Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


PLGC0001E: A cell name is not specified.

Explanation The cell name is a required value.
Action We must specify a cell name.

PLGC0002E: A server name is specified without a node name.

Explanation Both the server name and the node name are required for single-server plug-in generation.
Action If you specify a server name, specify a node name.

PLGC0003E: Unknown parameter:

Explanation An unknown parameter is encountered.
Action Review the usage information of the GenPluginCfg utility for valid parameters.

PLGC0004E: An exception occurred while running the GenPluginCfg utility.

Explanation An error occurred while the utility was running.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0005I: Plug-in configuration file =

Explanation This informational message indicates the name of the plug-in configuration file.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0006E: An exception occurred while outputting the document.

Explanation An error occured while generating the plug-in configuration file.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example run GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0007E: An exception occurred while generating a plug-in configuration document.

Explanation An error occurred while generating the plug-in configuration file.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example run GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0008I: The plug-in is generating a single-server plug-in configuration file for the cell.

Explanation This informational message indicates that the configuration file for the cell is generating.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0009I: The plug-in is generating for all the servers in the cell.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0010E: No cell name is specified...stopping generation.

Explanation A cell name is required.
Action Specify a cell name. Verify that the configuration data is saved in the repository. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0012I: The plug-in is generating a server plug-in configuration file using the cluster definition.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0013I: The plug-in is generating a server plug-in configuration file for all of the servers in the cell.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0014E: No clusters or nodes are defined...exiting.

Explanation Nodes or clusters are not defined in the present configuration. Servers are not available for which to generate a plug-in configuration.
Action Create nodes and clusters that have servers in them using either the administrative console, or the tool.

PLGC0015E: No server definitions are found for the cell.

Explanation Servers are not defined in the given cell. Servers are not available for which to generate a plug-in configuration.
Action Create servers within the nodes and clusters before running the tool, by using either the administrative console or the tool.

PLGC0016E: A server name is not set for a member server in the cluster.

Explanation One or more of the cluster members do not have server names.
Action Use the administrative console or the tool to fix this problem.

PLGC0017E: The plug-in cannot parse the server cluster configuration for the cluster.

Explanation This error occurred because of a corrupted cluster configuration file.
Action Use the administrative console to cluster your servers again. If that action fails, delete any cluster configuration that is present and try again. Make sure that the configuration data is saved in the repository. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0018E: An exception occurred while reading the server cluster configuration for a cluster.

Explanation This error occured because of a corrupted cluster configuration file.
Action Use the administrative console or the tool to cluster your servers again. If that action fails, delete any cluster configuration that is present and try again.

PLGC0019E: No cell definitions are found.

Explanation No cells are found in your existing configuration.
Action Use the administrative console or the tool to create the cells.

PLGC0020E: No valid server definitions are found for the server cluster

Explanation No servers are found in the specified cluster.
Action Use either the administrative console or to configure the servers within the cluster.

PLGC0021E: No valid server definitions are found for any cluster. No plugin-cfg.xml document is generated.

Explanation No servers are found. No servers are available for which to generate the plug-in configuration.
Action Use either the administrative console or the tool to configure the servers within the cluster.

PLGC0022W: No definition is found for the specified server

Explanation No configuration data is found for one or more of the servers specified.
Action Use either the administrative console or the tool to configure your servers.

PLGC0023E: An exception occurred while reading the server configuration

Explanation No configuration data is found for one or more of the servers specified.
Action Use either the administrative console or the tool to configure your servers.

PLGC0024E: An exception occurred while getting the Web container configuration for the specified server.

Explanation No configuration data is available for the Web container component of one or more of the specified servers.
Action Use either the administrative console or the tool to configure the Web containers again.

PLGC0025E: The plug-in cannot get the Web container configuration for the specified server

Explanation No configuration data for the Web container component is available for one or more of the specified servers.
Action Use either the administrative console or the tool to configure the Web containers again.

PLGC0026E: An exception occurred while reading the server index for the server.

Explanation The present configuration did not contain a server index file. This missing file can result from a corrupted configuration.
Action Verify that the serverindex.xml file exists. If it does not exist, create the file.

PLGC0028E: An exception occurred while reading the deployed applications for the specified server.

Explanation One or more of the applications that are deployed on the specified servers cannot be read.
Action Examine the exception information. Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example: run GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, redeploy the application. Verify that the EAR file and the Web archive (WAR) file are valid. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0029E: An exception occurred while reading the EAR file

Explanation One or more of the applications that are deployed on the specified servers cannot be read.
Action Examine the exception. Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example: run GenPluginCfg -debug yes. Make sure that the configuration data is saved in the repository. If the problem persists, redeploy the application. Verify that the EAR file and the Web archive (WAR) file are valid. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0030E: No nodes are defined in the cell.

