Express (Distributed operating systems), v8.0 > Reference > Messages
WQRY0000E: Internal error in mapping metadata. Aggregates are not allowed
Explanation An aggregation operation (for example SUM, AVG, and so on) appears in the mapping metadata. This is not currently supported by the query engine for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action This indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0001E: An error occurred while executing a SQL query: {0}
Explanation An error occurred executing an SQL statement. The message text indicates the SQL statement that failed. This message only applies to the WebSphere dynamic query service. Action Verify that the SQL statement that is failing is valid for the target database. If the database schema is inconsistent with the schema used during deployment, or the database schema has changed, it might be necessary to redeploy the application. Otherwise, refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0002E: Internal error in mapping metadata. Invalid view: {0}
Explanation A syntax error was detected in the mapping metadata generated by the WebSphere deployment tool. This error is in the view implementation or the inheritance typecode predicates. Action This indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0003E: An error occurred while parsing input query: {0}
Explanation An error occurred parsing the query for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), indicated in the message text. Action Verify the query statement for the EJB. If the statement is valid, refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0004E: An overflow occurred during a numeric data type conversion in function {0}
Explanation A mathematical error occurred executing a query scalar function for an enterprise Java bean (EJB). The message text indicates the name of the scalar function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or update the container-managed persistence (CMP) field values to avoid the overflow problem.
WQRY0005E: the SELECT clause of a subquery cannot contain a subquery
Explanation A subquery used in a SELECT clause cannot contain a subquery in its own SELECT clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0006E: An identification variable is dependent upon another identification variable ({0}) defined in a SELECT statement with a GROUP BY clause
Explanation The identification variable is used in a subquery and references another identification variable, indicated in the message text, in a manner that is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0007E: The escape charater {0} for LIKE must be a single character.
Explanation The LIKE predicate takes a single escape character. The string specified in the message text is greater than one character in length and is not valid. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0008E: The Abstract Schema Name {0} specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Make sure that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name and submit the query again.
WQRY0009E: The Abstract Schema Name {0} specified in the FROM clause of the query is not unique.
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is defined in more than one installed applications. Action Provide EJBHome or EJBLocalHome to uniquely identify the ASN name and resubmit the query. Follow the sample client code for the usage of EJBHome or EJBLocalHome.
WQRY0010E: An argument type error was found in {0}
Explanation The query expression indicated by the token {0} attempts to compare two expressions that are not compatible in type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0011E: The aggregate function {0} is used incorrectly or has an invalid argument
Explanation The aggregate function (for example SUM, COUNT, and so on) indicated by the message text is not used correctly (such as being used in a WHERE clause), or the function contains an argument that is not valid (an expression that contains correlated and noncorrelated values). Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0012E: Invalid entity bean comparison due to types mismatch.
Explanation We cannot use the "equal or not equal" predicate to compare two enterprise Java beans (EJBs) that cannot be compared. Only EJBs that are of compatible types and from the same home can be compared. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0013E: Math error occurred while computing aggregate function
Explanation A mathematical error occurred computing the value of an AVG or SUM function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) or the values for the container-manager persistence (CMP) field.
WQRY0014E: Cannot define identification variable ''{0}'' over expression ''{1}''
Explanation The identification variable specified is defined over an not valid association because the schema of the association contains no persistent fields. Action Check the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or check the application model.
WQRY0015E: Field {0} cannot be cast to another type
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) does not support casting a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field to another type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0016E: Field {0} cannot be cast to another schema name
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) does not support casting a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field to another type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0017E: Cannot define identification variable ''{0}'' over a single-valued path expression ''{1}''
Explanation An identification variable must be defined as an Abstract Schema Name (ASN) or as a multivalued path expression. The identification variable that is indicated is defined with the path expression that is indicated in the message text, which ends in a single valued relationship name. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0018E: Internal error in mapping metadata. Unable to access metadata for CMP/CMR field {0}
Explanation The mapping metadata for the field that is indicated by the message text cannot be accessed. Action This indicates an internal error in the Application Server or in the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0019E: Usage of field ''{0}'' is ambiguous
Explanation A field must always be used in the context of a path expression that begins with an identification variable. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0020E: Invalid casting of field {0} to a non reference type
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) does not support casting a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or container-managed relationship (CMR) field to another type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0021E: Invalid casting of field {0} to a reference type
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) does not support casting a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or container-managed relationship (CMR) field to another type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0022E: Internal error. Class {0} is not defined for SELECT STARN
Explanation This is an internal error. Action This indicates an internal error either in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0023E: A path expression terminating in the CMP field {0} appears in a SELECT clause without an aggregate function but is not specified in the GROUP BY clause
Explanation When performing a grouping operation, elements of the SELECT clause must either be aggregation functions or grouping elements. The container-managed persistence (CMP) field that is indicated by the token {0} is used in the SELECT clause and does not appear in an aggregation function, but the CMP field is not a grouping element. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0024E: Order by clause refers to an invalid element {0}.
