Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
XCIM0102E: The host name of the install target {0} is absent.
Explanation No Additional information is available. Action Please use either the administrative console or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
XCIM0103E: The host name of the install target {0} contains invalid characters.
Explanation No Additional information is available. Action Please use either the administrative console or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.
XCIM0104E: The platform of the install target {0} is invalid. Valid platforms are {1}.
Explanation Please use one of the valid platform name. The platform names are case sensitive. Action Please use either the administrative console or the command line scripting tool to update the part of the configuration which is in error.