Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
PROX5000I: IBM WebSphere Validation
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5001I: IBM WebSphere Proxy Environment Validation
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5004W: Failed to recognize object of type {0}
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5011E: The uri group {0} does not have any URI patterns.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5013E: A URI pattern, on the URI Group {0}, is absent.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5015E: The name of a Generic Server cluster in {0} is absent.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5017E: The Peer Access Point name in a Remote cell override in {0} is absent.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5019E: The URI group name in a URI group defined in {0} is absent.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5021E: The generic server endpoint host name in a generic server endpoint defined in {0} is absent.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the admin application or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
PROX5023E: The generic server endpoint port in {0} is out of range.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5025E: A generic server cluster with the name: {0} already exists.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5027E: A remote cell override with the name: {0} already exists.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5029E: A URI group with the name: {0} already exists.
Explanation No additional information is available. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5031E: The Generic server cluster {0} does not have any members.
Explanation The cluster needs to have valid members in order for the proxy to route to the cluster. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5033E: The cluster member in {0} has a workload management weight that is too low.
Explanation The cluster member weight should be between 0 and 20. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.
PROX5035E: The cluster member in {0} has a workload management weight that is too high.
Explanation The cluster member weight should be between 0 and 20. Action Use either the administrative console or the wsadmin scripting tool to fix the specified configuration problem.