Explanation The ORDER BY clause of a query statement refers to a select element by an ordinal number that is indicated in the message text, but no such element exists. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0025E: The abstract schema name {0} is not defined
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) that is indicated in the message text is not defined. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0026E: the ordinal numbers used in order by clause must be a positive integers
Explanation Zero and negative numbers are not valid in the ORDER BY clause. Use the DESC keyword to sort in descending order. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0027E: Path expression {0} is invalid. Cannot navigate past {1}
Explanation The Application Server made an attempt to navigate past the container-managed persistence (CMP) or container-managed relationship (CMR) field that is indicated by token {1} in the path expression that is indicated by the token {0}. A path expression can only navigate through a single-valued CMR field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0028E: Cannot navigate through a CMP field {0}
Explanation The Application Server made an attempt to navigate past the container-managed persistence (CMP) or container-managed relationship (CMR) field that is indicated by token {1} in a path expression. A path expression can only navigate through a single-valued CMR field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0029E: Counter overflow occurred computing AVG
Explanation An overflow occurred while computing the AVG aggregate function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) to avoid the overflow.
WQRY0030E: Counter overflow occurred computing COUNT
Explanation An overflow occurred while computing the COUNT aggregate function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) to avoid the overflow.
WQRY0031E: Invalid use of DISTINCT. Cannot use DISTINCT if the select clause refers to fields that are mapped to columns greater than 254 bytes or to columns of type LOB.
Explanation Backend data store cannot compare columns which are greater than 254 bytes or binary data. Action Correct the query statement or the mapping for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0032E: Duplicate order by element {0}
Explanation A number or a path expression appears more than once in the ORDER BY clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0033E: Duplicate group by element {0}
Explanation A path expression appears more than once in the GROUP BY clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0034E: DISTINCT is specified more than once in aggregate functions
Explanation Do not use DISTINCT more than once in aggregate functions in a query. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0035E: Internal error in mapping metadata. Distinct in metadata {0} is not supported
Explanation A DISTINCT operation appears in the mapping metadata. This is not currently supported by the query engine for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action This indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0036E: {0} {1} does not have a field {2}
Explanation A container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field with the given name was used in a query statement. The bean with the Abstract Schema Name (ASN) and the identification variable does not define this field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0037E: {0} {1} does not have a method {2}()
Explanation The method with the given name was used in a query statement. The bean with the Abstract Schema Name (ASN) and the identification variable does not define this method. The use of methods in query statements is only supported in WebSphere Extended Edition. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0038E: Operator / cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The division operator can only be used on numeric types. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0039E: internal error in query runtime. Error getting Primary Key for EJBObject {0}.
Explanation An internal error occurred in the server at run time. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0040E: EMPTY, EXISTS, IN, ALL, ANY and SOME are only for multivalued attributes
Explanation The EMPTY, EXISTS, IN, ALL, ANY and SOME scalar functions can only be applied to container-managed relationship (CMR) fields and to subqueries. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0041E: An exception has been raised during query evaluation
Explanation An unknown exception occurred during the query evalution. If the query statement calls user-defined methods, verify that the method is not throwing an exception. Otherwise, this is an internal error. Action If you are unable to resolve problem, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0042E: Found more than one matching method signature for method {0} with parm count {1}
Explanation The only method overloading that Query allows is for a method to have different numbers of parameters. Action Correct the programming model for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0043E: Operator >= cannot be used in the expression {0}
Explanation The "greater than or equal" operator can only be used with numeric, string, date-time or calendar types. The token {0} contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0044E: Operator > cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The "greater than" operator can only be used with numeric, string, date-time or calendar types. The token {0} contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0045E: Illegal character has been found in the input stream
Explanation An illegal character was used in the query statement for an enterprise Java bean (EJB). The "Syntax error" message that follows the "Illegal Character" error message shows the location and the type of the illegal character. Action Check the query statment for the EJB for characters that are not valid.
WQRY0046E: internal error in mapping metadata. Invalid typecode predicate: {0} for EJBHome {1}
Explanation A syntax error was detected in the mapping metadata that was generated by the WebSphere deployment tool. The token {0} indicates the typecode predicates and the token {1} is the Abstract Schema Name (ASN) for the EJBHome statement that is failing. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0047E: Invalid path expression {0} attempts to dereference a collection valued CMR field
Explanation A path expresssion cannot navigate through a multi-valued contianer-managed relationship (CMR) field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0048E: Invalid SELECT clause containing an expression, input parameter or multiple elements.
Explanation When a query for an enterprise Java bean (EJB) is used to define FINDER or SELECT methods, the SELECT clause must contain a single element that refers to an EJB or a single-path expression that specifies a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a single-valued container-managed relationship (CMR) field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0049E: Inequality cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation An inquality operator is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0050E: The field {0} cannot be used with the IS NULL predicate because it is a collection valued CMR field
Explanation IS NULL and IS NOT NULL must be used in path expresssions with container-managed persistence (CMP) fields or single-valued container-managed relationship (CMR) fields. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0051E: Operator <= cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The "less than or equal" operator is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0052E: Operator < cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The "less than or equal" operator is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0053E: Function MAX cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The MAX function is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0054E: Method signature mismatch. Method {0} has {1} parameters and {2} arguments were given in {3}
Explanation The method in the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) differs in number or the type of argument from all the methods with the same name that are in the programming model for the EJB. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0055E: Operator - cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The MINUS operator is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0056E: Function MIN cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The MIN function is used with a data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0057E: Internal metadata error related to methods over home collections in the FROM clause: {0}
Explanation This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0058E: Invalid MEMBER OF expression due to type mismatch.
