IIP modify installation package properties
Use this panel to provide the directory path to the installation package files for the selected installation package.
This panel is displayed when you click the Modify button on the Add installation package panel. Specify a directory path for the installation package files on this panel. File paths and file names must comply with the following guidelines:
Contain 35 or fewer characters on Windows platforms
- Start and end with English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z) or numbers (0-9) only
- Contain English-only alphabetic characters (A-Z, a-z), numbers (0-9), periods (.) or underscores (_) only
- Not contain special characters (such as à é í ö û æ ñ ☐)
- Not contain spaces or these characters: ~ ` ! @ # $ % ^ & ( ) { } [ ] | \ / : ; , ? ' " < = > + *
Installation Package
Name of the selected installation package. This field is read only.
Platform for the selected package. If working in connected mode, then the platform of the local machine is listed. If working in disconnected mode, then the platform of the target system is listed. This field is read only.
Processor architecture for the selected package. If working in connected mode, the architecture of the local machine is listed. If working in disconnected mode, then the architecture of the target system is listed. This field is read only.
Directory path to the installation package file
Full directory path to the selected package code. Enter the root directory path of the generally available product image or WAS ND CIP. If working in connected mode, enter the directory or click Browse to browse for the directory path on the local system. If working in disconnected mode, then enter the path to the package code relative to the target system.
Disk space requirements
Click the Retrieve Package Size button to calculate an estimate of the size of the installation package in megabytes. This function is only available if we are working in connected mode.
Related reference
Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST