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dbmodify tag JSPs syntax (deprecated)

The <tsx:dbmodify> tag establishes a connection to a database and then adds records to a database table.

Support for tsx tags in the JSPs engine are deprecated in WAS V6.0. Instead of using the tsx tags, you should use equivalent tags from the JSPs Standard Tag Library (JSTL).

The <tsx:dbmodify> tag does the following:

  1. References a <tsx:dbconnect> tag in the same JSPs file and uses the information provided by that tag to determine the database URL and driver.

    We can also obtain the user ID and password from the <tsx:dbconnect> tag if those values are provided in the <tsx:dbconnect> tag.

  2. Establishes a new connection.

  3. Updates a table in the database.

  4. Closes the connection and releases the connection resource.

This section describes the syntax of the <tsx:dbmodify> tag.

<%-- Any valid database update commands can be placed within the DBMODIFY tag. -->
<%-- Any other syntax, including HTML comments, are not valid. -->
<tsx:dbmodify connection="connection_id">


In the following example, a new employee record is added to a database. The values of the fields are based on user input from this JSPs (JSP) file and referenced in the database commands using the <tsx:getProperty> tag.



<tsx:dbmodify connection="conn" > insert into EMPLOYEE
    (EMPNO,FIRSTNME,MIDINIT,LASTNAME,WORKDEPT,EDLEVEL) values ('<tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("EMPNO") />', '<tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("FIRSTNME") />', '<tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("MIDINIT") />', '<tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("LASTNAME") />', '<tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("WORKDEPT") />', <tsx:getProperty name="request" property=request.getParameter("EDLEVEL") />)

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