Explanation Using the MEMBER OF predicate to compare an entity bean to a collection-valued container-managed relationship (CMR) field is not a valid operation, because the entity beans are not comparable or belong to different homes. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0059E: Query is too complex. It exceeds {0} select operations
Explanation There can be a maximum of 100 select statements in the final query generated by an query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Reduce the size and the number of SELECT operations in the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0060E: Query is too complex. More than {0} quantifiers are used in the query plan
Explanation A maximum of 512 quantifiers can be used in the query plan that is generated by the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Reduce the complexity of the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0061E: Nested aggregate functions are not allowed
Explanation An aggregate function such as SUM cannot contain another aggregate function in the argument expression. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0062E: Internal metadata error related to NEST and expression: {0}
Explanation The collection aggregate operation NEST is used with an incorrect type. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0063E: Parameter {0} is not defined
Explanation The parameter that is indicated in the message text is not defined. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0064E: Field {0} is not defined in the EJB schema: {1}
Explanation The parameter that is indicated is a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field. The message text indicates the schema used in the query. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0065E: Schema {0} is not defined for field {1}
Explanation The specified field does not denote a container-managed relationship (CMR) field or a container-managed persistence (CMP) field that is defined by the given schema. Action Check the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or check the schema mapping of the application model.
WQRY0066E: Internal metadata error. An abstract schema {0} is not defined but is referenced in path expression {1}
Explanation This is an internal metadata error. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0067E: Internal error relating to SELECT q.STARN
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0068E: Internal error relating to SELECT q.STARN
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0069E: A non numeric expression was used with {0}
Explanation A function that requires a numeric expression was used incorrectly with an argument expression. The message text shows the function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0070E: A non numeric expression used with AVG
Explanation An AVG function that requires a numeric expression was used incorrectly with an argument expression. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0071E: Query iterator is in an invalid state because it is being used outside the scope of the transaction that created it
Explanation A query iterator is no longer valid, because the JDBC cursor is not valid. This is probably due to an end-of-transaction operation. The query iterator cannot be used outside of the originating transaction scope. Action Verify that the program that is running is user a valid programming model.
WQRY0072E: Internal error. No correlations left after removing optional correlations in rewrite.
Explanation This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0073E: The number {0} is out of range.
Explanation The number specified is out of the legal range for its data type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0074E: Internal error: missing TYPE Field {0}
Explanation This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0075E: The element {0}.{1} in the ORDER BY clause is invalid because it does not appear in the SELECT clause
Explanation If the ORDER BY clause is used, the element that is being ordered by must appear in the SELECT clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0076E: ORDER BY operation conflicts with usage of DISTINCT. Remove ORDER BY or DISTINCT
Explanation Performing a DISTINCT operation in a query statement for an enterprise Java bean (EJB) that returns object references might produce an ORDER BY on the primary key fields of the EJB. If the query statement contains an ORDER BY clause specified by the user, the two ordering schemas might conflict. Action Remove either the ORDER BY or the DISTINCT operation, and retry the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0077E: Invalid ORDER BY due to ordering by a field of type BLOB.
Explanation Ordering on java.sql.blob values is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0078E: Invalid ORDER BY due to ordering by a field of type boolean.
Explanation Ordering on boolean values is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0079E: Invalid ORDER BY due to ordering by a field of type CLOB.
Explanation Ordering on java.sql.clob values is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0080E: Invalid order by clause. Cannot use method {0} in order by clause.
Explanation Method mapping to back-end data store is not currently supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0081E: Invalid ORDER BY due to ordering by a CMR field {0}
Explanation Ordering is supported only for container-managed persistence (CMP) values that are orderable types, such as numbers, strings and date-time values. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0082E: Operator + cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The PLUS operator is used with an data type for which it is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is incorrect. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0083E: Parameter ?{0} is not defined or has an invalid datatype
Explanation The program made an attempt to reference a parameter that is greater than the number of input parameters. The parameters are defined by the signature of the FINDER method or the SELECT method. For a dynamic query on an enterprise Java bean (EJB), the input parameters are passed on the exeucteQuery API. Attempting to use an input parameter whose data type is not supported by WebSphere may also result in this error. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB or the method signature.
WQRY0084E: Invalid use of path expression in ORDER BY. When using ORDER BY with a UNION operation the ORDER BY must use integer constants
Explanation When using ORDER BY clause with a UNION operation, the ORDER BY clause must use integer constants to indicate the container-managed persistence (CMP) attributes in the enterprise Java bean (EJB) that is being queried. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0085E: Identification variable ''{0}'' is already defined over ''{1}''
Explanation We cannot use the same correlation ID to refer to more than one instance of an enterprise Java bean (EJB in the same select clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0086E: The double-quote character cannot be used as an escape character for LIKE
Explanation In a query with a 'LIKE' predicate using the 'ESCAPE' keyword, the double-quote character cannot be used as the escape character for '%' or '_'. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0087E: Identification variable ''{0}'' is dependent upon another identification variable ''{1}'' defined in a SELECT statement with a GROUP BY clause
Explanation The identification variable that is indicated in the message text is used in a subquery and references another identification variable, which is indicated in the message text, in a manner that is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0088E: Invalid nesting of subqueries in a SELECT clause
Explanation A subquery used in a SELECT clause cannot contain a subquery in its own SELECT clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0089E: EJB Query does not support the syntax select *.:
Explanation Do not use the 'select *' statement in query statements for enterprise Java beans (EJBs). For example, you cannot use 'select * from XyzBean' to select all of the container-managed persistence (CMP) fields for XyzBean. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0090E: An identification variable {0} not defined in a subquery cannot be used as {1}.* in the select clause of the subquery.
Explanation To use 'e.*' in a subquery, the identification variable 'e' must be defined in the subquery. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0091E: invalid use of the keyword OBJECT. OBJECT is only used in select clause {0}
Explanation The keyword OBJECT is used in the select clause to project the object reference that is associated with an identification variable. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0092E: A syntax error was detected at character position {0} near token <{1}>
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) does not satisfy the syntax diagram that is found in the documentation for EJB queries. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0093E: internal error in metadata. Entry {0} is already defined
Explanation There was an internal error in mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0094E: Argument {0} for function {1} is invalid. The data type, length or value is incompatible with the function definition
Explanation The specified argument cannot be used with the scalar function listed in the message text. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0095E: A mismatch between the actual table schema and the schema used as deployment time. The mismatch is related to column _c{0} on quantifier _q{1}.
Explanation The table schema provided does not match the schema used to generate the mapping metadata at deployment time. Action Check the table schema and the schema used to generate the mapping metadata at deployment time.
WQRY0096E: IS OF TYPE predicate constains invalid subtype. Type {0} is not a subclass of {1}
Explanation When using the IS OF TYPE predicate to test the subtype of enterprise Java beans (EJBs), the subtype(s) that make the operand on the right side of the IS OF TYPE predicate must be defined subtypes of the EJB specified by the left side of the operand. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0097E: internal error in mapping metadata. Entry {0} is not defined
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0098E: internal error in mapping metadata. The number of projection elements is not equal to the number of columns for view {0}
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0099E: Operator * cannot be used in expression {0}
Explanation The multiply operator is used with an data type that is not compatible. The message text contains the expression that is not correct. Action : Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0100E: internal error in mapping metadata. The subquery used for column {0} in view {1} cannot have a GROUP BY or HAVING clause
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0101E: internal error in mapping metadata. Missing NEST function for column {0} in view {1}.
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0102E: The result of the subquery used with a basic predicate is more than one value
Explanation A subquery used with a basic predicate must only return a single value. Mutliple values were returned at run time when the subquery was evaluated. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0103E: The SELECT clause of a subquery is invalid because it specifies multiple columns
Explanation A subselect statement can only return a single value. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0104E: The second or third argument of the SUBSTR function is out of range
Explanation The sum of the second and third arguments is greater than the length of the first argument Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0105E: internal error in mapping metadata. The mapping for attribute {0} type {1} does not include a key based join
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0106E: Invalid path expression attempts to dereference a non reference field {0}.
Explanation There is schema information for the {0} field that is not consistent. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB or check the application model.
WQRY0107E: Attempt to use a table or schema named _THIS with identification variable ''{0}''.
Explanation The _THIS keyword is a reserved word and cannot be used in an query statement for an enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Change the schema name in the deployment descriptor or in the table name.
WQRY0108E: field {0} is not defined
Explanation The field is not defined in the abstract schema as either a container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Make sure that every path expression begins with an identification variable.
WQRY0109E: There are an unequal number of select elements for a UNION operation
Explanation When performing a UNION operator, the SELECT statements that are operands to the UNION must contain an equal number of elements in the SELECT clauses. Action Correct the EJB query statement.
WQRY0110E: Identification variable ''{0}'' is not defined.
Explanation The identification variable that was found with container-managed persistence (CMP) field or a container-managed relationship (CMR) field does not match the identification variable that is associated with any enterprise Java bean (EJB) that is being queried. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0111E: Incompatible data types for element {0} of a UNION operation.
Explanation When performing a UNION operator, the SELECT statements that are operands to the UNION must contain elements in the SELECT clauses that are of compatible type. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0112E: Unable to find matching method signature for method {0} with parm count {1}
Explanation The correct method signature was not found in the remote or local interface that is being used for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Correct the programming model for the EJB.
WQRY0113E: internal metadata mapping error. The view definition for {0} is not a SELECT statement
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0114E: internal metadata mapping error. A view definition is missing for {0}
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0115E: internal metadata mapping error. View {0} has a type mismatch for field {1}
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0116E: internal metadata mapping error. View {0} has a type mismatch for field {1} on {2}
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0117E: internal metadata mapping error. View type {0} is undefined for field {1} on {2}
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0118E: internal metadata mapping error. View type {0} is not defined.
Explanation There was an internal error mapping the metadata. Action This error indicates an internal error in the Application Server or the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0119E: Incorrect number of arguments used in function: {0}
Explanation The number of arguments that are used in the query statement is not consistent with the definition of the function that is indicated in the message text. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0120E: Invalid metadata cmr mapping.
Explanation There was mapping of container-managed relationship (CMR) field to relational table for a database that was not valid. Action Correct the mapping of the CMR field to the relational table.
WQRY0121E: There is no mapping for the cmr field.
Explanation No mapping exist for the container-managed relationship (CMR) field to the relational database table. Action Create a valid mapping for the CMR field.
WQRY0122E: Following error occurred while loading converter class: {0}
Explanation The converter class used in the application schema cannot be found or instantiated, or the converter class is not a valid. Action Add the converter class in the class path or correct the application schema.
WQRY0123E: An error occurred while executing dataFrom method [{0}] of converter [{1}].
Explanation The following error occurred while executing dataFrom method. Action The converter specified in the schema needs to extend from the root class of Correct the implementation of dataFrom method, or correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0124E: An error occurred while creating the input argument for the dataFrom method [{0}] of converter [{1}].
