Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages


WMSG2000E: It was not possible to lookup the specified WebSphere MQ administered object because {0} on node {1} is configured to use version {2} of the WebSphere MQ JMS client, but the minimum supported version is {3}.

Explanation The application server that bound the JMS administered object into the namespace has been configured to use an unsupported version of the WebSphere MQ JMS client.
Action Reconfigure the application server to use a supported version of the WebSphere MQ JMS client.

WMSG2001E: It was not possible to lookup the specified WebSphere MQ administered object because the WebSphere MQ client libraries are not available to the server.

Explanation The application server that bound the JMS administered object into the namespace has not been configured with the location of the WebSphere MQ JMS client libraries.
Action Reconfigure the application server to reference the WebSphere MQ JMS client libraries.

WMSG2002E: It was not possible to lookup the specified WebSphere MQ administered object because the application server needs a restart to pick up the current WebSphere MQ installation.

Explanation The application server that bound the JMS administered objects into the namespace needs to be restarted to register an update to the location of to the WebSphere MQ client libraries.
Action Contact the system administrator of the application server so that it can be restarted.

WMSG2003E: It was not possible to lookup the specified WebSphere MQ administered object because the application server needs a restart to register an update to the WebSphere MQ installation.

Explanation The application server that bound the JMS administered objects into the namespace needs to be restarted to register an update to the WebSphere MQ installation.
Action Contact the system administrator of the application server so that it can be restarted.

WMSG2010E: It was not possible to detect the WebSphere MQ messaging provider code at the specified path {0}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider code is not installed at the specified path.
Action If set, change the value of the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable to point at the WebSphere MQ messaging provider installation. Alternatively ensure that the WebSphere MQ messaging provider is installed at the specified location.

WMSG2011E: It was not possible to use the specified WebSphere MQ messaging provider at path {0} because it is at version {1}. The minimum supported version is {2}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider code installed at the specified path is at a level that is lower than the minimum level supported and so can not be used.
Action Ensure that the correct level of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider is installed in the specified location.

WMSG2012E: It was not possible to detect the WebSphere MQ messaging provider code at the specified path {0}.

Explanation The WebSphere MQ messaging provider code is not installed at the specified path.
Action If set, change the value of the MQ_INSTALL_ROOT variable to point at the WebSphere MQ messaging provider. Alternatively ensure that the WebSphere MQ messaging provider is installed at the specified location.

WMSG2013E: The WebSphere MQ messaging provider installed at {0} has been updated and the application client needs to be restarted to pick up this update. The WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been disabled.

Explanation An update has been applied to the WebSphere MQ messaging provider used by the application client. The nature of the update is such that the application client needs a restart for the WebSphere MQ messaging provider to work.
Action The application client needs to be restarted in order to register the updated WebSphere MQ messaging provider.

WMSG2014E: The installation directory of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been updated from {0} to {1}. The WebSphere MQ messaging provider has been disabled. An application client restart is required to re-enable this function.

Explanation An update has been made to the installation directory of the WebSphere MQ messaging provider.
Action The application client must be restarted in order to use the client installed at the updated path.

WMSG2015E: JMS registration has not yet completed.

Explanation The JMS registration process has not yet completed.
Action Look for any previous messages to indicate why the JMS registration process has not yet completed.

WMSG2016I: WebSphere MQ functionality in this application client has been disabled.

Explanation The property was specified as true when this application client was launched, which has resulted in this application client not loading up any WebSphere MQ classes. As a result of this WebSphere MQ messaging provider resources cannot be used.
Action None unless WebSphere MQ functionality is required in which case do not specify the property when launching this application client.

WMSG2017E: It was not possible to look up the specified WebSphere MQ messaging provider resource as WebSphere MQ functionality in this process has been disabled.

Explanation All WebSphere MQ functionality in this process has been disabled administratively. As a result of this it is not possible to look up WebSphere MQ messaging provider resources.
Action Either do not look up this WebSphere MQ messaging provider resource while the functionality is disabled, or do not disable WebSphere MQ functionality on this process.



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