I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. The ResourceAdapter implementation class has changed.

Explanation The new RAR file has a different ResourceAdapter implementation class. This makes the Resource Adapter and RAR incompatible for update.
Action None

J2CA0640I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. A ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class {2} was removed, and there is a configured connection factory that uses the removed type. ConnectionFactory name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.

Explanation The new RAR file has removed a ManagedConnectionFactory implementation, and the Resource Adapter currently has at least one configured factory that makes use of the removed implementation. This makes the Resource Adapter and RAR incompatible for update.
Action To update to the new version of the Resource Adapter, delete the connection factories that use the implementation class that was removed. The configuration for these factories will be lost.

J2CA0641I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. An AdminObject class {2} was removed, and there is a configured Admin Object that uses the removed type. AdminObject name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.

Explanation The new RAR file has removed an Administrative Object implementation, and the Resource Adapter currently has at least one configured AdminObject that makes use of the removed implementation. This makes the Resource Adapter and RAR incompatible for update.
Action Delete the Administrative Objects that use the implementation class that was removed. The configuration for these objects will be lost.

J2CA0642I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. An ActivationSpec class {2} was removed, and there is a configured ActivationSpec that uses the removed type. ActivationSpec name: {0}, JNDI Name: {1}.

Explanation The new RAR file has removed an ActivationSpec implementation, and the Resource Adapter currently has at least one configured ActivationSpec that makes use of the removed implementation. This makes the Resource Adapter and RAR incompatible for update.
Action Delete the Activation Specifications that use the implementation class that was removed. The configuration for these objects will be lost.

J2CA0643E: An exception occurred while attempting to retrieve the class names and properties for type {0}, exception was: {1}

Explanation An exception occurred while attempting to retrieve the lists of class names and properties for comparison.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory for more information about the exception. Make sure that we have enough access privileges to run the command.

J2CA0644E: An exception occurred while retrieving class changes for the comparison.

Explanation The Resource Adapter comparison was unable to complete.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory for more information about the exception.

J2CA0645E: Unable to retrieve the J2C Resource Adapter from the ObjectName provided.

Explanation The command was unable to retrieve the J2C Resource Adapter from the ObjectName that was provided.
Action Make sure that the ObjectName entered is the correct name for a J2C Resource Adapter. Correct ObjectName syntax can be retrieved by invoking the AdminConfig.list("J2CResourceAdapter") command.

J2CA0646E: An unexpected exception occurred in the Update service, exception: {0}

Explanation An unexpected exception occurred in the Update service.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory for more information about the exception.

J2CA0647E: All servers under node {0} must be stopped while updating a Resource Adapter on that node.

Explanation All servers must be stopped on a node while updating Resource Adapters on the node.
Action Stop all running servers within the node.

J2CA0648E: The RAR file {0} does not exist or cannot be read.

Explanation The RAR file either does not exist or is not readable.
Action Check the path to the RAR file and make sure that there are no other processes accessing it.

J2CA0649E: An exception occurred while attempting to transfer the RAR file. exception: {0}

Explanation An error occurred during the file transfer process, and the RAR file could not be sent. The update process cannot continue.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory for more information about the exception.

J2CA0650E: The FileTransferServer mbean was unavailable, unable to proceed with update.

Explanation The FileTransferServer mbean was not able to be found, so the RAR file could not be sent, and the update process cannot continue.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory to see if there are any errors during server startup.

J2CA0651E: An exception occurred while attempting to extract the archive {0} to {1}. Exception: {2}

Explanation An exception occurred while attempting to extract the rar file to the destination location. The exception information may relate to a remote node if the update was being performed on a remote Resource Adapter.
Action Check the FFDC logs and System.err logs within the {PROFILE_HOME}/logs directory for the local machine. If attempting to update a resource adapter on a remote node, check the logs on that node as well.

J2CA0652E: WebSphere internal adapters are not updateable.