Explanation The following error occurred while creating the input argument for dataFrom method. Action Correct the input value according to the converter.
WQRY0125E: Invalid object type returned by the dataFrom method of converter [{0}].
Explanation The return type from the dataFrom method is not supported by the query engine. Action Correct the dataFrom method, or use another converter.
WQRY0126E: Illegal to group by CMR field.
Explanation Container-managed relationship refers to an enterprise Java bean (EJB) object, and the object reference cannot be used in the GROUP BY clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0127E: Type Mismatch after applying dataFrom method of converter [{0}].
Explanation The output type of the dataFrom method is not compatible in the given expression. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) or the converter.
WQRY0128E: Invalid SELECT clause containing a multi valued CMR field.
Explanation The SELECT clause cannot contain any container-managed relationship (CMR) fields that are mutli-valued. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0129E: Invalid group by clause. Cannot use method {0} in group by clause.
Explanation This method mapping to a back-end data store is not supported Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0130E: The {0} method in the query differs in type or number of parameters from any {1} method defined in the CMP Bean.
Explanation The method in the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) differs in the number or type of argument from all the methods with the same name in the EJB model. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0131E: Void is an invalid expression type for expression [{0}].
Explanation Expressions with the type 'void' should not be used in a query statement for an enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Correct the application schema, or correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0132E: Primary key column {0} in table {1} is not defined.
Explanation The Primary key specified in the metadata at the table level and the key provided at implementation time do not match. Action This error indicates an internal error in the WSAD deployment tooling. Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY0133E: Unable to obtain pessimistic lock since the query contains joins, subselects, order by, and group by.
Explanation The query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) that contains JOINS, SUBSELECTS, ORDER BY, and GROUP BY cannot be run in pessimistic access intent. Action Reconfigure the access intent, or change the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0134E: Cannot use order by, group by or distinct clause with CMP field [{0}] because it is mapped to a user defined type.
Explanation Ordering, grouping, or DISTINCT is supported only for container-managed persistence (CMP) fields that are of types such as numbers, strings and date-time values. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0135E: Cannot use order by, group by or distinct clause with CMP field [{0}] because the length of the underlying data type is too long.
Explanation We cannot use GROUP BY, ORDER BY, or DISTINCT with data types like clob, blob or other long binary or character data types. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB or the mapping.
WQRY0136E: An invalid parameter type {0} is detected.
Explanation A specified type cannot be used as the type of a parameter. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) with a correct parameter type.
WQRY0137E: The input argument type of {0} for method [{1}] is not allowed.
Explanation The input argument type specified cannot be used as the type of an input parameter of a method. Action Correct the method with correct parameter type.
WQRY0138E: The return type of {0} for method [{1}] is not allowed.
Explanation The return type specified cannot be used as the return type of a method. Action Correct the method with correct return type.
WQRY0150E: The function [{0}] is not a supported built-in function.
Explanation The specified function is not supported in query statements for enterprise Java beans (EJBs). Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0151E: The trim character ''{0}'' is not valid in a TRIM function.
Explanation A trim character can only be a single character on TRIM function. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0152E: The identifier {0} must be defined before it is used.
Explanation The identifier must be defined before it is referenced in a query statement for an enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY0153E: The identifier {0} is not defined within the scope of a JOIN clause.
Explanation The identifier must be defined within a JOIN clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY0154E: There is a usage of path expression in ''{0}'' that is not valid.
Explanation There is a path expression with an identification variable in a JOIN clause that is not correctly used. Action Change the query to reference the identification variable where path expression is used.
WQRY0155E: We cannot use the overloaded methods ''{0}'' of bean ''{1}'' with the same number of input arguments.
Explanation Overloaded methods with the same number of input arguments are not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB or the method definition.
WQRY1000E: Runtime evaluation error - operands {0} and {1} are incompatible types in the given binary arithmetic operation.
Explanation The program cannot issue a binary operation on two operands with types that are not compatible. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or correct the application schema.
WQRY1001E: Runtime evaluation error - the type of operands {0} are not supported in the given unary operation.
Explanation An evaluation error occurred at run time. The program cannot issue a unary operation on a type that is not supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or correct the application schema.
WQRY1002E: Runtime evaluation error - a non-supported JDBC SQL type {0} is encountered.
Explanation The following SQL types are allowed: INYINT, SMALLINT, INTEGER, BIGINT, FLOAT, REAL, DOUBLE, CHAR, VARCHAR, LOB, DECIMAL, DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP. Action Correct the application schema.
WQRY1003E: Runtime evaluation error - internal error encountered.
Explanation An internal error was encountered. Action Restart the system. If the problem persists, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1004E: Runtime evaluation error - {0} is not a valid representation of a BigDecimal.
Explanation The form of the decimal constant that is given in the query is not an acceptable format. Action Correct the decimal constant in the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY1005E: Runtime evaluation error - the specified Date/Time arithmetic is not currently supported.
Explanation Date/Time arithmetic is not currently supported. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) to avoid date/time arithmetics.
WQRY1006E: Runtime evaluation error - the specified converter, {0}, cannot be found, instantiated or invalid
Explanation The converter class used in the application schema cannot be found or instantiated, or the converter class is not valid. Action Add the converter class in the class path, or correct the application schema.
WQRY1007E: Runtime evaluation error - invalid converter {0}. A null is return from converter.
Explanation A 'null' return was received from the converter that was specified. Action Correct the converter.
WQRY1008E: Runtime evaluation error - {0} is in a unsupported date/time format.
Explanation A DATE value was supplied that is not valid. The valid format for the string representation of the DATE are: (yyyynnn), (yyyyMMdd),(yyyyMMddhhmmss),(,(dd.MM.yyyy). Action Use the correct date/time format for literals in the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Refer to the documentation for supported date/time formats.
WQRY1009E: Runtime evaluation error - a loss of precision was detected when converting {0} to DECIMAL.
Explanation An overflow or underflow condition was detected while converting a value to a decimal. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB), or correct the application schema.
WQRY1010E: Runtime evaluation error - failed to extract value of type {1} from the given string {0}
Explanation The Application Server cannot convert the given string to its corresponding numeric value, because a format was encountered that is not able to be parsed. Action Correct the string representation of the number.
WQRY1011E: Runtime evaluation error - a boolean typed field mapped to unsupported type is detected.
Explanation The supported mapping for boolean types are SMALLINT, INTEGER. Action Correct the application schema.
WQRY1012E: Runtime evaluation error - an invalid value {0} is detected for the boolean field.
Explanation The supported boolean value are: false = 0 , true = 1. Action Correct the corresponding value stored in back-end database.
WQRY1013E: Runtime evaluation error - an invalid result type from an arithmetic expression is detected.
Explanation The Application Server cannot map the result type that is inferred from the expression. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY1014E: Runtime evaluation error - the specified field {0} is not retrievable from class {1}.
Explanation An error was detected while attempting to retrieve a given field. Action Correct the class definition that is given, or correct the field name.
WQRY1015E: Runtime evaluation error - a illegal access to a method {0} is detected.
Explanation The program cannot access or invoke the given method. Action Correct the application model.
WQRY1016E: Runtime evaluation error - an invalid parameter type {0} is detected.
Explanation A value of NULL cannot be used as the type of a parameter. Action Change the query method with a parameter type that is valid.
WQRY1017E: Runtime evaluation error - the number of parameters {0} passed in is less than expected {1}
Explanation The number of parameters that was passed in the query engine is less than what was expected. Action Correct the number of parameter that are passed in.
WQRY1018E: Runtime evaluation error - an invalid plan cursor detected.
Explanation An internal error was found after the plan was evaluated. Action Restart the system. If the problem persists, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1019E: Runtime plan parsing error.
Explanation An internal error was detected in the plan parser. Action Restart the system. If the problem persists, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1020E: Runtime evaluation error - DataSource error [{0}] encountered.
Explanation An error was detected in attempting to access the data source. Action Reset the data source. If the problem persists, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1021E: Runtime evaluation error - An error {0} occurred while executing objectFrom of class {1}.
Explanation An exception occurred while executing the objectFrom method. Action Verify that the class exists and that the arguments are correct.
WQRY1022E: Runtime evaluation error - An ArithmeticException occurred while evaluating the arithmetic expression [{0}]
Explanation An ArithmeticException occurred because of division by zero. Action Correct the arithmetic expression.
WQRY1023E: Runtime evaluation error - Underflow or Overflow occurred while evaluating the arithmetic expression [{0}]
Explanation The result of the arithmetic operation is not within the range of the result type that was expected. Action Correct the arithmetic expression.
WQRY1024E: Runtime evaluation error - The object type [{2}] returned by the converter class [{0}] does not match the expected object type [{1}]
Explanation The object that was returned by the objectFrom method of the converter [{0}] is not the same as the object type that was expected. Action Modify the converter class, or correct the application schema.
WQRY1025E: Runtime evaluation error - A datetime arithmetic operation or a datetime scalar function has a result that is not within the valid range of dates.
Explanation The result must fall between the dates January 1, 0001, and December 31, 9999, inclusively. Action Correct the expression.
WQRY1026E: Runtime evaluation error - An exception was thrown by the invoked method {0}.
Explanation The method that was invoked threw an exception. Action Correct the invoked method in the application model.
WQRY1027E: Internal error: Primary keys are not present in user's projection clause.
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1028E: Primary key {0} value is null.
Explanation There was an error trying to create a Service Data Object (SDO) without the primary key. Action Correct the updates to the datagraph.
WQRY1029E: Internal error in deletion: No Primary keys found or Primary keys name/value are not paired.
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1030E: Internal error: A list of ChangedFieldRecords is empty.
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1031E: Internal error: This CMP field is not present in user''s projection clause. {0}
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1032E: Internal error: CMPs and Columns are not paired. {0}
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1033E: Internal error: SQL statement for update/insert/delete is null.
Explanation This is an internal error in the Application Server. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1034E: Runtime evaluation error - An exception occurred while initializing the ejb mediator query: {0}
Explanation There was an error in initializing the specified mediator query. Action Correct the mediator query.
WQRY1035E: Runtime evaluation error - Following error occurred while executing ejb mediator query [{0}]
Explanation There was an error in executing the specified mediator query. The input parameters for the query are included in the message text. Action Correct the mediator query or the schema for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY1036E: Runtime evaluation error - An error occurred while processing changes from the updated datagraph [{0}]
Explanation An error occurred while trying to apply the DataGraph changes to the database. The changes have not been applied to the database. For the case of updating, one or more OCC fields might have been changed by another user session, and the update is not allowed. Action Change the updates, or make the appropriate change to the database based on the error.
WQRY1037E: Runtime evaluation error - Trying to create duplicate sdo object for EClass [{0}] with primary key [{1}].
