Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


HMGR0001I: The DCS Core Stack transport has been started for core group {0}. There are {1} members.

Explanation The high availabilty manager communication transport has started.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0002E: HA Manager services on this process were not started. This server is not a member of a core group.

Explanation The high availability manager requires that every server be a member of a core group. Since this server is not a member of a core group, the high availability manager services cannot be started.
Action Verify the core group configuration and determine why this server is not a member of a core group.

HMGR0003E: Unable to export service {0}. The service was not found.

Explanation The indicated service could not be exported. Recovery was not possible.
Action Look for previous messages in the SystemOut.log file that contain initialization failure information. If, after analyzing these messages, you cannot determine the cause of the export problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page: // ://

HMGR0004E: An attempt to start an HA Manager Management Bean (MBean) failed. The MBean id is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager management bean failed to start.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0005I: The Single Server DCS Core Stack transport has been started for core group {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager single server communication transport has been started.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0006I: Starting the transport for Core Stack {0} using IP Address {1}, port {2}, transport type {3}.

Explanation The high availability manager communication transport is starting.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0007W: An attempt to start High Availability Manager PMI statistics failed. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager management bean that collects PMI statistics failed to start.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0008W: The high availability manager has detected that core group {0} has {1} configured processes. The recommended limit is {2}.

Explanation This warning message alerts the user that they need to be aware of the implications of having a large core group. Failing to due so may result in degraded WebSphere performance.
Action See the IBM information center for more information regarding Core group scaling considerations.

HMGR0020E: The configuration document {0} could not be read from the repository.

Explanation Either the configuration XML file could not be found, is corrupted, or there is a problem with the repository service.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0021E: An error was encountered while processing the core group document. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The coregroup.xml configuration document contains a syntax error or has been corrupted.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0022E: An error was encountered reading a typed attribute from the configuration. The name is {0}, the value is {1} and the type is {2}. The exception is {3}.

Explanation The configuration state is not valid. The specified attribute could not be read.
Action Correct the configuration state.

HMGR0023E: An error was encountered reading a untyped attribute from the configuration. The name is {0}, the value is {1} and the type is {2}. The exception is {3}.

Explanation The configuration state is not valid. The specified attribute could not be read.
Action Correct the configuration state.

HMGR0024W: An error was encountered while looking up the IP address for the host name of a core group member. The host name is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager was unable to resolve the IP address for the indicated host. Either the host is unknown or has mappings to duplicate IP addresses.
Action See the description of the specified exception for more information. Correct the host name lookup problem and retry.

HMGR0025W: An invalid value for an HA Manager configuration attribute was found. The document is {0}, the attribute is {1} and the value found is {2}.

Explanation The specified attribute value is not valid. A default value has been assigned.
Action Correct the specified attribute value.

HMGR0026E: An invalid value for an HA Manager configuration attribute was found. The document is {0}, the attribute is {1} and the value found is {2}.

Explanation The specified attribute value is not valid. A default value has been assigned.
Action Correct the specified attribute value.

HMGR0027W: A duplicate host to IP Address mapping has been detected. IP Address {0} has a mapping to host names {1} and {2}.

Explanation An IP Address that maps to multiple hosts is unusual. The duplicate mapping might be intentional and required to support another product such as the IBM Edge Server.
Action If the duplicate mapping is unintentional, correct the mapping. If the mapping is intentional, configure the DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS endpoints for all processes in the core group to use a specific, unique IP Address.

HMGR0028E: A duplicate DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS port has been detected. Members {0} and {1} on host {2} are both configured to use port {3}.

Explanation Multiple processes on the same host cannot be configured to use the same port.
Action Correct the problem by changing the port assignment for one of the core group members.

HMGR0029E: The network configuration for process {0} has a port value of {1}.

Explanation The port specified for this process is not valid.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0030E: The configuration document {0} could not be read from the repository.

Explanation Either the configuration XML file could not be found, or is corrupted, or there is a problem with the repository service.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0031E: A conflicting IP address and port has been detected for the DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS end point. {0} members are configured to use the IP address and port combination of {1}.

Explanation Multiple core group members that share the same IP address and port were detected. However, each core group member must have a unique IP address and port combination.
Action Correct the problem by assigning a different port to each of the conflicting core group members.

HMGR0032I: Core group {0} is starting with a configured transport memory size of {1}.

Explanation The core group transport memory size has been changed from the default setting.
Action No action is required. Informational only.

HMGR0033I: Core group {0} is starting with a heart beat transmission interval of {1} milliseconds and a heart beat timeout of {2} milliseconds.

Explanation The core group heart beating has been changed from the default setting.
Action No action is required. Informational only.

HMGR0034I: Core group {0} is starting with a discovery interval of {1} seconds.

Explanation The core group discovery interval has been changed from the default setting.
Action No action is required. Informational only.

HMGR0035I: Core group {0} is starting with a non-default liveness provider. The factory name is {1}.

Explanation The core group liveness provider has been changed from the default setting.
Action No action is required. Informational only.

HMGR0040I: No HA Policies were found in the core group.

Explanation The core group configuration read by this server did not contain any high availability policies.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0041E: An HA Policy without a name was found in the core group.

Explanation All high availability policies must have a unique name.
Action Assign the policy a unique name.

HMGR0042W: An error was encountered reading policy attributes from the configuration for policy {0}.

Explanation The configuration state is not valid. The high availability manager could not read the attributes for a high availability policy.
Action Correct the configuration state.

HMGR0043E: All HA Policies failed parsing.

Explanation High availability policies were located in the core group but none of the policies could be successfully parsed.
Action Correct the configuration state.

HMGR0044E: An unrecoverable error was encountered while loading HA Policies. The exception is {0}.

