Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages

CHKW (V6.1 servers)

CHKW3000I: IBM WebSphere Validation

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3001I: Resources Validation

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3003W: An object of an unrecognized type was sent for resources validation. This is an internal error. The object type is {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3004E: The name of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource provider in {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3007E: No database name was specified for data source {1}, of resource provider {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3009E: The minimum pool size, {0}, of a data source is not valid. The minimum pool size may not be less than {1}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3011E: The maximum pool size, {0}, of a data source is not valid. The maximum pool size may not be less than {1}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3012E: A minimum pool size, {0}, is greater than the maximum pool size {1}, of data source {3}, of resource provider {2}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3013E: A connection timeout which is too low has been specified for a data source. The connection timeout of a data source may not be less than {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3015E: An idle timeout which is too low has been specified for a data source. The idle timeout of a data source may not be less than {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3017E: An orphan timeout which is too low has been specified for a data source. The orphan timeout of a data source may not be less than {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3019E: A statement cache size which is too low has been specified for a data source. The statement cache size of a data source may not be less than {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3021E: The specification of URL {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3022E: The stream handler class name of URL provider {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3023E: The protocol of URL provider {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3024E: The display name of the J2C resource adaptor is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3025E: The JNDI name of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource factory, {0}, must be specified.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3026E: The name of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource factory is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3027E: The J2EE resource provider of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource factory {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3028E: The type of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{1}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3029E: The name of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3030E: The type of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{2}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}'', and is beneath the resource factory named ''{1}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3031E: The name of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}'', and is beneath the resource factory named ''{1}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3032E: The external JNDI name of the JMS connection factory is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3033E: The implementation class name, {0}, is not valid for JDBC driver, {1}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3034E: A connection type must be specified for connection factory, {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3035E: The connection type, {0}, is not valid for connection factory, {1}. Valid values are {TOPIC|QUEUE}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3036E: A destination type must be specified for JMS destination, {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3037E: The destination type is not valid for JMS destination, {0}. Valid values are {TOPIC|QUEUE}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3038E: The stream handler class name of URL provider {0} is not valid. Stream handler classes must implement the interface.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3039E: No ''serverName'' property is available for data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of this property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3040E: No ''URL'' property is available within data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of the property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3041E: Neither the default user, nor a ''user'' property is available within data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of the property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3042E: Neither the default user, nor a ''password'' property is available within data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of the property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3043E: No ''portNumber'' property is available within the data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of the property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3044E: No ''url'' property is available within data source {1}, of resource provider {0}. (The case of the property name must match exactly.)

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3047E: Duplicate resource properties named ''{0}''.

Explanation Resource properties having the same name are not allowed.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3050E: Duplicate resource factories named ''{0}''.

Explanation Resource factories having the same name are not allowed.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3051E: Duplicate resource factories with JNDI name ''{0}''.

Explanation Resource factories having the same JNDI name are not allowed.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3052E: The persistence value of MQ Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3053E: The persistence value {0}, of MQ Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3054E: The priority value of MQ Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3055E: The priority value {0}, of MQ Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3056E: The specified priority of MQ Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3057E: The specified priority {0}, of MQ Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3058E: The MQ topic priority, {0}, is out of range. The priority may be no less than {1} and no more than {2}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3059E: The expiry setting of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3060E: The expiry value, {0}, of MQ topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3061E: The specified expiry setting of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3062E: The base topic name of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3063E: The use native encoding flag of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3064E: The integer encoding value of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3065E: The integer encoding value {0}, of MQ topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3066E: The decimal encoding value of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3067E: The decimal encoding value {0}, of MQ topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3068E: The floating point encoding value of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3069E: The MQ topic floating point encoding value, {0}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3070E: The target client value of MQ topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3071E: The target client value {0}, of MQ topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3072E: The expiry value of MQ queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3073E: The expiry value {0}, of MQ queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3074E: The specified expiry of MQ queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3075E: The base queue name, of MQ queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent or empty.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3076E: The native encoding setting of MQ queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3077E: The integer encoding value of MQ queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3078E: The integer encoding value {0}, of MQ queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3079E: The transport type of MQ topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3080E: The transport type, {0}, of MQ topic connection factory {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3081E: The host of MQ topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3083E: The MQ topic connection factory port {0} is not a valid port number. Valid port values must be no less than {1} and no greater than {2}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3084E: The clone support setting of MQ topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3085E: The client ID of MQ topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3086E: The broker version of MQ topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3087E: The broker version {0}, of MQ topic connection factory {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3088E: The class path of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource provider {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3089E: The native path of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource provider {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3090E: The MQ queue connection factory transport type is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3091E: The MQ queue connection factory transport type, {0}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3092E: The host of MQ queue connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3093E: The port of MQ queue connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3094E: The MQ queue connection factory port {0} is not a valid port number. Port values must be no less than {1} and no greater than {2}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3095E: The persistence value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3096E: The persistence value, {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3097E: The priority value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3098E: The priority value {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3099E: The specified priority value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3100E: The specified priority value {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3102E: The decimal encoding value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3103E: The decimal encoding value {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3104E: The floating point encoding value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3105E: The floating point encoding value {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3106E: The target client value of MQ Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3107E: The target client value {0}, of MQ Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3109E: The persistence value of WebSphere Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3110E: The persistence value {0}, of WebSphere Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3111E: The priority value of WebSphere Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3112E: The priority value {0}, of WebSphere Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3113E: The specified priority value of WebSphere Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3114E: The specified priority value {0}, of WebSphere Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3115E: The specified expiry value of WebSphere Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3116E: The specified expiry value, {0}, of WebSphere Queue {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3117E: The connection factory node of WebSphere Queue {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3118E: The topic value of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3119E: The persistence value of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3120E: The persistence value {0}, of WebSphere Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3121E: The priority value of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3122E: The priority value {0}, of WebSphere Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3123E: The specified priority value of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3124E: The specified priority value {0}, of WebSphere Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3125E: The specified expiry value of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3126E: The specified expiry value {0}, of WebSphere Topic {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3127E: The factory node of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3128E: The factory port of WebSphere Topic {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3129E: The WebSphere topic factory port {0}, is not a valid port value. A port value may not be less than {1} and may not be greater than {2}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3130E: The clone support setting of WebSphere topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3131E: The client id of WebSphere topic connection factory {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3132E: The factory associated with mail provider {1} is not a mail session. The actual factory type is {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3133E: The provider of mail session {0} is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3134E: The provider associated with a mail session {2}, of resource provider {1}, is not a mail provider. The actual provider type is {0}.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3135E: The transport protocol of mail session {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3136E: The transport protocol ({0}) of mail session ({2}), of resource provider ({1}), does not exist.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3137E: The mail store provider of mail session {1}, of resource provider {0}, is absent.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3138E: The store protocol ({0}) of mail session ({2}), of resource provider ({1}) does not exist.

