Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


WVER0001E: Unable to determine the version directory; the ''was.install.root'' Java system property must be set.

Explanation The version directory is located according to the ''was.version.dir'' Java system property, or as '' <root>\properties\version'', where <root> is a directory from the ''was.install.root'' Java system property. The error indicates that ''was.install.root'' Java system property is not set, with the consequence that the version directory cannot be determined.
Action Verify that the ''was.install.root'' Java system property is set. The Java system property must be set either through process configuration or as an option to a process that is launched from the command line.

WVER0002E: Unrecognized product version file extension ''{0}''.

Explanation When loading product version information, this information is stored in files having specific extensions. The extensions determine the type of information stored in each file. Valid extensions are ''.websphere'', ''.component'', ''.product'', ''.ptf'', and ''.extension''. An attempt was made to load a file containing version information where the extension of the file is not one of the valid extensions.
Action This indicates an internal error.

WVER0003I: Usage: versionInfo ( [ -format <text | html> ] [ -file <output file> ] [ -long ] [ -fixpacks ] [ -fixpackDetail ] [ -ifixes ] [ -ifixDetail] [ -maintenancePackages ] [ -maintenancePackageDetail ] [ -components ] [ -componentDetail ] ) | ( [ -help | -? | /help | /? | -usage ] )

Explanation This informational message describes the options to the versionInfo utility program. The versionInfo utility program accepts optional keyword options, one which specifies the output format, one which specifies an output file, one which causes fixpacks to be displayed, one which causes fixpack detail to be displayed, one which causes ifixes to be displayed, one which causes ifix detail to be displayed, one which causes fixpacks and ifixes to be displayed (-maintenancePackages argument is deprecated), one which causes fixpack and ifix detail to be displayed (-maintenancePackageDetail argument is deprecated), one which is a no operation argument (-components argument is deprecated), one which is a no operation argument (-componentDetail argument is deprecated), and one which is used to display usage information.
Action No user action is required. The usage information message is displayed upon request.

WVER0004E: Error writing version report to {0}: {1}

Explanation The specified error occurred while writing out a version report to the specified file.
Action Corrective action depends on the specifics of the error which occurred. In particular, make sure that the specified file is writable and that sufficient space is available for the report.

WVER0005E: No value was specified for the ''{0}'' option

Explanation The listed option requires an value. (Use ''-help'' or ''-usage'' to display usage information.)
Action Specify a value for the listed option.

WVER0006E: The value ''{0}'' is not valid format value.

Explanation The valid format values are ''text'' and ''html''. The value specified is not one of these values. (Use ''-help'' or ''-usage'' to display usage information.)
Action Change the format value to one of the valid values, ''text'' or ''html''.

WVER0007E: The option ''{0}'' is not valid.

Explanation The specified option is not valid. (Use ''-help'' or ''-usage'' to display usage information.)
Action Change to use a valid option.

-format       This option specifies the output format, either ''text'' or ''html''.
-file     This option specifies an output file. A file name must be provided with the ''-file'' option.
-long     This option causes all fixpacks and ifixes detail to be displayed.
-fixpacks     This option causes fixpacks information to be displayed.
-fixpackDetail     This option causes fixpack detail to be displayed.
-ifixes     This option causes ifixes information to be displayed.
-ifixDetail     This option causes ifix detail to be displayed.
-maintenancePackages     This option is deprecated.
-maintenancePackageDetail     This option is deprecated.
-components     This option is deprecated and performs no action.
-componentDetail     This option is deprecated and performs no action.
-help     This option causes help text to be displayed.
-usage     This option causes this usage text to be displayed.

Explanation The message describes the valid options to the versionInfo utility program.
Action No user action is required. The usage information message is displayed upon request.

WVER0009E: Error writing version report to {0}. The text of the error cannot be displayed, but is of type {1}. A second error, of type {2}, occurred while retrieving the error text.

Explanation An error occurred while writing out a version report to the specified file. A second error occurred while retrieving the text of the error.
Action No user action is available. Retry the requested operation, or contact support for further assistance.

WVER0010I: Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 2002, 2005, 2008; All rights reserved.

Explanation This is a standard copyright statement.
Action No user action is required. Informational message.

WVER0012I: VersionInfo reporter version {0}, dated {1}

Explanation This is a standard module description statement.
Action No user action is required. Informational message.

WVER0013E: An exception occurred while reading {0}

Explanation Refer to the nested exception details for further information.
Action Refer to the nested exception details for further information.

