Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


CWWAM0001E: An exception occurred during annotation processing: {0}

Explanation None
Action None

CWWAM0002E: An exception occurred while merging an annotation into deployment descriptor: {0}

Explanation None
Action None

CWWAM0003E: An exception occurred while validating an annotation: {0}

Explanation None
Action None

CWWAM0101E: The business interface {0} is not valid; it declares the {1} annotation but the session bean that references it declares the interface using the {2} annotation.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0102E: The class {0} is not a valid session bean; it declares both the @Local and @Remote annotations with no arguments.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0103E: The class {0} does not define a valid session bean; it declares the interface {1} as a business interface but does not implement it.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0201E: The @EJB annotation is applied to interface {0}; no bean implementing that interface could be found.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0301E: Expected reference with name {0} to be an environment entry reference.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0302E: Expected reference with name {0} to be a message destination reference.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0303E: Expected reference with name {0} to be a resource environment reference.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0304E: Expected reference with name {0} to be a resource reference.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0401E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with {2} but contains too many parameters; expected 0. The class {1} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0402E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with {2} but is declared static; the class {1} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0403E: There are multiple methods in class {0} that declare annotation {1}; the class {0} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0404E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with {2} but contains the wrong return type; expected void. The class {1} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0501E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with {2} but throws one or more exceptions; the class {1} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0601E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with {2} but throws one or more exceptions; the class {1} will not be put into service.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0701E: Unable to locate class {0} in module {1}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0801E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but classes implementing the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface can only have a single callback method.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0802E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but classes implementing the javax.ejb.TimedObject interface can only have a single callback method: the timer callback method, ejbTimeout.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0803E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its seconds value is invalid. Allowable values range is [0,59].

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0804E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its minutes value is invalid. Allowable values range is [0,59].

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0805E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its hours value is invalid. Allowable values range is [0,23].

