Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
EAAT0023E: Invalid run-as container attribute: {0}.
Explanation A Run as attribute is not valid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation. Action A valid Run as attribute, when set to Specified, specifies at least one valid locale and a valid time zone ID. Modify the Run as configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
EAAT0110E: {0} has been configured multiple times with {1}.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0111E: A required attribute of {0} is missing. The attribute {1} must have a value.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0112E: A configured reference {0} cannot be resolved. The attribute {1} requires a valid reference.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0113E: An attribute of {0} is out of range. {1} needs a value between {2} and {3}.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0114E: An attribute {0} cannot be configured on {1}.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0115E: {0} is not configured with an appropiate container-managed policy to support the attribute {1}.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use a WebSphere assembly tool to update the configuration.
EAAT0116E: Invalid time zone: {0}, {1}
Explanation A specified time zone ID is not valid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default time zone of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation. Action A valid time zone ID identifies any time zone supported by SDK class java.util.TimeZone. Time zone ID may be a custom ID having format GMT[+|-]hh[[:]mm], or any ID returned by method java.util.TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(). Modify the time zone ID according to the Internationalization service's documentation.
EAAT0117E: Invalid locale: {0}, {1}
Explanation A specified locale is not valid. If the configuration is not corrected, then the runtime will use the default locale of the process. Refer to the Internationalization service's documentation. Action A valid locale contains at least a Language code or a Country code, where a Language code is preferrably a valid ISO 639 language code, and a Country code is preferrably a valid ISO 3166 country code. Modify the locale configuration according to the Internationalization service's documentation.