Use this topic as a reference for the commands for the WSSCacheManagement group of AdminTask. Use these commands with the admin scripts to query, update, and remove distributed cache configuration data.
Use the following commands in the WSSCacheManagement group to manage your custom and non-custom distributed cache configurations:
- deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties
- queryWSSDistributedCacheConfig
- queryWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig
- updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig
- updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig
deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties command
The deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties command removes WS-Security distributed cache custom properties.
Target object None
Required parameters
- -propertyNames
- Names of the custom properties to delete from the distributed cache configuration. (String[])
Optional parametersNone.
Return value
This command returns a message that indicates the success or failure of the command.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties('[-propertyNames [prop1,prop2,prop3]]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.deleteWSSDistributedCacheConfigCustomProperties([',-'propertyNames', '[prop1,prop2,prop3]'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
queryWSSDistributedCacheConfig command
The queryWSSDistributedCacheConfig command lists the WS-Security distributed cache configuration non-custom properties.
Target objectNone.
Required parameters: None.
Optional parametersNone.
Return value This command returns a properties object that contains the configuration properties and values for the distributed cache configuration.
The following table displays the configuration properties that the command returns:
Table 1. Command properties
Property Description tokenRecovery Specifies whether token recovery is enabled or disabled. If the tokenRecovery property is set to true, the Datasource property specifies the shared data source assigned to the distributed cache. distributedCache Specifies whether distributed caching is enabled or disabled. Datasource Name of the shared data source assigned to the distributed cache if token recovery is enabled. renewIntervalBeforeTimeoutMinutes Amount of time, in minutes, that the client waits before it attempts to renew the token. synchronousClusterUpdate Specifies whether the system performs a synchronous update of distributed caches on cluster members. By default, synchronous cluster updating is enabled. minutesInCacheAfterTimeout Amount of time that the token remains in the cache after the token times out.
Batch mode example usage
- Jython...
print AdminTask.queryWSSDistributedCacheConfig()
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
queryWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig command
The queryWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig command lists the WS-Security distributed cache configuration custom properties.
Target objectNone.
Required parameters: None.
Optional parametersNone.
Return value
This command returns a properties object that contains the name and value pairs that correspond to each custom property.
Batch mode example usage
- Jython...
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig command
The updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig command updates the WS-Security distributed cache configuration non-custom properties.
Target objectNone.
Required parameters: None.
Optional parameters
- -renewIntervalBeforeTimeoutMinutes
- Amount of time, in minutes, that a renew request is allowed before the token expires. (Integer)
- -minutesInCacheAfterTimeout
- Amount of time, in minutes, that the token remains in the cache after it expires. The token is renewable for this amount of time. (Integer)
- -distributedCache
- Specifies whether distributed cache is enabled or disabled. (Boolean)
- -synchronousClusterUpdate
- Specifies whether the system performs a synchronous update of distributed caches on cluster members. By default, synchronous cluster updating is enabled. Specify false to disable synchronous cluster updating. (Boolean)
- -tokenRecovery
- Specifies whether token recovery is enabled or disabled. If we set the tokenRecovery property to true, specify the shared data source to assign to the distributed cache with the -Datasource parameter. (Boolean)
- -Datasource
- Name of the shared data source assigned to the distributed cache if token recovery is enabled. (String)
Return value
This command returns a success or failure message.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig('[-customProperties "[ [property2 value2] [property1 value1] ]"]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.updateWSSDistributedCacheConfig(['-customProperties', '[ [property2 value2] [property1 value1] ]'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig command
The updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig command updates the WS-Security distributed cache configuration custom properties.
Target objectNone.
Required parameters
- -customProperties
- Name and value of each custom property to add or update in the WS-Security distributed cache configuration. (java.util.Properties)
Optional parametersNone.
Return value
This command returns a success or failure message.
Batch mode example usage
- Use Jython string:
AdminTask.updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig('[-customProperties [[property1 value1][property2 value2]]]')- Use Jython list:
AdminTask.updateWSSDistributedCacheCustomConfig(['-customProperties', '[[property1 value1][property2 value2]]'])
Interactive mode example usage
- Jython...
Related tasks
Use AdminTask for scripted administration
Manage WS-Security distributed cache configurations using wsadmin
Set the WS-Security distributed cache
Secure conversation client cache and trust service configuration