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wsenhancer command

The entity enhancer tool for Java Persistence API (JPA) applications in the appserver inserts bytecode into an entity class file that allows the JPA provider to manage the state of an entity.

JPA with the appserver requires that all entity classes be enhanced to manage their state. In a container-managed environment, automated enhancement is provided by the containers. In a Java SE environment, though, there are no containers to manage persistence and we might use this command frequently before packaging application files for testing. After we have created the JPA entities, we can run the wsenhancer tool to inject bytecode into the entities before packaging the JAR file into the EAR file for the application.



Before running the command,  have a copy of persistence.xml on the classpath, or specify  it as a properties file through the -p [path_to_persistence.xml] argument. Issue the  command from the bin subdirectory of the app_install_root directory.

The command syntax is as follows:
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

wsenhancer.sh [parameters][arguments]


wsenhancer.bat [parameters][arguments]



The enhancer accepts the standard set of command-line arguments defined by the configuration framework along with the following:

If we do not supply any arguments to the enhancer, it will run on the classes in the persistent class list.



In order to use the wsenhancer tool we need entities defined to JPA specifications, and the entities need to be compiled. Run the wsenhancer tool against the entities before packaging them into a JAR file. If the entities are already packaged, extract the entity class files, run the enhancer, and recreate the JAR file. To enhance your entities:

Messages and errors are logged to the console as specified in the log settings. After invoking the wsenhancer command, the files are enhanced.



To enhance all entities on the classpath: [AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

$ cd build
/home/user/myproject/build $ ${APP_ROOT}/bin/wsenhancer.sh


C:\myproject\cd build C:\myproject\build>%APP_ROOT%\bin\wsenhancer.bat 
All entities in myproject will be enhanced.

To enhance a specific entity when we have the source files:
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

$ cd build
/home/user/myproject/build $ ${APP_ROOT}/bin/wsenhancer.sh Magazine.java


C:\myproject\cd build C:\myproject\build>%APP_ROOT%\bin\wsenhancer.bat Magazine.java

To enhance a specific entity when we have the compiled class files:
[AIX] [HP-UX] [Linux] [Solaris]

$ export CLASSPATH=target/classes
$ ${APP_ROOT}/bin/wsenhancer.sh /bin/wsenhancer.sh target/classes/jpa/example/MyEntity.class


C:> cd build C:\build> SET CLASSPATH=target\classes C:\build>%APP_ROOT%\bin\wsenhancer.bat \bin\wsenhancer.bat target\classes\jpa\example\Magazine.class

The entity, Magazine.java, located in myproject will be enhanced.


Additional information

See about enhancement tools, refer to the section on persistent classes in the Apache OpenJPA reference documentation.


Related tasks

Develop and packaging JPA applications for a Java EE environment
Develop and packaging JPA applications for a Java SE environment