WS-Security: Username
When using the default policy set for WSSecurity, Username, configure the username and password for token authentication separately from the security settings defined in the bindings.
When you install a JAX-WS application and attach the default Username WSSecurity default policy set, the next step is to configure...
- General provider sample binding for the JAX-WS provider
- General client sample binding for the JAX-WS client
The binding file for the default client sample binding does not include a username or password for token authentication. Since the username and password is not available from the target deployed system, specify a valid username and password in the environment using the admin console.
- Log in to the admin console, then click...
Services | Policy sets | General client.policy set bindings | Client sample | WS-SecurityAdd authentication information, such as username and password, to the general client sample bindings for any policy set that uses a Username token or LTPA token, including:
- Username SecureConversation
- Username WS-I RSP
- LTPA SecureConversation
- LTPA WSSecurity default
- Click Authentication and protection.
- In the Authentication tokens table, click gen_signunametoken to edit the username token settings.
- Click Callback handler in the Additional Bindings section.
- Enter the appropriate username and password information for the environment in the User name and fields.
- Enter the password a second time in the Confirm field, then click Apply.
- Repeat steps 5 through 8 for the gen_signltpatoken LTPA token generator.
This admin console panel applies only to Java™ API for XML Web Services (JAX-WS) Web services.
Related tasks
Secure JAX-WS Web services using message-level security
Callback handler settings