IIP modify default silent installation response file

Use this panel to provide the silent installation response file for the selected installation package.

This panel is displayed when you click the Modify button on the Response files tab on the Installation package invocation properties panel.


Platform for the selected package. If working in connected mode, then the platform of the local machine is listed. If working in disconnected mode, then the platform of the target system is listed. This field is read only.


Processor architecture for the selected package. If working in connected mode, then the architecture of the local machine is listed. If working in disconnected mode, then the architecture of the target system is listed. This field is read only.

User type

Type of user who will install the selected package. The choices are Root and Non root, or Administrator and Non administrator for Windows platforms. We can specify response files for both user types.

Directory path and file name of the silent installation response file

Silent installation response file path and file name. If we are working in connected mode, then enter the directory path and file name or click Browse to browse for the file. If you are working in disconnected mode, then enter the directory path and file name relative to the target system.

Response files are stored in a directory relative to the IIP root directory

Specifies where the response file is copied in the IIP relative to the root directory of the IIP.

Related reference

Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST