WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation specification advanced properties



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  4. In the content pane, under Additional properties, click Advanced properties

Under General Properties there are four groups of properties:

Make any required changes to these groups and then click Apply to return to the activation specification.

When specifying WebSphere MQ properties, the following restrictions apply:

A WebSphere MQ activation spec has the following advanced properties.

Compress message headers

An option that enables the compression of message headers.

Data type Check box
Default Cleared


Do not compress message headers.


Compress message headers.

Compression algorithm for message payloads

The compression algorithm used to compress message payloads.

Data type Drop-down list
Default NONE

Retain messages, even if no matching consumer is available

An option that determines whether messages for which there is no matching consumer are retained on the input queue or dealt with according with their disposition options.

Data type Check box
Default Selected


Do not retain messages.


Retain messages.

Rescan interval

When using a WebSphere MQ v6 queue manager (or WebSphere MQ v5.3 for z/OS), this setting configures the mechanism used to dispatch messages to JMS asynchronous consumers.

Used when the set of WebSphere MQ queues that is being asynchronously consumed from exceeds the number of threads that are available internally to synchronously get messages from the WebSphere MQ queue. Determines how long a thread retrieves messages from a WebSphere MQ queue before switching to consume messages from another WebSphere MQ queue in the set.

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 5000
Range A value greater than zero.

Maximum server sessions

The maximum number of server sessions in the server session pool used by the connection consumer.

Data type Integer
Default 10
Range A value greater than zero.

Server session pool timeout

The period of time, in milliseconds, that an unused server session is held open in the server session pool before being closed due to inactivity.

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 300,000
Range A value greater than zero.

Start timeout

The period of time, in milliseconds, within which delivery of a message to a message-driven bean must start after the work to deliver the message has been scheduled. If this period of time elapses, the message is rolled back onto the queue.

Data type Integer
Units Milliseconds
Default 10,000
Range A value greater than zero.

Coded character set identifier

The character set to use when we are encoding strings in the message.

Data type Integer
Default 819
Range A value greater than zero. The value must be one of the CCSIDs supported by WebSphere MQ.

Fail JMS method calls if the WebSphere MQ queue manager is quiescing

An option that enables selected JMS operations to fail when the queue manager is put into a quiescing state. Selecting this option enables the queue manager to quiesce successfully and shut down.

Data type Check box
Default Selected


Do not fail JMS operations if the queue manager is quiescing.


Fail JMS operations if the queue manager is quiescing.

Stop endpoint if message delivery fails

An option that determines whether message delivery is suspended to a failing endpoint.

Data type Check box
Default Selected


Message delivery is not suspended to a failing endpoint.


Message delivery is suspended to a failing endpoint when the value for the Number of sequential delivery failures before suspending endpoint is exceeded.

Number of sequential delivery failures before suspending endpoint

The number of sequential message delivery failures to an endpoint that are allowed before message delivery to that endpoint is suspended. Is enabled only when Suspend message delivery to failing endpoints is selected.

Data type Integer
Default 0
Range A value greater than or equal to zero.



Mapping of admin console panel names to command names and WebSphere MQ names
WebSphere MQ messaging provider activation spec settings