Messaging engine troubleshooting tips
Use this set of specific tips to help you troubleshoot problems with service integration messaging engines.
- Messaging engine start fails because runtime is not yet initialized
- Messaging engine cannot start up because of a known error in the Informix JDBC Driver 3.00JC1
- Problem determination for a data store
- Messaging engines cause database contention messages
- User ID not supported exception when connecting to a Network Attached Apache Derby V10.3 database
- Possible causes of the XAResourceNotAvailableException exception and how to take appropriate action
- Problems when you re-create a service integration bus
- Problems communicating with foreign buses
- Problems when attempting to communicate with a renamed foreign bus
- Possible causes of a JMSException with a wrapped SILimitExceeded exception
- Corruption problems on system restarts
- Retrieving the status of messaging engines in the admin console
- Enable an application to be started before a required messaging engine has started
- Messaging engine failover is not supported for mixed version clusters containing V6 servers
Messaging engine start fails because runtime is not yet initialized
A messaging engine fails to start and the following error is displayed in the WAS admin console:
The messaging engine <name> cannot be started as there is no runtime initialized for it yet, retry the operation once it has been initialized. If dynamic configuration reload is enabled for this bus, then the servers must be restarted.Before trying to start the messaging engine again, make sure that we have restarted the server. For the runtime to initialize successfully, the appserver must be started. To find out whether a start up problem is preventing the messaging engine runtime from initializing, check for error messages in the SystemOut.log of the hosting server.
Messaging engine cannot start up because of a known error in the Informix JDBC Driver 3.00JC1
When attempting to use the Informix JDBC driver 3.00JC1 to store data, the messaging engine cannot start up and the following error message might appear in the WAS SystemOut.log file:
00000022 SibMessage E [RetireBus:retire_web.000- RetireBus] CWSIS0002E: The messaging engine encountered an exception while starting. Exception: CWSIS1501E: The data source has produced an unexpected exception: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: Unique constraint (informix.u114_62) violated. 00000022 SibMessage E [RetireBus:retire_web.000- RetireBus] CWSID0035E: Messaging engine retire_web.000-RetireBus cannot be started; detected error reported during start() 00000022 SibMessage E [RetireBus:retire_web.000- RetireBus] CWSID0027I: Messaging engine retire_web.000-RetireBus cannot be restarted because a serious error has been reported.T] 00000022 SibMessage I [RetireBus:retire_web.000- RetireBus] CWSID0016I: Messaging engine retire_web.000-RetireBus is in state Stopped.There is a known defect (PTS 172471) in the Informix JDBC Driver 3.00JC1. To avoid this error, upgrade the Informix JDBC Driver to 3.00JC2.
Problem determination for a data store
You can create a dump, in reduced form, of the data in the data store for a messaging engine. The output is intended for use by IBM Service personnel. Contact the support organization for information about how to run the command.If there is a problem with the data in the data store, it can be hard to diagnose from the trace output. However, we can create a dump, in XML format, of the data in the data store. This makes diagnosis easier because it is a human readable representation that can be transformed to other formats as required. We can create a data store dump by typing the following command in wsadmin:
- Jython...
AdminControl.invoke(AdminControl.queryNames("type=SIBMessagingEngine, name=messagingenginename,*"), "dump", "*")
- Jacl...
$AdminControl invoke [$AdminControl queryNames type=SIBMessagingEngine, name=messagingenginename,*] dump*
The dump is created as an XML file in the $WAS_HOME/logs/server1 directory. The file is named according to the format: messaging_engine_name UUID timestamp.xml The format of the file...
<MessageStore> <itemStreams> <ItemStreamLink id="0" state="Available"> <class></class> <priority>5</priority> <canExpireSilently></canExpireSilently> <storageStrategy>STORE_NEVER</storageStrategy> <expiryTime>0</expiryTime> <sequence>0</sequence> <tranID>null</tranID> <tickValue>0</tickValue> <items> <ItemLink id="2" state="Available" refCount="3" refCountDecreasing="false"> <class></class> <priority>5</priority> <canExpireSilently></canExpireSilently> <storageStrategy>STORE_NEVER</storageStrategy> <expiryTime>0</expiryTime> <sequence>1</sequence> <tranID>null</tranID> <tickValue>0</tickValue> </ItemLink></items></ItemStreamLink></itemStreams></MessageStore>
Messaging engines cause database contention messages
When a messaging engine uses a data store for the message store, if the same messaging engine is accidentally started twice, a database contention message is displayed:CWSIS1546I: The messaging engine, ME_UUID={0}, INC_UUID={1}, has lost an existing lock or failed to gain an initial lock on the data store.To resolve the problem:
- Check for problems with the database, for example, the database is unavailable.
- Check for problems with the network. For example, if the network is overloaded, two appservers might be able to connect to the database, but might not be able to connect to each other, which might cause resource coordination problems.
- If we have a service integration configuration that provides high availability or workload sharing, check that the appropriate resources are configured correctly. For example, check the messaging engines, the core group policies for those messaging engines, and the match criteria that associate each core group policy with a messaging engine. See Configuring high availability and workload sharing of service integration.
User ID not supported exception when connecting to a Network Attached Apache Derby V10.3 database
When you test the connection to the Network Attached Apache Derby V10.3 database, you get the following exception:java.lang.Exception: java.sql.SQLException: null userid not supported DSRA0010E: SQL State = null, ErrorBy creating a new Network Attached Apache Derby data store, by default you get a blank authentication alias. If you use Apache Derby in Network Attached mode with the DB2 Universal JDBC Driver (that is, you use the "JDBC provider for Derby Network Server using the (DB2) Universal JDBC Driver"), specify an authentication alias. This requirement is documented in Data source minimum required settings for Apache Derby.The need for an authentication alias only applies to the "JDBC provider for Derby Network Server using the (DB2) Universal JDBC Driver". This driver is deprecated and is replaced by the "JDBC provider for Derby Network Server using Derby Client", which does not need an authentication alias. See also Configure a JDBC data source for a messaging engine.
Possible causes of the XAResourceNotAvailableException exception and how to take appropriate action
When the deleteNode command is used for a node that hosts messaging engines, those messaging engines are deleted. When new messaging engines are re-created following, they have different identifiers and so during transaction recovery it is not possible to connect to the old messaging engines. A message identifying the XAResourceNotAvailableException exception is generated in SystemOut.log for each server that hosts a messaging engine. To solve this problem, follow the procedure described in Resolving indoubt transactions.The XAResourceNotAvailableException exception can also be thrown when a server in a cluster bus member fails over. In this case, no operator intervention is required to recover and resolve transactions.
Problems when you re-create a service integration bus
If you delete a service integration bus, and later create a new bus with the same name, the messaging engine fails to start and messages such as the following are generated in SystemOut.log:[8/11/04 21:55:01:439 CDT] 0000000f SibMessage I [LateBus:xyzsun15.server1-LateBus] isAlive: MessagingEngine suffered common mode error. Correct error (see logs) and restart server. [8/11/04 21:55:01:468 CDT] 0000000f SibMessage I [LateBus:xyzsun15.server1-LateBus] isAlive: MessagingEngine will be stopped because of common mode error. No failover will occur. [8/11/04 21:55:01:493 CDT] 0000000f SibMessage I [LateBus:xyzsun15.server1-LateBus] Messaging Engine xyzsun15.server1-LateBus not in state from which stop is valid: Starting [8/11/04 21:55:01:513 CDT] 0000000f SibMessage I [LateBus:xyzsun15.server1-LateBus] isAlive: MessagingEngine stopped because of common mode error. Correct error (see logs) and restart server. [8/11/04 21:57:01:431 CDT] 0000000e SibMessage I [LateBus:xyzsun15.server1-LateBus] isAlive: MessagingEngine suffered common mode error. Correct error (see logs) and restart server.The messaging engine failed to start because the database directory for the messaging engine still exists after deletion of the bus and manually remove it. To delete the Apache Derby database for a non-existent messaging engine, delete the database directory that is located in profile_root/databases/, where $PROFILE_ROOT is the directory in which profile-specific information is stored.
You must stop WAS before you can delete the database files.
For other databases, we can either delete all of the rows from the data store tables or we can drop all of the data store tables. These tables are in the schema that you configured for the data store. For a list of the tables, see Data store tables.
For more information, see Data store life cycle.
Problems communicating with foreign buses
To enable communication between buses, a foreign bus and a service bus integration link must be created. On the first bus, the name of the foreign bus must match the name of the second bus that becomes a foreign bus, and the name of the foreign bus for this second bus must match the name of the first bus. The service integration bus link must be have the same name on both buses.You may see the following type of error if the configuration is not correct, for example because the service integration bus links do not match:
SibMessage E [TechBus:TechCluster.000-TechBus] CWSIT0057E: The inter-bus connection BookstoreBus failed in the remote messaging engine on host with reason: CWSIT0067E: Inter-bus connection BookstoreBus in bus BookstoreBus is not available.
Problems when attempting to communicate with a renamed foreign bus
The admin console panel used for configuring the properties of a service integration bus link can also be used to change the foreign bus name that the link is pointing to. However, not alter the name of the foreign bus after it has been configured. If you do, any messaging engines that already hold state information about the link will not be able to use the link until the foreign bus name is reset to its previous value.
Possible causes of a JMSException with a wrapped SILimitExceeded exception
When the number of messages held by a destination reaches its limiting threshold, any attempt to send a message to that destination fails with a JMSException with a wrapped SILimitExceeded exception. The destination continues to fail with this exception until the number of messages held by the destination reduces below the limiting threshold. To obtain an accurate count of the number of available messages, we can monitor the Available Message Count PMI statistic for queue and topicspace destinations. If the number of available messages increases, take action to balance the system. Consider stopping producers from sending new messages until the destination consumes the available messages. Examine the following list for possible causes and solutions for this problem:
- The high threshold for the destination is too low for the projected number of messages. The destination does not process some messages. The default value for the high threshold is 50000. Solution: Increase the high threshold for the destination.
- Applications are producing more messages than the destination can process.
The ideal balance is for the number of messages produced and the number of messages consumed to be equal over a period of time. If the system is unbalanced and the producing application sends more messages than the destination can consume, the producing application eventually throws a JMSException. Solution: Aim for a balance between the number of messages produced and the number of messages consumed.
Tip: The default setting for the Object Request Broker (ORB) thread pool is 100 threads. For some applications, this might allow 100 applications to send messages to the same destination. Consider tuning the ORB thread pool to have a maximum of 10 threads. This lower setting reduces the number of producers that can send messages, which might increase the overall message throughput.
- Applications are processing messages from the destination too slowly. Solution: It might be necessary to increase the number of messages consumed by the client applications. A destination processes more message when multiple consumers read from that destination.
Consider cloning the application across multiple servers in a non-clustered environment. By default, applications are cloned in a clustered server environment. To enable subscribers in a non-clustered environment, set the cloned flag in the TopicConnectionFactory JNDI setting for DurableSubscriptions.
Restriction: This solution is not suitable for applications that require total message ordering.
- Messages have a quality of service attribute that is better than best effort nonpersistent. Solution: Use messages for which the quality of service attribute is best effort nonpersistent. If there are too many messages in the system, the destination discards best effort nonpersistent messages.
Restriction: This solution is not suitable for applications that must receive all messages.
Corruption problems on system restarts
It is possible, although rare, for a messaging engine, destination or link to be corrupted after a restart of the system. If this corruption occurs you will see a message indicating the problem. If the problem lies with the messaging engine, the messaging engine will not start. If a destination or link is corrupted, the relevant messaging engine will start, but the destination or link will not be usable on that messaging engine.
If you do not know the cause of the problem, contact the IBM service representative to establish the cause before attempting to resolve the situation. If you know the cause of the problem, for example, we are aware of an issue with your database, resolve it by completing the following steps:
- Use the admin console to verify the configuration files are synchronized across the system, by navigating to System administration > Nodes then clicking Full Resynchronize. This operation can take several minutes to run.
- If the problem still exists, complete one of the following tasks:
- Delete the corrupted object and recreate it. Messages produced or received before the corruption occurred will be lost.
- Restore the system from a backup, see Restoring a data store and recovering its messaging engine. Messages produced or received since the backup was taken will be lost.
Retrieving the status of messaging engines in the admin console
To be able to retrieve the status of messaging engines, be logged into the administrative console with at least monitor authority. If you do not have this authority, the messaging engine status is displayed as "Unavailable", even if the messaging engine has started. If not logged in with the authority needed to retrieve the status of messaging engines, an error message such as the following is logged in the server systemOut log file:[4/20/05 10:49:57:083 CDT] 0000004b RoleBasedAuth A SECJ0305I: The role-based authorization check failed for admin-authz operation SIBMessagingEngine:stateExtended. The user UNAUTHENTICATED (unique ID: unauthenticated) was not granted any of the following required roles: administrator, operator, configurator, monitor.Where the user ID shown in the message is the user ID that you used to log in to the admin console.
Enable an application to be started before a required messaging engine has started
If an application depends on a messaging engine being available, then the messaging engine must be started before the application can be run. If you want appserver to start an application automatically, you should develop the applications to test that any required messaging engine has been started and, if needed, wait for the messaging engine. If this technique is used in a startup bean, then the startup bean method should perform the test and wait work in a separate thread (using the standard WorkManager methods), so that the appserver startup is not delayed.
For an example of code to test and wait for a messaging engine, see Applications with a dependency on messaging engine availability.
Messaging engine failover is not supported for mixed version clusters containing V6 servers
A messaging engine that is hosted on a WAS V7.0 server cannot fail over to a messaging engine that is hosted on a WAS V6 server. If we have a cluster bus member that consists of a mixture of V6 and later servers, you must make sure the high availability policy is configured to prevent this type of failover. To prevent failover of a V7.0 messaging engine to a V6 server, configure the high availability policy for the messaging engine so that the cluster is effectively divided into one set of servers for V6 and another set of servers for V7.0, and the V7.0 messaging engine is restricted to the servers at V7.0. See Configure messaging engine failover for mixed version clusters.
Last updated Nov 10, 2010 8:23:07 PM CST