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Web server plug-in request routing properties

To set the request routing properties for a Web server plug-in.

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Servers > Server Types > Web servers > web_server_name > Plug-in properties > Request routing.

Load balancing option

Load balancing option that the plug-in uses in sending requests to the various appservers associated with that Web server.

This field corresponds to the LoadBalanceWeight element in plugin-cfg.xml.

Select the appropriate load balancing option:

  • Round robin

  • Random

The Round Robin implementation has a random starting point. The first application server is picked randomly. Round Robin is then used to pick appservers from that point forward. This implementation ensures that in multiple process based Web servers, all of the processes don't start up by sending the first request to the same Application Server.

The default load balancing type is Round Robin.

Retry interval

Length of time, in seconds, that should elapse from the time an appserver is marked down to the time that the plug-in retries a connection.

This field corresponds to the ServerWaitforContinue element in plugin-cfg.xml.

Data type Integer
Default 60 seconds

Maximum size of request content

Select whether there is a limit on the size of request content. If limited, this field also specifies the maximum number of kilobytes of data a request can contain. When a limit is set, the plug-in fails any request that is received that contains more data than the specified limit.

This field corresponds to the PostSizeLimit element in plugin-cfg.xml.

Select whether to limit the size of request content:

  • No limit

  • Set limit

If we select Set limit, specify a limit size.

Data type Integer

Specify the size in kilobytes (1024 byte blocks).

Default -1, which indicates there is no limit for the post size.

Maximum buffer size used when reading HTTP request content

Specifies, in kilobytes, the maximum buffer size used when the content of an HTTP request is read. If the appserver that initially receives a request cannot process that request, the data contained in this buffer is sent to another appserver in an attempt to have that application serverprocess the request.

This field corresponds to the PostBufferSize element in plugin-cfg.xml.

If Set limit is selected, specify a limit size.

Data type Integer

Specify the size in kilobytes (1024 byte blocks).

Default 64

Remove special headers

When checked, the plug-in will remove any headers from incoming requests before adding the headers the plug-in is supposed to add before forwarding the request to an appserver.

This field corresponds to the RemoveSpecialHeaders element in plugin-cfg.xml.

The plug-in adds special headers to the request before it is forwarded to the appserver. These headers store information about the request that will need to be used by the application. Not removing the headers from incoming requests introduces a potential security exposure.

By default, the special headers are not retained. Clear the check box to retain special headers.

Clone separator change

When this option is selected, the plug-in expects the plus character (+) as the clone separator.

This field corresponds to the ServerCloneID element in plugin-cfg.xml.

Some pervasive devices cannot handle the colon character (:) used to separate clone IDs in conjunction with session affinity. If this field is checked, also change the configurations of the associated appservers such that the appservers separates clone IDs with the plus character as well.

By default, this option is selected. Clear the field to use the colon character to separate clone IDs.


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Communicating with Web servers



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Web server plug-in properties