Explanation See the description of the specified exception for more information about the root cause of the problem.
Action Correct the cause of the problem. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0045W: The server list for policy {0} is empty. This policy requires at least one server.

Explanation The server list for the specified policy is empty.
Action Correct the configuration state.

HMGR0046E: An error occured while processing the policy configuration information. The specified PolicyFactory class {0} is not a PolicyFactory.

Explanation The name of the policy factory specified in the configuration data is incorrect.
Action Enter a valid name for the policy factory class.

HMGR0047E: An error occured while processing the policy configuration information. The specified PolicyFactory class {0} was not instantiable. The exception is {1}

Explanation The name of the policy factory specified in the configuration data is incorrect.
Action Either the policy factory name is entered incorrectly or that policy factory class is not available on this server. Determine which of these situations has occurred, and correct the problem.

HMGR0048E: A failure occurred while attempting to create a default HAManager policy. The name of the policy is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation An internal initialization error occurred. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Look for previous messages in the SystemOut.log file that contain initialization failure information. If, after analyzing these messages, you cannot determine the cause of the export problem,See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for additional help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0049E: A duplicate policy name was found in the configuration data. The policy name is {0}.

Explanation Two policy definitions were found that have the same name. Each policy definition must have a unique name.
Action Assign a different name to one of the policies. This name must be unique from any other policy name.

HMGR0060W: An error was encountered while obtaining the host and port information for server {0} on node {1}.

Explanation The serverindex.xml file for the specified node appears to be out of date.
Action If the problem does not resolve itself, perform a full resynchronize from the master repository.

HMGR0061E: An error was encountered while processing the coregroup. The entry for server {0}, node {1} failed. The exception is {2}.

Explanation An incorrect server entry exists in the core group configuration document.
Action See the description of the specified exception for more information about what caused the problem, and correct the problem. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for additional help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0062I: A DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS end point does not exist for server {0} on node {1}.

Explanation This end point is required and should be allocated when the process is created.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0063W: The DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS end point for server {0} on node {1} has an invalid value. {2} Will be used instead.

Explanation A null or empty string was found. Valid values include the host name, a textual IP address, or *.
Action Enter the proper host name in the DCS_UNICAST_ADDRESS field.

HMGR0064W: Resolution of IP Addresses for host name {0} found only the loopback address. The loopback address will be used.

Explanation There might be a problem with the host name or DNS name resolution. Under normal circumstances, a non-loopback address is expected.
Action Correct the host name or the DNS name resolution problem.

HMGR0070E: An error was encountered while processing the hamanagerservice.xml document. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The hamanagerservice.xml configuration document contains a syntax error or has been corrupted.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0071E: The coreGroupName attribute in the HAManagerService is null.

Explanation The coreGroupName attribute must be set to the core group with which this server is associated. Null is not allowed.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0080E: Unable to obtain a reference to the ConfigRepository. Configuration documents cannot be updated dynamically.

Explanation An unknown problem exists with the ConfigRepository management bean definition table.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0081E: An error was received while reloading a configuration document. The document name is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation The specified configuration document has an unknown problem.
Action Scan the SystemOut.log file for error messages relating to failures in loading this configuration document. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for additional help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0083E: An error was encountered merging configuration information. The element type is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation The coregroup.xml configuration document contains a syntax error or has been corrupted.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0085I: This server received a message that a new core group document is available. This server is already running on that document version.

Explanation The server is already using the new core group document.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0086I: This server is updating its core group configuration. The new document version is {0}.

Explanation The core group document is being updated.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0087I: An unrecoverable error was encountered while merging the core group configuration. The version is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager encountered an unrecoverable error while updating the core group configuration settings.
Action Synchronize the configuration to the node in question, then restart the server. If synchronizing the configuration does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for additional help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0088I: HA Policy information from the new core group configuration was not applied. There were {0} errors in the new configuration.

Explanation Policy errors are tolerated when the configuration is read, but these errors prevent policy information from being updated.
Action Scan the SystemOut.log file for information related to the parsing errors and correct the errors.

HMGR0089E: A configuration available message could not be delivered. The configuration version is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation The core group configuration could not be updated correctly.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0090W: An attempt to update the High Availability manager configuration has failed. The required documents are not available on this node.

Explanation The core group configuration could not be updated correctly.
Action Manually synchronize the configuration from the master repository on the dmgr. Application servers on the affected node might need to be recycled.

HMGR0091I: An outdated core group configuration was read from the repository. The current configuration is {0}. The configuration just read is {1}.

Explanation The core group configuration might not have been updated correctly.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0092W: Unable to get HA Manager MBean on the Deployment Manager, object name used for query is {0}.

Explanation Unable to get the HA Manager MBean on the Deployment Manager.
Action Verify that the Deployment Manager is running, otherwise contact IBM Service.

HMGR0093E: Unable to create an Admin Client connection to the dmgr. Exception: {0}.

Explanation Unable to create an Admin Client connection to the dmgr.
Action Contact IBM Service.

HMGR0094E: The query for MBean {0} failed.

Explanation Malformed ObjectName exception encountered.
Action Contact IBM Service.

HMGR0095I: Unable to locate any running processes for core group {0} that are not in single server mode. Core group configuration was not updated dynamically.

Explanation The Deployment Manager was unable to locate any HAManager MBeans on a process that is not running in single server mode for the specified core group.
Action Ignore this message if there are no running processes, or if all running processes are in single server mode. Otherwise ensure that node agents are running when performing configuration changes.

HMGR0096E: An error was encountered when trying to pull configuration from Deployment Manager. See exception for more information. Exception: {0}

Explanation An error was encountered when trying to pull configuration from the Deployment Manager, this process may be running on old configuration data.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, contact IBM service.