Explanation The WebSphere internal resource adapters are not updateable through the RAR Update framework.
Action None

J2CA0653I: The update of {0} to RAR file {1} was successful, a full binary and configuration update was performed. The configuration has been saved.

Explanation When updating a node scoped resource adapter, an update is performed on the configuration and the binary files. A configuration save is automatically done.
Action Update any copies of this resource adapter if they have not been updated already.

J2CA0654I: The update of {0} to RAR file {1} was successful. The resource adapter configuration was updated, but not the binaries. The configuration was automatically saved.

Explanation When updating a resource adapter at a scope other than node scope, only a configuration update is possible.
Action To update the binaries, perform an update on the node scoped resource adapter that the specified resource adapter is a copy of, if it has not been updated already.

J2CA0655E: The findOtherRAsToUpdate command can only be called specifying a node scoped resource adapter.

Explanation Resource adapters in other scopes are only copies of node scoped resource adapters.
Action Specify a node scoped resource adapter on the command to find copies that need to be updated.

J2CA0656E: A ClassNotFoundException was caught during command execution. {0} listed in the ra.xml was {1}, but that class could not be found in {2}.

Explanation The ra.xml defined a class to be loaded as a Resource Adapter, Connection Factory, Activation Specification or Admin Object, but the class could not be loaded from the rar file. This likely means the RAR file is corrupt or not valid.
Action Confirm that the RAR file is not corrupted, then contact your Resource Adapter vendor to make sure that the Resource Adapter provided is valid.

J2CA0657I: Non-transactional datasource {0} cannot have sharable connections. Switching from shareable to unshareable.

Explanation The data source was configured as non-transactional. Connection sharing applies only to connections within a transaction.
Action To avoid this message, modify the res-sharing-scope on resource references to the non-transactional datasource to unshareable.

J2CA0658I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the JCA 1.0 Resource Adapter. The ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class has changed.

Explanation The new RAR file has a different ManagedConnectionFactory implementation class. This makes the JCA 1.0 Resource Adapter and RAR incompatible for update.
Action Choose a resource adapter and RAR file which are compatible for update.

J2CA0659E: Cannot Update a Resource Adapter and RAR of different JCA versions. Resource Adapter JCA version: {0}. RAR File JCA Version: {1}.

Explanation Updating to a RAR file that is of a different JCA spec version than the Resource Adapter is not supported.
Action Choose a resource adapter and RAR file which are compatible for update.

J2CA0660I: The new RAR file is not compatible with the Resource Adapter. The JCA Spec versions of the Resource Adapter and RAR are different. Resource Adapter JCA version: {0}. RAR File JCA Version: {1}.

Explanation Updating to a RAR file that is of a different JCA spec version than the Resource Adapter is not supported.
Action Choose a resource adapter and RAR file which are compatible for update.

J2CA0661E: Monitor privilege is required for all Resource Adapters being compared. Monitor privilege was not found for the {0} Resource Adapter. The command executor could not perform a comparison.

Explanation The command executor does not have the monitor privilege for the specified Resource Adapter configuration ID.
Action Obtain monitor access privileges from the system administrator for the Resource Adapter that was specified and any related resources.

J2CA0662E: There are copies of resource adapter {0} that the command executor does not have configurator access to at the following scopes: {1}. Updating the resource adapter is not recommended.

Explanation The command executor does not have configurator privilege for a copy of the resource adapter at the given scope. Copies of a Resource Adapter depend on the given Resource Adapter's binary files. They must all be updated, but they cannot be updated without the adequate privileges.
Action Run the command with a user ID that has configurator access privileges to the resource adapter(s) at the scopes that are listed.

J2CA0663W: User input value {0} on the new RAR file property {1} is not compatible with the expected type {2}. The default value {3} specified in ra.xml will be used instead.

Explanation Runtime errors may result from properties whose values are incompatible with their defined type.
Action If the default value is not desired, edit the connection factory, activation spec or admin object on which the property is found.

J2CA0664E: The property name argument passed to the managed bean getProperty operation is empty or malformed.

Explanation A empty or malformed property name was used as the argument for the managed bean getProperty operation.
Action Provide a non-empty, valid string as input for the managed bean getProperty operation.

J2CA0665E: The connection factory does not have a property with the name {0}.

Explanation The connection factory does not have a property with the specified name. Possible reasons for the error are the property name is misspelled or incorrectly capitalized, or the specified property does not apply to the connection factory being configured.
Action Verify the property name for the connection factory. Correct any errors in spelling or capitalization.

J2CA0667E: An unexpected error has occured while getting the value of the connection factory property {0}.

Explanation The attempt to get the value of the custom property failed.
Action More info at:

J2CA0668E: The WorkManager was unable to populate the execution subject with the caller principal or credentials necessary to establish the security context for this work instance.

Explanation The JASPIC callback handler of the WorkManager failed to populate the principal or custom credentials of the execution subject because an exception occurred while processing the JASPIC callbacks supplied by the resource adapter.
Action Check the FFDC and server logs that were emitted immediately prior to message J2CA0672E to determine the cause. If the cause cannot be determined from the prior error messages, collect diagnostic data and visit the IBM support web site for more information.

J2CA0669E: The resource adapter did not provide a CallerPrincipalCallback, an execution subject containing a single principal, or an empty execution subject.

Explanation The WorkManager could not establish the principal of the caller identity because the resource adapter did not supply an instance of a JASPIC CallerPrincipalCallback necessary for the WorkManager to determine the caller principal, nor did the setupSecurityContext method of the SecurityContext implementation return an execution subject containing either an empty principal set or a principal set containing exactly one principal.
Action Contact the resource adapter vendor to determine why the inbound SecurityContext implementation does not satisfy the requirements necessary for the WorkManager to establish the principal of the caller identity.

J2CA0670E: The WorkManager was unable to establish the security context for the work instance, because the resource adapter provided a caller identity {0}, that does not belong to the security domain associated with the application.

Explanation The security context provided by the work instance contains a user name that does not exist in the realm (user registry) of the security domain associated to the application. The WorkManager obtained the invalid user name from an instance of a JASPIC CallerPrincipalCallback, whenever an instance is supplied by the resource adapter, or from the execution subject returned by method setupSecurityContext.
Action In case the user is from the same realm, check if the user exists in the user registry for that realm. In case the user is from a different realm, contact the resource adapter vendor since the WorkManager does not currently support users from different realms.

J2CA0671E: The WorkManager was unable to associate the provided SecurityContext to the Work instance.

Explanation The WorkManager encountered a problem while establishing and setting up the security context for the inbound Work request.
Action Check the FFDC and server logs for messages J2CA0668E and J2CA0669E to determine the cause.

J2CA0672E: The JASPIC callback handler of the WorkManager failed with exception {0} while handling the callbacks provided by the security context. The exception message is {1}.

Explanation The WorkManager encountered an exception while handling the JASPIC callbacks provided by the resource adapter within the transferred security context. The exception can be of the following cases: 1) A CallerPrincipalCallback provided a principal with a user name that does not exist in the user registry. 2) A PasswordValidationCallback provided a invalid user name or password. 3) A CallerPrincipalCallback and a PasswordValidationCallback provided different user names. 4) The resource adapter provided a callback that the application server does not currently support. 5) The resource adapter provided more than one CallerPrincipalCallback. 6) The WorkManager encountered an unexpected error.
Action If the exception message has an error code then check the user action for that error code. If the exception is an UnsupportedCallbackException then contact the resource adapter vendor because the JASPIC callback handler of the WorkManager does not currently support the provided callback. If the exception is not any of the problems mentioned, collect diagnostic data and refer to the IBM support site for additional information.

J2CA0673W: The execution subject provided by the WorkManager does not match the subject supplied by the {0}.

Explanation The instance of the execution subject provided by the WorkManager to establish the security context of the Work instance is not the same instance obtained from the respective callback. The WorkManager ignored the subject obtained from the callback and continued to establish the security context using the instance it provided.
Action Contact the resource adapter vendor to modify the JASPIC callback's getSubject() method to return the execution subject provided to the SecurityContext instance through the call to method setupSecurityContext.

J2CA0674E: The user name {0} or password provided by the PasswordValidationCallback is invalid.

Explanation The user name and password do not exist in the user registry of the realm that is configured for the security domain associated with the application.
Action Configure the resource adapter and enterprise information system to use a valid user name and password.

J2CA0675E: The user name {0}, provided by the PasswordValidationCallback, and the user name {1}, provided by the CallerPrincipalCallback, do not match.

Explanation User names provided by the PasswordValidationCallback and the CallerPrincipalCallback must match.
Action Contact the resource adapter vendor and the system administrator to ensure that the resource adapter is designed and configured to return the same user name from the two callbacks.

J2CA0676E: The supplied security context provided multiple instances of a JASPIC CallerPrincipalCallback to establish the security context of the work instance.

Explanation The WorkManager expects the security context to supply exactly zero or one instance of a JASPIC CallerPrincipalCallback while establishing the security context of the work instance.
Action Contact the resource adapter vendor to determine why the resource adapter provides multiple instances of the CallerPrincipalCallback.

J2CA0677E: An authenticated JAAS subject and one or more JASPIC callbacks were passed to the application server by the resource adapter.

Explanation The resource adapter provided an authenticated JAAS subject to the application server along with one or more JASPIC callbacks. WAS v8 supports the in-flow of authenticated JAAS subjects but only individually and not in combination with the JASPIC callbacks.
Action Modify the resource adapter configuration or source code to pass in either an authenticated JAAS subject or a valid combination of the JASPIC callbacks and not a combination of both.

J2CA0678W: Group {0} does not belong to the domain associated to the application.

Explanation The security context transferred with the work instance provided a group name that does not exist in the realm (user registry) of the security domain associated to the application. The WorkManager obtained the invalid group name from an instance of a JASPIC GroupPrincipalCallback, whenever an instance is supplied by the resource adapter.
Action Check if the group is from the same realm by confirming the group existence in the user registry for that realm.If the group is from a different realm, contact the resource adapter vendor because the WorkManager does not support groups from different realms.

J2CA0679W: No groups were found for the user with the uniqueId {0}

Explanation The security context transferred with the work instance provided a user that does not belong to any of the groups defined in the user registry.
Action There is no user action required.

J2CA0680I: The configured primary resource with a JNDI name of {0} is unavailable. New requests will be routed to the configured alternate resource that has a JNDI name of {1}.

Explanation Connection Management has detected that the configured primary resource is unavailable. New requests will be routed to the configured alternate resource.
Action Contact your database or system administrator to determine the state of the resource in question.

J2CA0681I: The configured primary resource with a JNDI name of {0} and the configured alternate resource that has a JNDI name of {1} are unavailable.

Explanation Connection management has detected that both the configured primary and alternate resources have become unavailable. Requests cannot be rerouted.
Action Contact your database or system administrator to determine the state of the resources in question.

J2CA0682I: The configured resource with a JNDI name of {0} is available to process new requests for the resource with a JNDI name of {1}.

Explanation The configured primary or alternate resource with the specified JNDI name is now available to process new requests.
Action No action is required.

J2CA0683E: Connection management failed to connect to the resource with a JNDI name of {0}. Resource fail-over is disabled.

Explanation Connection management failed to connect to the specified resource.
Action Verify that the JNDI name provided for the resource in question is valid. Verify that the resource is operational. If connection fail-over has been configured for a resource adapter, verify that the version of the resource adapter implements the required infrastructure.

J2CA0684E: Unable to validate the user name {0} and password provided by the PasswordValidationCallback.

Explanation The WorkManager was not able to validate the user name and password provided by the PasswordValidationCallback because of a CustomRegistryException. This exception is caused by an invalid password or a problem with the user registry for that application realm.
Action If the cause of the CustomRegistryException is an invalid password, configure the resource adapter or enterprise information system to use a valid user name and password combination. Otherwise resolve the problem with the user registry.

J2CA0685E: An authenticated JAAS Subject from an untrusted realm {0}, was passed to the application server by the resource adapter.

Explanation The JAAS Subject that was passed in by the resource adapter does not belong to the application realm nor to a realm that is trusted by the application server.
Action Add the realm to the list of realms trusted by the application server, or modify the resource adapter configuration or source code to pass in a subject that belongs to the application realm or a trusted realm.

J2CA0686E: The {0} operation failed because the resource adapter {1} requires a Work Context type {2} that is not supported by the Application Server.

Explanation The Application Server supports the following three Work Context types:,, and The RAR failed to deploy because a RequiredWorkContext element, declared in either the RAR deployment descriptor or an @Connector RAR meta-data annotation, specifies a Work Context type that is not supported by the Application Server.
Action Contact the resource adapter vendor and obtain a new RAR module that declares only required Work Context types supported by the Application Server.

J2CA0687E: Connection management failed to connect to the resource with a JNDI name of {0}. Failure notification action support is disabled.

Explanation Connection management failed to connect to the specified resource.
Action Verify that the JNDI name provided for the resource in question is valid. If connection fail-over and failure notification action support have been configured for a resource adapter, verify that the version of the resource adapter implements the required infrastructure.

J2CA1002E: Invalid MCWrapper {0} from the free pool for resource {1}.

Explanation The attempt to reserve an MCWrapper failed.
Action More info at:

J2CA1003E: Failed to remove MCWrapper {0} from the shared pool.

Explanation The attempt to remove an MCWrapper failed, causing a potential problem in the shared pool.
Action More info at:

J2CA1004E: RAR JavaBean validation has been disabled, because the JavaBean validation service is unavailable. Validation constraints of RAR JavaBean instances will not be validated before the instances are placed into service.

Explanation This indicates an unexpected problem with the JavaBean Validation Service. The cause may not be immediately determined.
Action More info at:

J2CA1005E: An exception occurred while trying to access the JavaBean validation descriptor file {0} : {1}.

Explanation The validation.xml file exists, but is unaccessible. The file may be unaccessaible due to insufficient read access priviledge on the file system, the file path is a directory, or the thread lacks permission to read the file.
Action Check the FFDC logs. If the file lacks read access priviledge on the file system, add the priviledge to the file. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

J2CA1006E: An exception occurred while attempting to build the JavaBean validator factory for a resource adapter having archive path {0} : {1}. JavaBean validation has been disabled for resource adapters adapters having the archive path.

Explanation This exception is unexpected and indicates a problem with the JavaBean Validation Service, the JavaBean Validation provider, or the RAR deployment. The cause may not be immediately determined.
Action Check the FFDC logs. If the problem appears due to the RAR configuration, reassmeble the RAR per the WAS InfoCenter and redeploy it. If the problem is due to a failure in a JavaBean Validation implementation other than that supplied by WAS, contact the JavaBean Validation provider. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

J2CA1007E: An exception occurred while ValidatorFactory {0} was attempting to provide a JavaBean validator : {1}.

Explanation This exception is unexpected and indicates a problem with the JavaBean ValidationFactory implementation. The cause may not be immediately determined.
Action Check the FFDC logs. If the symptom indicates a failure in a JavaBean Validation implementation other than that supplied by WAS, contact the JavaBean Validation provider. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://

J2CA1008E: An exception occurred while Validator {0} was attempting to validate the RAR JavaBean instance {2} : {1}. JavaBean validation constraints will not be validated before placing the instance into service.

Explanation This exception is unexpected and indicates a problem with the Validator implementation. The cause may not be immediately determined.
Action Check the FFDC and system logs. If the symptom indicates a failure in a JavaBean Validation implementation other than that supplied by WAS, contact the JavaBean Validation provider. If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://



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