Explanation No Additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3140E: The node {0}, specified for WebSphere queue connection factory {2}, of resource provider {1}, matches no configured node.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3142E: The node {0}, specified for WebSphere queue topic factory {2}, of resource provider {1}, matches no configured node.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3143E: A JDBCProvider implementation class name must be provided.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3144E: The maximum number of connections, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The maximum number of connections must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3145E: The minimum number of connections, {0}, is less than zero or greater than or equal to the maximum number of connections.

Explanation The minimum number of connections must be greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to the maximum number of connections.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3146E: The connection timeout value, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The connection timeout value must be a number greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3147E: The reap time value, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The reap time value must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3148E: The unused timeout value, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The unused timeout value must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3149E: The aged timeout value, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The aged timeout value must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3151E: The purge policy is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3152E: The statement cache size ({0}) of the data source ({1}) is not valid.

Explanation The cache size must be 0 or greater.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3153E: The WebSphere queue name ({0}), which has a length of {1}, is too long. A WebSphere queue name may not be more than {2} characters long.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3154E: The alias {0} to the JAASAuthData entry, specified for DataSource {2}, matches no configured JAASAuthData entries in security.xml.

Explanation No Additional information is available.
Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3155E: The value of a Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property, ''{0}'', does not match the type specified for that property, ''{1}''. The property is beneath the resource provider is named ''{2}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3156E: The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{4}'' has a value of ''{0}'', but this does not match the type specified for that property, ''{1}''. The property is beneath the resource provider is named ''{2}'', and beneath the resource factory named ''{3}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3157E: The WebSphere queue name ({0}) has character(s) that are not valid. Valid characters are "{1}".

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3158E: The type, {0}, of GenericJMSDestination ({2}), of resource provider ({1}), is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3159E: The type, {0}, of GenericJMSConnectionFactory ({2}), of resource provider ({1}), is not valid.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3160E: The value of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{1}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider is named ''{0}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3161E: The value of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{2}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider is named ''{0}'', and beneath the resource factory named ''{1}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3162E: Duplicate resource providers named ''{0}''.

Explanation Resource providers having the same name are not allowed.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3163E: The surge creation interval, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The surge creation interval must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3164E: The surge threshold, {0}, is less than -1.

Explanation The surge threshold must be greater than or equal to -1.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3165E: The stuck time, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The stuck time must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3166E: The stuck timer time, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The stuck timer time must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3167E: The stuck threshold, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The stuck threshold must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3168E: The test connection interval, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The test connection interval must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3169E: The free pool distribution table, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The free pool distribution table must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3170E: The number of free pool partitions, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The number of free pool partitions must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3171E: The number of shared pool partitions, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The number of shared pool partitions must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3172E: The number of unshared pool partitions, {0}, is less than zero.

Explanation The number of unshared pool partitions must be greater than or equal to zero.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3173E: The type of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{1}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}''.

Explanation No Additional information is available.
Action Use either the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3174E: The type of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{2}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}'', and is beneath the resource factory named ''{1}''.

Explanation No Additional information is available.
Action Use either the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3175E: The value of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{1}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use either the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3176E: The value of the Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{2}'' is absent. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{0}'', and beneath the resource factory named ''{1}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use either the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.

CHKW3177E: The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{3}'' has a value of ''{0}'', but this does not match the type specified for that property, ''{1}''. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{2}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3178E: The Java Platform, Enterprise Edition, resource property named ''{4}'' has a value of ''{0}'', but this does not match the type specified for that property, ''{1}''. The property is beneath the resource provider named ''{2}'', and beneath the resource factory named ''{3}''.

Explanation No additional information is available.
Action Use the administrative application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration that is in error.

CHKW3179E: The alias {0} to the JAASAuthData entry, specified for J2CConnectionFactory {2}, matches no configured JAASAuthData entries in security.xml.

Explanation No Additional information is available.
Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.



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