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0806E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its day the month value is invalid. Allowable values are provided in section 18.2.1 of the EJB 3.1 specification.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0807E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its day the week value is invalid. Allowable values are provided in section 18.2.1 of the EJB 3.1 specification.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0808E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its month value is invalid. Allowable values are provided in section 18.2.1 of the EJB 3.1 specification.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0809E: The method {0} in class {1} is annotated with @Schedule but its year value is invalid. Allowable values are provided in section 18.2.1 of the EJB 3.1 specification.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM0901E: @Singleton was applied to class {0}, but it is not a Session bean. @Singleton can only be applied to Session beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1001E: The @ConcurrencyManagement annotation was applied to class {0}, but it is not a Session bean. @ConcurrencyManagement can only be applied to Session beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1002E: The @ConcurrencyManagement annotation was applied to class {0}, but {1} is not a recognized ConcurrencyManagementType value.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1101E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Asynchronous but must be applied to a business method of a bean class or to a business method of a Local/Remote business interface.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1102E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Asynchronous but must hava a return type of either void or java.util.concurrent.Future.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1103E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Asynchronous but methods with return type void must not declare any application exceptions.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1104E: The class {0} is annotated with @Asynchronous but the annotation does not apply to Entity beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1201E: An enterprise bean associated with the class {0} cannot be found.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1202E: Enterprise bean {0} is not an entity bean.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1203E: Enterprise bean {0} is not a message-driven bean.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1204E: Enterprise bean {0} is not a session bean.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1301E: The annotation {1} cannot contain any values when applied on interface {0}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1302E: The interface {0} does not define a valid remote or local business interface; it must not extend the interfaces javax.ejb.EJBObject or javax.ejb.EJBLocalObject.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1303E: The interface {0} does not define a valid remote business interface; the method {1} does not conform to RMI rules.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1304E: The method {1} in remote business interface {0} is not valid; it must not throw java.rmi.RemoteException since the interface does not extend java.rmi.Remote.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1305E: The interface {0} does not define a valid business interface; it cannot declare itself to be both a local and remote business interface.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1401E: The method {0} is annotated with @EJB but is not a valid setter method; expected only one argument.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1402E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @EJB declaration; no bean interface is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1403E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @EJB declaration; no name is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1404E: The method {0} is annotated with @EJB but is not a valid setter method; invalid name.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1501E: Class {0} does not define a valid enterprise bean; the class is either not declared public or is declared as either final or abstract.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1502E: Class {0} does not define a valid enterprise bean; the class does not define a constructor that takes no arguments.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1503E: Class {0} does not define a valid enterprise bean; the class must not define the finalize() method.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1601E: The interface class for annotation {1} on class {0} must be specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1602E: The class {0} does not define a valid remote or local interface; it must extend {1}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1603E: The method {1} in class {0} is not a valid method for a remote interface; it does not conform to RMI rules.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1604E: The local or remote interface {0} is not valid; session bean class {1} does not implement it.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1605E: The class {0} does not define a valid home interface; it must extend {1}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1606E: The method {1} in class {0} is not a valid home interface method; it does not conform to RMI rules.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1607E: The home interface {0} does not define a valid create method; the throws clause must include javax.ejb.CreateException.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1608E: The home interface {0} does not define any create methods.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1609E: The home interface {0} is for a stateless bean and must define exactly one create method that takes no arguments.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1701E: The class {0} contains the @MessageDriven annotation but is not a valid message-driven bean: no message listener interface can be determined.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1801E: The field {0} in class {1} cannot be declared final; it declares the @Resource annotation.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1802E: The @Resource annotation is defined for type {0}; however, the authenticationType and shareable attributes cannot be defined for that type.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1803E: The method {0} is annotated with @Resource but is not a valid setter method; expected only one argument.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1804E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @Resource declaration; no bean interface is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1805E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @Resource declaration; no name is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1806E: The method {0} is annotated with @Resource but is not a valid setter method; invalid name.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1901E: The @Timeout annotation is defined for class {0}; however, it is only applicable to a stateless session bean class or a message driven bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM1902E: The @Timeout annotation is defined for stateful session bean {0}; however, it is only applicable to stateless or singleton session beans or to a message driven bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2001E: The @Init annotation is defined for class {0}; however, it is only applicable to a stateful session bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2002E: The @Init annotation is defined for bean {0}; however, it is only applicable to a stateful session bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2101E: The @Remove annotation is defined for class {0}; however, it is only applicable to a stateful session bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2102E: The @Remove annotation is defined for bean {0}; however, it is only applicable to a stateful session bean class.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2201E: ServletSecurity annotation {0} has invalid value for {1}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2301E: The method {0} is annotated with @PersistenceContext but is not a valid setter method; expected only one argument.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2302E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @PersistenceContext declaration; no name is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2303E: The method {0} is annotated with @PersistenceContext but is not a valid setter method; invalid name.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2401E: The method {0} is annotated with @PersistenceUnit but is not a valid setter method; expected only one argument.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2402E: The class {0} is annotated with an invalid @PersistenceUnit declaration; no name is specified.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2403E: The method {0} is annotated with @PersistenceUnit but is not a valid setter method; invalid name.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2501E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but must be applied to stateless session beans, singleton session beans, message-driven beans, and 2.1 entity beans. Timers cannot be created for stateful session beans[94] or Java Persistence Entities.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2502E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but must be applied to method with a "void" return type.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2503E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but must be applied to method with either of the following signatures void <METHOD>() or void <METHOD>(Timer timer).

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2504E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but it may not be applied to a final method.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2505E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but it may not be applied to a static method.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2506E: In class {0} the method {1} is annotated with @Schedule but it may not be applied to methods that throw application exceptions.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2601E: The message-driven bean {1} listener method {0} contains invalid values. Only the following transaction attributes may be used: REQUIRED, NOT_SUPPORTED.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2602E: The message-driven bean timeout callback method {0} is annotated with @TransactionAttribute but contains invalid values. REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, or NOT_SUPPORTED is expected.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2603E: The session bean {1} implements the javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface. For method, {0}, only the following transaction attributes may be used: REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, or MANDATORY.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2604E: The entity bean {1} uses EJB 2.1 peristence. For method, {0}, only the following transaction attributes may be used: REQUIRED, REQUIRES_NEW, or MANDATORY; Optionally, NOT_SUPPORTED, SUPPORTS, and NEVER.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2701E: @Singleton was applied to class {0}, but it is not a Session bean. @Singleton can only be applied to Session beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2702E: @Singleton was applied to class {0} that implements the javax.ejb.SessionSynchronization interface. This is not allowed.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2801E: @ConcurrencyManagement was applied to class {0}, but it is not a Session bean. @ConcurrencyManagement can only be applied to Session beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2901E: The @StatefulTimeout annotation was applied to class {0}, but the annotation information is incomplete.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2902E: @StatefulTimeout was applied to class {0}, but it is not a stateful session bean.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2903E: @StatefulTimeout was applied to class {0}, but it is not a Session bean. @StatefulTimeout can only be applied to Session beans.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM2904E: @StatefulTimeout was applied to class {0}, but it contains an invalid value {1}.

