Ways to install enterprise apps or modules
WAS ND v7.0 provides several ways to install Java EE application files.
Installable files include...
- SIP module (SAR)
- resource adapter (connector or RAR)
- application client modules
They can be installed on a server or cluster. Application client files can be installed in a WAS configuration but cannot be run on a server.
Option Method Modules Comments Starting after install Admin console install wizard Applications | New application | New Enterprise Application Files for all of the following modules:
- Application client
For applications that do not require changes to the default bindings, after you specify the application file, expand... Choose to generate and mappings | Generate default bindings | Summary | Finish
Applications | Application Types | WebSphere enterprise apps | Start wsadmin scripts Invoke AdminApp object install commands in a script or at a command prompt. Files for all of the following modules:
- Application client
Getting started with scripting provides an overview of wsadmin. Invoke the AdminApp startApplication. Invoke the startApplication method on an ApplicationManager MBean using AdminControl.
Job manager runs wsadmin scripts Invoke AdminTask.submitJob -jobType installApplication in a script or at a command prompt. Files for all of the following modules:
- Application client
Use the job manager to submit a job that installs the application. We can also submit jobs that start and stop the application at designated times. Invoke the AdminTask.submitJob -jobType startApplication. Invoke the AdminApp startApplication.
Invoke the startApplication method on an ApplicationManager MBean using AdminControl.
Java APIs Install programs by completing the steps in Install an application through programming. All EAR files Use MBeans to install the application. Manage applications through programming provides an overview of Java MBean programming. Start the application by calling the startApplication method on a proxy. Rapid deployment tools 1. Update the J2EE application files.
2. Set up the rapid deployment environment.
3. Create a free-form project.
4. Launch a rapid deployment session.
5. Drop your updated application files into the free-form project.
J2EE modules at the J2EE 1.3 or 1.4 spec levels, including EAR files and the following stand-alone modules:
- Application client
The rapid deployment tools do not support the Java EE 5.0 or J2EE 1.2 spec levels.
Rapid deployment tools offer the following advantages:
- You do not need to assemble the J2EE application files prior to deployment.
- You do not need to use other installation tools mentioned in this table to deploy the files.
Applications | Application Types | WebSphere enterprise apps | Start Java programs Code programs that use Java EE DeploymentManager (JSR-88) methods. All Java EE modules, including EAR files and the following stand-alone modules:
- Application client
Uses Java EE Application Deployment Specification (JSR-88) Call the Java EE DeploymentManager (JSR-88) start method in a program to start the deployed modules when the module's running environment initializes. For transitioning users: In the V6.1 Feature Pack for Web services and Feature Pack for EJB 3.0, the default is to scan pre-Java EE 5 Web application modules to identify JAX-WS services and to scan pre-Java EE 5 Web application modules and EJB modules for service clients during application installation. For V7.0, the default is not to scan pre-Java EE 5 modules for annotations during application installation or server startup. To preserve backward compatibility with either or both feature packs, we can define Java virtual machine custom properties on servers to request scanning during application installation and server startup.
- We can define these custom properties using the console...
Servers | Server Types | WebSphere appservers | server name | Java and Process Management | Process definition | Java virtual machine | Custom propertiesTo request scanning for Feature Pack for Web services modules, set the com.ibm.websphere.webservices.UseWSFEP61ScanPolicy custom property to true. To request scanning for Feature Pack for EJB 3.0 modules, set the com.ibm.websphere.ejb.UseEJB61FEPScanPolicy custom property to true. The default value for each of these custom properties is false. You must change the setting on each server that requires a change in the default.
- We can specify values for these custom properties in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file of a module. Values specified in the META-INF/MANIFEST.MF file always take precedence over a server-level setting.
- When using the launchClient tool to run the application client, we need to define these custom properties using the -CCD option.
For example...
launchClient app.ear -CCD-CCDcom.ibm.websphere.ejb.UseEJB61FEPScanPolicy=truetrns
Related concepts
EJB 3.0 module packaging overview
Related tasks
Install enterprise application files with the console
Install enterprise apps using scripting
Running admin jobs using scripting
Administer jobs in a flexible management environment using scripting
Install an application through programming
Install enterprise modules with JSR-88
Customizing modules using DConfigBeans
EJB 3.0 metadata annotations
JAX-WS annotations
launchClient tool