Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
CWSAI0001E: Unable to locate the bundle {0}.
Explanation During installation of the application, the bundle could not be located. Action Request that the bundle is downloaded by using either the BundleCacheManager MBean or the administrative console.
CWSAI0002E: Application bundle {0} cannot install into the OSGi framework because of {1}.
Explanation An exception occurred when trying to install the bundle into the OSGi framework. Action Investigate the cause of the underlying exception.
CWSAI0003E: Cannot start the bundle {0} because of {1}.
Explanation An exception occurred when trying to start the bundle. Action Refer to the standard error output log for the complete stack trace and resolve the exception.
CWSAI0005E: An internal error occurred. Application composite bundle with application scope {0} failed to start.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0006E: An internal error occurred. Unable to activate service publisher for the application composite bundle with application scope {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0007E: An internal error occurred. Cannot install application composite bundle with application scope {0} into the OSGi framework. Exception: {1}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0009E: An internal error occurred. Cannot calculate the import packages for the composite bundle with scope {0}. Exception: {1}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0010E: An internal error occurred. Cannot merge import packages {0} into the result map {1} because of conflicts.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0011E: An internal error occurred. Cannot merge import packages {0} with {1} because of conflicts.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0012E: An internal error occurred. The operation {0} is not supported.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0014E: An internal error occurred. Unable to create the shared bundle framework. Exception: {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0015W: Service {0} is already registered.
Explanation There was an attempt to register a service that is already registered. The new registration was ignored. Action If the new registration takes priority over the existing registration, either unregister or modify the existing registration.
CWSAI0016W: Attempted to unregister service {0} but it is not registered.
Explanation There was an attempt to unregister a service, but no service with that id is registered. Action Check that the id of the service reference is correct.
CWSAI0017W: Attempted to modify service {0} but it is not registered.
Explanation There was an attempt to modify a service, but no service with that id is registered. Action Check that the id of the service reference is correct.
CWSAI0018E: An internal error occurred. Unable to create or start the shared framework composite bundle {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0019E: An internal error occurred. Unable to activate the service publisher {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0020E: An internal error occurred. Unable to destroy the shared bundle framework {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0021E: Cannot start the application because of the format of the permissions file {0}.
Explanation The format of the permissions file is not correct. Action Check that the content of the permissions file is correct and properly formatted.
CWSAI0022E: Cannot access and read the permissions file {0}. Exception {1}
Explanation An attempt to access and read in the contents of the permissions file failed. Action See the information in the exception. Check that the the permissions file exists and can be accessed.
CWSAI0023E: An internal error occurred. Cannot start the application because the permission information has been concurrently modified.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0024E: An internal error occurred. An exception was generated while registering the JMX MBeans for {0}. Installation of the application will continue. Exception: {1}
Explanation There was a problem when registering the JMX MBeans. We cannot use the OSGi application console commands to view this application. Installation of the application is not affected. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0025E: An internal error occurred. An exception was generated while unregistering the JMX MBeans for {0}. Uninstallation of the application will continue. Exception: {1}
Explanation There was a problem when unregistering the JMX MBeans. Uninstallation of the application is not affected. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0026E: An internal error occurred. The JMX MBeans for {0} cannot be registered because no MBeanServer is found. Installation of application will continue.
Explanation The MBeanServer cannot be found in the OSGi service registry. We cannot use the OSGi application console commands to view this application. Installation of the application is not affected. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0027E: An internal error occurred. Cannot stop the application {0}. The application might be stopped already because of one or more errors. Check the server log for details.
Explanation There was a stop request for an application that is already stopped. A previous failed stop request might be the cause. The server log contains details of any previous failure. Action Restart the application server.
CWSAI0028E: An internal error occurred. Cannot update the application {0} because it is not running. The application might be stopped already because of one or more errors. Check the server log for details.
Explanation There was an update request for an application that is stopped. A previous failed stop request might be the cause. The server log contains details of any previous failure. Action Restart the application server.
CWSAI0029E: An internal error occurred. The application {0} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0030E: An internal error occurred. The service imports for application {0} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed. The filter was {1}.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0031E: An internal error occurred. The bundle {0} required by bundle {1} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0032E: An internal error occurred. The bundle {0} required by bundle {1} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0033E: An internal error occurred. The package {0} imported by bundle {1} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0034E: An internal error occurred. The package {0} imported by bundle {1} cannot be found so unused shared dependencies cannot be removed.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0035E: An internal error occurred. The PackageAdmin service could not be located.
Explanation There was a problem when attempting to clear up unused shared bundles. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0036E: An internal error occurred. There was an exception when attempting to remove the shared bundle {0}, which is no longer used. The exception was {1}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0037W: The blueprint bundle {0} contains a reference to a service with interface {1}. The filter for this reference, {2}, is not valid, and so the runtime environment could not tell which shared bundles might be providing this service.
Explanation To save system resources, the application server removes any shared OSGi bundles that are no longer used by any applications. To work out which bundles are being used, the runtime environment analyzes their service dependencies. If these cannot be determined, some shared bundles might be removed even though they are providing services that are in use. If these bundles are removed then some shared bundles might no longer function correctly.
Action Check the blueprint metadata for the named bundle and change the invalid filter so that it uses the correct syntax.
CWSAI0038W: The blueprint bundle {0} contains a reference with ID {1}. The filter for this reference, {2}, is not valid, and so the runtime environment could not tell which shared bundles might be providing this service.
Explanation To save system resources, the application server removes any shared OSGi bundles that are no longer used by any applications. To work out which bundles are being used, the runtime environment analyzes their service dependencies. If these cannot be determined, some shared bundles might be removed even though they are providing services that are in use. If these bundles are removed then some shared bundles might no longer function correctly.
Action Check the blueprint metadata for the named bundle and change the invalid filter so that it uses the correct syntax.
CWSAI0039W: The blueprint bundle {0} contains a reference-list for services with interface {1}. The filter for this reference-list, {2}, is not valid, and so the runtime environment could not tell which shared bundles might be providing this service.
Explanation To save system resources, the application server removes any shared OSGi bundles that are no longer used by any applications. To work out which bundles are being used, the runtime environment analyzes their service dependencies. If these cannot be determined, some shared bundles might be removed even though they are providing services that are in use. If these bundles are removed then some shared bundles might no longer function correctly.
Action Check the blueprint metadata for the named bundle and change the invalid filter so that it uses the correct syntax.
CWSAI0040W: The blueprint bundle {0} contains a reference-list with ID {1}. The filter for this reference-list, {2}, is not valid, and so the runtime environment could not tell which shared bundles might be providing this service.
Explanation To save system resources, the application server removes any shared OSGi bundles that are no longer used by any applications. To work out which bundles are being used, the runtime environment analyzes their service dependencies. If these cannot be determined, some shared bundles might be removed even though they are providing services that are in use. If these bundles are removed then some shared bundles might no longer function correctly.
Action Check the blueprint metadata for the named bundle and change the invalid filter so that it uses the correct syntax.
CWSAI0041E: An internal error occurred. There was an exception when trying to analyze the dependencies of the bundle {0}. The exception was {1}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0042E: An internal error occurred. The system could not identify a unique blueprint container for the bundle {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0043E: An internal error occurred. There was an exception when attempting to remove a bundle. The bundle framework manager could not be found.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0044E: An internal error occurred. There was an exception while waiting for quiesce to finish. The exception was {0}.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0045E: An internal error occurred. The system could not find all of the isolated bundles that are to be updated.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0046E: An internal error occurred: After an unsuccessful download of new bundle versions, the system could not reinstate all of the old bundle versions. Rollback failed.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0047E: One or more new bundles that are pulled in by an update operation failed to install. Therefore the update will be rolled back.
Explanation There were exceptions installing at least one of the new bundles. These exceptions can be caused by bundle errors or system errors. Action Inspect previous errors and exceptions in the log, to see why the bundle install failed. Fix any problems with the new bundles.
CWSAI0048E: An internal error occurred. Could not get the QuiesceManager service.
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0049E: COuld not get the Aries runtime service for application {0}
Explanation The Aries OSGi runtime services could not be found in the service registry. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0050E: Could not start an Aries application framework for application {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0051E: Could not stop an Aries application framework for application {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0052E: Could not update an Aries application framework for application {0}
Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known. Action If the problem persists, see problem determination information on the WAS Support page at // ://
CWSAI0053I: Updates to application {0}/{1} will cause the application to restart. This is because the updates require changes to the application''s package or service imports from the shared bundle space.
Explanation Certain updates to the application cannot be applied in place. In particular, new provisioned packages or services might require a full restart of the application. Action To determine which changes require the new packages or services, inspect the bundle manifests of any updated bundles for new imported packages or packages that are imported with a different version range. Also, check any blueprint descriptors for new service references.
CWSAI0054I: As part of an update operation for application {0}/{1} the following bundles will be quiesced and then restarted: {2}
Explanation As part of an in-place update, the system has to restart any bundles that have a direct or indirect package dependency, or a Require-Bundle dependency, on any of the updated bundles. Action To determine why a bundle needs to be restarted, inspect its bundle manifest. Look for any package imported or Require-Bundle header that uses one of the updated bundles, or that uses any other bundle that is part of the set of bundles to be restarted.
CWSAI0055E: An error occurred while starting Aries application {0}. The exception was {1}.
Explanation It was not possible to start an Aries application. One or more bundles may have failed to resolve or start. Action Inspect the logs for errors relating to this problem. Fix any problems in the application associated with these errors.
CWSAI0056E: An error occurred while stopping Aries application {0}. The exception was {1}.
Explanation There was a problem stopping an Aries application. Action Inspect the logs for errors relating to this problem. Fix any problems in the application associated with these errors.
CWSAI0057E: An error occurred while updating Aries application {0}. The update was rolled back. The exception was {1}.
Explanation It was not possible to update an Aries application. The update was rolled back. Action Inspect the logs for errors relating to this problem. Fix any problems in the application associated with these errors.
CWSAI0058E: An error occurred while updating Aries application {0}. The update could not be rolled back. The exception was {1}.
Explanation It was not possible to update an Aries application. The update could not be rolled back. Action Inspect the logs for errors relating to this problem. Fix any problems in the application associated with these errors.