Explanation There was an error trying to create Service Data Objects (SDOs) with the same primary key. Action Correct the updates to the datagraph.
WQRY1038E: Runtime evaluation error - Field [{0}] of sdo object [{1}] with primary key [{2}] is not updatable.
Explanation There was an error trying to update a field that might be the primary key, part of primary key, output of a method, or output of a converter or an expression. Action Correct the updates to the datagraph.
WQRY1039E: Runtime evaluation error - SDO object [{0}] cannot be updated.
Explanation The Service Data Object (SDO) cannot be updated because either its primary key is not specified in the projection clause of the EJBMediator query, or at least one OCC is defined but is not projected. Action Generate the DataGraph again by specifying the primary keys in the mediator query. To update the SDO, include at least one of the OCC fields in your select clause.
WQRY1040E: Runtime evaluation error - Exception occurred while creating schema class from model query object [{0}].
Explanation An error occurred trying to create an EClass defining the schema of the model query object. Action Correct the error in the model query object.
WQRY1041E: More than one join is detected in from clause.
Explanation Error occurred while trying to parse the FROM clause. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY1042E: Duplicate ASN name is detected in the graph.
Explanation An error occurred while trying to create an enterprise Java bean (EJB) mediator. Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY1043E: A MediatorAdapter is provided and handles creation of data object {0}, but does not handle update of the same data object.
Explanation A mediator adapter is supplied, however the adapter only handles partial operations for a data object. Action Modify the mediator adapter, and run the operation again.
WQRY1044E: An exception has been raised during transaction service lookup {0}.
Explanation The Application Server cannot perform a lookup for the transaction service because the user application is a container-managed bean. Action The application is responsible for rolling back the transaction. Modify the programming model appropriately.
WQRY1045E: An exception has been raised during transaction service setRollbackOnly call {0}.
Explanation The Application Server cannot set 'roll back only' for the transaction service, because the status of the transaction is: javax.transaction.Status.STATUS_NO_TRANSACTION or the setRollbackOnly call resulted in an exception. Action The application is responsible for rolling back the transaction. Modify the programming model appropriately.
WQRY1046E: Aggregation in the top level query is not supported.
Explanation An aggregation operation (for example SUM, AVG, and so on) appears in the top level of the query. This is not supported by the query engine for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY1047E: Distinct in the top level query is not supported.
Explanation A DISTINCT operation appears in the top level of the query. This is not supported by the query engine for the enterprise Java bean (EJB). Action Correct the query statement for the EJB.
WQRY1048E: This OCC CMP field [{0}] has been changed by another user session and update to it is not allowed.
Explanation An OCC container-managed persistence (CMP) field has been changed by another user session, and an update to it is not allowed. Action Regenerate the DataGraph, and run the operation again.
WQRY1049E: Runtime evaluation error - DataGraph with static schema of pattern NO_DUMMY_ROOT returning more than one root sdo [{0}].
Explanation A DataGraph that is based on the NO_DUMMY_ROOT pattern schema can have only one instance of a root Service Data Object (SDO). Action Create the mediator again with a query array for the enterprise Java bean (EJB) that returns a single root SDO.
WQRY1050E: Error - unique inverse relationship cannot be determined for {0}.
Explanation An error occurred trying to identify an inverse relationship. Action Deploy the application again, and restart the application.
WQRY1051E: Invalid/null collection parameter object provided for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation An error occurred trying to get a collection parameter object for the Abstract Schema Name (ASN). Action Correct the collection parameter object that was passed to the query engine, and run the query again.
WQRY1060E: Runtime evaluation error - The following internal error occurred for the mediator query [{0}].
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action Restart the system. If the problem persists, refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1061E: Internal error: The OCC name and value are not paired. {0}
Explanation An internal error occurred. Action Refer to the IBM support Web site for information on problem determination.
WQRY1062E: Class {0} does not have a feature named {1}.
Explanation The static schema for the specified EClass does not have the named feature defined. Action Redefine the static schema or the mediator query.
WQRY1063E: Relationship [{0}] is not updatable.
Explanation The relationship is not able to be updated, because it is not specified in the EJBMediator query. Action The Application Server cannot update the relationship in the current DataGraph. To update the relationship, regenerate the DataGraph by specifying the relationship in the mediator query.
WQRY1080E: Duplicate CMP field name [{0}] is specified in select expression.
Explanation Duplicate container-managed persistence (CMP) names, resulting in duplicate attributes, are present in the DataGraph. This is not allowed in queries that return Service Data Objects (SDOs). Action Rename one of the duplicates by using the AS syntax. For instance, 'select, as deptName from EmpBean e'.
WQRY1081E: Union is not allowed in mediator query.
Explanation The UNION operation is not allowed in a mediator query that returns Service Data Objects (SDOs). Action Remove the UNION operation from the query.
WQRY1082E: group by or having clause is not allowed in mediator query.
Explanation The GROUP BY or HAVING clauses are not allowed in a mediator query that returns Service Data Objects (SDOs). Action Remove the GROUP BY or HAVING clauses from the query.
WQRY1083E: Subquery in select clause is not allowed in mediator query.
Explanation A subquery in a SELECT clause is not allowed in a mediator query that returns Service Data Objects (SDOs). Action Remove the subquery from the SELECT clause.
WQRY1084E: Invalid Xrel [{0}] in mediator query, missing Data Object retrieval for [{1}].