WVER0014E: An exception occurred while reading {0}

Explanation Refer to the nested exception details for further information.
Action Refer to the nested exception details for further information.

WVER0015E: An exception occurred while processing version information

Explanation Refer to the nested exception details for further information.
Action Refer to the nested exception details for further information.

WVER0016E: Exceptions occurred while processing version information

Explanation Refer to the nested exception details for further information.
Action Refer to the nested exception details for further information.

WVER0017E: Unable to determine the update logs directory.

Explanation The logs directory is located according to the java system property ''was.version.log.dir'', or as the ''log'' directory of the version directory. Neither the ''was.version.log.dir'' property nor the version directory is set.
Action Ensure that the version directory is set, or set the java system property ''was.version.log.dir''.

WVER0018E: Unable to determine the update backups directory.

Explanation The backups directory is located according to the java system property ''was.version.backup.dir'', or as the ''backup'' directory of the version directory. Neither the ''was.version.backup.dir'' property nor the version directory is set.
Action Ensure that the version directory is set, or set the java system property ''was.version.backup.dir''.

WVER0019E: Unable to determine the DTD directory for product version information.

Explanation The DTD directory is located according to the java system property ''was.version.dtd.dir'', or as the ''dtd'' directory of the version directory. Neither the ''was.version.dtd.dir'' property nor the version directory is set.
Action Ensure that the version directory is set, or set the java system property ''was.version.dtd.dir''.

WVER0021E: Recoverable errors occurred while parsing fix information.

Explanation The errors, a list of which follows, occurred while parsing fix information. Refer to the listed errors for additional information.
Action Refer to the listed errors for suggested user actions.

WVER0022E: An error occurred while reading product information. The error is recoverable; parsing was continued. The error occurred in the entity with system ID {0} and public ID {1}, on line number {2} and column number {3}: {4}

Explanation The specified entity has structure which is not valid, as described by the specified error. However, the unrecoverable error disrupted the operation and the parsing continued.
Action The specified file should be reviewed and, if possible, corrected.

WVER0023E: Warnings occurred while parsing product information.

Explanation The warnings, a list of which follows, occurred while parsing product information. Refer to the listed warnings for additional information.
Action Refer to the listed warnings for suggested user actions.

WVER0024E: A warning occurred while reading product information. The warning occurred in the entity with system ID {0} and public ID {1}, on line number {2} and column number {3}: {4}

Explanation The specified entity has structure which is not valid, as described by the specified warning. However, the unrecoverable error disrupted the operation and the parsing continued.
Action The specified file should be reviewed and, if possible, corrected.

WVER0029E: Unable to remove fix {0} stored in file {2}.

Explanation The named file could not be removed.
Action Ensure that the target file can be removed.

WVER0030E: Recoverable errors occurred while parsing maintenance package information.

Explanation The errors, a list of which follows, occurred while parsing maintenance package information. Refer to the listed errors for additional information.
Action Refer to the listed errors for suggested user actions.

WVER0031E: Unable to record the application of maintenance package {0} on component {1} in file {2}. The named file could not be saved.

Explanation The named file could not be saved.
Action Ensure that the target file is writable, and that space is available for a new file.

WVER0035E: Unable to remove maintenance package {0} stored in file {2}.

Explanation The named file could not be removed.
Action Ensure that the target file can be removed.

WVER0040E: The specified version directory ''{0}'' does not exist.

Explanation The version directory does not exist.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product version directory.

WVER0041E: The specified version directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.

Explanation The version directory is not a directory.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product version directory.

WVER0042E: The specified DTD directory ''{0}'' does not exist.

Explanation The DTD directory does not exist.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product DTD directory.

WVER0043E: The specified DTD directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.

Explanation The DTD directory is not a directory.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product DTD directory.

WVER0044E: The specified log directory ''{0}'' could not be created

Explanation The log directory could not be created.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product log directory.

WVER0045E: The specified log directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.

Explanation The log directory is not a directory.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product log directory.

WVER0046E: The specified backup directory ''{0}'' could not be created

Explanation The backup directory could not be created.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product backup directory.

WVER0047E: The specified backup directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.

Explanation The backup directory is not a directory.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product backup directory.

WVER0048E: The specified product directory ''{0}'' does not exist.

Explanation The product directory does not exist.
Action Ensure that the product directory is a valid product directory.

WVER0049E: The specified product directory ''{0}'' is not a directory.

Explanation The product directory is not a directory.
Action Ensure that the specified directory is a valid product directory.



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