Explanation Nodes are not defined in the present configuration. This problem can result from a corrupted configuration.
Action Verify that the configuration data is saved in the repository. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0031E: An error occurred while reading nodes in a cell.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action Make sure that the configuration data is saved in the repository. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0032E: An exception occurred while generating plug-in configuration:

Explanation A problem resulted from generating the plug-in configuration file.
Action Examine the exception for nested exceptions and error codes. Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run the following command: GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0033E: A runtime exception occurred while generating the plug-in configuration:

Explanation A problem resulted from generating the configuration file.
Action Examine the exception for nested exceptions and error codes. Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run the following command: GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0034E: Root exception:

Explanation This informational message indicates a root exception.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run the following command: GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0035E: An exception occurred while getting the associated router module name.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run the following command: GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0036E: An exception occurred while getting dynamically generated servlet URL patterns for a Web services-enabled Web archive (WAR) module.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action Rerun the GenPluginCfg script with the -debug option set to yes to see trace details. For example, run the following command: GenPluginCfg -debug yes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0037E: The plug-in cannot load the helper class.

Explanation The webservices.jar file might not be in the class path.
Action Check the class path and include the java archive (JAR) file, if necessary.

PLGC0038E: The application server root must be specified in the generate method.

Explanation This exception is unexpected. The cause is not immediately known.
Action If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0039I: The plug-in is generating a server plug-in configuration file using the cluster definition.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0040I: More than one node is specified in the list; only the first node is selected.

Explanation We can specify only one node when multiple servers are passed as parameters.
Action Specify only one node using either the administrative console or the tool.

PLGC0041W: The plug-in is unable to load the helper class.

Explanation The Lotus Workplace server helper class did not load.
Action No user action is required, if Lotus Workplace servers are not defined. If you define Lotus Workplace servers, verify that the class path includes the cfplugin.jar file.

PLGC0042W: An exception occurred while getting the Lotus workplace clusters.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0043W: An exception occurred while getting the transports for Lotus workplace servers.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0044W: An exception occurred while getting the URI lists for Lotus workplace clusters.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0045W: The plug-in is unable to load the helper class.

Explanation The HTTP tunnel configuration helper class did not load.
Action No user action is required if the servers that use the HTTP tunnel are not defined. If the servers are defined using the HTTP tunnel, verify that the class path includes the cfplugin.jar file.

PLGC0046W: An exception occurred while getting the URI lists for tunnel clusters.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0047I: Node synchronization is started to propagate the plug-in configuration file that is defined in the managed node.

Explanation Node synchronization is used to move the plug-in configuration file to the managed node.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0048I: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file is complete for the Web server.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0049E: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file failed for the Web server.

Explanation The Application Server cannot transfer the plug-in configuration file.
Action Verify that the IBM HTTP Server administration server is configured correctly.

PLGC0050W: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file is not supported for the remote Web server.

Explanation The propagation of the plug-in configuration file to the remote Web server is supported for the IBM HTTP Server Web server only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0051I: Plug-in configuration file generation started for the Web server.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0052I: Plug-in configuration file generation is complete for the Web server.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0053E: The plug-in configuration file is not created for the Web server.

Explanation The Application Server cannot generate the plug-in configuration file.
Action Enable trace for the* classes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0054E: The plug-in is unable to get the server type for the server.

Explanation The Application Server cannot determine the type of the server
Action Enable trace for the* classes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0055E: The plug-in is unable to get the list of Web servers that is defined on the node.

Explanation The Application Server cannot retrieve the list of Web servers.
Action Enable trace for the* classes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0056E: The plug-in is unable to get the plug-in properties for the Web server.

Explanation The Application Server cannot retrieve the plug-in properties.
Action Enable trace for the* classes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0057I: The plug-in configuration service started successfully.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0058E: The plug-in cannot initialize the plug-in configuration service.

Explanation The Application Server cannot start the plug-in configuration service.
Action Enable trace for the* classes. If the problem persists, see the problem determination information on the WAS Support Web page on // ://

PLGC0059I: The plug-in configuration service is not started.

Explanation The plug-in configuration service is started when it is enabled only, and is run on the dmgr server or the stand-alone Application Server.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0060E: No applications are mapped to the Web server.

Explanation The plug-in configuration file for the Web server is generated based on the applications that are mapped to it. Applications are not mapped to the Web server.
Action Use the Application Installation wizard to map modules to the Web server.

PLGC0061I: Debug log file =

Explanation This informational message indicates the name of the debug log file.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0062I: The plug-in configuration file is propagated from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0063E: The propagation of the plug-in configuration file from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer failed.

Explanation The Application Server cannot transfer the plug-in configuration file.
Action Verify that the administration server for IBM HTTP Server is configured correctly.

