IIP installation response file

Silently install an IIP using a response file to supply installation options during installation. We can also supply certain parameters on the command line in addition to those in the response file. To configure the installation, change the options in the response file before you issue the install command.


Location of the response file

The sample options response file is named responsefile.iip.installer.sample.txt and is located in the /iip directory.


Install with a response file

  • Be precise when supplying values in the file: Customize the options response file precisely to let the installation program read the option values that the file contains. Incorrect specifications affect the silent interface of the installation wizard. For example, always enclose values in double quotation marks.

  • The response file is in English and is intended to be copied and edited. Copy the file to preserve it in its original form. For example, copy and save it as myresponsefile.txt to a location on the hard drive. Edit this file directly with the flat file editor of choice.

  • All lines preceded by a hash mark (#) are comments. You must uncomment all options that you plan to use. If you do not specify a value for an option, the default value is used.

  • Reserved names: Avoid using reserved folder names as field values. The use of reserved folder names can cause unpredictable results. The following words are reserved: cell, nodes, servers, clusters, applications, and deployments.

  1. Edit the responsefile.iip.installer.sample.txt file to customize the values for the installation. See for the available installation command line parameters and their description.

  2. Save the file as install.txt, for example.

  3. Start the installation. For example:





    [Solaris] <p>

    install -iipResponseFile=

    [Windows] <p>

    install -iipResponseFile=

  4. After the installation, examine the logs for success:

class="topictitle2">Example of the default IIP response file

Edit the version of the file that was generated during IIP creation in the
/iip directory. The following example is not guaranteed to be an accurate representation of the file that ships with WAS ND.
# IBM WebSphere Installation Factory Integrated Installation Package options file 
# This lets the options file author specify IIP options without having to specify 
# them on the command line.  To use this options file, uncomment and modify the 
# parameters defined within, and rename the file to install.txt, for example.
# Use the following command to install the IIP:
#    install -iipResponseFile=<IIP_HOME>/install.txt
# Enclose all values that contain spaces within a single pair of single quotes.
# Otherwise, no quotes are required.

# Displaying (or not displaying) the IIP install wizard
# Run the IIP without showing the IIP GUI.
# -iipNoGUI

# Show the IIP GUI when the IIP is invoked.
# -iipShowGUI

# Disabling invocation of contributions
# The -iipDisable option is used to disable the specified contributions to run during 
# this invocation of the IIP.
# The IDs are comma-delimited.
# -iipDisable=<Invocation_ID1>,<Invocation_ID2>,...

# Logging and tracing
# The following options are used to specify the logging and tracing options, and output locations.
# -iipLogfile=<Log file location.  Default log file location is IIP_HOME\logs\log.txt>
# -iipLoglevel=<off|severe|warning|error|info|config|all.  Default log level is info>
# -iipTracefile=<Trace file location.  Default trace file location is IIP_HOME\logs\trace.xml>
# -iipTracelevel=<off|fine|finer|finest|all.  Default trace level is off>   

# Specifying user type
# The -iipUserType option is used to specify the user type and pass corresponding options into the invocation.
# -iipUserType=<root|nonroot.  Default user type is root>

# Passing options to contributions
# The -iipOptionSet option is used to pass options into the IIP upon invocation.
# Exception: We can omit this option if passing options to a PRIMARY contribution; see below.)
# For example, install -iipNoGUI -iipOptionSet=IBM_WAS_AS -OPT installLocation='C:\Program Files\newinstall' -options D:\WAS\responseFile.txt -silent
#                                -iipOptionSet=IBM_WASWS_AS -OPT installLocation='C:\Program Files\newinstall' -options D:\WASWS\responseFile.txt -silent
# Enclose all values that contain spaces within a single pair of single quotes.
# Otherwise, no quotes are required.
# -iipOptionSet=<Invocation_ID>

# Using a primary contribution invocation to simplify option passing
# When creating the IIP, the IF user can designate one of the contribution invocations as 
# the "primary" contribution invocation. This allows the -iipOptionSet option to be omitted 
# for that particular contribution so that invocation of the IIP can be virtually identical 
# to invocation of that contribution in terms of the option names and syntax. 
# Any options specified on IIP invocation which are not preceded by the -iipOptionSet option 
# are assumed to belong to the primary contribution.
# Specifying the -iipOptionSet option for the primary contribution is not an error, it's just unnecessary/redundant.
# For example, following contribution options are assumed to be passed to the primary contribution:
#    -OPT installLocation='C:\Program Files\newinstall' -options D:\WAS\responseFile.txt -silent
# If the user makes a typo on IIP options, these options will be treated as contribution options for primary contribution 
# and will not give a warning.
# Enclose all values that contain spaces within a single pair of single quotes.
# Otherwise, no quotes are required.

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Last updated Nov 11, 2010 1:01:09 PM CST