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM3001E: Failed to open filter file [ {0} ]

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM3002E: Failed to load filter file [ {0} ]

Explanation None.
Action None.

CWWAM3003E: Failed to close filter file [ {0} ]

Explanation None.
Action None.

J2CA0147E: The class {0} is annotated with {1} but does not implement the required {2} interface.

Explanation If required by the JCA specification, an annotated class must implement the specified interface.
Action Change the target of the annotation to implement the required interface.

J2CA0219E: The entity {0} is annotated with {1} annotation but is not a JavaBean class.

Explanation If required by the JCA specification, an annotated entity must be a JavaBean class with a publicly visible, no parameter constructor and getter/setter methods for all public fields.
Action Correct the target of the annotation to be a JavaBean class.

J2CA0220W: An unrecognized {0} annotation field {1} was encountered and ignored.

Explanation An unrecognized field of a supported annotation was encountered while attempting to merge the annotation field values into the deployment descriptor.
Action Correct the annotation definition to remove the unrecognized field.

J2CA0222E: Class {0} is annotated with @AdministeredObject but the administered object interface is not specified.

Explanation The interface for the administered object must be specified.
Action Add the interface to the annotation definition or the deployment descriptor, or change the annotated class to implement the correct interface.

J2CA0229E: The {0} class is annotated with @ConfigProperty but does not meet the criteria for the allowable JavaBeans.

Explanation Only specific JavaBeans may be annotated with @ConfigProperty.
Action Change the location of the @ConfigProperty annotation to a supported JavaBean type or reconfigure that JavaBean to meet the specification.

J2CA0230E: The {0} field or method is annotated with @ConfigProperty which requires the Java type of the field or method parameter to be one of the allowable class types.

Explanation Only a field of one of the allowable Object types (Boolean, String, Integer, Double, Byte, Short, Long, Float, or Character), or the field's associated mutator method may be annotated with @ConfigProperty.
Action Change the location of the @ConfigProperty annotation to a supported field type or the mutator method of a supported field type.

J2CA0231E: The {0} accessor method can not be annotated with @ConfigProperty.

Explanation Only a field of one of the allowable Object types (Boolean, String, Integer, Double, Byte, Short, Long, Float, or Character), or the field's associated mutator method may be annotated with @ConfigProperty.
Action Change the location of the @ConfigProperty annotation to a supported field type or the mutator method of a supported field type.

J2CA0232E: The {0} type specified in the annotation "type" element and the actual type {1} of the @ConfigProperty annotated field {2} must match.

Explanation The Java type of a field annotated with @ConfigProperty must be the same as that specified by the annotation type element.
Action Change the Java type of the field or the annotation element so that they are the same Java type.

J2CA0233E: The {0} type specified in the annotation "type" element and the actual type {1} of the parameter of the @ConfigProperty annotated method {2} must match.

Explanation The Java type of the parameter of a method annotated with @ConfigProperty must be the same as that specified by the annotation type element.
Action Change the Java type of the method parameter or the annotation element so that they are the same Java type.

J2CA0234E: The {0} method of {1} class can not be annotated with @ConfigProperty because it does not conform to the JavaBean convention (setXyz()) for mutator method names.

Explanation Only a mutator method which follows the JavaBeans naming convention may be annotated with @ConfigProperty.
Action Change the name of the annotated mutator method to conform to the JavaBeans conventions.

J2CA0235E: Both {0} and {1} classes of the {2} resource adapter are annotated with @Connector.

Explanation The JCA specfication requires that if more than one class is annotated with @Connector, the deployment descriptor of the resource adapter must explicitly state the resourcedapter-class.
Action Annotate only one class of the resoure adapter with @Connector or specify the resourceadapter-class in the deployment descriptor of the resource adapter.



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