Submitting jobs to manage files
In a flexible management environment, we can submit jobs to collect files from managed nodes and copy them to the job manager, to distribute files to managed nodes, and to remove files from managed nodes.
Before submitting a job, start the job manager and the target nodes. If a target node is a stand-alone appserver, also start the admin agent.
Your ID at the job manager must be authorized for the administrator role or the operator role to submit jobs. When you submit a job, we can specify a user name and password for authentication and authorization at the target node or nodes. When you submit a job to multiple target nodes, the user name and password or the credentials for the submitter must be applicable to all of the job targets.
You must distribute files to managed nodes before you can submit jobs that use the files. For example, distribute an enterprise application before we can install or update the application on managed appserver nodes. Similarly, distribute a properties file to managed appserver nodes before we can apply the file to configure the appservers. You also must distribute a wsadmin script file before submitting a job that run the script.
The topics in this section describe how to administer files by running jobs in the job manager console. Instead of using the job manager console, we can run jobs in the AdministrativeJobs command group. See the Administrative job types topic.
Run the Collect file job to copy either a single file or a directory of files from managed nodes to the job manager.
Run the Distribute file job to copy a single file to managed nodes.
Run the Remove file job to delete a file or directory of files from managed nodes.
The collect file job copies a file or directory into the job_manager_profile/config/temp/JobManager/jobToken/nodeName directory.
The distribute file job copies a file into the downloadedContent directory of the admin agent or dmgr profile.
The Remove file job deletes a file from the downloadedContent directory.
Next steps
On the Job status page, click the ID of the job and view the job status. If the job is not successful, view any error messages that result from running the job, correct the error condition, and submit the job again.
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST