Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
CHKW (V7 servers)
CHKW1605W: The location of the application''s EAR file contains character(s), "{0}", that may not work for all platforms.
Explanation The specified application name or file path contains an unacceptable character. An application name cannot begin with a leading dot, cannot contain leading or trailing spaces and cannot contain any of the following characters: backward slash (\), slash (/), number sign (#), dollar ($), at sign (@), $colon (:), asterisk (*), question mark (?), quotation marks ("), greater than sign (>), less than sign ( <), pipe (|), semicolon (;), or comma (,), equal sign (=), plus (+), percent (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark (') square brackets (]]). Action Specify an application name or file path that does not contain an unacceptable character. Use either the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
CHKW4100W: The deployed object classloading mode, {0}, will override the deprecated module deployment classloading mode, {1}, of the web module deployment, {2}.
Explanation When a Web module deployment contains a class loader, the class loading mode ofthat class loader takes precedence over the deprecated class loading mode of the Web module itself. Action The configuration is usable. However, to stop receiving this message, update the class loading mode of the Web module to match the class loading mode of the contained class loader. Also, be aware of the deprecation of the Web module deployment class loading mode.
CHKW4101I: The module deployment, {0}, contains a classloader. That classloader will be ignored.
Explanation The configuration model allows a class loader to be contained by module deployments other than Web module deployments. Class loaders contained by module deployments other than Web module deployments have no effect. Action The configuration is usable. No configuration update is required. However, to stop receiving this message, remove the class loader that is contained by the noted module deployment.