HMGR0097E: Unknown error was encountered when trying to push configuration to core group {0}. See exception for more information. Exception: {1}

Explanation An unknown error was encountered when trying to push configuration to a core group member, the core group did not receive new configuration data.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, contact IBM service.

HMGR0098E: Unable to obtain a reference to the admin service.

Explanation Unable to obtain a reference to the admin service.
Action Contact IBM Service.

HMGR0099E: This process received an updated configuration document from the {0} and it is no longer a member of core group {1}.

Explanation This process was given an updated configuration document and it was removed from the core group it was started in.
Action Synchronize the nodeagent that this process is located on with the dmgr. After synchronization, restart this process.

HMGR0103I: An attempt to activate or deactivate a member failed. There are no local group members for group {0}.

Explanation An activate or deactivate message was received but there are no local members in the group to activate or deactivate. This situation can occur under normal conditions, depending on the timing of messages. For example when members are leaving a group, one of them could receive an activate message that was sent just before that member left.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0105E: An attempt to activate or deactivate a member failed. There local member was not in the proper state. The group is {0}. The local member is {1} and the current state is {2}. The execution stack is {3}

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0107E: An attempt to activate or deactivate a member failed. An internal failure has occurred. The group is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0108E: An unexpected internal state was encountered. The class is {0}, the method is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0109E: An unexpected exception was encountered while the HAManager was processing a callback from a using program. The class is {0}, the method is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation A problem occurred while processing an application callback.
Action A programming error by a high availability manager user is probably the cause of this problem. Use the information in the message to find and correct the root cause of the problem. If you cannot determine the root cause of the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0111E: An unexpected internal error occured during a joinGroup operation. The GroupName is {0}, the instance is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation An unexpected internal error occurred. See the description of the specified exception for more information.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0112E: An unexpected error occurred during object Serialization. The object class is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected internal error occurred. See the description of the specified exception for more information.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0113E: A communication error occurred while forwarding group change information to the active coordinator. The exception is {0}.

Explanation A message could not be sent because of a failure in the communication stack.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0114E: An unexpected error occurred while forwarding group change information to the active coordinator. The exception is {0}.

Explanation A message could not be sent because of an unrecoverable error.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0117E: Quorum on group {0} with members {1} has been lost and the process contains active HA Group members. The process must be terminated.

Explanation A cluster member that contains quorum sensitive groups has lost quorum but has active members. The process must be terminated.
Action Restart the failed servers or correct the network partition.

HMGR0119I: The GMS service has requested that the server be terminated. The reason is {0}.

Explanation The Group Membership Service (GMS) requested termination. The GMS should have logged the reason for this request.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0120E: An error occurred processing a callback from DCS. The method is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred. See the exception stack trace for more detail.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0121E: An error occurred sending a DCS Unicast message. The target member is {0}. The message type is {1}. The exception is {2}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred. See the exception stack trace for more detail.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0122E: An error occurred sending a DCS Multicast message. The message type is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred. See the exception stack trace for more detail.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0123I: A GroupUpdate message was received for a group that does not exist. The group name is {0}.

Explanation An unusual situation has occured. This situation might be the result of message latency.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0124I: An activate or deactive request for the local member of group {0} failed. The reason is {1} and the data is {2}

Explanation A group member failed to perform the requested action. The group member will be disabled.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0125I: An activate or deactive request for the local member of group {0} failed. The reason is {1}, the data is {2} and the exception is {3}

Explanation A group member failed to perform the requested action. The group member will be disabled.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0126I: The method {0} has been called on the HAGroup object for group {1}, but the member has already left that group.

Explanation An unusual condition was detected. This condition might be the result of a programming error.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0127I: The HA Manager has discarded a request to activate or deactivate a group member. The member is disabled. The group is {0}.

Explanation The policy for the specified high availability group initiated a request to activate or deactivate a group member. The high availability manager determined that the requested member is disabled.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0128E: The wrong context object was passed on a callback to the AsynchOperationComplete interface. The method is {0}, the group is {1}, the context object is {2} and the expected context is {3}.

Explanation The specified programming error was detected.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0129I: The local member of group {0} has been disabled. The reason is {1}.

Explanation The local member of the specified core group was disabled at your request.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0130I: The local member of group {0} has indicated that is it not alive. The JVM will be terminated.

Explanation The JVM is being terminated because the local member of the specified group is no longer functioning properly.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0131I: The local member of group {0} has not responded to a health check. The JVM will be terminated.

Explanation The JVM is being terminated because the local member of the specified group is no longer functioning properly.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0132I: The local member of group {0} failed to respond properly to a health check. The exception is {1}. The JVM will be terminated.

Explanation The JVM is being terminated because the local member of the specified group is no longer functioning properly.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0133E: Exception constructing cluster {0}, exception {1}

Explanation Quorum is enabled for an unknown cluster.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0134I: Cluster {0} is waiting for quorum. Currently {1} members online. At least {2} votes of {3} votes required for quorum.

Explanation The cluster has services which cannot activate without the cluster having quorum. Normally, each server has a single vote and the majority of the servers must be online for quorum. If the number of servers is even then the first server has two votes.
Action Start more cluster members to achieve quorum.

HMGR0135I: Cluster {0} has quorum.

Explanation The specified cluster has quorum.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0136I: No such cluster defined {0}

Explanation This happens because if a cluster is added then its definition is pushed asynchronously to all nodes. Some nodes might not know about a cluster when other do as a result. This problem will correct itself in a few seconds.
Action If this persists do a manual nodesync on the problem nodes, if this fails then see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0137I: Terminate has been called on the default core stack. This is not allowed.

Explanation Only the high availability manager can terminate the default core group stack.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0138I: Terminate has been called on a core stack. The core stack {0} will be terminated.

Explanation The specified core stack has been shut down.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0139I: A non-core stack event has been routed to the core stack. The event is {0}.

