UDDI registry user entitlements
UDDI registry user entitlements define the set of publishing related actions that registered UDDI users are entitled to perform.
An important entitlement is the number of entities of each type that a UDDI user can publish. This is controlled by assigning the user to a UDDI publisher tier. Any number of tiers can be defined to the UDDI registry, and some predefined tiers are supplied when the UDDI registry is deployed. A UDDI publisher tier specifies the maximum number of each entity (business, service, binding, tModel, and publisher assertion) that a user assigned to that tier can publish. (See UDDI Tier settings for information about defining UDDI publisher tiers.)
Other entitlements relate to the entitlement of a user to allocate key spaces, where they can specify publisher assigned keys when publishing UDDI entities. A key space is allocated by publishing a keyGenerator tModel, and there are a number of entitlements relating to different kinds of key generator. For full details of these entitlements, see UDDI Publisher settings.
See about key generators and publisher assigned keys, see UDDI registry V 3 Entity Keys.
The entitlements for a UDDI user can be set using the admin console, or through Java Management Extensions (JMX) using the UDDI Administrative interface.
Related tasks
UDDI registry security and UDDI registry settings
UDDI registry V3 entity keys
UDDI registry Administrative (JMX) Interface 
Related information
UDDI Tier settings
UDDI Publisher settings
UDDI node collection