PLGC0064I: The plug-in keyring file is propagated from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0065E: The propagation of plug-in keyring file from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer failed.

Explanation The Application Server cannot transfer the plug-in keyring file.
Action Verify that administration server IBM HTTP Server is configured correctly.

PLGC0066I: The plug-in stash file is propagated from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0067E: The propagation of plug-in stash file from {0} to {1} on the Web server computer failed.

Explanation The Application Server cannot transfer the plug-in stash file.
Action Verify that the administration server for IBM HTTP Server is configured correctly.

PLGC0068I: Node synchronization is started to propagate the plug-in keyring and stash file that is defined in the managed node.

Explanation Node synchronization is used to move the plug-in keyring and stash file to the managed node.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0069I: The propagation of the plug-in keyring is complete for the Web server.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0070E: The propagation of the plug-in keyring has failed for the Web server.

Explanation The Application Server cannot transfer the plug-in keyring file.
Action Verify that the administration server for IBM HTTP Server is configured correctly.

PLGC0071I: The propagation of the plug-in stash file is complete for the Web server.

Explanation This message is for informational purposes only.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0072E: The propagation of the plug-in stash file has failed for the Web server.

Explanation The Appplication Server cannot transfer the plug-in stash file.
Action Verify that the administration server for IBM HTTP Server is configured correctly.

PLGC0073W: No definition is found for request metrics.

Explanation This informational message indicates the program status.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0074I: The node is already synchronized and the plug-in configuration file is already propagated.

Explanation Node synchronization has already propagated the plug-in configuration file to the managed node.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0075I: The node is already synchronized and the stash file is already propagated.

Explanation Node synchronization has already propagated the stash file to the managed node.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0076E: The configuration service is not available.

Explanation The configuration root specified is incorrect. The plug-in configuration generator is not able to access the repository.
Action Verify that configuration root is correctly passed to the plug-in configuration generator.

PLGC0077I: There are no web servers defined in the cell {0}.

Explanation No web servers are defined in the specified cell.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0078I: Only HTTP transport is defined between the web server {0} and the application server {1}. Communication between the web server and application server is over HTTP which is unencrypted and in clear text.

Explanation Only HTTP transport is configured. All communication between web server and application server will be in clear text.
Action Evaluate if HTTP transport is required for the environment. If sensitive information is being transmitted between the web server and the application server, IBM recommends to use HTTPS (SSL) transports between the web server and the application server.

PLGC0079I: HTTPS transport is defined between the web server {0} and the application server {1}. Communication between the web server and application server is over HTTPS which is encrypted and secure.

Explanation HTTPS transport is configured. Secure communication can take place between web server and application server.
Action No user action is required.

PLGC0080W: No transports are defined between the webserver {0} and the application server {1}. Communication between the web server and application server is currently not possible.

Explanation There are no HTTP nor HTTPS transports defined Web server and Application Server.
Action Set up HTTPS (SSL) transports between the web server and application server, in order to have the communication between web server and the application server be encrypted.

PLGC0081W: There are filters based on host names in virtualhosts.xml. The requests are filtered according to specific host names in virtualhosts.xml, when the value specified in the host header doesn't match the filter, the web server plug-in would pass the control to webserver indicating that the Application Server will not handle the request. The web server could potentially serve the JSP source from the IHS document root.

Explanation The Web server will prevent an HTTP request from being sent to the Application Server if the value specified in host header does not exist in the filter. The request is then served by the Web server.
Action Make sure that the web server document root does not point to Application Server source files and change the Virtual Host Name in virtualhosts.xml to filter generic requests, for example, *:9080.

PLGC0082I: There are no filters based on host names in virtualhosts.xml. The requests are not being filtered according to specific host names in virtualhosts.xml. This protects against the security exposure in which JSP source code shown by the Web server.

Explanation Requests are not being filtered. The Web server Plug-in will process all requests and forward each to an application server running the requested application.
Action For more protection, make sure the Web server document root does not point to Application Server source files.

PLGC0083E: Unable to parse the file {0}. The config file does not exist or the content is corrupted.

Explanation The Application Server cannot parse the specified configuration file.
Action Check the location of the file and make sure that it has valid contents.

PLGC0084W: There are no Server tags in the file {0}. The configuration file has no application server definition.

Explanation The configuration has no application servers defined.
Action Make sure that some application servers are defined and used by the web server.

PLGC0085W: There are no Transport tags for the application server {0} in the file {1}.

Explanation The Application Server has no Transports defined in plug-in configuration.
Action Set up HTTPS (SSL) transports between the webserver and application server, in order to have the communication between webserver and application server be encrypted.

PLGC0086W: There are no aliases tags in the file {0}. Aliases are not defined for the virual host groups.

Explanation No host aliases are defined for virtual host groups.
Action Make sure that virtual host group definitions has some host aliases.



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