Explanation The core stack received an event that is not a core stack event. The specified event is ignored.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0140E: An event indicating that the core group membership is inconsistent was received. Recovery failed. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The core group membership could not be updated correctly.
Action Synchronize the configuration to the node in question, then restart the server. If synchronizing the configuration does not solve the problem, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0141E: Sending local state information to an active coordinator failed. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The group state could not be synchronized correctly.
Action If the problem does not resolve by itself, stop the server and then start the server again. If the problem still exists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0142E: An error occurred in a component called back by the High Availability Manager. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The called component did not detect that an error occurred.
Action Use the stack trace to determine which component failed, and perform diagnostics for that component. For additional help in determining why the component failed, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page.

HMGR0143E: An error occurred when the High Availability Manager attempted to dispatch a thread. The exception is {0}.

Explanation An unrecoverable thread dispatch error occurred.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0144I: Powering down suspect server {0}

Explanation The high availability manager has determined that the specified server, which is hosting a member of a critical cluster, has failed. The server is being shutdown to allow safe failover.
Action Check the server to determine why it failed. If you can fix the problem, start the server again so it can rejoin the cluster.

HMGR0145W: The cluster {0} is now critical.

Explanation This specified cluster is currently online but the loss of one more cluster members will cause it to terminate.
Action Bring one or more of the other cluster members online or use the administrative console to remove the offline cluster members from the cluster. Lowering the number of servers that are part of the cluster lowers the number of cluster members that must remain active in order to achieve quorum.

HMGR0146W: Group {0} is not scheduled for liveness checking.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. This inconsistency might affect failover for the indicated group.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0147E: An error was encountered during liveness checking. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager encountered an error while verifying that core group members are alive. Further verification will not occur and failover processing might not function properly.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0148I: The channel chain transport for core group {0} contains an SSL channel.

Explanation The specified core group is using a secure transport chain.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0149E: An attempt to open a connection to core group {0} has been rejected. The sending process has a name of {1} and an IP address of {2}. Global security in the local process is {3}. Global security in the sending process is {4}. The received token starts with {5}. The exception is {6}.

Explanation The high availability manager has rejected a connection attempt.
Action Ensure that global security is either enabled on both processes or disabled on both processes, and ensure that both the sending and receiving processes are members of the same core group.

HMGR0150E: An attempt to create a token to secure the High Availability Manager connection failed. The exception is {0}.

Explanation An unexpected internal error has occurred. See the description of the specified exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0151E: A problem was encountered while updating the core group member list. The exception is {0}.

Explanation The core group member list could not be dynamically updated.
Action If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0152W: CPU Starvation detected. Current thread scheduling delay is {0} seconds.

Explanation Threads are not being dispatched in a timely manner, and this may affect system stability.
Action Thread scheduling delays can have many different causes. High CPU utilization or low memory resulting in long garbage collection times or paging to disk are possibilities. Perform resource analysis to determine the proper course of action. This message will disappear when the thread scheduling delay has been corrected.

HMGR0157E: The channel chain {0} has failed to start after {1} retries. The process will be terminated.

Explanation The DCS transport channel failed to start. The port that is designated for the DCS transport channel is probably not available. This situation can occur if the process was previously terminated abnormally.
Action Wait for the operating system to release the port and restart the process. You should also check the SystemOut.log file for other channel transport chain related messages.

HMGR0158E: The attempt to power down suspect server {0} failed.

Explanation The high availability manager has determined that the specified server, which is hosting a member of a critical cluster, has failed. An attempt to shutdown this server to allow safe failover has failed.
Action Try to determine why the server failed. If possible, fix the problem and start the server again so that it can rejoin the cluster.

HMGR0159E: An attempt to administratively enable High Availability Group {0} failed because the member is not in the disabled state. The current member state is {1}.

Explanation A member of the specified core group is not in the disabled state.
Action Check the current state of the members of the specified core group, and determine which member is not in the disabled state.

HMGR0160E: An attempt to update the state of High Availability Group {0} failed because the member is in an unknown state. The current member state is {1}.

Explanation A member of the specified core group is in an unknown state.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0161E: The HA Manager has been configured to use an external Failure Detection and Discovery provider. A plug-in factory class name has not been specified.

Explanation The external provider cannot be created because the factory class name has not been specified.
Action Specify the appropriate factory class name.

HMGR0162W: There is no thread pool specified for TCP Channel {0}. The channel may not operate properly.

Explanation The TCP channel should have a dedicated thread pool defined for proper operation.
Action Create a thread pool for the specified TCP Channel and retry the operation.

HMGR0163E: The core group bridge service on this process has violated bridge rebuild protocol. Both the previous and current set of active bridges was specified as {0}.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0164E: The core group bridge service on this process has violated bridge rebuild protocol by providing membership content with no active bridges.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0165E: The core group bridge service on this process has violated bridge rebuild protocol by attempting to end a bridge rebuild period without first beginning it.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0166E: Cannot create a proxy post because {0} is a member of the local core group.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0167E: The High Availability Manager received an improper subscriber update message from the active coordinator, an unexpected {0} was encountered.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0169E: The High Availability Manager detected a state inconsistency while attempting to notify {0} subscribers, the subscription for the subject {1} has already been closed.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0170E: The High Availability Manager detected a state inconsistency with the active coordinator while processing a subscriber update message, updating {0} state in {1} mode and received unexpected {2}.

Explanation An internal logic error has been detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0201E: A communication exception occured while sending a message. The message type is {0}. The GroupName is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation An attempt to send a message failed with a exception in the communication stack. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. Ensure that all network communications are operating properly. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0203E: The active Coordinator was found to be in an invalid state and could not process a message. The state is {0}, the message is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager has detected an internal logic error.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0204E: The Coordinator could not process a message. The message is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager has detected an internal logic error.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0205E: The Coordinator could not process a message. The state and the message are inconstent. The state is {0} and the message is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager has detected an internal logic error.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0206I: The Coordinator is an Active Coordinator for core group {0}. The active coordinator set is {1}.

Explanation The coordinator in this process has been elected as an active coordinator.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0207I: The Coordinator was previously an Active Coordinator for core group {0} but has lost leadership. The active coordinator set is {1}.

Explanation The coordinator in this process is no longer an active coordinator.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0208E: The Coordinator could not process a message. The coordinator is in FAILED state. The message is {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager has detected an internal logic error.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0209E: An internal error occured while processing the policy for group {0}. The exception is {1}

Explanation The high availability manager detected an internal logic error. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0210I: Unable to run the policy for group {0}. The group may have been deleted.

Explanation In response to a change in the state of a high availability group, the high availability manager tried to apply the policy for that group. The policy could not be applied because the high availability group currently has no members, and might have been deleted.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0211E: Unable to create the group state aggregation object on the active coordinator for group {0} in response to a group join from server {1}. The policy for the group cannot be determined. The exception is {2}

Explanation The policy for the specified high availability group cannot be found on the server. However, the policy was available on the server when the join was done.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0212I: A request to remove the group member for server {0} from the group state aggregion for group name {1} cannot be honored. The group does not currently exist.

Explanation The high availability manager detected an internal inconsistency.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0213E: A request to activate or deactivate a group member was made while the policy was unstable. The GroupName is {0} The policy type is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager detected an internal inconsistency.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0218I: A new core group view has been installed. The core group is {0}. The view identifier is {1}. The number of members in the new view is {2}.

Explanation Processes have been added or removed from the existing view.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0219I: An unrecognized view change event was received from the DCS transport. The view identifier is {0} and the event is {1}.

Explanation The type of the event is not recognized. The high availability manager could not respond to the view change event that it received from the DCS transport because it did not recognize the specified event type.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0220W: A request to move the active member of a group from one server to another cannot be performed. One of the members does not exist. The member identifier is {0} and the group is {1}.

Explanation The identified member was not moved because it is not a member of the specified core group.
Action Select a member that is defined as a member of this core group, and retry the operation.

HMGR0221W: A request to activate or deactivate a member cannot be performed. The requested state is {0}, the member identifier is {1} and the group is {2}

Explanation The specified member could not be activated or deactivated because it is already in that state.
Action If deactivate a member, select a member that is in the active state, and retry the operation. If activate a member, select a member that is in the inactive state, and retry the operation.

HMGR0222W: A request to move the active member of a group from one server to another cannot be performed. The group is not stable. The group is {0}

Explanation The high availability group is currently undergoing a state transition that cannot be interrupted.
Action Wait for the transition to complete and retry the operation.

HMGR0223W: An unrecoverable error has occurred on the DCS core stack for core group {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An error was received from the DCS transport channel.
Action If the error does not resolve itself, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0224E: The core group custom property {0} is out of range. Value {1} is not allowed.

Explanation The specified value is not valid for this custom property.
Action See the product documentation to determine the values that can be specified for this custom property.

HMGR0225E: A parsing error occurred for core group custom property {0}. The value is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation The specified value is not valid for this custom property.
Action See the product documentation to determine the values that can be specified for this custom property.

HMGR0226I: The core stack configuration parameter {0} has been set to {1}.

Explanation A core stack custom property was used to override the default value for the specified configuration parameter.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0227E: The request to create a Core Group Bridge on this server has failed. The request is invalid.

Explanation A core group bridge can only be created on a server that is part of a network deployment configuration.
Action Create the core group bridge on an eligible server.

HMGR0228I: The Coordinator is not an Active Coordinator for core group {0}. The active coordinator set is {1}.

Explanation The coordinator in this process is not an active coordinator for the specified core group.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0229I: A new data stack view has been installed. The view identifier is {0}. The data stack name is {1} and the number of members in the new view is {2}.

Explanation Processes have been added or removed from the existing view.
Action No action is required.

HMGR0230E: Core group bridge ownership of subject {0} is in contention between bridges {1}.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0231W: The active coordinator detected a unexpected condition while processing the {0} component of a message with {1} mode from {2}, a {3} was expected. Current state is {4}.

Explanation This is an indication of internal state mismatch between coregroup members and should not frequently occur, the message is ignored by the active coordinator.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0232E: The active coordinator received a message from {0} indicating this process is a core group bridge; however, there are no core group bridges {1}.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. The active coordinator ignores the incoming message.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0233E: The active coordinator received a message from {0} with inconsistent {1} state for subject {2}, the post contents were {3} with {4} existing state.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. The active coordinator ignores the incoming message.
Action The root cause of the problem appears to be an internal error. See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0234W: The active coordinator detected that the state rebuild operation did not complete within the expected time. Waiting for state messages from the following process set: {0}.

Explanation The active coordinator was in the process of rebuilding state, but did not receive the expected state messages from all core group processes within the expected time limit.
Action Review the log files for the specified set of processes that failed to send state messages to determine the problem. If necessary, stop or terminate the failing processes.

HMGR0235W: The core group member {0} reported a problem. The member reporting the problem logged the reason using message {1}.

Explanation This process received a message that another core group member has reported a problem.
Action For more information, locate the specified message ID in the log file for the core group member that reported the problem. If necessary, stop or terminate the failing process.

HMGR0301W: No policy was located for the group named {0}

Explanation All groups must exactly match only one policy rule. There is no policy match for the specified high availability group.
Action Create a policy for the specified high availability group if a policy does not already exist for that group.

HMGR0302W: Multiple policies match the group named {0}, Matching Policies are {1}

Explanation All groups must exactly match only one policy rule. There are multiple policies that match the specified high availability group.
Action Make the match sets for the other policies more specific, or delete the extra policies so that only one policy matches this high availability group.

HMGR0401E: Creation of data stack {0} failed. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred while creating the data stack. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0402E: Sending a message on the data stack {0} failed. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred attempting to send a data stack message. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0403E: Data stack {0} invoked the call back method {1} and it failed. The exception is {2}.

Explanation The data stack implementation detected a failure invoking a method on the registered call back class. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0404E: The data stack {0} could not process a received message. The message is {1} and the exception is {2}.

Explanation The high availability manager encountered a problem while trying to process a received data stack message. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0405E: The data stack {0} detected an unknown event. The unrecognized event is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager encountered an unknown data stack event. No harm was caused by this condition.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0406E: The data stack {0} encountered an unexpected exception calling method {1}. The exception is {2}.

Explanation An unexpected data stack exception occurred. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0407E: A request data command on synchronous data stack {0} failed. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred attempting to peform a synchronous request for data. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0408E: The synchronous data stack {0} encountered an unexpected exception processing method {1}. The exception is {2}.

Explanation An unexpected synchronous data stack exception occurred. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0501E: Encountered an abnormal termination of the internal data stack named {0}.

Explanation The internal data stack of the view synchronous high-availability manager group encountered an unexpected termination event. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined and corrected, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0502E: An error occurred while using the internal data stack named {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation The high availability manager detected problem with the internal data stack used by the partitioned managed group. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined and corrected, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR0503I: The message path of the internal data stack named {0} is highly congested.

Explanation The message path of the internal data stack used by the partitioned managed group has reached its upper congestion limit.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1000E: An attempt to create an Agent instance of type {0} in AgentClass {1} failed. The exception is {2}

Explanation There are several reasons why an attempt to create an agent might have failed, including application errors, configuration problems, and internal errors. See the description of the specfied exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1001W: An attempt to receive a message of type {0} for Agent {1} in AgentClass {2} failed. The exception is {3}

Explanation This failure is unexpected. Secondary agents might not have been created or destroyed, as expected.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1002W: AgentClass {0} has been notified that a request to add a secondary Agent {1} has completed. There is no record of that request. The execution stack is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager detected the indicated internal inconsistency.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1003W: Method {0} for AgentClass {1} was called unexpectedly. The execution stack is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager detected the indicated internal inconsistency.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1004W: Method {0} for Agent {1} was called unexpectedly. The execution stack is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager detected the indicated internal inconsistency.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1005E: A problem has been detected while attempting to send a message of type {0} for Agent {1}. The exception is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager detected the indicated internal inconsistency.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1006W: A problem has been detected while attempting to send a message of type {0} for Agent {1}. The exception is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager encountered a communication problem. The high availability manager will try to resend the message.
Action Ensure that all network paths are operating properly.

HMGR1007E: A problem has been detected while attempting to send a message of type {0} for Agent {1}. The exception is {2}

Explanation The high availability manager encountered an unknown or unexpected problem while attempting to send a message. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the root cause of the problem and correct it. If the root cause cannot be determined or is due to an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1008E: An attempt to destroy the primary instance of Agent {0} failed. The exception is {1}

Explanation There are several reasons why an attempt to destroy the primary instance of an agent might have failed, including application errors, configuration problems and internal errors. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or a configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1009E: An attempt to destroy a secondary instance of Agent {0} failed. The exception is {1}

Explanation When a primary agent is destroyed, the secondary agents associated with the primary are also destroyed. There are several reasons why an attempt to destroy the secondary agents might have failed, including application errors, configuration problems and internal errors. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or a configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1012E: An attempt to register AgentClass {0} with the agent framework has failed. The exception is {1}

Explanation There are several reasons why an attempt to to register the specified AgentClass might have failed, including application errors, configuration problems and internal errors. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or a configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1013E: A failure occured while processing a membership change for Agent {0}. The exception is {1}

Explanation There are several reasons why a failure might have occurred while processing a membership change for the specified agent, including application errors, configuration problems and internal errors. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or a configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1014E: A failure occured while processing a membership change for AgentClass {0}. The exception is {1}

Explanation There are several reasons why a failure might have occurred while processing a membership change for the specified agent, including application errors, configuration problems and internal errors. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action Use the associated exception name, message and stack trace to determine the root cause of the failure. If the root cause is an application error or a configuration error, correct the cause of the failure and retry the operation. If the root cause is an internal error, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1015E: An internal failure occured in an Agent. The Agent name is {0}. The exception is {1}

Explanation An internal failure occured in the specified agent. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1016E: An internal failure occured in an AgentClass. The AgentClass name is {0}. The exception is {1}

Explanation An internal failure occured in the specified AgentClass. See the description of the exception for more information.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1017I: An attempt to create a backup Agent has failed. The message could not be delivered to the target. The Agent is {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager encountered a communication problem while trying to send a message to the target. The high availability manager will try to resend the message.
Action Ensure that all network paths are operating properly.

HMGR1018I: An attempt to cancel creation of a backup Agent has failed. The AgentClass does not have a request scheduled for Agent {0}.

Explanation The high availability manager detected the indicated internal inconsistency.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1019W: This process received a message that does not map to an AgentClass channel or to any known Agent channel. The channel name from message is {0}. The sender is {1}. The local AgentClass channel is {2}. The known local Agent Channels are [{3}].

Explanation A message was sent via the high availability manager Agent framework and received by this member. However, the channel name included in the message does not match any existing AgentClass or Agent channel name. It is possible for this to occur if the receiving component associated with the channel name in the message was removed while the message was in flight.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1105I: Group {0} active member moved to {1} in {2} milliseconds

Explanation The HAManager MBean migrateActiveMember operation was used to move the active member. The move was completed in the specified time.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1106I: An out of specification group was found while processing the policy for group {0}.

Too many members are active.

Explanation While performing policy processing, the high availability manager discovered that more members of the specified high availability group are active then should be active.
Action No action is required. If this message frequently reoccurs, check previous messages for the original source of the problem.

HMGR1107I: Unable to make group consistent with the specified policy. There are no available members to activate. The group name is {0}. The exception is {1}.

Explanation While performing policy processing, the high availability manager discovered that the specified high availability group is not consistent with its policy. The high availability manager tried to correct the problem, but was unable to make the high availability group consistent with its policy.
Action No action is required. If this message frequently reoccurs, check previous messages for the original source of the problem.

HMGR1108I: Unable to make group consistent with the specified policy. There are no available members to activate. The group name is {0}.

Explanation While performing policy processing, the high availability manager discovered that the specified high availability group is not consistent with its policy. The high availability manager tried to correct the problem, but was unable to make the high availability group consistent with its policy.
Action This is probably a temporaty condition that will be resolved when current high availability group members reach a stable state. If the problem persists, check for problems with the component that is associated with the high availability group name.

HMGR1109I: Unable to make group consistent with the specified policy. There are no available members to deactivate. The group name is {0}.

Explanation While performing policy processing, the high availability manager discovered that the specified high availability group is not consistent with its policy. The high availability manager tried to correct the problem, but was unable to make the high availability group consistent with its policy.
Action This is probably a temporaty condition that will be resolved when current high availability group members reach a stable state. If the problem persists, check for problems with the component that is associated with the high availability group name.

HMGR1200I: HA Manager administrative action requested. Operation is "{0}".

Explanation The specified high availability manager administrative action was requested.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1201I: HA Manager administrative action requested. Operation is "{0}", the group is "{1}".

Explanation The specified high availability manager administrative action was requested.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1202I: HA Manager administrative action requested. Operation is "{0}", the member is "{1}", the group is "{2}".

Explanation The specified high availability manager administrative action was requested.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1203I: HA Manager administrative action requested. Operation is "{0}", current active member is "{1}", requested active member is "{2}", the group is "{3}".

Explanation The specified high availability manager administrative action was requested.
Action No action is required.

HMGR1225W: The Administrative request could not be completed because the specified group does not exist. The request is "{0}" and the group name is "{1}".

Explanation An asynchronous administrative operation was requested, and during background processing, the specified high availability group could not be found. Therefore, no action was taken.
Action Retry the failing command with a valid GroupName parameter.

HMGR1226W: The Administrative request could not be completed because the specified member does not exist. The request is "{0}" the member is "{1}", the group is "{2}"

Explanation An asynchronous administrative operation was requested, and during background processing, the specified high availability group member could not be found. Therefore, no action was taken.
Action Retry the failing command with valid NodeName and ServerName parameters.

HMGR1227W: The Administrative request could not be completed because the core group membership is not stable. The request is "{0}", the member is "{1}" and the group name is "{2}".

Explanation An asynchronous administrative operation was requested, and during background processing, the high availability manager determined that the core group membership is changing. Therefore, no action was taken.
Action Because of the timing of asynchronous operations, it is normal for the high availability manager to occasionally encounter this situation. Wait for the servers in this core group to enter a steady state (are either in a started or stopped state) and retry the command that failed.

HMGR1228W: The Administrative request could not be completed because the specified member or group is not in the correct state. The request is "{0}", the member is "{1}" and the group name is "{2}". Reason = "{3}".

Explanation An asynchronous administrative operation was requested, and during background processing, it was determined that the specified high availability member or high availability group is not in the correct state for the requested action. Therefore, no action was taken.
Action Because of the timing of asynchronous operations, it is normal for the high availability manager to occasionally encounter this situation. Verify that the current state of the high availability member or high availability group, and if necessary, retry the command that failed.

HMGR1300E: {0} parameter is null.

Explanation A high availability manager MBean operation detected a null parameter.
Action Check the product documentation for the correct settings for the specified paramenter, and retry the command.

HMGR1301E: No active coordinators for core group {0} could be found.

Explanation A high availability manager MBean operation could not be completed because no active coordinator could be found for the core group.
Action Verify that at least two of the servers that are members of this core group are running. If two servers are running, check their messages log files for additional messages that might indicate a problem.

HMGR1302E: View is changing. Retry command after the view has stabilized.

Explanation A high availability manager MBean operation could not be completed because the view is changing. The view might be changing because servers are being started, or servers have been stopped or have failed.
Action Wait for the core group view to stabilize and then retry the command.

HMGR1303E: A send message problem has occurred.

Explanation A problem has occurred while attempting to send a message to the active coordinator.
Action Retry the command. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1304E: The GroupName parameter must specify a group governed by a {0} policy.

Explanation The policy for the specified high availability group is not of the required type.
Action Specify the name of a high availability group that is associated with the indicated policy type as the value for the GroupName parameter, and retry the command.

HMGR1305E: The specified group does not exist.

Explanation The name specified for the GroupName parameter does not match any existing high availability groups.
Action Specify a valid high availability group name for the GroupName parameter, and retry the command.

HMGR1306E: The specified member {0} does not exist.

Explanation The specified Node and ServerName parameters do not match any existing high availability group members.
Action Specify a valid member and retry the command.

HMGR1307E: The member {0} is not in {1} state.

Explanation The high availability manager MBean operation cannot be performed because the indicated member is not in the required state.
Action Either wait for the member to reach the required state, and then retry this command, or specify a different high availability group member when you issue the command.

HMGR1308E: An unexpected failure occurred.

Explanation During processing of a high availability manager MBean, an unexpected error condition occurred.
Action Retry the failing command. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR1309E: The group name string is invalid.