Explanation A Data Object must be retrieved for linking the relationships. Action Correct the query to include retrieval of the related Data Object.
WQRY1085E: There are an unequal number of CMP fields in the mediator queries that retrieve the same Data Object type.
Explanation The SELECT statements must contain an equal number of elements in the SELECT clauses for queries that retrieve the same type of Data Object. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).
WQRY1086E: Incompatible data types for element {0} of a mediator query.
Explanation When the same Data Objects are retrieved in mediator queries, the container-managed persistence (CMP) fields in all of the SELECT clauses must match. Action Correct the mediator query statement.
WQRY1087E: Mediator query must specify CMP fields in the selection.
Explanation The SELECT clause in a mediator query must contain container-managed persistence (CMP) fields or expressions that reference CMP fields. A constant expression is not allowed. Action Correct the query statement.
WQRY1088E: Update a field which may be the primary key or part of primary key is not allowed.
Explanation There was an error trying to update a field that might be the primary key or part of the primary key. Action Correct the updates to the DataGraph.
WQRY1090E: The {0} abstract schema name is not defined in the metadata.
Explanation No such Abstract Schema Name (ASN) is defined in the metadata that was generated by a CMP/A deploy tool. Action Check the application, and deploy the application again with CMP/A deploy tool.
WQRY1091E: CSIException while getting concrete bean class for the {0} J2EEName.
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Verify that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and submit the query again.
WQRY1092E: EJBContainerException while getting EJB home for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Verify that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and submit the query again.
WQRY1093E: CSINoSuchObjectException while getting EJB local/remote object for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Verify that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and submit the query again.
WQRY1094E: The number of method arguments for method {0} does not match with any of methods defined in the CMP/A push-down methods list for {1} Abstract Schema Name(ASN).
Explanation The number of method arguments does not match those that are defined in the push-down methods list of the CMP/A deployment tool. Action Correct the query, or add the method to the CMP/A push-down list.
WQRY1095E: CSIException while getting EJB local/remote object for the {0} Abstract Schema name (ASN).
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Verify that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and submit the query again.
WQRY1096E: InconsistentAccessIntentException while getting EJB local/remote object for the {0} Abstract Schema name (ASN).
Explanation The access intent that is defined for the {0} ASN in not valid. Action Correct the access intent, re-install the application, and run the program again.
WQRY1097E: CSIException while getting a collection of local/remote EJB objects for the {0} Abstract Schema name (ASN).
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) specified in the FROM clause of the query is not defined in any of the installed applications. Action Verify that the ASN name is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and submit the query again.
WQRY1098E: Exception while getting foreign key for the target of {0} role name in the cache.
Explanation The foreign key for the target relationship cannot be obtained. Action Correct the CMP/A push-down method in the user-defined implementation class for the push-down method, and deploy the application again with CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1099E: {0} is an invalid method argument for CMP/A.
Explanation The method arguments for CMP/A must be literal or ?. Action Correct the method arguments, and deploy the application again with the CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1100E: CSIException while getting a collection of associated keys of target relationship for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation The associated keys for the target relationship cannot be obtained. Action Verify that the Abstract Schema Name (ASN) is correct, or install the application that has the ASN name, and deploy the application again with CMP/A deploy tool.
WQRY1101E: CSINoSuchObjectException while getting the data cache entry object for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation The cache entry for this Abstract Schema Name (ASN) cannot be obtained. Action Correct the CMP/A push-down method that is in the user-defined implementation class for the push-down method, and deploy the application again with the CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1102E: CSIException while getting the data cache entry object for the {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN).
Explanation The cache entry for this Abstract Schema Name (ASN) cannot be obtained. Action Correct the CMP/A push-down method that is in the user-defined implementation class for the push-down method, and deploy the application again with the CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1103E: FinderException while invoking {0} finder method on concrete bean object.
Explanation The Application Server failed to invoke the FINDER method on the concrete bean, because the wrong FINDER method name or argument was supplied. Action Correct the CMP/A push-down FINDER method, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1104E: The type of method argument {0} is not compatible with any of the method arguments defined in the CMP/A push-down methods list.
Explanation The method argument type is not compatible. Action Correct the method arguments, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool, or enter correct method arguments in the query and run the application again.
WQRY1105E: CSIException while invoking {0} finder method on concrete bean object.
Explanation The Application Server failed to invoke the FINDER method on the concrete bean, because a back-end error occurred. Action Correct the FINDER method, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1106E: RemoteException while invoking {0} finder method on concrete bean object.
Explanation The Application Server failed to invoke remote finder method. Action Correct the FINDER method, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1107E: Method {0} is not defined as CMP/A pushe-down method for {1}.
Explanation Method does not exist in the CMP/A push-down methods list. Action Define the method, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool, or enter the correct method in the query, and run the application again.
WQRY1110E: The null {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN) is invalid.
Explanation The Abstract Schema Name (ASN) cannot be null. Action Correct the query, and run the application again.
WQRY1111E: The {0} Abstract Schema Name (ASN) is not mapped to CMP/A type bean.
Explanation The CMP/A FINDER method can only be used on a WebSphere Business Integration (WBI) platform for a query that is of the CMP/A type. Action Verify the installation of WBI, and deploy the application again with a CMP/A deployment tool.
WQRY1112E: Invalid comparison of Character {0} to String {1}.
Explanation A character can only be compared to a character or a string of length 1. Action Correct the query statement for the enterprise Java bean (EJB).