Explanation The specified high availability group name must be either a comma delimited string of name=value pairs, or an asterisk character.
Action Specify a valid group name, a valid subset of a group name, or an asterisk character, and retry the command.

HMGR1310E: The MBean operation did not complete within {0} seconds.

Explanation The high availability manager did not receive a response to a MBean operation within the time limit set for a JMX command.
Action Retry the failing command. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR2000I: An unusual event occurred while sending local state to the {0} manager. The exception is {1}.

Explanation The intended partitioned manager group receiver member, might have already left the high availability group.
Action No action is required.

HMGR2001E: An error occurred while sending local state to the {0} manager. The exception is {1}.

Explanation An unexpected error occurred. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR2002E: For the manager set named {0}, the partitioned manager group method {1} received an exception from the partitioned manager event handling method {2}. The exception is {3}. The partitioned manager group member will relinquish its membership in the underlying high-availability manager group.

Explanation A partitioned manager event handling method passed an unhandled exception to the partitioned manager group. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action The partitioned manager group member has been terminated. If you want this instance of partitioned manager group to be functional, stop and restart it.

HMGR2003E: Partitioned manager group received an inbound message which does not contain a valid header. The header is either absent or malformed.

Explanation The partitioned manager group received an inbound state distribution or application message containing header information that is not valid.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR2004E: Partitioned manager group received an inbound message associated with the {0} header. The header is not an existing manager set name.

Explanation A partitioned manager group received an inbound state distribution or application message that is associated with an unexpected header.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR2005I: Corresponding to the manager set named {0}, the partitioned manager group event handler application of group {1} has indicated that is it not alive. The JVM will be terminated.

Explanation The partitioned manager group event handler application has requested process termination.
Action No action is required.

HMGR2006E: For the manager set named {0}, the partitioned manager group failed to receive state messages from {1}

Explanation The partitioned manager group expected state messages from other members but never received them.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR3000E: A failure occured while adding server {0} on node {1} to core group {2}. The exception is {3}.

Explanation The specified server was not added to the indicated core group. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem and retry the operation. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR3001E: A failure occured while removing server {0} on node {1} from core group {2}. The exception is {3}.

Explanation The specified server was not removed from the indicated core group. See the exception stack trace for more information.
Action Correct the root cause of the problem and retry the operation. If the root cause cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR3002E: An unexpected condition was encountered during this admin task. The class is {0}, the method is {1} and internal details {2}.

Explanation An unexpected internal error occurred. See the description of the specified exception for more information.
Action Examine the stack trace to determine the cause of the exception. If the root cause of the problem cannot be determined, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR3100I: The HA Manager work queue statistics detected a non-default value. The new base threshold is {0}.

Explanation HA Manager detected that the JVM property websphere.hamanager.workqueue.threshold is configured for this process.
Action An informational message. No action required.

HMGR3101I: The work queue dump threshold changed to {0} for queue {1}. The data from threshold {2} is {3}.

Explanation HA Manager detected that the work queue dump threshold changed.
Action An informational message. No action required.

HMGR5000E: An attempt to access configuration data has failed. The configuration data has not been initialized. The execution stack is {0}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected. The requested configuration data could not be accessed. Processing cannot continue.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5001E: An invalid configuration action has been attempted. The execution stack is {0}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected. The requested configuration change could not be made. Processing cannot continue.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5002E: An internal error was encountered while processing a group member state change for group name {0}. The old state was {1} and the new state was {2}.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. The member state change could not be completed. No recovery was possible.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5003E: An internal error was encountered while processing a group membership change for group name {0}. The old member was {1} and the new member was {2}.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. The high availability group membership change was not processed. No recovery was possible.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5004E: An unexpected internal state was encountered while attempting to activate a group member. No group members exists. The group is {0} and the execution stack is {1}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected. No group member was activated because there were no members defined for this high availability group. Processing should not continue.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5005E: No active coordinators were found. The execution stack is {0}.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state was detected. Processing should not continue.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5006E: The DCS provider has not been initialized. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation A distribution and consistency services (DCS) operation was requested, but the DCS provider has not been initialized.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5007E: An attempt to use the DCS provider to send a message has failed. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation A distribution and consistency services (DCS) send message operation was requested, but the caller has no identity.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5008E: A bulletin board change notification has been received, but there is no data. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation A bulletin board operation failed.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5009E: The host name for a process has changed. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation A configuration update operation failed.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5010E: An attempt to reconstruct a streamed map has failed. The map has no entries. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation A streamed map could not be reconstructed.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5011E: An attempt to initialize the UserCallbacks service failed. The service is already initialized. The execution stack trace is {0}.

Explanation An initialization operation failed.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5012E: An internal error was encountered while processing a HAManager MBean request. The group name is {0}, the member was {1} and the member action was {2}.

Explanation An internal inconsistency was detected. The high availability manager MBean request could not be processed. No recovery was possible.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5013E: An internal error was encountered. The class is {0}, the method is {1}, the local state is {2}. the cause is {3} and the stack trace is {4}.

Explanation An unexpected condition occurred.
Action Check the stack trace for a message that may help indicate the cause of the problem. If the problem cannot be solved, contact IBM Service.

HMGR5014E: An attempt to remove Bulletin Board posts for subject {0} failed. There are no posts for this subject.

Explanation An inconsistent internal state has been detected.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5015E: An attempt to create a Server Power Controller failed. The class name is {0} and the exception is {1}.

Explanation An unrecoverable error has been detected.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.

HMGR5016E: An attempt to inform the controller that the servant initialization completed has failed. The exception is {0}.

Explanation An unrecoverable error has been detected.
Action See the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page, // ://, for help in determining the cause of this problem.



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